14566185? ago

Oh goodie. Another anonymous hit job. Gee, @Crensch must be quaking in his jack boots.

14589116? ago

Not sure what you mean, but I found out he is famous outside of voat for being an asshole, a woman hater, a shill, you know all the stuff someone would not want to be famous for. Great job @crensch!

14593755? ago

I found out he is famous outside of voat

"Found out" Kek.


14596536? ago

Well look at that cherry picking part of the quote!


Oooo big and bad @crensch is a Nazi calling for death threats and execution lists: https://voat.co/v/theawakening/2730475/14493253/10#14493253

Crensch is a certifiable mental patient? https://mobile.twitter.com/amyphilo/status/1043574163431133184

Wow, not one good thing about @crensch! Way to go sport for the road to being famous.

Only children with underdeveloped brains threaten/bully others on the internet or they are delusional, so which is it?

14605496? ago

Amy Philo's twitter isn't exactly famous, LOL. Did you look at her stats?

Is this @jangles hiding behind anon, or @EffYouJohnPodesta (Amy Philo)?

BTW -- a bunch of people whose BS was exposed by @Crensch bitching about him does not exactly constitute evidence.

14617066? ago

You must be new. You never heard of Reddit?

Always cherry picking makes me think I am talking to @Crensch.

Case in point:

I found out he is famous outside of voat

Wait sounds like you are not proud of the rest of the quote:

for being an asshole, a woman hater, a shill, you know all the stuff someone would not want to be famous for

It is okay, I understand, I would not want to be famous for that either, thankfully I am not @crensch.

Do you have Amy Philo’s twitter analytics for that tweet? How can you be so certain hardly anyone saw that? I saw it and I have no idea who she is either.

Making threats of deaths and talking about execution lists would be enough evidence for the police to get involved unless you are some dumb ass leftie who thinks they above the law, which seems to be the case here.

Your mom must be so proud of the way she raised her baby boy by threatening people over the internet while snacking on Little Debbie’s living in a basement bubble.

14614382? ago

When evidence shows that this so called mod is threatening others with death and execution lists, we should deduce this to a nothing burger and not a coincidence when speaking of Jenny Moore?

Does Antifa run this site then?

14557678? ago

Jem didn't die, but she richly deserves to.

14557645? ago

God, I WISH I had something to do with that fake death. Would be hilarious to have seen it all from beginning to end.

14554517? ago

Fuck that cunt. Everyday rants of a drug addict or a juice head. Has no respect for women or pizzagate researchers, what so ever.

14557607? ago

Not only that, they use Saul Alinsky tactics of gaslighting and harrassing researchers like @crensch is doing to ES in the pizzagate thread by tacking it to the top of page 1.

They are breaking the rules they are supposed to be enforcing because rules they made doesnt apply to them.

Don’t just take my word for it, check it out for yourself:


14558571? ago

A few great people were shilled by that piece of shit since Jenny died.

14554581? ago

He is a closet pedo.

14557487? ago

The funny part is this faggot @crensch is still young enough to be trafficked himself.

Not shocking that both him and @srayzie are hiding in their subs pretending no one is pinging them. If this is their way of pleading the fifth, they sound guilty as fuck.

14557890? ago

Dood, he tries to take credit for other’s work like when @crensch said he figured out who NeonRevolt is. I saw him arguing this point against another user who really figured out.

Hell he is so “famous” that redditors think he is a joke and pathetic. How forensic of them to not know is age but peg him for being under 25 on the way he acts through just typing. https://np.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/9i25u0/qultmods_at_pizzagate_forum_claim_that_were_on_a

14581911? ago

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14554165? ago

Notice how the cowards are absent?

14553728? ago

Sorry, Who is Jenny Moore?

14564087? ago

Moore is a George Webb psyop. An emotionally disturbed but probably well meaning ex-cop with PTSD who was manipulated by that Mossad fuck. She never posted any research here on Voat as Jem777, Robin Gritz admitted to never having seen any of the stuff she supposedly had "in a safe place", or even knowing her last name. She claimed she was filing all kinds of legal actions, but never once produced a single document to back that up.

The only thing that is clear is that wherever she went, she sowed discord and caused researchers to fight with each other, fear investigating due to repurcussions, and waste time on wild goose chases. Get a clue, people.

14565689? ago

I'm starting to think George Webb is a psyop or disinfo shill altogether

14593191? ago

You are a bit late to the party...

14566563? ago

I've thought that for a long time.

14557661? ago

None of it is true. There's no evidence that anyone by that name died when and where she supposedly died.

14565668? ago

See this is what I mean. I hate it when we can't even verify what should be basic info.

This reminds me of the guy that supposedly was found dead with his wife and daughter in MN that was making a movie about the Freemasons or Illuminati.

14554023? ago

This is where George Webb announces Jenny aka TaskForce is dead.

Day 47.4. A Requiem For Task Force - Badge Number 106 16,228 views George Webb Streamed live on 13 Aug 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvfPnUm2f30

As I understand, Jenny Moore posted on voat as @Jem777

For the last year, she was George's investigative partner - the other guy in the video is a musician who George broadcasts with - she had her own youtube channel TaskForce106 - I cannoot find her bitchute channel.

OANN Robyn Gritz/Jenny Moore/Taskforce interview 8/20/2018 https://www.bitchute.com/video/k7CNM19XMpo8/

The hope is that it was a faked death in order to protect her [from the Clintons?]

14558304? ago

We can only pray that she is alive.


The police said she had a siezure before her demise. How could anyone possibly know that if she was alone in her room and an autopsy had not been performed yet?

14553510? ago

crensch is the lead troll of v/QRV. He destroyed v/theawakening. See for yourself on v/ProtectVoat.

Him and v/GreatAwakening mods are one.

14558003? ago

Think is also a mod in pizzagate and is the same douchbag NPC as @crensch. He inadvertly told on himself like a fucking dumb ass in the stickyed thread of harrassing a legitmate researcher.

14557668? ago

Proud of the first line.

I'm not /GA, but thanks for your concern

14553392? ago

I would very much like to know his whereabouts in 1990!

14553218? ago

@crensch @srayzi all of them are total pieces of shit. @kevdude is suspect also tons of shitbags infesting voat and keeping the narrative going that this is a rebel safespace where no agents dare to go and build a name for their self.

14553706? ago

@kevdude sent me a pm asking foe dik pics