carnold03 ago

I finally had a chance to watch this last night. A caffeine hit from a late cup of tea kept me up, so I figured why not? Aside for a few moments here and there, this is definitely a film I've no problems with seeing added to the movie list. It also showed people adapting to the influx of technologies, rather than panicking over them being replaced. A very subtle cultural adaptation element that was absent from "Elysium".

I was curious to know more about this flick and even put in the time to read up on how well this flick did in the box office. For a hundred million in production costs, it pulled in a little over three times its cost at the box office. A smart production if ever there was one.

I never played with rock'em sock'em robots as a kid, but I saw them in the sears catalog enough times as a kid to get the reference @xenopsychologist makes there. Either way, a good movie. Add it to the list.

carnold03 ago

I'll give this a gander.

con77 ago

Evangeline Lilly

Gowdy ago

There's blue collar and then there's the happy scrappy hollywood bluecollar. Most everything ends terribly in the real world.

xenoPsychologist ago

if nothing else, i can view it in a new light next time i watch it.

xenoPsychologist ago

thats certainly a quality to appreciate. non-propaganda movies are few and far between. maybe i can respect it and be amused by its premise at the same time.

theoldones ago

that guy that tried to run from gambling debt at the end of the movie might have been lol, but good movie yeah

xenoPsychologist ago

rock em sock em robots the movie. just cant take it seriously. i just think of the game that inspired the movie and laugh.

Gowdy ago

It's a movie made so blue collar truck drivers take losing their jobs a little better. (Gonna happen either way) If you think they're going to be designing fight robots afterwards it's all the more laughable.