CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Even the best women can't help but hamster.

I know, it is what it is. Doesn't change the fact you have to keep an eye on it, though, and doesn't make it any less annoying when it pops up.

I love Stefan Molyneux's work and am a frequent listener of his. If you like his witty commentary style, a similar, but younger, commentator you might like goes by the name of Vernaculis. There's also the classical-liberal known as Kraut and Tea, who I sometimes find myself disagreeing with, but he's still decent for a listen when there's nothing else going on, and you want some time to kill without totally numbing out.

Anyways, thanks for sharing. I've got to go finish getting ready for work. Check out those sources; I think you may enjoy them, even if you don't always agree with everything they have to say.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Sounds like you found yourself a good woman.

We'll see. It's hard not to revert to that old mantra of NAWALT, but every time I begin to slip back into it, I see a shit-test or some hamstering on some minor topic that I end up having to correct, and it snaps me back to reality. At the very least, I can say she doesn't try to do these things consciously.

Interesting article from Anon Conservative. I've read some of his stuff, and while I will agree to disagree on the matter of the existence of deities (Frankly, I am an atheist, myself...though I will readily concede that several good things came from Christianity, such as the basis for Western Civ. Fact remains, AC claims the existence of a deity, Burden of Proof falls upon him to prove it. Simply saying "God is Reality" does not make it so, nor is it an evidentiary argument. I will also point out that "atheist" does not necessarily mean "Leftist", as is the case with atheists such as Ayn Rand and Penn Jillette. But those are other arguments for another time.) I am intrigued by the idea that thought patterns can be influenced by magnetic fields...but it makes sense, once considered, on a theoretical level. I'll have to check his work more often. Thanks for sharing that.

The sad thing is that unfortunately the bullshit is being shoved faster into people's minds than people can wake up and sift from it.

Perhaps, but the facade is showing cracks, and as long as we keep chipping away, we can show the man behind the curtain for what he is, that the "Great and Powerful Oz" is nothing but a scared, fat little man.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago


Rough, man. Condolences. As for myself, I'm going Hard Mode in trying to see how I can hack this LTR stuff. It's challenging, for sure, but it's satisfying. And after some experience, I would definitely say the vast majority, by far, of American women are unfit for the sacrifices it demands, both from her end and mine. I guess I got lucky in finding one who was raised more by her grandmother than by her mother, and thus was raised with a much more traditional moral compass. At the end of the day, she understands that she's not the captain of the ship, she's just coming along for the ride. Embracing traditional gender roles has been both enjoyable, and a blessing, to both of us. We're approaching 9 years together, this year. And no worries about marriage contracts, or any of that. My state doesn't recognize Commonlaw marriages.

Your friend sounds like my ex-friend who invited me to be his best-man.

Actually, quite the opposite. When I first met him, he was already a staunch Socialist, though was at least capable of holding rational discussion (Or what passed for it, between two 21-year-olds getting drunk and discussing politics on the internet). Needless to say, it was other things we ultimately bonded over (Movies and Vidya, to be precise). While he supported Socialism, though, I've always been a staunch supporter of Federalism, and so we always had our disagreements. I had hoped that, eventually, he would come around to seeing my side of things (Lead by example, and all that)...and for awhile, I was making some headway. Then he brought in the SJW's, and a 14-year friendship went to shit, all over a difference in fucking politics (something I've always been careful not to let influence my business or personal relationships).

Social Justice is already in the process of eating itself. I just hope it finishes itself off before the Left figures out what the hell is going on, and has a chance to rally-and-regroup. That's going to be one hell of a counter-attack, if they ever manage to get their act together, in time.

Thanks for letting me vent a bit. It's interesting to see how similar, yet different the process is in waking guys up from the bullshit society has been shoving down their throats for so long.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Yes, I didn't realize the futility of making rational arguments until just a few years ago and then I discovered the art of meme trolling and it's effectiveness. As luck would have it, I deleted my Facebook after I discovered the Art of Troll, I wish I was still 'friends' so I could have triggered them through out the election.

Interesting. Would you have considered this your "Red Pill Moment"? That central moment when the bullshit finally became too much to mentally shove aside and still keep telling yourself the same platitudes? The reason I ask is because it was through humor, much like your embracing of memery and trolling for lulz, that I had my own 'moment', where I had the choice to embrace ignorance and stupidity, or say "Fuck it...why not?" and take the plunge down the proverbial rabbit-hole.

More specifically, I found a book in the Free Books bin called "Asshole-ology: The Science Behind Getting Your Way...and Getting Away With It." It was originally written as a humor book, but I suspect that was just a thin social veneer to get the publishers to publish it, as there's too much truth in there to just be a parody and really works much better as a self-help book than as humor. Perhaps it was their (The authors) way of trolling the publisher and getting some lulz, themself? Anyways, there seems to be a common grain between humor and getting people to embrace unpopular truths/forbidden knowledge, is all I'm saying.

As for your friend, he might just be able to change his ways but by that point it will probably be too late for him as his life will be in a down ward spiral.

It already was, in all honesty. Watching him devolve was like watching someone get sucked into a cult (He started all of this shortly after expanding his social circle, and ended up bringing in a bunch of Social Justice types). Suddenly, everything was "offensive", and I was the one with no empathy whilst during a debate re: 2nd Amendment Rights, he told me when asked "Let's assume my and the missus are being attacked in one of your proposed societies where guns are illegal. Criminal has a gun, is intent on raping the missus and killing me and cops will be there in 45 minutes. What do I do until then?" his response was, and I quote, "Suffer."

Social Justice operates so much like Jonestown did (Cut off the acolyte from social support structures, make the In-Group Cult the sole social support structure) I'm just wondering when Saint Sarkeesian and Priestess van Valkenberg are going to mix up the Flavor-Aid and Arsenic for all the college students to drink.

WhiteRonin ago

I watched it the first week of uni in the dorm lounge ...

That would be cool to watch in high school though!

heretolearn ago

worth the time to watch it.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Doesn't it piss you off in the moment knowing that you are so correct and how nobody can see it?!

I learned long ago to stop giving a shit about people that refuse to see what the data tells them right in front of their eyes. Either they'll get with the program, and get onboard, or they won't. No sense "REEEEE'ing" over idiots that willfully wallow in ignorance.

In much the same way, I had a friend from Maryland, prior to the 2016 election (He removed me from his contacts just before the main election), that I predicted the way BLM would go, along with Shillary's campaign. Told him you can't divorce a group's ideology from their ideological foundations (Reference to the way Alicia Garza has Joanne Chesimard as the 'founding inspiration' for the BLM movement), and that they would inevitably devolve into a supremacist group, if they weren't already. 12 months later, and here we are...

The only thing I hope, in regards to my leftist ex-friend in the Beltway, is that he remembers our conversation, and uses it as a teachable moment to improve himself and his mind's outlook on the political situation...but experience tells me that that is not very likely to be the case. Oh well, not my problem.

voats4goats ago

Val Kilmer one was Real Genius

AmazingFlightLizard ago

So disappointed that nobody has mentioned the original Ghostbusters. Seriously. Rewatch it. The comedic timing, everything.

youareivan ago

i agree with much of what you say, especially about hollyweird making films for the rest of the world- keeping in mind that many movies, even blockbusters, debut over seas these days (i'm looking at you gaurdians of the galaxy.) i also agree with you that hollyweird's leftist culture has had a huge affect on the kinds of movies made these days. still i have to wonder the perception of 80s and 90s movies might be a bit skewed.

i say this because many people take a simalar position with regards to music from those same decades, believing that music from the 80s and 90s was better than todays music. having worked in an actual brick and mortar honest to goodness record store during those years i can say with some authority that people look back on that era with rose colored glasses and have conveniently forgotten all the shitty music and i wonder if it's the same for movies.

it's easy to forget that most of the movies produced in the 80's and 90's have been completely forgotten too. dvds didn't even come out until 1994 and it took several years before dvd players were affordable for most people. most bad movies before that time have never been reproduced digitally which means that unless you've owned a vhs player there's a huge chunk of those movies you've never had a chance to see. even taking into account that some of those titles belong to various broadcast media companies so you might have seen them on tv or the net, it's still the minority of the total number of movies from that time most people have ever had access to. only the movies from that era with even the slightest chance to find an audience today are available to watch and the rest are forgotten.

i did a quick search of movies released in 1990 and counted roughly 276 titles which means about 2700 movies in that decade alone. maybe there were less movies in the 80's so lets just say the total for both decades is 4000 titles. even if hundreds are worth watching that's still a terrible average.

that being said, the market for movies is very different today so it's a fact that a lot of stuff that would have never been produced in the past gets made even ignoring hollyweird's politics. keep in mind that the big movie studios were basically the only way to get a movie made back then because the technology to make films was so expensive that it was out of reach for nearly everyone else. there was a natural quality filter that prevented a lot of crap from ever being considered for production because everything had to go through the hollyweird machine.

since competition was limited there was less pressure to flood the market with lower quality content. now days essentially everyone has access to the technology to make flicks so the quality hurdle has basically been removed completely. combine that with the 24 hour cable and internet media market and there's a lot more content needed to keep the beast full of juicy media for the masses. naturally some of that low quality detritus that would've never seen the light of day back then gets the go ahead today.

in the end the fact that a lot more media is needed and the price of making that content is much more affordable these days has led to more shitty movies is probably true, but there was a lot more shitty stuff in the past than many peopel remember.

That_VoiceOver_Guy ago

Good movie, better books. The Destroyer series has been around sine the early 70's. I read most of them, up to the mid 90's. They change with the times and are candy for the mind.

HWY__395 ago

And I like your blackmail wizard badge.

Acer-Red ago

Ha. Nice. I literally just finished that audiobook today. I had read the book before, but just went through the audiobook again. Check out Predictably Irrational. That's a good book too, and along similar lines.

comma8 ago

Deathstalker 2

Shitty quality but you can take a peek here

whitedogofpyr ago

Every once in awhile I'll check out a really old movie and it's amazing how well done they are. I watched an old black and white movie recently that was about 3 soldiers coming home from WW2. I forget the name, but I expected it to be boring. It starts out slow, but builds and builds.
There were still 2 pieces of pure propaganda in there. A banker fought against his bank for not giving out loans to high risk cases and an America First guy got knocked out for insulting the soldiers with his (true) conspiracy theories. Despite the obvious laughable propaganda, the rest of the movie was great. By the end, it's a masterpiece of the human condition that at the time was probably considered average.

whitedogofpyr ago

Had to look up the name: The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

heretolearn ago

the first Rambo movie. a story about a vet with ptsd. completely different than the shoot em up sequels.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Point Break and Roadhouse are essential classics

NSFWenly ago

I thought the creepiest part of it was Renfrew losing his mind. Lugosi is rather lackluster.

FKM ago

This is the most important book in all of Business.

Daeshaniqua ago

You mean the art of the deal

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

Funny you should mention Waterworld. Back when it first came out, people gave it all sorts of flak. Personally, I liked it; it worked great as an action flick...but I think it was more marketed as a family flick, so images clashed with intent. But I also recall saying to all the guys giving it shit, "Just wait, give it 10 to 20 years, and you're going to think Waterworld is a fucking masterpiece compared to what's coming out, in that timeframe." Even back then, as a teenager, I was able to see the decline of movie story quality over the years, and thus the writing on the wall. Everyone gave me shit for it, but I just pointed out, "The data doesn't lie. Unless something changes, storyline quality will continue to suffer, at the expense of flashy special effects to dazzle you, instead of woo your mind with an engaging storyline. SE Effects budgets have been getting bigger ever since Industrial Light and Sound hit it big with SW: A New Hope, whilst storyboard budgets keep getting trimmed. Just wait..."

A decade and a half later, we get CGI tree-monkeys who have sex with their ponytails.

1moar ago

Ha, stranger things have happened.

TheCompanionCube ago

Even if it came out same day I'm not buying the dvd and then sitting through ten unskippable previews.

penisse ago

Yes, he's got a plan. He makes films he'd love to watch.

My reproaches in regard to "Basterds" is that the good guys team only consisted of Jooz. Had he made him consist of a little of all the ones that were persecuted under the Nazi era, it would have been more interesting: a Nigger, a Slavic, a Zigeuner, a Gay, a French Resistant, etc.

WhiteRonin ago

Bueller? ... Bueller?

Anything by John Hughes although dated by fashion are still very relevant even for teens these days too it think.

The 80's have carried over until today if you think about it. All those continuations or remakes are still firing along.

1moar ago

I really have an averse, almost allergic reaction to most movies now days. It's sad to watch people froth at the mouth over new shit; it's garbage. That said, I mainly only watch dvd's when I'm going to bed. I don't have cable or internet at home, aside from my phone. I don't need it, don't want it. Netflix is cancelled. I don't go to theaters. I am very scrutinizing when it comes to what I'll spend my time and $ on with that stuff.

NSFWenly ago

Ever seen the original Dracula? Dead And Loving It is nearly scene for scene remake with humor thrown in.

Mr_Wolf ago

all my local libraries suck for audiobooks otherwise i would be there. they're more interested in supplying english to spanish and vise versa audiobooks.

audible and ebay are pretty much my go to. I tried torrents awhile ago but the books tend to come out scrambled

carnold03 ago

Honestly, our civilizations current cycle has developed and produced such a robust media archive that it's safe to say any man who might ever marry can comfortably entertain their family with a hard-drive collection of classic productions with minimal difficulty that don't poison them against the values he might want them to learn, express, and retain.

johnmclean ago

Any thing john mcteirnan directed back then was timless. Predator Die hard The hunt for red october 13th warrior.

Mr_Wolf ago

honestly i cant pay attention to anything new that comes out. they dont have anything to keep someone engaged. throw something old on and it draws you in with its story.

as @Ellardin mentioned audio books are great I have over 300 in my collection. I also started /v/audible

penisse ago

IMHO, Tarantino still has it though, the Hateful 8 was a really nice endeavour and I liked Django before. But I have to confess, that, besides the underground bar scene, I didn't like the Basterds.

CujoQuarrel ago

It is the greatest movie ever made.

MillstoneNecklace ago

Hollywood is weaponized anthropology. Doesn't mean that all movies and TV shows are bad, but realize their purpose is to manipulate and sometimes to reveal what the elites are up to.

belphegorsprime ago

While we're on the subject, you have to check out Cobra. I guarantee you will enjoy the shit out of that one.

1moar ago

"You're the disease, and I'm the cure".

maltespier ago

Online Piracy whether people want to admit it or not is a big part of it. Early 2000's Social Justice was identified as a corporate message to push, online piracy meant fewer and fewer risks being taken when making multi million dollar movies

Many of the all time classics were cinematic flops but over time grew to be worshipped. Now those potential classics will never even see the light of day

l23r ago

I think the ease of technology - including downloading a movie from the comfort of your own home instead of having to know That Guy to buy a VHS or DVD, or hooking up your friends VCR to tape a copy of the movie you rented from the store - is making it easier for people to create content. Now you don't need a studio backing you, or a ton of money to make a movie.

CujoQuarrel ago

Blade Runner

Anything by Mel Brooks

individualin1984 ago

I have been introducing my kids to some of the older movies. Some additions to your list below.

Brazil. Not the love conquers all ending.

All of the Monty Python movies.

The Thing. The Kurt Russel one.

Poltergeist. The 80's one obviously.

Battle Beyond the Stars

Dune: Extended version.

Blade Runner. If you haven't seen this one already you should be smacked.

All the Indiana Jones movies except the last one.


Blazing Saddles.

everlastingphelps ago

  1. The Big Lebowski
  2. Raising Arizona (I know, but (((those two))) can tell a story.)
  3. Dr. Strangelove
  4. The Thin Man (any Nick and Nora, really)
  5. The Evil Dead
  6. Duel (movie would be about nine minutes long now, he would just get on his cell phone and call the state troopers)
  7. Gremlins
  8. Saving Private Ryan
  9. Jurassic Park
  10. True Grit (the John Wayne one)
  11. Both Yojimbo and A Fistfull of Dollars
  12. Leon (the original creeper one, not The Professional recut if you can find it)
  13. Anatomy of a Murder (my favorite legal movie, and I work in law)

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

The Thin Man (any Nick and Nora, really) Love the Thin Man movies. I have them all, and that was a feat.

WakkoWarner ago

May i suggest these movies:

  • D.A.R.Y.L.
  • Navigator
  • Explorers
  • The Goonies
  • WarGames
  • Short Circuit
  • Stand by Me

Also, some more recent (IMO) good movies:

  • Super 8
  • The Road (this one might be a bit harsh)
  • Stranger Things

l23r ago

Brazil is one of the best movies ever. +1 for that alone, but the rest of your list (Akira, Blade Runner, Monty Python) is top notch too

Grimlock2015 ago

Go rewatch Terminator. It's amazing how they were able to make a strong female character; without making her a Mary Sue that is somehow physically stronger than any men, and that is instantly a fucking fighting amazon.

whatisbestinlife ago

i rewatched T2 the other day. found the liberal bs in it too. at the end when the terminator runs out of shotgun shells and the mom comes up the cog for the final blow is one example. They refuse to give us the story of how John Conner saves the world.

ReddittRefugee ago

They refuse to give us the story of how John Conner saves the world.

That's the ending of the whole big, messy, terminator universe. The Macguffin, if you will. The Machines trying to figure out ways to "terminate" the guy who brings about their downfall by traveling to the past, and how Connor survives to continue the fight, is the plot of each Terminator movie, and of the TV series.

The suits won't film Connor's victory over the Machines until the final movie of the series.

Grimlock2015 ago

Yes, you can see that T2 is clearly part of the pc change to action movie: More family friendly, pg13, and a Sarah Connor that just a little too great. Oh, It's still a good blockbuster movie; but for me, Terminator is the better of the 2 movies.

ObviAThrowaway ago

Agreed. They did the strong female right. She even got ripped as hell for it.

I absolutely hated The Avengers for having a soft, flabby Scarlett Johansson playing some bad ass that could beat the shit out of some really tough dudes. Not even vaguely believable.

That seems to be a trend. Find the skinniest, waifiest or flabbiest female to play "strong, badass female".

A couple million isn't enough to get them to muscle up?

penisse ago

There were also plenty of genial movies which remakes are insults our taste and intelligence:

  • Tron
  • Conan the Barbarian
  • The Blues Brothers
  • Point Break name a few.

I however remark that Sylvester Sallone's "Expendables" flicks actually feel good to watch. The latest "Rambo" also was the masterpiece of the series.

RoundWheel ago

Never understood the appeal of The Blues Brothers. I've repeatedly tried to watch it. It's just terrible. Same with Point Break.

Replace those with: - Grosse Pointe Blank - Better Off Dead

Didn't actually click with me until now that both of those are Cusack movies.

xenoPsychologist ago

ever seen "remo williams"? when the topic of 80s movies comes up, i frequently recommend it.