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ObamasPinkSock ago

Let's remember that it's our God-given right to believe anything we like.

If Neon wants to abandon Q then he neither needs our permission nor our approval to do so.

Free speech is a two way street.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Sosacms ago

Ah, you're no fun... Got my pitchfork out and everything...

Type-o-Negative ago

Actually it is a one way street on v/theawakening, if it doesnt fit the mossad mods narrative, it gets pitched in the deleted comments and submissions and given a bullshit reason that is often edited several times.

Dont believe me, go look in the ABOUT section the mod list on the right. Lots of free speech in there.

ladyliberty_Q ago

haha nope

ObamasPinkSock ago

Is Atko part of your conspiracy, given the cancer-mods were removed within 48 hours and he agrees the new mods of /r/TheAwakening are doing good works?

Don't you think it's counter-productive to team-up with George Soros and Shareblue to attack pro-Trump online communities, seven weeks before the midterms?

Crensch ago

Mod defender has old marching orders

@kevdude @trigglypuff

Type-o-Negative ago

What kind of question is that?

Did Soros have a change of heart?

Did Shareblue have a change of heart too?

Expand your thinking -Q

Meet the new boss (mods)

Same as the old boss (mods)

We wont get fooled again -The Who