Voopin__Voopin ago

ok so WHAT THE FUCK is r/k theory?

i've gathered from context that it's like "there are 2 types of people in the world; hammers and nails" type shit (duality).

i think i went to that subreddit one time, saw some weird shit, and left.

ReddittRefugee ago

Faack. Just came across this old news broadcast from N24 in Germany. N24 was an all news channel, and is now called WeltN24.

They talk about sick fucks doing rituals in masks and robes, just like in Eyes Wide Shut, but on kids instead of adults, and some of the kids ended up dead, just like Mandy in the movie.

It's also obvious that these people have a lot of influence, and have the police in their pocket. (Remember the scene in Eyes Wide Shut where Ziegler says to Bill "If I told you who they were, you wouldn't sleep so well at night")

Kubrick knew a lot about shit the .1% who create the Matrix don't want us to know.

Heads-up: this is NSFW, and it will mess with your brain if you don't have a strong stomach. It seems Germany allows much more violent and horror images than US TV does.


10401093? ago

The idea of children being used meshes with Bibilical accounts of ritual sacrifice and with Nicole Kidman's nightmare toward the end of the movie.

I kept wondering to myself: Those girls were all at least teenagers. If Nicole Kidman was at one of those ceremonies, why was it repressed so heavily? Teens have a lot more ability to process reality than they are generally given credit for, and so are less likely to repress something like that.

But, if she was a child when it happened, the dream makes a lot more sense.

Kubrick was a mad genius.

10400747? ago

Holy shit, bro. I haven't even watched it yet, but I hooked it and bookmarked it, and I'm downloading it now. GREAT FIND.

ReddittRefugee ago

Since this can of worms has been opened, might as well dump out some more crawlers!

Very few people are aware here in America that Nicole Kidman's father, Anthony Kidman, was accused of ritualized pedophilia for a long period of time. One of his victims has gone public, and claims Nicole knew that he was committing pedophilia even when she was a kid. She even describes Eyes Wide Shut shit with masks and robes.


When a formal investigation was opened up by the New South Wales Health Care Complaints Commission, Anthony Kidman took off to Singapore, but died there "from a fall" (convenient.)


WTF! Nicole Kidman, who knew about her dad's involvement in elite sexual rituals, ends up in Kubrick's movie . . . This shit just gets weirder and weirder . . .

I think most of us have no idea just how deep the Matrix goes.

Here's some more background on Barnett and other investigations in Australia:



10401166? ago


I gotta run to an emergency water main break, but I'm interested in any info you have.

Voopin__Voopin ago

DO EEEEEET, @ReddittRefugee , Morty's not the only one intredasted in this shit.

ReddittRefugee ago

The answer is r/K theory

Good point. I think that is going to be very important for the future of understanding the Red Pill.

ReddittRefugee ago

I wonder if this stuff had anything to do with her breaking up with Tom Cruise?

Actually, it may have. During the making of Eyes Wide Shut one of Kubrick's kids, Vivian, took off to California, joined Scientology, and cut off contact with her parents.


This must have scared Kidman, Ironically, after the cult leaders imposed a divorce on her, she lost contact with her daughter.


And it seems that scared the shit out of Katie Holmes:


Looking at this I had an insight. It's easy to look down at people who believe fantasies like the blue pill crap that fills our society. But that there are people who believe, and act upon, fucked up shit like Scientology that is massively insane compared to the Blue Pill says something we need to consider when thinking about how the red Pill can spread. Maybe there's even something hardwired (biological) in certain people.

ReddittRefugee ago

ReddittRefugee ago

Speaking of creepy, it seems Kubrick knew a lot about just how creepy the stuff done by elites is, and was willing to tell the truth.

Nicole Kidman recently went public with information that while talking with Kubrick on the set of Eyes Wide Shut one time, he said "Pedophiles run the world"


10383952? ago

Do you have a link to the actual interview? Was it recorded, or just printed?

10380995? ago

I hope you get a chance to watch it again. I think you'll have a much deeper appreciation for the whole thing.

And definitely add this to the list.

10380973? ago

The most horrific thing about it was Kidman's reaction to the whole thing at the end. That blithe acceptance was bone chilling.

10380934? ago

It's still creepy. But for a whole bunch of different reasons to the redpilled mind.

ReddittRefugee ago

A collection of interesting factoids about the production of Eyes Wide Shut:


ardvarcus ago

Suddenly I'm liking Kubrick a whole lot more. If he truly realized that Hitler was, indeed, right about almost everything, he stands head and shoulders above the mass of Hollywood movie directors.

Chempergrill ago

You are posting in a sexual strategy sub...

Dark_Shroud ago

The Redpill is far more than just sexual strategy.

ReddittRefugee ago

The Redpill is far more than just sexual strategy.


Sex and interaction with women is just one area of life where society's Matrix feeds guys false information so that they do stuff that benefits society's masters, rather than men themselves.

But because sex is so important to men (tyranny of the blue balls-LOL) the horrible consequences of sexual lies dominates men's thinking about the Red Pill and distracts them from the other issues.

10378329? ago

Don't be naive.

People post about things only vaguely related to sexual strategy all the time.

This is related to Gentile survival. Can't have sex if you're dead.