jangles ago

@think- @srayzie @Vindicator @kevdude @crensch

Apparently, this user attack brigade is not just something that Crensch is up to, here kevdude tries to prescribe opinions like a late night comic and the community responds with distaste. @putitout


srayzie ago

Your example is a post from 25 days ago? Seriously?

Well, that sure sucks for @Kevdude. How embarrassing. Only 94% upvoted that post. It could have AT LEAST been 95%

jangles ago

I linked a comment, you are thick. I will attempt to hold your hand and walk you through this. My intention is not ill. I hope you are beginning to see this. If you are not, please present a clear framework behind your attack on my character, I am not an alt of anyone else. Kindly I will request you re assess the baseless allegations presented against against me.

srayzie ago

I happen to be the one who replied to the other mods saying that I did NOT think you were an alt. Yet, it’s me you went after. You attacked my character in private message by implying that I groomed Jem or could be an ES alt.

I don’t know what you mean by I’m thick. Maybe you aren’t American. It probably means thick skill here.

jangles ago

I am not scurrying out of here. I will make my case heard and heard more goats around my position, no alts, I will use logic and a presentation of ideas to demean the lot of you. @vindicator stands in my eyes as the most honorable out of the current set of mods. Best - Jangles

Vindicator ago

Did you see OP pinging Esoteric shade to this thread? Check it: https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2730475/13922810 ipointouttrolls is an ES alt

@think- @Crensch @srayzie @MadWorld @Eric_Kaliberhall

Crensch ago

Not surprising. And it wasn't even a death threat. It looks to me like an invitation for the previous commenter to slit his own throat.

think- ago

That special shade you throw. Almost esoteric in its nature.


srayzie ago

@Crensch isn’t the only one. @Jangles forgot to take his meds. He’s been sending me private messages implying that I’m ESOTERICshade and tried to discredit Jem777.

jangles ago

incorrect, I didn't say that, I said you may be a disinformation shill because of your position regarding directed energy weapons starting ca fires. dumb bitch

jangles ago

NO fuck you- I am me.

Vindicator ago

Honestly jangles, at this point, most of us find that hard to believe. You are not acting in a manner consistent with the character you have put forward, prior to the exposal of EsotericShade.

jangles ago

& your subsistence for the claims against EsotericShade are WEAK. They are not convincing enough to show anything beyond the notion that whomever they are have used 2 or 3 alts to support their own ideas. @vindicator you are barking up the wrong tree and I will make sure that your attacks here comes to light. THIS IS FUCKING OUTLANDISH. DISCREDITING MY CONTRIBUTIONS HERE WILL FUCK YOU ALL. MANY OTHER GOATS WILL SEE THIS and They Will see why they should leave this forum

I will give you this chance to apologize, if you don't have the audacity to comprehend why this is bad for all of VOAT you. I HAVE NOT ALTS, I am not EssotericShade. FUCK YOU

jangles ago

kinda like crensch does...

srayzie ago

@Kevdude, I think I figured out why Jangles likes to stir shit up.

JIDF Alert 🇮🇱 @Vindicator @Think-

jangles ago

LMFAO - I always wondered wtf JIDF stood for, I have been accused of working to Stratfor, Media Maters, JIDF. This place make me laugh, I am just a guy. Nothing special about me. No wonder the number of users are diminishing. Yall are fucking chodes.

srayzie ago

🇮🇱 ((( @Jangles ))) 🇮🇱

Busted. Your friend sent me this.

It’s official @Kevdude @Crensch

srayzie ago

😂🤣 You SUCK! You went timReddit to get a lame ass meme like that? You should be embarrassed. Next time, at least something NOT from Reddit,

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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jangles ago

honestly, google image search. Sometimes the source of the content doesn't matter, the presentation of ideas I have put here will sting.

srayzie ago

At least pick something good next time then

SearchVoatBot ago

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srayzie ago

@Think- @Shizy

I don’t think @Jangles appreciates my creative side. 🙄

Shizy ago

Grandparent 😂! I guess jangles hasn't been paying attention if he thinks your numbers are diminishing!

think- ago

I guess that means see grandparent. 😁

Hahaha. :-)

jangles ago

It appears that my complaint of baseless claims of users being other peoples alts or being demeaned as if I am part of some organization makes me think you are severely lacking in your intellectual capacity. I bet you have never even taken a forensics course.

srayzie ago

Forensics course? Where the hell did that come from? 😂 Are you a “specialist in that field” as well? I think you have a few screws loose.

jangles ago

you lost your honor in my eyes, no time from me no more. Good by.

srayzie ago

I don’t need ((( your ))) honor

jangles ago

baseless allegations and accusations make you look fucking ugly.

srayzie ago

🇮🇱 ((( @Jangles ))) 🇮🇱

Judging from the picture you’re Israeli friend forwarded to me, I think you are the ugly one.

jangles ago


thebearfromstartrack ago

You mean general death threats? Or specific death threats? Or what?


I disagree.

Fambida ago

also, since when is being confused for mumbleberry considered an insult? I'm pretty proud of making the streetshitters think I was him.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this submission!

'Lessons for Newfags: Reply Bots' was posted in v/whatever by @Le_Squish and refers to this submission.

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Le_Squish ago

Bot seems unable to reply to your question...

TrumanRothschild ago

Clearly threats made by the worst kind of cowards, the CIA

ExpertShitposter ago

wat cha need?

TrumanRothschild ago

Eyes and ears

Mumbleberry ago

And another one, @Camulos

BigFatDaddy ago

Shut up, discordian.

RealAaronSwartz ago

You think because the CIA run voat you are protected? Nah Michael Aquino is throwing you all to the sharks.

MadWorld ago

If ClA ran the Voat, you dumb niggers wouldn't have to work so hard.

Vindicator ago

A godlike riposte.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Go away Mossad.

RealAaronSwartz ago

Tell that to the FBI

Mumbleberry ago

Hi, me.

Mumbleberry ago

LibTearsNoBrakes ago

Fuckin baby rapists. Who the fuck would be scared of a bunch of baby rapists?

Kool4Kek ago

Sire ago

Jeez’, grow some balls you pussy kike. All you pathetic newfags are stunned by a few choice words.

Mumbleberry ago

A bunch of old shillbots actually; https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2656108

Vindicator ago

They're not sending their best.

Sire ago

Good to know, thanks.

Mumbleberry ago

Knowledge is power.

TheGodHead ago

you think doxing people is acceptable in an investigation into sadistic pedos?

Gyna ago

Who doxed? Do you fake fucking cunts ever have proof of anything?!

KekMate ago


KekMate ago


Laurentius_the_pyro ago


KekMate ago

srayzie is Mossad, you are Mossad.

Your superiors have exposed you.

MadWorld ago

How is the weather in the terrorist state of izreal?

KekMate ago


Qtiepie ago

Because it sucks donkey balls!

hangry ago

Because you are all newfag cowards.

Mumbleberry ago

Actually oldfag shillbots. Part of this; https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/2656108

RealAaronSwartz ago

Nah don't think so pal. Gig is up. You're a fucking pedo

KekMate ago

You are scum @Trigglypuff

KekMate ago

Are you defending death threats kev?

bb22 ago

Why haven't you killed yourself yet shill?

Gyna ago

The alleged "threat" wasn't from a mod dumb twat!

bitswitch ago

No but I will. What are you gonna do about it?

8887766554433221 ago

If they are doxing pizzagate researchers, would it be a fair assumption that they are pedos?

KekMate ago


novemberQteam ago

You are "mumbleberry" you sick piece of shit...

Words fail me.

bb22 ago

You're right about the second part, retard.

novemberQteam ago

Sick fucks

RealAaronSwartz ago

Our contacts in Mossad have confirmed "srayzie" aka "mumbleberry" is Mossad. They are fucking pissed off.

Qtiepie ago

So you admit you're Mossad? Nice!

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'new fag redditors blatently conspiring to abuse vote manipulation all over the sire' was posted in v/ProtectVoat and includes this reply from @Mumbleberry:

Off topic, but you should get a chuckle out of this; https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2730475/13921962

This notification (#307) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

hangry ago

Kikeloving nigger.

RealAaronSwartz ago

@puttitout Going to be needing the IP of those users for the FBI

Qtiepie ago

Hahahaaaaaaa you're a funny faggot!

KekMate ago

@puttitout you better answer

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Go away Jewbot.

BuilderAnon ago


Coordinated bot swarms and misinformation campaigns.

Vindicator ago

Can't read it. Wanna read it. :-)

SandHog ago

Very informative! Thank you.

Mumbleberry ago

Where did you find that? It's great

BuilderAnon ago

My screename applies.

Mumbleberry ago

Great work, dude!

TheGodHead ago

Not acceptable.

This was srayzie wasn't it?

RealAaronSwartz ago

Yes she doxed a number of the pizzagate researchers.

JesusFinchrist ago

I don't think srayzie is a woman, someone told me he is Mossad.

RealAaronSwartz ago

Yeah I have contacts in Mossad and they agree.

MingDynasty ago

Hahaha i bet you do kike, i bet you do.

8887766554433221 ago

Are you defending this behavior @MingDynasty? As it looks like you are.

MingDynasty ago

No, im more curious why anyone in the Q movement would have Mossad contacts. But yeah, most of you old cunts should cut your own throats. Itd make this place much more pleasant.

Le_Squish ago

You are talking to bots.

MingDynasty ago

That explains a lot actually. Noobed it. Thank you

RealAaronSwartz ago

I'm Asian.

MingDynasty ago

Then you need to go back.

JackParsons ago


TheBuddha ago

I'm half-tempted to see what kinda bizarre 'logic' you used to reach the conclusion that your comment was worth saying.

But, some of us are upstanding members of our local communities and well-liked by the overwhelming majority of people who come in contact with us.

As such, we have things that keep us too busy.

By that, I mean, I don't have time to try to understand your insanity. I'm a doctor, but not that kind of doctor. If you're having a medical emergency, please call 911. If you're having a mental health crisis, please consider contacting a professional at a crisis line. If you're thinking of harming yourself, or another person, please consider reaching out to a qualified professional.

I'd love to hear your insanity, but I just don't have time for that tonight.

If you really, really need assistance, you can contact me at [email protected] - where i will help you find a local mental health provider and your nearest crisis numbers, but I can't commit to more than that. Sorry, but your mental health issues aren't actually my problem.

RealAaronSwartz ago

I'm not going anywhere you MIT piece of shit

MingDynasty ago

Why would someone in a Q sub have mossad contacts? Fucking undercover kike.

KekMate ago

Maybe because he's fucking Aaron Swartz you idiot