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srayzie ago

I think that they aren’t acting like patriots and are showing their true colors when they already seem to have forgotten what the Q movement stands for.

That being said, if you’re a Q follower and Trump supporter and you don’t welcome them, then you’re doing what they are... dividing the movement. These aren’t just Redditors to me. These are people that should be uniting. Not letting ((( them ))) win. Just because some of them are weak and showing their true character, doesn’t mean that they should all be judged the same way.

I’m not stooping to their level. I’m not going to be a hypocrite and abandon the whole reason I dedicate myself to this movement. The weak will fade away. The strong will make it to the finish line and that’s where I’ll be. I’m taking the high road.

Thank you for the ping @rainy-day-dream

Mumbleberry ago

Off topic, but you should get a chuckle out of this;