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14566185? ago

Oh goodie. Another anonymous hit job. Gee, @Crensch must be quaking in his jack boots.

14589116? ago

Not sure what you mean, but I found out he is famous outside of voat for being an asshole, a woman hater, a shill, you know all the stuff someone would not want to be famous for. Great job @crensch!

14593755? ago

I found out he is famous outside of voat

"Found out" Kek.


14596536? ago

Well look at that cherry picking part of the quote!

Oooo big and bad @crensch is a Nazi calling for death threats and execution lists:

Crensch is a certifiable mental patient?

Wow, not one good thing about @crensch! Way to go sport for the road to being famous.

Only children with underdeveloped brains threaten/bully others on the internet or they are delusional, so which is it?

14605496? ago

Amy Philo's twitter isn't exactly famous, LOL. Did you look at her stats?

Is this @jangles hiding behind anon, or @EffYouJohnPodesta (Amy Philo)?

BTW -- a bunch of people whose BS was exposed by @Crensch bitching about him does not exactly constitute evidence.

14617066? ago

You must be new. You never heard of Reddit?

Always cherry picking makes me think I am talking to @Crensch.

Case in point:

I found out he is famous outside of voat

Wait sounds like you are not proud of the rest of the quote:

for being an asshole, a woman hater, a shill, you know all the stuff someone would not want to be famous for

It is okay, I understand, I would not want to be famous for that either, thankfully I am not @crensch.

Do you have Amy Philo’s twitter analytics for that tweet? How can you be so certain hardly anyone saw that? I saw it and I have no idea who she is either.

Making threats of deaths and talking about execution lists would be enough evidence for the police to get involved unless you are some dumb ass leftie who thinks they above the law, which seems to be the case here.

Your mom must be so proud of the way she raised her baby boy by threatening people over the internet while snacking on Little Debbie’s living in a basement bubble.

14614382? ago

When evidence shows that this so called mod is threatening others with death and execution lists, we should deduce this to a nothing burger and not a coincidence when speaking of Jenny Moore?

Does Antifa run this site then?