theoldones ago

these motherfuckers aint neutral.

Weasel_Soup ago

Thank you for you diligence! I would certainly never have found this out on my own. I have several alts though, so they are wasting time targeting that one, but still, thanks man!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

idk who you are exactly but you're welcome

srayzie ago

I think that they aren’t acting like patriots and are showing their true colors when they already seem to have forgotten what the Q movement stands for.

That being said, if you’re a Q follower and Trump supporter and you don’t welcome them, then you’re doing what they are... dividing the movement. These aren’t just Redditors to me. These are people that should be uniting. Not letting ((( them ))) win. Just because some of them are weak and showing their true character, doesn’t mean that they should all be judged the same way.

I’m not stooping to their level. I’m not going to be a hypocrite and abandon the whole reason I dedicate myself to this movement. The weak will fade away. The strong will make it to the finish line and that’s where I’ll be. I’m taking the high road.

Thank you for the ping @rainy-day-dream

jollux ago

We're trying to push them all onto your sub, but they don't want that. To me, that says they have the wrong intentions.

Mumbleberry ago

Off topic, but you should get a chuckle out of this;

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I don't understand why they didn't just go to your subverse or for that matter /Qresearch/ in the first place, lurking on their 8chan board there's also being pushed in a thread, they really seem intent on dividing their community. As for this whole "/Qresearch/ is the end goal we're just acclimating them to 8chan" nonsense I'm of the opinion that the fastest way to teach a dog to swim is to throw it in the water, or in other words this approach.

draaaak ago


jollux ago

civic nationalism is an oxymoron

SGM11Z ago

Yeah, I posted that. Can't sign anything there so I put my profile pic. Ya'll are a sensitive bunch, aren't ya?

And you act like you don't do the same goddamn thing. What's v/PtotectVoat all about then? And why are so many new people, including myself at one point, way into the negatives on CCP?

You old fuckers may not remember but on your so called "free speech" forum, you muzzle everyone who signs up. I'm fine with earning your way in but when you downvote someone below zero, they get 10 comments a day. And no ability to fight back with downvotes of their own until they get 100. You downvote someone into the -100s their account is unusable without a lot of effort that most people don't have time for. "You can say whatever you want as long as the oldgoats approve" is really whats going on. I get it. Its an effective tool to block spam. But you assholes have weaponized it to shut people down like Neon Revolt, SerialBrain2 and all the GA mods, and a whole bunch of other people who are clearly not bots or spammers. If you want to shame people for vote farming, I'm all for that, too. But don't put a person in jail because you don't like what they say. Isn't that what free speech is really about?

I clearly said it wasn't all of you. Most of you are good people. And I posted this before @Puttitout or @kevdude extended their olive branch. If ya'll wanna continue on this path of peace, then I will too, but if you want war, I'm not afraid of that either.

@Mumbleberry why not ping me? Did you think I wouldn't find out? Did I just publish a page out of your playbook? Is that why your panties are knotted up?

@MrPim @plankO @Broc_lia Did I forget anyone?

theoldones ago

for one who talks about muzzling people, its you might be involved in a vote brigade

was it you who posted the 8chan plan.

13919383? ago

You're so butthurt I banned you from v/theawakaning

SGM11Z ago

Again???? Wasn't I still banned from before? It's gone off and on again so many times I lost count.

Besides, if I wanted to talk to tranny's on the internet, there are much better places to go. Some even have video...or so I'm told.

13923119? ago

That's the spirit! Now quit being a Reddit fag.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you might want to respond to the above comment @theoldones

theoldones ago

gettin real tired of this faggot squatting on our website.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're getting raided by bronies apparently on 8chan now so idk where they'll go

theoldones ago

oh god the bronies are invading XD

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and they brought porn, the kind that they like. You almost have to feel sorry for these boomers

WanderingTaurus ago

"And why are so many new people, including myself at one point, way into the negatives on CCP?"

How about just focus on making quality content in the RIGHT sub, v/greatawakening rather than follow the SAME mods from Shreddit who censored everyone and hid behind lack of transparency there to only move you all from VOAT which was exact opposite to move you all over to the chans in less than 2 days in only to a very censored and controlled sub, which is directly the very opposite of what the chans are all about?! Still being very controlled and coddled like sheep.

MrPim ago

Once again, "none of this is my fault, it's all these old fags". Fuck off. I've given you maybe 10 DVs. It was You who started this thread because you thought my threat empty. I extended a personal olive branch In That Thread. You won't drop it, you won't own any responsibility. And I'm done talking to you. Go back to Reddit grandma

SGM11Z ago

You mean this olive branch?

And, because we're on Voat soil, goats always win this battle. You guys Can Not logistically win.

10 DV? So how did I go from over 100 to -100. Who went into my past comments (ouside TA) and downvoted those too?

Remember I told you not underestimate my resolve. I'm just playing the same game you are.

You might also notice that I haven't downvoted anyone. I had a change of heart after posting that on 8chan, although I still think it's valuable for people to know how this site works. Some things are getting better. Some still need work. But I'm thinking things might work out so I'll give it a shot. I will give the same respect that I get.

MrPim ago

Many other people DVd you because you're an obnoxious retard. No I'm not going to go back through that thread and show you where I tried to be friendly if your to dumb to remember it. Too disingenuous is more likely.

Your resolve? To do what exactly? Alienate even more people? I'm going to tell you something you won't listen to just like you thought my threat was hollow. You Can Not Win This Battle.

Now fuck off back to Jerusalem Shlomo.

SGM11Z ago

Oh, I remember you trying to be friendly...while you and your buttbuddies downvoted me to more than -100. A bit two faced are we?

It's not a battle, for fucks sake. Just leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. How about that?

MrPim ago

I have not DVd you since that point. Believe what you wish, but that is the truth. What others do isn't my bidness

SGM11Z ago

I believe you. You turned out to be just less than a cretin. Props for that. It's not you that's the problem. The problem is the attitude that about 10 of you have that it's OK to send someone to downvote jail when you claim to be a free speech website.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you can still post comments if you have no CCP, and people have to see what you're saying in the first place to downvoat it, also downvoating is itself a feature that gives voice to the users and let's them have agency over the site. Downvoats are not censorship, you can say what you want but people are allowed to disagree with you and there's nothing wrong with that. If you keep doing things the users disagree with like power modding and upvoat farming to the point you're in the negatives that's more a consequence of your own actions than anything else

SGM11Z ago

I've been over this alot today with different users. You're civil, so at least you deserve a response.

I'm not saying downvotes, per se, are censorship, but when a person gets into the -100's it is. And when a bunch of you get together to downvote 10 or 15 comments 10 or 15 times for no reason other than to bully someone, it restricts that person's ability to respond.

Yes, you still get 10 comments per day, but when those comments are met with constant downvotes it only serves as further restriction of speech. Add to that most refugees do not have 100 CCP to fight back with their own downvotes, and many are afraid to upvote lest their own accounts die a miserable death, you have a perfect storm whereby 10 or 15 old goats decide who speaks and who doesn't. Feel free to disagree in comments all day long. Shame and make fun of whomever you wish. But continuing to downvote past -10 is excessive and unnecessary.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

but when a person gets into the -100's it is.

this situation doesn't exist in a void though, if it's a reaction to the things they do like upvoat farming then it's more their own fault than anything. Especially as they repeat and compound these kinds of behavior

for no reason other than to bully someone

where is this happening exactly? show me someone in the negatives that did nothing wrong and their downvoating was non-organic

Yes, you still get 10 comments per day

so not censored

but when those comments are met with constant downvotes it only serves as further restriction of speech

it's almost like you should use your comments wisely or something and organically build up a healthy CCP by actually contributing to discussions on the rest of the site.

Add to that most refugees do not have 100 CCP to fight back with their own downvotes

actual US immigration laws also are set up to favor existing citizens over immigrants, I see no problem with this.

you have a perfect storm whereby 10 or 15 old goats decide who speaks and who doesn't.

you'll still have those 10 comments no matter how much you get downvoated, we also deport legal immigrants that break the law so I see no problem with people being held accountable for their actions in this way.

Shame and make fun of whomever you wish

I will

But continuing to downvote past -10 is excessive and unnecessary.

I downvoat comments and posts I feel deserve downvoats, nothing more nothing less. You're literally arguing against me using avalible means to judge people by their actions and the things they say.

SGM11Z ago

This is a post I have linked before.

The first comment is my previous link with an explanation.

Also notice anytime OP engaged in the comments, even though the comment was civil and reasonable (though easy to disagree with) it was met with 15 or so downvotes. This would be fine if everyone were on equal footing. But this person and many others are not. It's like being in a paintball fight with 2k balls of paint against someone with 10.

Now, because of the sheer audacity of OP to dare challenge old goat "culture" they are -94 and haven't been back. Was their free speech protected here?

This is the same tactic used by SJW's when Milo comes to speak at their college. This is what you're proud of?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

where the proof this isn't organic though? I could easily see 39 goats organically disagreeing with that nonsense.

This would be fine if everyone were on equal footing.

life ain't fair. Citizens get preference over immigrants because they've earned it like anyone can. You have equality of opportunity shared with every other person that joins the site, outcomes however just like in real life will be unequal do to personal actions and decisions.

Now, because of the sheer audacity of OP to dare challenge old goat "culture" they are -94 and haven't been back. Was their free speech protected here?

the post itself is attacking the concept of free speech. "freedom to offend" is covered by the 1st amendment this has been affirmed by the supreme count multiple times as recently as last year with Matal v. Tam. Offensive speech is free speech. The culture being protected here isn't voat's it's america's, maybe OP should've read the fucking constitution if he considers himself any kind of patriot.

This is the same tactic used by SJW's when Milo comes to speak at their college. This is what you're proud of?

how? he was still able to speak and comment, no one prevented him from making that post. Your tactics are the same as feminists when they argue that women aren't responsible for any of their actions or decisions when they get raped or pregnant. Actions have consequences.

SGM11Z ago

Shutting down or limiting speech you disagree with for any reason or by any method is, by definition, not free.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

again you keep trying to blame others, but that faggot was asking for it. Like a woman getting drunk and wearing a skimpy dress in a bad neighborhood at night, the result was inevitable and a result of his own decisions. You keep trying to imply that people here are using the voating system as a deliberate censorship tool, but has it ever occurred to you that they're just using the voting system as a voting system and your little pal earned those downvoats organically?

SGM11Z ago

I'm not blaming anyone. It's fine if you want to run a website that limits free speech. Just be honest about it.

I'm sure the goats that downvoted OP thought he deserved it. That's not the point. The SJW's outside Milo's speech thinks he deserves it too....I'm sure they also think that Milo was asking for it. That doesn't make it's right and it damn sure aint free speech.

has it ever occurred to you that they're just using the voting system as a voting system

I'm sure that is what they think they are doing. They also think they are free speech warriors. Just like the SJW's think they are doing the right thing. Everybody thinks they are doing the right thing. That doesn't mean that it is the right thing.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm not blaming anyone.

you're blaming everyone but the user himself for the reaction to his own posts and comments.

It's fine if you want to run a website that limits free speech.

we don't, if anything it limits people who refuse to participate in the broader site and earn CCP in an honest way. None of you would be having any problems if the first thing you did on voat was go to v/all and meaningfully participate in discussions here, both 10 and 100 CCP are excessively easy to earn even in just 10 comments if you go about it in a normal way, everyone else had to do this and so do the lot of you.

Just be honest about it.

you're honestly a faggot.

I'm sure the goats that downvoted OP thought he deserved it.

he did and they have a right to use the voating system to voice their opinions about it.

That's not the point.

that is my point and has been all along, the 1st amendment and the principals behind it protect our right to say things that offend the lot of you.

The SJW's outside Milo's speech thinks he deserves it too....I'm sure they also think that Milo was asking for it.

this is such a flimsy comparison, I guess trump actually is hitler since they both focused on infrastructure.

That doesn't make it's right and it damn sure aint free speech.

you lot clearly have no idea what free speech means despite the fact that the full text of the constitution, as well as the federalist papers and the other writings and words of our founding fathers, and details about supreme court decisions related to the first amendment are all publicly available. It's your own faults you don't understand the concept, you're not real patriots.

I'm sure that is what they think they are doing

and they're right

They also think they are free speech warriors.

I really doubt anyone on here sees it that way, we're mostly just US citizens who want a site where we can say what we want to freely. You faggots want a different kind of site but we aren't willing to give this one up.

Just like the SJW's think they are doing the right thing. Everybody thinks they are doing the right thing. That doesn't mean that it is the right thing.

so who is the arbiter of what is actually "the right thing" I rely on the US constitution and the writings of the founding fathers, and more recently the supreme court. Do you really think a brainlet retard like yourself is a better source of moral judgement?

SGM11Z ago

We were doing so well, too.

No, I am not an arbiter of moral justice. I'm not a cow, either, but I know bullshit when I see it. I also know how to "legitimately" earn CCP (who's the arbiter of moral justice now?) I also know quite a bit about Constitutional Law, the Federalist Papers, the principles of our Founding Fathers and USSC decisions. But every 2nd grader knows what "free" means in this context and knows that when it is limited it is not free. Nobody needs a PHD here.

Go on and use your downvotes as you see fit. I'm not trying to suggest you should do otherwise. I will use mine too. That is how this system was set up and we all just work with what we have. But when you downvote someone below 10 CCP, you limit their speech. If you want people to "earn" their speech by saying things the herd agrees with, it's fine by me, but it's not free (hence the "earning" part). This is not a difficult concept.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm not a cow

oh trust me, you actually are. The term just has a different meaning for some but I'm sure you'll find out on 8chan.

I also know how to "legitimately" earn CCP

just use the fucking website, occasionally leave the Q subverses and comment and you'd all have been fine

Constitutional Law, the Federalist Papers, the principles of our Founding Fathers and USSC decisions.

right so you understand that freedom of speech does include the freedom to offend.

knows that when it is limited it is not free.

I guess immigrants to the US aren't as free as it's citizens. I don't really care tbh.

Go on and use your downvotes as you see fit.

I will, and so will others, and it's a freedom of ours to do so.

I will use mine too.

go ahead, but you'll get shit if you try to brigade people like you were trying to organize on 8chan.

But when you downvote someone below 10 CCP, you limit their speech.

well they ought to put more thought into what they post, it's not my fault that they're retarded. If I see something I feel I should downvoat it's getting that downvoat and I'm not going to check their CCP score first. They limit their own speech by being retarded.

If you want people to "earn" their speech by saying things the herd agrees with

it's not about "things the herd agrees with" I upvoat people all the time who I disagree with or don't necessarily agree with. It's about making good comment s and posts that add to the discussion and/or subverse as well as not being retarded and doing dumb annoying shit like a redditor.

it's not free (hence the "earning" part).

what about the whole refugees from another site don't you get? are constitutional rights earned by legal immigrants for going through the naturalization process not the free rights their creator endowed them with? The US government doesn't protect the rights of every person on earth so to does Voat not protect the rights of people on other websites. If we were talking about mexicans or muslims I'm sure you could grasp how important integration and respecting the rules of your host are, but since your the dirty migrant now it's gimme gimme gimme.

This is not a difficult concept.

it really isn't, which is why I don't get how you're struggling so much with it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

anyone else want to address this guy? I said my piece in response

@kevdude @Crensch @srayzie

Crensch ago

I definitely will a little later today.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

What's v/PtotectVoat all about then?

the point of v/protectvoat is to be a watchdog against power mods and upvoat famring as well as other abuses that go against the sites broader belief in free speech or more specifically anti censorship.

And why are so many new people, including myself at one point, way into the negatives on CCP?

I don't know too much about you specifically, but maybe it's because you act like this and this behavior isn't well recieved here?

You old fuckers may not remember but on your so called "free speech" forum, you muzzle everyone who signs up.

I'm more of a yell at them until they leave on their own kinda guy I don't want to restrict their freedom to be here but I want them to know I don't want them here, I only advocate for brigading to counter upvoat farming but I do understand that they're both technically vote manipulation.

they get 10 comments a day.

so earn 10 upvoats per comment and boom, no more restrictions, this should be the first thing everyone does on voat just go to v/all and participate in discussion.

You downvote someone into the -100s their account is unusable without a lot of effort

it's almost like they shouldn't act like power mods or participate in upfarms in the first place and it would make everything a lot easier for them

people down like Neon Revolt, SerialBrain2 and all the GA mods

all people who have been caught running upfarms through off site coordination.

But don't put a person in jail because you don't like what they say.

yeah, we don't do that. Vote manipulation is actually against the rules, can't we put people in jail for breaking laws?

If ya'll wanna continue on this path of peace, then I will too, but if you want war, I'm not afraid of that either.

you're really talking out of both sides of your mouth here.

cthulhu69 ago


Mumbleberry ago

Plenty of new Qucumbers are here, posting links getting upvotes and having a good time. It's you assholes with the shit attitude that caused all the drama, and now you're crying about. it "The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you" couldn't be more fitting to this.

SGM11Z ago

plenty are getting downvoted to hell too. I didn't start this.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the mods of v/theawakening started this with their censorious behavior, why is that so hard to understand? how can you defend them for banning people who "called out the mods"

SGM11Z ago

I get why you guys don't like the mods. I think they wanted to set up a forum that would not fall prey to the downvote brigading and spam we had over on redshit. They probably did not understand the vote protections on this site, like none of refugees did. I agree, they should have researched more before the set up. I think they were in a panic and wanted something fast before we lost everyone. I'm not making excuses. I'm just giving what I think happened. Several of you old goats took offense to that, and instead of just telling them , the forum was bombarded with off topic posts and posts asking to be banned; it wasn't just "calling out the mods". There are still old goats over there posting about cannabis oil and "Your mods have no power here part 10"...yes, there were also parts 1-9. Really? The mod logs are public. Have a look. If you can find one that is just "calling out the mods" I'd love to see it.

Now that they have been told, they changed it. I wouldn't have, but they did. It's their forum, they can cave if they want. The thing is that they're all still muzzled in jail at -100 or more CCP so they can't even get into a decent discussion about why they ban because they only get 10 comments a day. And any comments they do post get another 5-10 downvotes, even when trying to explain a ban. Tell me ya'll ain't got some brigading going on and this is all organic.

I really don't care if you want to downvote people to hell. But be honest about it. Dont say this is a free speech website and then muzzle people. the free speech website you say you are, tell people that vote farming is unacceptable and further infractions will result in a muzzled account, and when you see somebody at -10 CCP give them a day to two to see if they'll redeem themselves. If not, rape away.

Clearly, you are not the problem. But don't pretend everything is all fair and rosy and free, cuz it ain't. It's getting there, but there's a way to go yet.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I get why you guys don't like the mods.

do you? you keep trying to say you understand this and that but your actions tell a pretty different story.

I think they wanted to set up a forum that would not fall prey to the downvote brigading and spam we had over on redshit.

no, it's pretty clear they were trying to set up a forum they could control free from dissent or criticism

They probably did not understand the vote protections on this site, like none of refugees did.

I agree with this, they aren't very smart and didn't lurk for long enough before posting.

I'm not making excuses.

I disagree with this, you've made a ton of excuses in this comment alone.

Several of you old goats took offense to that, and instead of just telling them, the forum was bombarded with off topic posts and posts asking to be banned

ugh I'm just so mean, how tragic, how will they ever survive? just kill yourself you oversensitive faggot

it wasn't just "calling out the mods".

first of all, it doesn't matter if it was just that however you try to defect those bans did happen for that reason, and you're right people also got banned for talking about v/greatawakening or just saying bad words. All of this is unacceptable imo

The mod logs are public. Have a look. If you can find one that is just "calling out the mods" I'd love to see it.

they removed all the bans you faggot the evidence is gone but the message was "Rule Violation in v/theawakening: Rule 2; Description: PERMANENT. Slurs. Calling out mods. Belongs in 8chan." other people saw it you can't pretend like it didn't happen

The thing is that they're all still muzzled in jail at -100 or more CCP so they can't even get into a decent discussion about why they ban because they only get 10 comments a day.

that's their own fault for power modding and upfarming, actions have consequences

I really don't care if you want to downvote people to hell.

you clearly do care, and are blatantly assmad

tell people that vote farming is unacceptable

I shouldn't have to say so.

But don't pretend everything is all fair and rosy

life isn't fair and it's not supposed to be kill yourself

SGM11Z ago

You're right, bans for challenging mods or advertising v/greatawakening should not have been banned. But 50 posts challenging mods? That's not challenging mods, that is forum sliding and combined will all the posts that just repeated "niggerfaggot" it was rendering the whole sub pointless, which I think was the intent.

You think people coming from reddit would know of the cardinal sin of asking for votes? Nobody knew that. And all they wanted to do was get to 10 so they could make posts. It's not like anyone was going for king of voat. ..and once it was made known, it stopped (for the most part)

you clearly do care, and are blatantly assmad

Oh, please. This is is not real life. Its a screen. It's a keyboard. Nothing here really matters. I'm just responding to all the people who are severely pissed off at my 8chan post because I think it's the least I can do. It's true that I abhor bullies and hypocritical bullies are the worst, so yeah, I take a bit of time to do whatever I can...but assmad? Nah, brah. I'm chillin.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

which I think was the intent.

the intent was bully you because you're a bunch of stupid faggots. If you dumbasses would stop causing trouble you and your sub would've been left alone a long time ago.

You think people coming from reddit would know of the cardinal sin of asking for votes? Nobody knew that. And all they wanted to do was get to 10 so they could make posts.

an intelligent person, so none of your ilk clearly, might wonder why there are restrictions in the first place.

Oh, please. This is is not real life. Its a screen. It's a keyboard. Nothing here really matters.

yeah no, I've been on the internet for a while and people like you who insist none of it bothers them are the type who gets the most butthurt over things. It's more than a little defensive.

It's true that I abhor bullies

you're soft like our whole society, bullying builds character.

hypocritical bullies are the worst

you faggots are the hypocrites with your censorship, and whining about the things people say and do, and your blatent attempts to cheat the rules and control things here, you act just the same way that everyone else on reddit treated you for so long. Which is why I and others keep telling you to go back to reddit, because you clearly belong there.

SGM11Z ago

I hate reddit. Only visited GA there for past several months cuz it had good shit. Now I visit here for same reason.

The rest of your message is just thick headed nonsense requiring a mindlessly repetitive response that bores me.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I hate reddit.

then maybe you should stop acting like a fucking redditor

The rest of your message is just thick headed nonsense requiring a mindlessly repetitive response that bores me.

it's okay you don't have to admit that you're assmad, I can tell

Mumbleberry ago

Maybe on that new sub, that wasn't needed as we already had one. The "we own this place now" attitude started it.

SGM11Z ago

Most of that was just giving it back like we got it. For a free speech warrior, you get offended easy. You, nor anyone else had to go into the new sub. Most of us didn't even know there was another sub. You could've just told us and let us decide for know...freedom?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

You could've just told us and let us decide for ourselves

people tried to, the mods there banned them.

Mumbleberry ago

You were told. Repeatedly. Take it up with the mods with the post/comment removals and bannings (seemingly the ones that have ran off)

SGM11Z ago

Yeah, you might notice almost all my comments are in v/GreatAwakening, not v/theawakening. Much better sub, IMO.

Mumbleberry ago

Agreed. Posts there seem to be getting upvoted more too.

13914251? ago

I'm so popular now :D people hate me and everything. it's more than I ever could have asked for and all I had to do was call people nigger and delete their shit

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

who are you?

Pulverizor ago

You had it coming cunt.

13914367? ago

I know! I've been over looked for so long. POTUS spent his life preparing for the presidency and I've spent my life calling people faggot online. It's like we were made for this

Pulverizor ago

Keep up the good work.

Broc_Lia ago

That'd be a really great anti-brigade tactic, lol. If you find an account engaging in vote manipulation, reverse the effect of their voting.

Broc_Lia ago


The following users:









Are the target of a downvote brigate according to this post. I'd suggest having a look at the voting logs to see who responds to this call.

zombielordzero ago

so your aiding and abeding the enemy? by letting these faggots pull their reddit shit in OUR HOUSE!? Let me make this clear:


MrPim ago

Bahahaha Bring it Qfags. Shit, I've gone easy on these assholes.

Weasel_Soup ago

Thank you for you diligence! I would certainly never have found this out on my own. I have severals alts though, so they are wasting time targeting that one, but still, thanks man!

Broc_Lia ago

Thank the OP, he linked to it. I just pinged everyone.

Weasel_Soup ago

Just did, thanks for letting me know.

Mumbleberry ago

it's this guy @ SGM11Z. The space is so he doesn't get pinged.

draaaak ago

I remember this cocky fag.

Mumbleberry ago

Still at it to.

Broc_Lia ago

Hmmm, shitty attitude, posting the same list of users... you may be right.

Mumbleberry ago

Same profile pic too.

Broc_Lia ago

I'm extremely tempted to turn his CCP upside down but I don't want to sink to his level. Also he's actually making genuine comments now, which I'd feel bad for downvoting.

Goathole ago

If you really want to have some fun, you can see anything any user does by going to username here). Across the top of the page, you will see links to Overview, Submissions, Comments, etc. Click the comments link and you will see all comments made by a user. Under each comment are several links and if you click the "context" link you can upvote or downvote that comment. You can upvote or downvote any comment that is less that 3 months old.

Wow, thanks for telling me.

Mumbleberry ago

Downvotes only work if post/comment younger than 7 days. They got that wrong

Captain_Hamerica ago

I'm pretty sure there is an upvote/downvote ratio which means you can't downvote more than you upvote which makes brigading on new accounts more difficult.

Mumbleberry ago

yep, votes are limited to 1/2 your ccp score.

Mumbleberry ago

Going off the retardo profile pic, that anon is this guy @ SGM11Z .

MrPim ago

That would make sense. I had a bit of a run in w him. I told him point blank, step outside TA and I'll make that acct unusable. He got reamed.

Broc_Lia ago

Great movie

theoldones ago

what movie?

Broc_Lia ago

Er ist weider da. It's a satire about hitler being magically transported into the modern day and everyone thinking he's a comedian.

Jaegerjaques ago

It's actually full of redpills. Didn't see that coming.

Broc_Lia ago

It's fucking great up until the end. I don't think they realised how persuasive a movie they were making.

TrumanRothschild ago

Do you know what's hilarious about that? @theoldones

Tom Green has one ball.

GoodGodKirk ago

Let’s upvote each other so that we can harass the locals!!!

Stupid reddifugees.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they're making a muslim no go zone

GoodGodKirk ago

Or a reddit “pls stay away zone”

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

bully free zones

GoodGodKirk ago

Can’t be bully free if mods are the bully

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

statistics show that most bullying actually occurs in bully free zones with illegally purchased bullies

GoodGodKirk ago

I laughed, thanks for that!

Battlefat ago

These faggots are relentless aren’t they?

xenoPsychologist ago


thats a funny way to spell "retarded"!

Battlefat ago

Reddit is an anagram of retarded plus or minus a few letters just like a tranny is a woman plus or minus a few dicks

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why do you think we bully redditors off the site in the first place? if they'd stop acting like this they'd start fitting in fine. They might've left reddit but it's obvious reddit never left them


Kinda like you can take the nigger out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigger.

Battlefat ago

Well, if I ever go negative you’ll know I was doing my part. Now I feel like a Starship Trooper because of these fucking bugs

DakotaJane ago

That’s the only way to win on Reddit so they’ve turned into shills for their own posts.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

"turned into"? they just are shills, they're bugmen, they're redditors. This is just evident of the kind of people they are

DakotaJane ago

It reminds me of the illegals that jump the border. They hate the corruption of their old homes, but end up bringing it with them.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

and they break our CCP immigration laws instead of going through the proper legal process like dicent immigrants v/milliondollarextreme did

xenoPsychologist ago

what specifically are we looking for?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

what am I looking at exactly?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

getting real tired

@kevdude @Crensch @srayzie

theoldones ago


(clap clap clap clap)

look at how fucking well they are repaying your kindness and generosity. arnt you glad to have courted such pleasant people

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean he had a point that their users in general hadn't done anything wrong. When your neighbor is fucking up the neighborhood you probably shouldn't just go and kick his dog y'know? Dog didn't do anything