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jangles ago

kinda like crensch does...

srayzie ago

@Kevdude, I think I figured out why Jangles likes to stir shit up.

JIDF Alert 🇮🇱 @Vindicator @Think-

jangles ago

LMFAO - I always wondered wtf JIDF stood for, I have been accused of working to Stratfor, Media Maters, JIDF. This place make me laugh, I am just a guy. Nothing special about me. No wonder the number of users are diminishing. Yall are fucking chodes.

srayzie ago

🇮🇱 ((( @Jangles ))) 🇮🇱

Busted. Your friend sent me this.

It’s official @Kevdude @Crensch

srayzie ago

😂🤣 You SUCK! You went timReddit to get a lame ass meme like that? You should be embarrassed. Next time, at least something NOT from Reddit,

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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jangles ago

honestly, google image search. Sometimes the source of the content doesn't matter, the presentation of ideas I have put here will sting.

srayzie ago

At least pick something good next time then

SearchVoatBot ago

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