srayzie ago

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Kevdude @Shizy

Am I late to the game? Did any of you know that Amy James, Amy James, and Amy James runs a pizzagate sub? 🤔

Vindicator ago

Did any of you know that Amy James, Amy James, and Amy James runs a pizzagate sub? 🤔

Yes. She created this a month ago, after she suddenly became really active on Voat posting a bunch of threads that didn't satisfy the submission rules, at the same time she made a bunch of alts. It was during the Jem thing.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@Vindicator, you and I both know that the reason I became active was that I was active in the comments section, after you guys systematically came after me with ban warnings (formal ones) when I said you guys were a piece of crap for putting down Jenny Moore days after she died. Your mods took that comment and twisted it into "users blaming you for her death."

Commenting on Voat has been the only thing I was literally allowed to do any more. I haven't been permitted to make posts, so I make them in here if I find something. I'm going to go through and categorize some of the best posts, since it seems that is something that the main forum lacks. It's hard to find what you're looking for especially if you don't know what you're looking for or would want to see. I'm basically the only one here right now. I was tagging ES and Carmencita and CC1914 since those were the only people I ever really chatted with, but CC is now gone and Carmencita hasn't been talking to me, so thanks for calling me a shill. You know very well that's not true.

Shizy ago

Hmm. That's a little strange to have your known alts (which are completely fine to have) as O's. Maybe it's to be able to access the subverse from her other devices? That's the reason she gave for using the alts in the first place. It just looks a little weird to see that.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I created the alts right after my laptop charger died. I have a MacBook. I was accused of being a shill because of that. I don't remember passwords at all. I've had 7 pregnancies .I have baby brain. For this I get attacked. I also added the other alts to the forum, in case I lose access to any of my accounts, which has happened before due to viruses. This forum is where I can post whatever I want without getting banned.

Shizy ago

I'm aware of why you had the alts. You didn't try to hide them and would identify yourself when using them. I didn't agree that you were being called a shill because of it since I always saw you identifying yourself through them and not hiding behind them and then getting outed. I also put in my comment that I suspected you may have included the alts as O's so you could still access your sub, which you have now confirmed. You have every right to do that. I was just agreeing that it seemed weird to see that since the two alts are almost identical. It could look odd to someone who doesn't know the reason, but knowing the reasons behind it, it makes sense.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thanks =) yes, that's my nickname online, ever since I got remarried. Just had to make two different spellings. I like it. That's what counts.

srayzie ago

Yeah probably. But it’s pretty funny. Especially since that retard @Jangles didn’t have a clue and thought I was being mean. 😂

jangles ago

in the same breath you claim I thought you were being mean you call me a retarded. wise one you are not.

srayzie ago

It’s clear we don’t like each other. Why pretend? You’ve called me a bitch. Me thinking yiu aren’t ES doesn’t mean I like you. I didn’t have a problem with you until you started attacking me months ago.

Shizy ago

I thought jangles was ok too until that Jem crap went down. A lot of people showed who they really were then!

jangles ago

@jem777 i now believe died because she wasn't getting her pain meds for her back. She had a seizure from the withdrawals, it is sad. The reason she wasn't getting her medication dates back to her whistleblowing in CA. I was frazzled and did attack you unfairly, I sincerely apologize for calling you thick 'skulled' and the other harsh demeaning things I may have said. I do believe I was partly justified as the allegations am jewish or an alt undermines my contributions. God speed and good will in your efforts to combat the fucks that unite us here.

Shizy ago

Was that meant for me or at @srayzie? I only ask because I don't recall you calling me names, but that could be because I often don't actually read all the comments people send to me. Either way, I didn't know that about her pain meds. I know that is a possible reaction to withdrawal, I just hadn't heard she was on them. That could be a likely cause of her death.

jangles ago

shizy, your the shit! keep up the good

jangles ago

Thanks for putting this together. I want to see this place hold some integrity and it is hard to edge the mods to holding up on their end of the deal of late. The best disinfectant is light.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@jangles, you're all over that thread joking around about how the only thing that they have is accusing each other of being other users.

jangles ago

just a couple memes and I got them all riled up

The detector is picking up a reading...

Crensch encouraging open forum

I thought it was a nice way to share a concern of mine. Classic Jangles smart ass.

srayzie ago

All the mods are the same person 😂

jangles ago

You are thick. You don't get it do you? I have contributed an appreciable amount of time on this forum and currently I perceive the methods of blaming others as alts of others as a sure way to demean an open platform. My intentions are not in ill faith or spirit and are without direction, I believe I have made clear enough case and the continued attacks are a disservice to this entire community.

@srayzie Please don't forget we are on the same team as we are here together putting together a resource of information and assessments of the information with a narrative and prerogative to dismantle the higher echelon's network of exploits and kid fucking.

srayzie ago

Do you mean thick skull?

I’m not accusing her of alts. It’s fact. She even admits it. EffYouJohnPodesta is Amy James.

However YOU implied twice that I was Esoteric. Why? Because I have an opinion that you believe is disinfo? People aren’t allowed to have different opinions here? I didn’t go as far as Jem, thinking the fire was started so they could burn up child sex rings. I presented good evidence to support my beliefs. Yet, you accused me of grooming her. You’re pretty sick.

What was your intentions then? Do you think I don’t contribute? I did on pizzagate for year, and now run my own sub that covers it, as well as all the corruption that goes along with it. So I don’t believe for minute that you intentions are good. You’ve shown me your true character over the last couple of months. Did you have good intentions when you called me a bitch? Oh didn’t accuse me of being Esoteric until you were.

These mods are accused of everything under the sun. It really is a thankless job. They don’t get paid. Means a regular user just like you. They were accused of lies then and they are accused of lies now. Now I know these people and know they are good. Every one of them. When they are accusing someone of being an alt, it isn’t for the fun of it. So then little pricks like you chime in, that don’t know the facts, that don’t know the history, and just blindly start talking shit. All it does is make you look suspicious. You bring things on yourself.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I used to think people attacking mods was totally shill behavior. After the way I was treated starting with Eric 8 weeks ago, I no longer think so. Maybe you and ES are all on the same team, or maybe not. Maybe he's Media Matters, or CIA, or NSA, or whatever. Or maybe he isn't. I don't have the capability of proving or disproving that. I'm done defending other users on this forum, aside from myself.

The only people who can prove his alts would be himself or apparently whoever is admin on this site. I don't want to be lumped in with him but I also don't want to be made a target of any of the Satanic shills who were tagged over onto the post.

Finding this 27 day old thread mocking making death threats against users was a huge slap in the face.

Have a good day.

srayzie ago

I don’t know about a thread mocking making death threats.

jangles ago

I have made my position clear. thanks for what you do, I respect your position yet appeal to you to reconsider the allegations that I am a disinformation shill. kind regards jangles