Free4ever ago

Their BLACK RACIST BITCH was looking for Troy land harassing a PREGNANT WHITE woman. They were leaving the BLACK RACIST BITCH is blocking them from leaving and was harassing and provoking them.

It was the white couple calmly trying to leave the scene who were victimized.

This BLACK RACIST BITCH is lucky to be alive.

She should be arrested!

Obviously looking for a victim hood lawsuit

The couple should not have been arrested or charged for SELF DEFENSE


The BLACK RACIST BITCH was preventing them from leaving.

Provoked more confrontation by standing behind the car so they can’t leave.

Continued to film even with a gun pointed at her face?



ImperialGreaseMonkey ago

How do we contribute to their legal defense since the (((GoFundMe))) was taken down?

surfsup ago

I heard "white bitch" "white" "white"...but I never heard the white couple say "black" and the whites are racist?

CrackerSlant ago

Call the police first to get that on record assuming you have the opportunity, then defend yourself from niggers. Brandishing a firearm is unlawful so pull it when you're ready to shoot.

ScionOfZion ago

Saying "call the police" is racial violence.

ioillusion ago

Imagine being black in America today, constantly having to worry about your crimes being caught on Camera. When will the racism end? We MUST demand that companies invest in technology that "blacks out" the all too common, racist footage of black crimes. Until then, you'll find me screaming anti-Trump slurs into a megaphone, while I loot and set fire to my local Target store - because it's time we blacked out.

Obrez ago

Put these niggers in jail and then in a ditch.

poopscooppp ago

The lady had a child too from the way she was clutching herbelly. Accelerationism in full swing

TL09718 ago

Everyone here needs to get a GoPro (or equivalent). Fuck them and their control of the narrative. Furthermore, our TV replacement ought to be becoming amateur reporters. Blog again. Print again. It's GREAT To Be White.

facereplacer ago

Can this couple counter sue? This would be false imprisonment and arrest against the cops. It would be targeted harassment by the... I mean. Whatever those were.

realmonster ago


CalibanFresco ago

And even if they don't get convicted, they'll get to waste tens of thousands of dollars and potentially years of their lives going through the court system. Conviction matters a bit less when the process itself can be the punishment. In 6 years, they'll possibly be acquitted, and their shekelburg lawyer, with fattened pockets, will say 'My clients are broke, jobless, and vilified forever, but they didn't go to prison. Truly, justice has been served.'

KosherHiveKicker ago

The truth in this video will make so many more Whites wake up to the reality of everyday Niggers.

Fuckyounigger ago

I bet there is a camera in the back of the van too if it’s on the news we’ll know the whites are ducked but if it’s kept hush hush then we know the whites will prevail

uvulectomy ago

Most backup cameras don't record.

Herkules97 ago

Mutliple uses of ignorant and racist, I couldn't take it after less than 50 but more than 40% of the video I think.

At least if I want a reason to shoot myself I'll watch the entire video.

Like listening to my older but not oldest sister, take away any good reason she has for complaining and add in repeating words. I wanted to strangle her and I don't think she was in the wrong every time she opened her mouth.

I'd probably go to prison, but a worse complainer PLUS she's in the wrong? Why even bother, grab the flamethrower and burn that witch.


She acts pregnant, too.

TheKnightOfGod ago

Can you upload directly to Bitchute and avoid JewTube next time?

onetwolefthook ago

"Call the cops"

Ahahahahaha. Great one.

Thyo88 ago

Why on earth do people take their side? Why would they call the cops when they have video of themselves refusing to let them leave? It's ridiculous.

olinneserpona ago

The most annoying thing today is how confident colored people are about behaving obnoxious towards whites. They know whites can't touch them so they're rubbing it in our faces. Little do they seem to know it is institutions and constructs we built who are protecting them and we might tear those down one day.

ThirteenthZodiac ago

colored people

The word you're looking for is "nigger."

Pubiclouse ago

It must have been like a nightmare for the pregnant White lady.

HopelessHaze ago

I feel like Im seeing this video replayed in different new contexts ever day.

ardvarcus ago

Niggers need to die. I'm tired of pretending that they are human. They are animals, and they need to be eliminated.

SearchVoatBot ago

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grantorino43 ago

WHITE woman pulls GUN on BLACK MOTHER and DAUGHTER. This is how media leads the reader to their POV. The words Race, Mother and Daughter should never have been used, but hey.......Jews, amiright?

mattsixteen24 ago

Retarded black lady and her daughter hung up on their race. Hate white people and antagonize white woman and her husband. Blacks are known to be violent. White lady loses her patience and pulls out gun.

Unfortunately the white lady is going to get charged here obviously. I'm not sure what state this is but an unarmed person that gets in your face is not a sufficient reason to pull a gun out on someone. Even the disabled guy in Florida who was shoved to the ground that shot and killed the black guy that pushed him went to jail. The prosecutors will say that the white couple could of drove off.

Unless, possibly they have a really good lawyer and they have a white conservative jury and the lawyer convinces them that with all the animosity against whites that they were fearful they would be killed.. then maybe. Very unlikely though.

mattsixteen24 ago

Everyone is programmed to believe that whites are racist. Including whites. Because of this, most non-whites who experience any kind of negative interaction from a white person will cause them to jump to the conclusion that it was race based.

Anytime blacks accuses you of being racist it's usually because they are racist toward your race. Easiest thing to do is turn it around on them and call them the racist. That will throw them off.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

I was playing frisbee with a group of guys once, this native American kid walked in the flight path of my throw after I had let go, it caught him square in the chin. He literally told me I was racist and "this is what the white man does to my people" those exact words came out of his mouth and he started crying. This was a grown man in his late 20's too. They are brainwashed by the media.

mattsixteen24 ago

I think God may have intentionally wiped out all the native Americans because they are such evil people. They did horrific things. There are native American tribes that are protected under law in parts of the Amazon and they are allowed to practice to their evil beliefs like infanticide where they bury children alive.

The early spanish explorers discovered the natives in the Carribean would sodomize sodomize their prisoners. The native American in the U.S. were not much different. They practiced cannibalism. They would tie their captured enemies to a stake and roast them alive. They would encircle the victim and would run up and slice off parts of the victim's flesh to eat. All these jew movies and disney cartoons try to portray native americans as peaceful people. No, the majority of them were very violent and disgusting. There is a reason they were called savages. There is a video from the 70s that shows a native tribe from the amazon. Some Americans went down their to film them. If you watch the video you will see how disgusting and miserable those wicked people are. That's what these stupid liberals want to protect. Backwards garbage because it's supposedly their "culture".

NotSryForBeingWhite ago



NoisySilence ago

38s in momma bear says: "yea I said it, you say some'in I'll beat yo WHITE ass too." my indoctrination is fading, isn't this considered racist? Imagine the couple yelling something like 'Get away from me, I'll beat you BLACK ass too!'. It would make headlines within the day.

TransAthelete69 ago

That lady wasn't racist, she just got a redpoll, if she isn't racist yet, she will be after CNN invites a leftist mob to kill her for daring to put her life above that of an out of control feral black.

HoodSafari ago

@happymealbullshit rubbed the niggers titts.

drhitler ago

So what is it niggers?

if you hate cops and if you call them you are a snitch or not?

gosso920 ago


I thought joggers wanted to defund the police. ACAB, and all that.

Gimmedatt ago

Unfortunately she'll still get in trouble for brandishing a firearm. Should have waited for them to stand in front and behind the car then just start blasting

Posso_Tutto ago

You're correct. Assault with a deadly weapon. But I believe that the circumstances warrant self protection, especially after the car was hit

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Brandishing is not the same as assault. Totally different charges.

FreeBreivik ago

Shes being charged with felonious assault.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

I saw that, fucking clown world. We should all pay attention to this case and not let it get memory holed

areyoumygaffer ago

What what a bigger load of bullshit :

"proportional" -- if you are assaulted you can punch back but not use deadly force... what? if someone is in my home to hurt my family they are gonna get shot.

areyoumygaffer ago

"white woman"

"Black woman"

"traumatized her family"

bullshit dude. why is it "i'm gonna beat yo wyt azz" is acceptable but defending yourself isn't?

Now next, the sheboon would have gotten violent, shot, died, then it would be JUSTICE FOR DARNESHALYZZA and "KKKKaren must die!"

fucking bullshit man. Total bullshit. that dumb nigger tried to get herself run over so she could claim victimhood. she tried to get herself shot too.

ChimpEvader ago

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Holy shit. He is blatantly lying or just copied what he saw on someone's post. This is like a game of telephone. Honk fucking honk

ChimpEvader ago

They are all in on it. Massive campaign. "First, the white woman bumped into Takelia Hill’s teenage daughter. Then, she seemed to try to hit the black Michigan mother with her minivan." The journalist has not retracted despite knowing what really happened.

areyoumygaffer ago

Tariq nasheed is a known "race baiter". this kind of shit is what that nigger does.

masterone ago

These phones are weapons. I swear If I'm in public and I get into any sort of confrontation, the first thing I'm doing is grabbing that phone and smashing it, throwing it in water or whatever I need to do.
I'm not getting into legal issue for some bullshit "brandishing" or being socially lynched by a mob online, which could impact me and my families safety and job.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

What if there are a bunch of people filming though? It's better to just shut up, film them yourself as well, and get the fuck out of there immediately.

masterone ago

yeah I guess thats true.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

If you avoid eye contact, literally say zero words and immediately leave (assuming they are not physically blocking you) their video is pretty much useless to the twitter mob.

AlxCapwn ago

FYI, the police also arrested her. You can find pictures of this “vile racist” being taken away in handcuffs. Don’t worry though. You’ll probably be treated fairly when the mob comes for you.

tankingwrong ago

war when

dadudemon1 ago

So did the mom quickly walk behind the van as they tried to pull away? I could not see what happened when they got in the van and when the gun lady got out and pulled the gun.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

That is what I saw. The van tried to back out before the chimpout was finished (dizrespekvul) and so the mom ran behind the van to further escalate the situation.

dadudemon1 ago

A friend of mine confirmed the same narrative as you (I am stupid or something because I can't tell) so thanks for verifying for me. I appreciate it. Stay safe, brother!

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Anyone notice the rise in videos showing white people defending themselves with guns? Notice any trends? Very few videos of anyone actually firing.

ChimpEvader ago

superspathi ago

Everything they say is an obvious lie. They claim to be afraid of cop brutality, and then scream pig in cop's faces while throwing projectiles at them. That's not the behavior of one concerned about killer cops.

Same with is woman. You're scared that a racist white woman is pointing a gun at you? I can really feel the terror when you continue to antagonize the person pointing a gun. The nigger was supremely confident in her safety because despite having a gun in her face her turd colored skin gives her ALL the power in this situation.

Fuck the USA. Stick a fork in it

LargePeter ago

Why were they mad at the white woman?

MrEvilPirate ago

Apparently she bumped into the niglet. Most likely Nigley walked into her and hard shouldered her or something, trying to incite. Best case scenario it was an honest mistake. Worse case this shit was intentional escalation.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

The daughter is a land whale, she probably did accidentally bump her while trying to pass her on a human sized sidewalk.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Link to the edited video? I'd like to see what changes were made.

POTUShasnoballs ago

Escalating racial tensions is a bad thing? Do you want to keep passing this down the road and keep kicking the can and tell we’re completely out numbered and have no option to fight back?

I pray that the battle happens in my life so that my children will not have to

throwaway6000000 ago

My neighbour who is a sand nigger walked RIGHT behind my car as I was backing up and slapped my hood. So I hit him accidentally. Jumped out and said "why the fuck would you walk behind a moving car you fucking nigger?" I've been calling him a nigger ever since. Yesterday I was out and niggers kept standing in the street. I called all of them niggers. I'm 100% done.

Rockfish1000 ago

It's like the niggers cried out in pain as they struck. I wonder (((where))) they learned that from.

blackguard19 ago

So much chimping. But they should have left immediately. There’s no point of lingering behind to try to reason with apes and cucking (“I’m not racist”)

If they didn’t give a shit about being called racist they could have just left at first. But no, they have to cuck.

And she shouldn’t have raised the gun. There was no immediate physical threat.

TJFash ago

The bitch got behind her car and then started hitting the car, they tried to leave, nigger was trying to cause a scene

HiJoker ago

Those nigger bitches have spent their whole lives training for this kind of shit. They were sure to get their license plates after they assaulted them so that they could sick their nigger terrorist traitor mob on them. They run their nigger mouths in your face and they start shit anyway they can so they can play the nigger victim card. If they die, they know they advance the nigger cause.

They've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

NoseSubversion ago

I’m not seeing this on any MSM. Anybody got links? Pretty sure the only people this will piss off are white people and I think that’s why it’s not in the MSM.

ChimpEvader ago "seemed to try to hit the woman with the minivan"

Twitter is having a field day with it. Give it time, it will clutter your feed soon. You can search for "Chipotle gun woman" "Chipotle parking lot gun" etc..

Tuftedtitmouse ago

How can anyone possibly see the video and think that's what happened? Mom ran behind the van and the driver slammed on the brakes immediately.

mfquesodindunuffin ago

She had a pretty good stance as well.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

She needed to have a bullet chambered already.

mfquesodindunuffin ago

Ideally yes.

SaxonWolfcock ago

I felt for her though. Those stupid niggers didnt immediately leave when she whipped out the gun. You could tell she really didnt want to have to shoot them. The media is pumping these baboons full of so much rage they looked about dumb enough to walk down her gun.

I am glad she didnt have to fire- not because of the niggers safety(deserved to be shot immediately) but for her sanity and stress levels having to go through a court system designed to persecute white people.

FreeBreivik ago

I hate to break this to you but she's in jail facing charges of felonious assault.

Moln0014 ago

Looks like the niggers wanted to be target practice

HoodSafari ago

Shoot that chigga.

NeuterScootr ago

The reason civil discourse and common interactions were so polite in the past was because we believed in a sort of "Non-Aggression Pact" between people.

Phrases like "Talk shit get hit" and "Fuck around and find out" solidified the idea that if you go out of your way to mess with someone, you are almost guaranteed to get fucked up. The man saying "who do you think you are?" really nails it, these people are way in over their heads.

CHeritageP ago

The man saying "who do you think you are?" really nails it

It reminds me of the biker saying "take your participation trophy and go home".

I'm a giant and it reminds me every time of some young kid coming up and punching my quads/thighs. I don't really care until the fists start getting closer towards my balls. I know the second I want too I can fling him against the wall or grab him by the legs and hulk smash him and the only reason he behaves like that is because of my restraint.

Its the same thing.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Someday soon, some white person is going to shoot one of these filthy fucking niggers right in the face and show ZERO remorse for doing it.

A hero that will be martyred.

Fuck these niggers and their jew masters. They all deserve to die.

network_guy ago

And by admission of the nigger at the beginning, this started because the lady "bumped into a 15 year old"

Literally-Oppressed ago

I super doubt that it was on purpose. This lady didn't want a confrontation.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Because they bumped into one of them? They planned this, otherwise why record? Agent provocateurs and puppets on a string of (((their))) making.

throwaway6000000 ago

I have to bump niggers out of the way all the time. You need to say shit like "get out of the way". If they start screaming don't even acknowledge them. If they hit you, kill them.

minx88 ago

if there is a groups of them and a lot of knickers are now forming in groups because they have no job because they’re retarded or they do that to intimidate and they attack women and children and elderly now in groups they hit you from behind they sucker punch you or they try to cause arguments in order to inside you to attack them and then they use victimhood immediately as a weapon and that’s where you tell them that they will go to jail for intimidation and inciting violence knickers are ugly jealous monkeys and they will never stop being jealous or using victimhood the same goes For the Jew and the MuslimBecause they are the same shit

throwaway6000000 ago

You should learn to use punctuation mate. Just trying to help.

minx88 ago

if Nager‘s try to pay play a power struggle or try to use victimhood which they do they use it as a weapon you tell them that you’re going to press charges and get them in jail you don’t let a rabid monkey or a rabid rat try to intimidate you intimidation is illegal and you tell them that harassment and intimidation is illegal you take a photo of them you put the photo everywhere you get them fired

SuperToes845 ago

Have you spent any time around niggers? The 'bump' is one of their main methods of confrontation.

"Oh you just bumped into me?? (meanwhile they're the ones who bumped) Why you gotta disrespect me!??" (reminder: they did the bumping).

The nigger then uses this 'disrespecting' as an excuse to physically hurt the other.

No doubt in this scenario the daughter purposefully blocked the white woman from getting in her car and left the woman no choice but to move her out of her way either by a slight bump or a minor push with her arm. That was all the sheboons needed to go apeshit.

minx88 ago

yeah we just seen a bunch of knickers and Muslim Nager‘s with their head scarves that they need to hang themselves with or be hung with they attack people when they’re alone don’t get caught alone with these knickers because they always travel in packs if they’re alone they won’t do anything because they’re scared but that’s why they always travel in packs and then they kick and abuse and they record it in the humiliation because it is a war of power struggle and they are the fucking deformed and ugly and therefore always psychotically jealous. White men and women need to not put up with this fucking cockroaches we need to know our rights and you need to call the cops on any of these Knigge’s that are traveling in groups of two or more because they do not want to have tea they want to cause illegal assault and grievous bodily harm that is what they will always intend to do and they were always cry victim it is used as a weapon.
The fact that they use it as a weapon means that they have to not even use victimhood because it is illegal threat to bump into somebody on purpose While the blacks are in a group. which is assault ive intimidation n illegal harassment

minx88 ago

Knickers do that on purpose they stand in front of your car or they try to take some thing from you or they start yelling at you in order to incite you to play victimhood in order to cause violence victim hood is a weapon for them that they use because they are fucking ugly jealous clinically retarded baboons

minx88 ago

Did you use his victimhood there for the black uses victimhood because they are the same orangutan so the blacks constantly use words like needing respect which they don’t deserve because they don’t give it they constantly use the word racist because that you taught them that because they are the slave of the Jew they are jealous ass ugly monkeys therefore they will always be violent and using victimhood to an act of violence

minx88 ago

The Nager in the Muslim and that you are the same orangutan only did you is lighter skin because they made it with whites centuries ago in order to use that to their benefit to backstab

WD_Pelley ago

The 'bump' is one of their main methods of confrontation.

This happened post-WWII in Detroit before the civil rights movement. They'd "accidentally" bump into White people into the streets off of the sidewalks as a passive aggressive way of protesting. They are always looking to be offended.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Honestly I avoid them. Where I live there aren’t many although Californians are moving here in force so there have been more in my...I guess you could call it city center. I typically do any grocery shopping after 1900. Some online shopping, mostly ammo lately. I can share links to some cheap ammo if there is interest. 1000 rds 62 grain .556/223 for ~$350-400.

Tracking on the planting...but they influence them in a ‘long con’ sorta way through toxic music, lifestyles, and addiction to unnecessary expectations of ‘respect’ that they believe they’re owed. It’s always opposite day with niggers. Their existence I’ve found is overwhelmingly to be a nuisance to anybody that’s not them.

minx88 ago

Everybody has to boycott Amazon because he is a crooked eye Synagogue of Satan Jew who funds those Orangutans to come here

yt4cz9 ago

I'll take the ammo links.

SuperToes845 ago

Sorry to hear about your Californian influx. They're a menace. Yeah please dm me the links for the ammo.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

I will, I’ve got them on my laptop. I’m phonefagging right now at work. Couple hours check it.

RoBatten ago

I feel bad for that husband and wife. She's probably going to jail. Not sure what state this was in, but you can't use deadly force against someone who is unarmed. I carry pepper spray for these assholes. A shot of 1.3% pepper spray FIRE in its face would have "deescalated" the situation and they would have left and probably not charged, at the very least not with deadly force. Carry pepper spray. Have insurance. I have USCCA. Call them, they arrange bail and an attorney, and defend in civil court. Yea, you're getting sued too . . .

CmdrRockwell ago

HOLY FUCK they are charging her with felony assault!!!


ChimpEvader ago

Thank you that's great advice.

CmdrRockwell ago

you can't use deadly force against someone who is unarmed.

she didn't use deadly force though. she de-escalated the situation with the threat of deadly force after being threatened verbally and having her vehicle assaulted.

these nogs didn't understand an apology. they didn't understand de-escalation. they didn't understand backing away. they didn't understand letting go. they barely even understood the gun being pointed at them as the younger nog had to yell at her mother to stop fucking walking toward her.

if she is forced to pay a fine and doesn't have her weapon returned to her (she was arrested briefly, had her gun taken, and released), then that's fucked cause she was in the right here in this situation.

StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago



Special_Que ago

Why would you even engage these animals? If you're not doing to fight or defend yourself. Get in your car and drive away. If they still block you make some road bumps.

Special_Que ago

Never mind. Should have started blasting. No jury in the country would convict a pregnant woman.

UberMenschen ago

It was said by someone other than myself, but it is so true:

"The demand for racists far outweighs supply."

TerraKell ago

downloaded and saved to my hd using youtube-dl gui in linux

easy peasy install in mxlinux using synaptic package manager

ChimpEvader ago

I've always wanted to learn how to use Github but it looks really complicated because they are just files and they assume you know what to do with them. What would I have to learn / read or watch to learn how to use it?

TheNewOne ago

I fucking hate niggers

Radical_white_gamer ago

Look at how the two black women act. They act in a manner that would be considered completely unacceptable behavior to anyone that had a different skin color. How are police supposed to deal with these people every day when society just allows them to act like this with no repercussions and no other expectations from them? Fucking unreal, they literally want to be victims, they want to be shot, it's insanity.

minx88 ago

simply you don’t allow them to get away with it if anybody sees groups of Nager‘s you call the cops you call the shop or any place and you tell other people to call because there’s blocks they don’t want to be civilized they cannot be civilized they are not there to to have tea and biscuits they are there to make crimes of harassing people or stealing things therefore anybody that they see blacks and Muslims in groups and Jews with a big noses you have to call the cops more people have to be proactiver

I don’t take that shit you see a lot of people doing a Karen thing and calling the cops on these blacks and the first thing they do when they see that they’re not gonna get away with shit is play victim well that victimhood shit is used as a weapon they use victimhood as a weapon and you have to tell them say look you’re not gonna use you’re not gonna play the victim because that means that you are intent to harm which means that you are a legal it’s called intimidation victimhood is used by the Jewish Muslim Nager as a form of intimidation They are trying to get away with harassing people which is illegal so you can tell them that if they try to use victimhood that is illegal intimidation and harassment it’s time for white people to know the laws and no the rates I know the psychological war tactics of the Jew Muslim Nager and to get them arrested for these crimes

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Blacks are not humans. They are feral wild apes, and letting them inside of civilized soceity was a huge mistake.

Aclownsmanifesto ago

Its true, slavery was a mistake but only because they werent sent back

minx88 ago

The only people that we’re doing slavery

Is the is the Jew n muslim.

Muslims had blacks and whites as slaves throughout history month the Muslim still have blacks as slaves in Libya and on internet

It was the Jew who had it was the Jew who had the blacks as slaves in Africa first and they brought them over on their ZHU boats and they were the ones that had them as slaves in America there were no whites that had to blacks as slaves Does Jewish look white because they mix with whites but they are not white they are Jewish and blacks are too stupid to know the difference even though Jews have big fucking big massive noses

Oh and the Jews had white slaves including the Irish and the Eastern Europe and still do

As well as it was the Jews had that had American Indians and slaves oh and by the way

The American Indians are not innocent they had each other as slaves they were very violent that’s why they call them savages in the 18 century and American Indians were violently scalping people

They were not innocent they were raping and scalping people!!!!!!

That’s why the Jews want to indoctrinate your children they don’t want you to know the truth

minx88 ago

There is no whites that had black slaves it was the Jews Jewish people that look white but they are not white they’re Jewish they had them as slaves in Africa and then brought them here on the Jewish boats and then have them as slaves if blacks want reparations they can with the Jews go back to Africa and get the reparations from the Jews

Smallest_Skil ago

some might say they act like monkeys.

minx88 ago

Yes because they are monkeys they behave like them they smell like them they talk like them because they have a smaller brain and a retard level IQ therefore they cannot form full words that’s why they use slang they also smash up shops like monkeys they steal like nonkeys do. they jump on cars like monkeys do. they throw Cc like monkeys do like the blacks have done and the black Muslims oh and half of Africa blacks are Muslim so you can never tell which are all the Arabs blacks throw rocks and fireworks the the blocks and black Muslims have been throwing feces on the Spanish Porter and in Calais and in greece Therefore they prove that they are monkeys

And what’s more they travel in groups like monkeys and we need to laugh at them and you need to call the cops on them if you see any blacks and Muslims or black Muslims in groups because the intent to harm they have no intention to have tea with you then it is intent to harm and to intimidate there for their legal if they hang out in groups . And people need to call the cops when they see groups of Nager’s more than two You called the shop or the business where they’re hanging around and tell them that they are attacking people I’m planning to stealthe shop and the shop will call the cops

Smallest_Skil ago

"lemme ax ya sumtin. suck ma dik" - an intelligent negro

minx88 ago

Blacks are monkeys they have a small skull a small brain they fight like monkeys they steal like monkeys they throw their own feces like monkeys they are monkeys.

If they didn’t want to be called monkeys then they shouldn’t behave like that but they’re too retarded to understand that

Smallest_Skil ago

it truly is a shame that they are ruining our societies. Without whites having to support those fuckers there would be little crime, low taxes, and the national debt would be quite sad.

TheNewOne ago

Then we must oblige them.

Sanpa33 ago

I can't deal with nigger babble. God bless the boys in blue who can. Compare her textbook stance and the way she handled the situation with the woman in St. Louis who was waving her gun around at the protesters. Unlike the St. Louis woman, she actually looks like she practices shooting the gun. Also, she backed up while giving clear,verbal warnings. That's what they teach in CCW.

noob_tube ago

The boys in blue who confiscated the white woman's gun? Keep licking those boots, cuck.

uvulectomy ago

All this hatred you spew for cops... Wonder if it's because your type tends to run afoul of LEO's. Perhaps thou doth protest too much?

noob_tube ago

The cops are trafficking humans.

Did you know the FBI admits to being the largest child porn distributor in the world?

Literally-Oppressed ago

I hear that if you lick long enough, there's a raspberry center!

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Very soon, someone is going to shoot one of these niggers right in the face, and they will become a martyr for all white people to stand up and defend themselves from these genocidal anti-white subhumans. I can't wait.

FreeBreivik ago

Watch this case very closely. I if this lady ends up going to jail for 15-20 years, then next victim of black aggression might decide to just shoot them all and destroy their camera phones.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Yup. Pretty much.

Anarcho-tyranny always has just one outcome. Unbridled violence.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Yet if you use the word nigger on certain other free-speech forums you get banned for inflaming racial tensions. For all it's warts I love VOAT.

FigMeadNinjaLeopard ago

"free speech forums"..."banned." 🤔 Hmmm

Killnigs3 ago



Wowbagger ago

How do we watch these sorts of things and not have our hearts broken?

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

I'm not heatbroken here. This is a white pill. This is one of the few who is willing to stand up.

ChimpEvader ago

What do you mean by "heart broken" as in what sense or what part of the video made you feel that way?

Wowbagger ago

I feel terrible for the victim of that ape's aggression and that she will be punished for defending herself with incredible restraint. I also feel terrible that what could have at least been a happily lived life of mediocrity is being spent seething with rage against anybody who isn't as dark skinned and mediocre as she is. One person showed her best quality in a circumstance that should never have happened and the other "person" is unaware of how programmed for arbitrary hate she is. It's upsetting to watch such a dumb and unnecessary conflict.

klobos ago

White people need to realize that you can't talk/discuss/argue with below gorilla IQ levels.

minx88 ago

That’s right you said it exactly correct

minx88 ago

Exactly well said

PorchMonkeyJackson ago

Yes, but we refer to gorillas as "great" apes. Nigs are just apes.

FigMeadNinjaLeopard ago

Skunk apes, although that might be offensive to Bigfoot.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

That's a jew.

Hoboritler ago

Inflame racial tensions? Wtf are you smoking? YOU ARE IN A RACE WAR WHITE MAN. START ACTING LIKE IT.

ChimpEvader ago

It's not for the niggers that I do this. I'm doing it for us! We can't have these apes going full South Africa because that would ignite a full on civil war. One that will usher in martial law, probably UN boots on the ground, many of us will go into camps, get vaxed, chipped, usher in the NWO currency and enslavement of the world.

The ignorant nog is the catalyst to them accomplishing their plan. Which is why IMO we should work toward keeping them at bay at least until we can secure another 4 years. Anything but Biden!

Hoboritler ago

It just doesn't seem to me that the media is provoking a race war. Niggers own behavior is doing that.

Burn-my-eyes ago

It's coming. If these fucks dont get showed their place this shit will be even more brazen.

Phonygoy ago

Thanks Obama, giving them all phones has somehow managed the impossible task of making nogs even more annoying than before.

uvulectomy ago

Dey gon feeyum dat wit dey sail foams!

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Haha feeyum. I love it.

uvulectomy ago

Trying to type in noglish is migraine inducing, so I'm happy someone got a chuckle out of it and my suffering wasn't in vain, heh.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Yep, I know, I have to sound it out verbally as I type it.

HoodSafari ago

Listen to this black hens squawking.

slowcrash101 ago

They're sobbing because they didn't get to chimp out like they wanted.

Wowbagger ago

Hens produce something useful, don't insult them by the comparison to that waste of space.

HoodSafari ago

Lick my taint son

Pubiclouse ago

He's right you know. Still have an obligatory upgoat for standing up and telling him to lick your taint LMAO

HappyMealBullshit ago

This has absolutely nothing to do with politics, but a worthless attention seeking faggot from reddit wouldnt notice such a minor detail. Just keep spamming your worthless bullshit anywhere you can take a dump.

PepeFarmRemembers ago

Fuck off with your bullshit Bullshit. This is very obviously political you twerp. Fuck off with your fuck off niggerfaggot.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Desperate for attention. Desperate for approval. Desperate to try and forget that you have no balls and flee when confronted. Reddit fags 2020!

uvulectomy ago

Crying about unrelated bullshit in every thread. Are you SaneGoat?

HappyMealBullshit ago

Keep pretending youre a voat faggot. Not fooling anyone.

Youre wearing the mark of the shithole you come from.

uvulectomy ago

Wait, no.....that style is reminiscent of DeplorablePoetry. I guess this is your "fuck redditors" alt instead of your usual "die pig die" persona.

And if you wanna play the seniority game.....I was here well before your poser ass was. Now take the dildo out of your mouth and run along.

ChimpEvader ago

So you don't consider top trending racial tension events in the US political? Hmm... never really thought about it like that but thanks for the feedback.

puggy ago

classic chimpout

PorchMonkeyJackson ago


puggy ago


StBlops2cel_is_Lord ago



PorchMonkeyJackson ago

WHY DA AMBALAMPS AINT COMIN? Dey scared of bullets fired by a BLACK man?

HeavyBrain ago

dials 9-1-1

"This number has been abolished on popular wish"

"Ey yo whs dis shiiieet them whiteis don't wan to send tha popo cuz we a blak, dis rcisms"

MrPim ago

we defunded the police...sheeit

DigitalMenace ago

jewer ago

Slightly Higher resolution version is here on :

10 Megabytes vs 7.2 megabytes version

WD_Pelley ago

"She's ig-nerrnt!"

"Do something!"

all this gaslighting

playing the victim

Yup, my blood is boiling.

minx88 ago

Exactly did you Muslim and Nager use victimhood and blame shifting like this colonialism even though they are now trying to colonize and they will use that as an excuse to do that to justify it this is manipulation that the Jew trains there a cockroach and ape to do these are war tactics of the synagogue of Satan and there demonic Subhumans

They also use gaslighting and confusion like controlled opposition to pretend to be on our side but they’re not they’re still back stabbers but their favorite is guilt tripping and victimhood which they use as an excuse to commit illegal violence against you while they cry out

HeebyKneegrow ago

There's a lot of cool black people out there who see this and feel the same way. They know the people in this video are full of shit and acting like 100% nigger stereotype.

Unfortunately there's a lot of dumb white people who just see Black skin and automatically assume the negroids were victims, everytime.

These people in the video? When I complain about black people this is exactly the type of person I'm complaining about.

Shit, one of the family members of these people is on Twitter talking about how they still are the victims

minx88 ago

No there is no cool Black people white people need to get that through their head quickly before they lose it

Even if there’s some blacks that are in Barris by their own people it is a guarantee that when it comes down to it the blacks will stick with each other because of their fucking ugly and psychotically jealous like the Jew and the Muslim of whites For the Jew Muslim Nager they are never to be trusted

Also the blacks who are Christian will still be jealous of white people I will when it comes down to it stick with their own kind against whites and never forget

half of Nager’s are Muslim i in Africa and they will stab you in the back



WD_Pelley ago

There's a lot of cool black people out there who see this and feel the same way.

I get that but I don't care. I'm done with them 100%.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

There's a lot of cool black people out there who see this and feel the same way.

I'd expect most black people know what she's doing. Hell, a lot of the liberals that support her know it. But they support it anyway because diversity and inclusion. They know she's acting like an animal, they know she's trying to race-bait and get a rise out of it, and they still support it and think that's a good thing.

Heer_me_roar ago

Yeah, I work out with a half-black guy who sees shit like this and understands why people are “racist”.


He still has to go. Sympathy is for women

Killnigs3 ago

Well whaddayaknow its time to KILL ALL NIGGERS :)

WD_Pelley ago

In Minecraft of course.

PepeFarmRemembers ago

Thank you!

DigitalMenace ago


TexasVet ago


FightingTheDarkArts ago

They put the chopped up version on World Star and blacks still weren't buying it.

HeavyBrain ago

But libhsits were.

All she had to say is "I am on your side" and they would left her alone.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

She did. She said "I care about you, I'm sorry". Nothing you say or do will deescalate a chimpout. Just shut up, film and leave asap

minx88 ago

The white liberals need to wake up these Knigge’s will always stand them in the back guaranteed no matter what you cannot relate or debate or have any telogen conversation with primates with 70 and under IQ which is clinical retardation and they are deformed ugly psychotically jealous And therefore they will always be violent and always be back stabbers you can I have Black people as friends they will always backstab people need to wake up from that fat fucking quickly now because also half of black Africa is Muslim and they will literally stab you in the fucking back they are demonic cockroaches.No matter what you say to these Nager’s they don’t care they’re still going to kill you especially if they’re in a group and I always travel in groups because they are physically feeble and or mentally feeble

minx88 ago

Exactly you cannot have a rational conversation with 850 IQ clinical retard orangutan they cannot comprehend you they will just be violent more so if they are in a group

The Nager’s that get jobs as judges in politics or his doctors are still clinically retarded is that you that got them into University and is that you that got them a job and keeps them in that job even though the Nager is still committing crimes in that job because they are clinically retarded

HeavyBrain ago

Thats the point, if you give in to them, if you don't chimp back they see it a weakness.

throwaway6000000 ago

She did say that

jewer ago

MEDIA (((libshits))) spread lies against Whites, daily on TV :

Jews own and control 90% of media :

minx88 ago

Whites are making their own platforms and we know who the crypto’s are and how they react they can live through their teeth but we can detect them because they expose themselves with their multicultural hypocritical discrimination

lipids ago


Carpools ago

We have seen what the communists have created with their useful idiot zombies.. They told them that racists deserve to die, and that racists are whoever they say they are. So for the last few years, there have been many instances of black people assaulting others, and then claiming their victims were racist. The response the entire time should have been; "So?".

It's not illegal to be racist. It's not illegal to use racial slurs (and if it was, how many black people would not be in prison?).

It is illegal and unlawful to violate the rights of the individual.

The child in this video knew enough to tell her insane mom to back off. She knew that much. The insane woman stood in front of a woman with a gun to record it, because she has been told that this white persons existence is offensive, and that makes her racist. This racist now pulled a gun to allow her to get away with her racism, and she was going to document it.

At any point will she realize that the lady should have pulled the gun, and perhaps should have pulled the trigger at some point (unclear from what I could tell), and the only one who did anything criminal was herself blocking her path.

The right thing to do in any altercation is withdraw. Whether you have a gun, or the other has a gun, or both have a gun, or neither has a gun.. the fact that this lady with the gun attempted to leave the whole time, and had to backup to keep these aggressors in front of her, is a ridiculous sign. She did the right thing, but she could have easily fired. The fact that the unarmed people didn't withdraw before, during, or after, is a really horrible sign. It means their brains have been broken. They're completely out of touch with reality. Anyone who shills the false narrative that they did anything right in that video, and weren't incredibly lucky to be dealing with this white couple who should tremendous restraint, is attempting to do what Charles Manson thought he could do.. incite a race war, and commit genocide.

Ihateyuppies ago

Just say Jews you aren't on reddit anymore faggot.

minx88 ago

jews Discriminate against non-Jews that’s called anti-Gentiles in and loxism

Which is discrimination against whites so we need Do you have more white judges and more white lawyers and get the jew Judges names and addresses and do lawyers and to please and get them disrobed and disbarred because they are going against the constitution and against their oath which means that they are criminals OK they are Jews are criminals always have been like the mafia were Jews I’m not Italians and people need to start taking legal action against the Jew who are discriminatory against gentile their anti-gentlest anytime they use is bullshit word anti-Semite that is actually hypocrite Discrimination against gentile.

Did you Muslim and black use victimhood as a weapon and people have to laugh at them when they use this word racist or anti-Semite we have to point out their hypocrisy every single time we have to not be bullied or intimidated by these Third World parasites Because what they’re using is psychological war tactics and we have to call them out on it and retaliate and we have to sue them for illegal threats of intent to harm and grievous bodily harm and defamation of character if they try to use victimhood to harm us spread word quickly why people need to know their rights.And white people need to know what did you looks like so they can point them out we also have to put photos of did you black Nager everywhere and not allow them to into our shops not higher than and not go into any shops that are owned by Jews or were they are blacks working there and get them fired

Carpools ago

I'm not stupid enough to fall for the communist tricks, and blame a demographic that includes non-communists alike.

If you insist on being the communists' useful idiot, go right ahead. Be loud and proud of your allegiances so we know who to get rid of.

dundundunnnnn ago

Even if a Jew rejects Communism, they are still ZIONISTS.

International Jew vs. National Jew

You fail to see the big picture.

Carpools ago

You fail to see their poison. You are their tool, or "useful idiot", providing them an attack vector to genocide you and yours.

dundundunnnnn ago

I'll take the risk.

Ihateyuppies ago

They are called goyim fuck face. They are to blame as well.

SaxonWolfcock ago

you refuse to name the enemy???

I half thought you were reasonable reading your posts in this thread and yet here you are pushing the myth of the "good jew"

Carpools ago

Not all Jews are communists, and not all communists are Jews.

You know it, I know it, and everyone knows it.

Claiming any demographic is entirely evil is communist divide & conquer bullshit.

SaxonWolfcock ago

All jews are evil. Period.

Carpools ago

Tell the world! Don't be shy, commie.

SaxonWolfcock ago

Good luck pushing the good jew myth around here kike....Weve gone through this a million times. It isnt going to work.

Carpools ago

SaxonWolfcock: Good luck pushing the good jew myth around here kike....Weve gone through this a million times. It isnt going to work.

No luck to you, communist. Unless you truly don't realize what you're doing, and are just the zombie of another... in which case, good luck figuring life out quickly before we purge this/you disease.

ShackelfordRusty ago

Maybe it's not that simple.

Ihateyuppies ago

It is Shlomo.

slwsnowman40 ago

The fact that the unarmed people didn't withdraw before, during, or after, is a really horrible sign. It means their brains have been broken. They're completely out of touch with reality.

Their brains haven't been broken. Their brains were/are always broken. The only reality they know and understand is now.

Carpools ago

Name a time before Trump that what I described would have happened in the United States.

I get that it has been this way for a long time in South Africa where the communists have been more successful, but they've only gotten desperate in the US since they lost the White House, and have picked up the pace.

Despite Obama's race baiting, this wouldn't have happened like this even then. There were probably exceptions, but this is the new rule.

The intention is to convince people that white people are inherently flawed, inferior, racist, dangerous. There have been people pushing this for a long time, but in masse, it hasn't been as accepted until now (or at least it hasn't seemed that way until the internet was weaponized to get everyone to see what they want us each to see).

slwsnowman40 ago

No, its always been like this. I was born and raised in Maryland; Baltimore was always a shithole once you got away from the tourist areas downtown (near the stadiums) same for DC. I've been to Orlando, Tampa, Miami - same things happened there. Philly, Pittsburgh - same. Various parts of NJ as my extended family moved around. After I graduated, my parents moved to Kentucky, I can add Richmond, Louisville and Lexington to that list of same shit happened. I can add Cincinnati to this list and I haven't been there. I've been in Commiefornia since 2001, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Seal Beach, San Diego, Oceanside, San Clemente - the same shit. The last 30 years, because that's how long I've been paying attention, it has been the same shit - "He dindu nuffin! He a gud boi...goin ta skool ta mak dat papa! Da copz out ta git em!"

The niggers have always claimed racism, it hasn't changed, and it won't change. The only thing that's changed is how often these events are reported because how lazy MSM have become that all they do is search social media for shit that will get them eyeballs and clicks.

Carpools ago

You're missing my point. Until recently, belligerent people, bigoted or not, would only attempt to pick a fight so long. When the guns came out, they didn't record what they were doing wrong because they completely believed that they were superior to the white people who shouldn't exist, and have no right to defend themselves.

I'm telling you, this is something new. These people have fallen for the communist tricks, and have been divided against us. They don't have a sound relationship with reality.

slwsnowman40 ago

And I'm telling you none of that is new. The new is it gets uploaded to social media and the MSM chops it up and runs with it as it advances their goal(s). What used to happen is they go for the weapon pointed at them and they'd get shot (the Arbery incident). For most, the camera and social media are their chosen weapon now. Here's all the proof needed -

Carpools ago

You are not getting my point.

he new is it gets uploaded to social media and the MSM chops it up and runs with it as it advances their goal(s)

Yes, which is how the communists achieve this new disease/faith that I'm referring to, that was not ubiquitous before.

There is no way that this would have gone down this way in the United States a decade ago, and no one would expect it to.

The guys who were attacked by Armed Robbery, and this couple, will be burned to continue to teach the useful idiots that white people are evil, and have no right to defend themselves. How many times have cops done much worse, and gotten away with it, abusing/killing any people, including blacks?

We all knew the cops were going to be declared not guilty, and end up with a paid vacation, no matter how much evidence there was that they were abusive, and escalated and killed people unnecessarily.

Now black people could record hunting a white cop, describe how they're going to go murder an evil white cop, record/stream live their attack, and if a white officer managed to defend himself and survive, there are a significant amount of people who would believe, and expect the officer to pay for his arrogance/whiteness. If the black assailants tortured and murdered a cop, there are many who would expect them to not be held accountable, and who would speak up on their behalf, and condemn the white officer for his white/officer-ness.

Whatever you think about how it always been, it is getting worse. You may have been tuned into the particularly deranged before, but now a black man can get himself killed trying to rape/murder, and people go out in force to "cancel" the defender, and they want blood.

That is new.

slwsnowman40 ago

I don't understand how you can say this is new. This has been happening since the 90s. Wherever "it's dey culcha" is pushed and accepted, this has been happening. I don't think it is getting worse, I think we are just seeing more of it because the MSM is lazy and running stories that gets eyeballs and clicks.

Carpools ago

5 years or more ago, if we all heard that a cop, or some cops, killed a black man, we would all assume that the only reason we were hearing about it is because it was yet another example of cops being criminal. We would all expect them to get a paid vacation.

Nowadays we could see a video of a white cop get attacked by several black men who tell the camera they intend to go kill him, and then go to his house and rape his wife and kids, and if the cop managed to defend himself, the social media outlets would be abuzz with insane people calling for this individual cop's head, and all cops, and all white people, and all men.

It is a combination of a push toward narcissism that ran into the censorship, and echo chamber, telling insane children throwing a tantrum that they were right, and not alone.

The communists were not desperate under Carter, Reagan (after they put him in line), Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, because they were all owned by the same people. Whether you like Trump or not, he's clearly not owned by the same people that control the flow of information. They're cultivating psychopaths, civil war, and genocide.

I'm not suggesting there hasn't always been a minority of people who felt this way. For example, this is what Charles Manson was programmed to do. What I'm saying is that until they got desperate after losing the White House, they didn't need to turn the heat up so high so fast that it was this noticeable. They're desperate, and they're willing to openly subvert/attack the US with terrorism, vote/invasion bribing & election rigging, and push bigotry and genocide publicly.

It was unheard of before Obama that the democrats might have turned their back on what Dr. Martin Luther King stood for. Nowadays they'd call him a white supremacist for what he suggested, as they have totally been sold on their bigotry being acceptable, their violence isn't violence, and words of those they disagree with is violence.

The stage has been set for a long time. They couldn't have thrown this switch in 2016 and have had people believing that up is down, and wrong is right... The programming has been in the works for a long long time. They got desperate, and they went full retard.

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Definitely a good argument to stay out of the cities.

Agent7851 ago

Kinda pathetic isn’t it

slwsnowman40 ago

My family in NJ didn't even live in a city, at least not one like the ones listed.

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

Broken is just another word for too dumb to know better.

TL09718 ago

I love that song!

GoddammitMrNoodle ago

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose." the 70's was such a hopeful, idealistic time, filled with love and best wishes for our fellow man.

Yeah, if Mr. Lightfoot was writing tunes today they'd probably be about how dumb niggers are.

Or did you have some other song in mind?

TL09718 ago

I appreciate it! That's the one.

ketoll ago

She didn't understand "Get out of my way."

She didn't understand "Leave me alone."

She didn't understand "Stop blocking my car from leaving."

But she understood loud and clear the sound of a bullet being chambered into that handgun.

Some people don't understand anything other than physical threats. You can't reason with a violent instigator.

oneunderall ago

Smh not carrying chambered...

Tennis123 ago

Why do we consistently let this shit happen to out people? Enough is enough faggots something must be done or in a few years YOU will be rotting in prison for trying to defend your family from violent niggers

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

They got what they wanted, they got their scene, they got their attention.

selpai ago

Well, they can make that argument at their arraignment. From a legal standpoint, she did everything correctly. From a political standpoint, she's white and offended a poor defenseless black girl. I give them a coin flip on staying out of prison, and 0% of ever getting their CCL's back.

FattestConsequence ago

Animals don't have executive function, but they learn (eventually) from their environment. Keep packing boys and girls.

terminator7 ago

Violence is the only language some animals understand.

bitches_ ago

Im researching this heavily. Because as a fellow gun owner and Marine Corps Infantry veteran the woman was justified in showing her weapon. But I don't know whats going to happen with her in the eyes of the law and it is driving me nuts.

Catfishbelly ago

Niggers only understand pain and punishment not ideas or logic.

Ilisyer ago

Honestly, she didn't understand the gun either. She just stood there ooking even more while still not following commands to back off.

Ohhh you gon shoot me? Oohhh she's gots da gun on me.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

That was weird to see. I would be getting the fuck out immediately if someone pulled a gun out at me like that.

cheatch ago

"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst."

Reminded of that

ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

Robert A. Heinlein! My man.

dismyassholeaccount ago

Speech is powerful because behind it is the threat of violence.

gerberlyfe2 ago

If you are armed maybe. But all too often speech doesn't work because most people aren't physically intimidating and aren't in situations where violence is anticipated.

slwsnowman40 ago

But she understood loud and clear the sound of a bullet being chambered into that handgun.

Amazing how that works.

NakedWarrior ago

You should already have a round in the pipe tho.

01001010110100101101 ago

I agree. But some people think it's safer the other way.

NakedWarrior ago

Yeah, we have a nickname for them..."Dead"

ImperialGreaseMonkey ago

Depends on the gat, but definitely preferable.

ManchesterT ago

Carrying on an empty chamber is actually called "Israeli style", and it is tactically unsound.

Because you should never draw a gun unless you're in mortal danger, and if you're in mortal danger you should turn their lights out as soon as possible.

Ideally an intruder or mugger would never see your gun for more than a fraction of a second, and wouldn't hear anything at all.

ketoll ago

Not with my Glock. Mine doesn't have a safety so I pull the trigger while it's unloaded, then put the magazine in. I don't want it to be live and something snags the trigger while I'm pulling it out.

NakedWarrior ago

Sorry, but you sound like an accident waiting to happen.

ketoll ago

By having to rack the slide after drawing? Right... it's called being extra cautious and less accident prone.

NakedWarrior ago

Well, good luck with that.

Triskele ago

I carry round in the chamber safety on but I understand why some people wouldn’t feel comfortable with a round in the pipe. I’m just glad more Aryans are carrying tbh. Sick of seeing them attacked and defenseless.

freedomite ago

Good offensive thinking on display right here. It is unfortunately a bit too much to hope for from the normalfaggots though.

SitelessVagrant ago

What a lot of people don't understand, danger won't happen at 25 yards, like at the range, where you 2 hands free to rack a slide. Danger will happen right on top of you, where you may have to have one hand/ arm up, blocking blows to your head, which leaves you one hand to draw and rack a round into the chamber.

AR47 ago

Why you practice racking without your hand, and wear long pants.

AnotherRedditRefugee ago

I dislike the idea of safeties on the grounds that IF something happens it will happen so fast that you won't even think about that damn safety. Doubly so because Adrenalin is a hellofa drug.

SitelessVagrant ago

Yup. I carry an M&P .45. 10+1, no safety.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

If you’ve got a safety I agree, my glock doesn’t so I keep the chamber empty, but once I’ve got one in, I’m pulling the trigger that’s just how I’m trained. I do practice cycles frequently.


What's your mean draw/rack/first round time versus draw/first round time?

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Concealed, draw/rack ~1-2 seconds (not fast, I know guys who can do it under 1 second, a few well under). Open/hip carry...around 1-1.5 seconds. Draw/rack/fire ~3-4.5 seconds. That is standing still, at a range, knowing that I'm going to shoot. Moving is, shoot, probably double that but it really all depends on the contributing factors like adrenaline, target layout, if I've been to the course/range before..that kinda stuff. I don't think I'm the fastest but I've been fast enough when I've needed to. I've gone to competitions and I've seen Men and Women Draw, and this is laser monitored and videoed, at like .015 seconds. I've heard of slightly faster but never witnessed that myself. I can't even imagine that level of discipline and speed.

Alt_Account_No_738 ago

Sitting in my car picking someone up from work in questionable part of town. Glock on my hip with 17 plus one in the chamber.

OogaBooga696969 ago

Sorry if I'm preaching to the choir, but when you repeatedly cycle a round from the chamber, and back to the mag, it shortens the overall length. Over many cycle, the bullet will have lower chances of feeding into the chamber and will be at a higher pressure, which can damage your gun when eventually fired.

It's best to rotate out the top round as often as possible if you are cycling frequently.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

I do get 3 range days a week so when I cycle it the ammo is usually gone that same week. That’s just my rhythm though. Some may not have as many opportunities to get on the range, that’s really honestly great advice either way.

OogaBooga696969 ago

That's awesome. I'm kind of jealous. I get maybe one day a month. Wasting my range membership...

NakedWarrior ago

Your finger is your safety. I was trained tactically though, I realize a lot of civilians do it different because of a lesser discipline style. But that fraction of time it takes to click your safety off or chamber a round can mean life and death in certain situations. People also don't understand that in a life and death situation, with adrenaline surging through your body, lack of discipline/training can make a person fumble or even forget to turn their safety off. They panic, start shooting and nothing happens. I've seen it too many times. Also, while you're chambering your round, I'm already shooting you. I don't know any LEOs or military that use their safety. The running joke has always been, "What do you call a person who uses a safety or doesn't chamber a round?" DEAD. But like I said, I don't blame people less confident or untrained for using a safety, if it makes them feel better then go for it. It's probably safer for those around them.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Yes I agree with that. I don’t expect to put a round in the chamber without pulling the trigger. That applies to range days for me which I get in as often as possible but at least 2-3 times a week depending on what I’ve got going on. My wife uses a .380 for her CC, and it has a safety she uses quite often but she trains to it at the range...but it absolutely does add a step and fractions of a second that REALLY impacts time to put ordinance on target. In Iraq we were always in Condition 1, red weapons free in convoys. I’ve heard some units in Condition 1, posture White or Green. I’m so glad I was never in that predicament. Even on our FOB we were Free because of ‘friendlies’. You know what I mean probably.

POTUShasnoballs ago

I’ve reduced it to this, but the side arm is in a holster on my possession and it is chambered. If it is not on my personal possession it is not chambered.

Ol_Hickery ago

if you even remember to drop the safety. Because if you dont train enough to realize that you are your own safety, you probably dont train enough to remember to drop the safety when you need to peel off a round NOW. Totally agree. Chambered is the only way. Also, carrying without a chambered round is called "israeli carry" and id like nothing to do with that.

CHeritageP ago

That is 50/50, some people agree but some people disagree.

Safety is a good reason, but also as the evidence in the video shows, racking the bullet will make a big difference in the perception of the enemy. Brandishing, as we can see here, is a good way to deter a threat.

I personally would carry with a round in the chamber, but I understand why some would not.

Impasse ago

It's more like 95/5 carry with a round in the chamber unless doing so would deter you from carrying.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

I don't have my ccp but if I did I would probably not have a round chambered for safety reasons, but I can totally see the argument for doing so.


Theres nothing as dangerous as an unloaded defensive firearm.

iamabrokenbanjo ago

Yes there is. It's called a negligent discharge, and it can quickly make a bad situation worse. It takes a second to rack a slide and chamber a round. You can do it while lining up your shot with enough practice.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

You can't have a negligent discharge if you keep your booger finger off the bang switch until you're ready to release the terminal-lead-poisoning injection. I carry a loaded Glock chambered and ready to go every day. Never had an issue with it accidentally going off.

Here's why you should carry with a round in the chamber.

Tuftedtitmouse ago

I get your point, but it's a risk I am willing to take over an accidental discharge. Also, I live in the middle of nowhere 99% white town. I don't have much to worry about in that sense.


No accidentally just negligence

Tuftedtitmouse ago

You can absolutely accidentally discharge a gun without being negligent. It happens, we are humans.


No. There is only negligence

Tuftedtitmouse ago

So you don't believe in accidents at all? Any accident, of any kind is negligence?

CHeritageP ago

exactly my stance

Tuftedtitmouse ago

I have kids for one and I am forgetful sometimes and clumsy sometimes too. My wife calls me the bandaid man because every time I do any kind of project I end up slicing a part of my body or getting burnt on something.

CrackerSlant ago

I saw a nigger get smokes as he racked his slide. Let's get real we are not gun fighters and need to simplify everything like a hot Glock.

iamabrokenbanjo ago

You can have the slide locked to the rear, put a magazine in and hit the slide release and have a condition 1 weapon in 2 seconds.

You can have a magazine in with the slide forward, and racking from condition 3 to 1 in 2 seconds.

Some people have families and don't like the idea of having a chambered round in a gun, especially with Glocks and Sigs with no safety. I'm included as someone who works extensively with guns as part of my job. Most accidents happen when under stress, and a home break in is one of the most stressful things there is. You will be half asleep, getting your bearings, the last thing you want to do is shoot yourself or a loved one with people who want to harm you bearing down on you.

Lock your homes, have a good security system w an alarm and keeping a loaded, unchambered weapon is both smart, safe, and advantageous.

CrackerSlant ago

Slide locks are not slide releases, also locking it back is an extra step. So much can go wrong like inserting the mag backwards, fumbling the mag. Also forgetting to rack the slide or forgetting the safety are common follies of us common folk. If you're worried about children accessing your loaded gun then don't be an irresponsible gun owner with children and take responsibility for their safety. Hell, if you are actually raising your little brats then maybe you can teach them about guns and how they kill things and it's not a game.

CouldBeTrump ago

When I first learned to use a knife, very first week of Filipino Martial arts, I timed it and was able to hit nine different vital areas on the body in under 1.5 seconds. 1-2 seconds is a long time in a physical confrontation, which is also the argument for learning to fight to fill the gap between the time you need your gun and the time the gun is unholstered and oriented towards the target.

DownRange ago

You can have the slide locked to the rear, put a magazine in and hit the slide release and have a condition 1 weapon in 2 seconds.

Is this a suggestion to have a pistol holstered with the slide locked back and no magazine?

iamabrokenbanjo ago

Lol no, i mean if somebody breaks into your house. If you're carrying in a holster, that means you're awake and fully aware you're carrying a condition 1 weapon. If you're asleep at night and keep a gun in a safe or by your bed or definitely under your pillow, it should be condition 3, magazine in, slide forward, no round in chamber. A modified condition is slide locked to the rear with magazine in, so you hit the slide release and it chambers a round. Gives you the chance to fully acclimatize to the situation as you wake up and find your bearings. I've heard countless stories of guys accidentally killing their wives from an accidental discharge from trying to fumble with a gun out of a panicked awakening. Having a one second gap to find your bearings by knowingly seeking the slide release can save you heartbreak and its generally not enough time to allow somebody to get the drop on you. Having a good alarm system and a well locked house definitely gives you an advantage in these situations as well


i keep the shotgun in my bedroom with the pump half way down. i think that unmistakable racking sound is the best warning to get the fuck out of my home. but i don't want to leave the chamber empty and lose my +1 capacity.

01001010110100101101 ago

Oh yeah that sound is golden. If I had some drunk hillbillies come banging on my door because I called their daughter a whore (she was) I racked the slide and said the first bullet is going into your car and the next two are for you. They left and never came back. I didn't want any problems and a gun is the great equalizer. The smallest woman has the same power as the rock.

doesntgetsarcasm ago

My understanding is that most shotguns don't have drop safe safties so you're suppose to keep them exactly how you have yours anyways. I just keep a handgun chambered next to my bed because I don't want to advertise where I am. A lot of these criminals really don't give a fuck about your gun just like in this video she wasn't that fazed by the gun now imagine some crack head in your house in the middle of the night. Probably only like a 50% chance that they even care if you have a gun.


People that say are idiots. You're trading tactical readiness for some alleged psychological "hack". They could be doped up or jacked on adrenaline. Youll be fresh out of your sleep and also jacked on adrenaline. Now you want to start working complicated things before you shoot the guys that forcefully entered your house?? Idiotic. Keep that shit ready, locked and loaded. Flip the bang switch when you make cheek weld then squeeze the trigger a bunch.

a_canadian_guy ago

Most shotguns arent drop safe so keeping 1 in the chamber is risky, also its not good for the hammer to be cocked for a long time, you risk a malfunction


You are incorrect


i disagree. i don't want to always keep it in a 100% ready to fire state and i don't want to keep the safety on either. this is a great compromise and i'll have no issue moving the pump forward 2 inches in my jacked on adrenaline state.


Since youre receptive to learning....

The average human heart beat is around 60-90bpm. When they are active the top range of functional heart beat is (roughly) 200 - (their age in years). Heart beats higher than that prevent ventricular refill and lead to malperfusion manifesting as fear and being unable to act

So let's say Jamal and Bubba decide to come and culturally enrich your family. They come into the house and are pretty amped up, dry mouth, shaking, hyper sensitive. Lets say theyre at about 160bpm. Tyronequavious is raiding your living room TV while Jamal is coming down your hall. You lean out from cover and shoot Jamal in the face twice. Its violently loud and his head pink mists. Now Darknoviouss heart beat spikes to way over 200. He is shocked into inaction. Another double tap and hes done.

Bit unless you train frequently youre also going to have a jacked heart rate. Maybe close to the number where you cant respond properly. We call that "fingers turning into flippers" and you want to focus mainly on big muscle groups working in tandem instead of remembering techniques that requires fine motor skill. Grab the AR, throw plate carrier on if you can. Take a deep breath and go hunt.

ManchesterT ago

You have to also compete.

Only the uncertainty of competition can elicit the same pressure as a real fight. Whether its on paper targets, a jiu-jitsu tournament, or an amateur boxing match- we must test ourselves against uncooperative people.


Ok man. Run up and down your stairs twenty times then try it. All i can say is that no professional gunfighter, from military to LE to self defense instructors, endorses or recommends this. If you want to scare an invader with a noise it should be a dog barking.

TripleZ ago

Just watched a vid by Paul Harrell and he said from what he's heard, using the sound of racking a round into a shotgun usually doesn't act as much of a deterrent.

Phantom42 ago

If you want to scare an invader with a noise

I've heard Jericho sirens work wonders against French and communists.


oh yeah she barks like a motherfucker. i saw another reply of yours about "telegraphing your position and armament" - that's a really good point and you've given me something to think about.


Glad to hear it! The best thing i can do is recommend taking a legit gun fighting class from some of the big schools. Thunder ranch gunsite tactical response travis Haley. Etc etc. Shotguns are good for birds and not much else. Modern sporting rifle with a tactical light and a red dot, good chest rig with 3-4 more mags, med kit, headlamp. Its not cheap but its what our founding fathers would have done!

CHeritageP ago

Absolutely 10000% valid.

The shotgun racking sound is exactly what I was thinking.

Shotinthedark ago

It just alerts me to the fact that you have a gun and in what room that gun is in. No I know to shoot first and rape your family second.

Ol_Hickery ago

Negative. If youve broken into my home with my kids and wife inside to do harm, i do not want you to have the opportunity to be able to walk out. You done fucked up boy. Supressed 300blk for the (mostly) silent win. No racking, no chambering, no warning. Im getting the drop on YOU (not you, the guy im replying to obviously, the degenerate fuck trying to harm my family). Why oh why would you want to give someone a heads up? Theyre there to hurt you. Do not forfeit an advantage. Also, have a disposal plan. Do. Not. Call. The. Police. They are not your friends. You have zero moral obligation to call them.

Maker_Wolf ago

In reality the situation may be complicated, or you may not know exactly what's going on. Yelling at an intruder to get out and proving beyond a doubt that your armed might be a good option in some cases.

If you know it's a bad guy sneaking around in your house, sure just shoot. But what if you aren't sure, maybe one of your kids is sneaking in late or something? I can think of many situations where I might want to warn first.

I personally also like the safety aspect of having a large motion required to get the gun ready, so its an easy choice for me, but I understand how people might prefer otherwise. I might feel differently if I lived in a dangerous place.

Ol_Hickery ago

Yeah i was thinking of keeping 2 pans in my room that i could start banging together and yelling "youre gonna get shot, youre gonna get shot", going to see and then coming back to my room assembling a firearm and throwing it at them, unloaded of course, just in case they have a good reason for breaking into my home.

Airborne_Hillbilly ago

Yep. 100% if you enter my house at night, without being invited, while I sleep-you die before you realize you done fucked up.

TripleZ ago

Not too sure about your last bit of advice. (have a disposal plan, do not call the police). Let's be honest, the sound of a round going off in the middle of the night is going to garner a lot of attention and probably have your neighbors calling the cops anyway. Also then there's your family who has to be in on the lie.

They were in your house, you feared for your life so you shot them. Castle doctrine says you're in the right.

Literally-Oppressed ago

This is how a drink kid that thought your house was his gets shot. Plenty of people are doing time for shooting a silhouetted "intruder". I agree with the sentiment though.

whyamIevenhere ago

The only reason I could see wanting to have that sound is in case it wasn't an intruder but just someone who came home late. The racking sound gives then at least a few moments to say "Dad, it's me!"

ManchesterT ago

There's no "dad it's me". You don't shoot through doors or at darkened silhouettes.

You shoot verified threats only.


Since you know you have to be sure of your target before you pull the trigger, and since youve got a light mounted on your defense piece, its very unlikely youd shoot a family member. Telegraphing your position and armament, as well as the risk of failing the drill and having malfunction doesnt help the situation.

whyamIevenhere ago

There are several cases of people not being sure of their target and not having a light mounted on their weapon, and accidentally killing a family member. It is a legitimate risk.


Problem solved with a WML and adequate training. Buying a gun doesnt make you a gun fighter. High quality kit and high quality training can help.

Ol_Hickery ago

Fair enough, my kids are too small for that right now. Either way, you shouldnt be putting rounds in a target without knowing if it is a valid target.

POTUShasnoballs ago

There are things called tactical flashlights I even heard some come on those old-style pick a teeny rail’s

I’m fucking with you.And I actually agree I’m not there to deter somebody I’m there to kill them they done fucked up and I’m there to make sure justice is done

CHeritageP ago

You realize your argument is just a personal opinion and not fact right?

Ol_Hickery ago

Yes, 100%. But so is yours.

AnotherRedditRefugee ago

Wow, that was way more civil then i expect from voat. What the hell is going on here.

Phantom42 ago

I really have no idea. Fuck you though.

AnotherRedditRefugee ago

Ah that's better, I feel like I'm home again.

And fuck you niggerfaggot.

CHeritageP ago

We both recognized that either side had merits and at its core was merely a disagreement of opinion while supporting the fundamental right of self defense and blowing the ever living hell out of a violent home invader.

One prefers to say "get out bang bang" the other one says "bang bang get out"


Tuftedtitmouse ago

When I first came to voat 4 years ago, this was the first thing I noticed. Reddit is like a constant argument, on voat (most users) are willing to admit mistakes, ignorance, and actually apoligize when wrong.

reddigee ago

It's almost like civility it's defined by how PC you are or how much you tow the party line.

You dumb faggot.

Ol_Hickery ago

Clownworld friend. Its fucking clownworld. Haha. Hope all is well in your world.

Valcgo ago

It has to do with becoming comfortable with a handgun, growing pains if you will. I did the same thing for a few months after my first handgun purchase. I'd bet she hasn't had the handgun very long.

NoseSubversion ago

Or kept it “in case of” and didn’t practice firing it. Notice how her eyesight is not consistent with where the gun is pointed? Either way, she de-escalated the situation by understanding everything we on Voat already know.....around blacks never relax!!

Tuftedtitmouse ago

Partially, she was trying to apologize and reason with them though. Definitely not what you should do in that situation. Record video, shut the fuck up and leave immediately.

RoBatten ago

That short time could mean your life. Weapon ready to fire, safety on. Or Glock . . .

CallingOutBsWeWoWeWo ago

I have a trigger safety 9. I get anxious with one in the pipe. Always concerned I'm gonna blow my dick off. I must be a kike for Israeli Carry =[


Weapon ready to fire, heavy DA pull, safety off

Captian_Awesome ago

Sounds like a Springfield xde. 10+1 with all the benefits of a revolver.

adamantium_erection ago

nigs gonna nog

anon8ewqrer ago

Disappointed no nigs got nogged

shmuklidooha ago


bitches_ ago

nigs should of been nogged

HappyMealBullshit ago

Fuck off back to reddit you worthless reddit turncoat qtard faggot....

Kat-the-Cat ago

Not enough weed today? Cranky.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Youre the faggot taking time to respond.

Probably because you know Im 100% right and have NO response haha.

Kat-the-Cat ago

My first time responding, well ok this is second time. That helena cunt got my interest in you so yea am commenting to a faggot for fun and I have been called worse things than faggot by better stoners than you.

ChimpEvader ago

I've never called for action but we need all hands on deck right now. If you want to go full commie with Biden go ahead and do nothing. We either unite and help combat fake news leading up to the election or we will all be vaxed, chipped, and probably dead for dissent.

HiJoker ago

It's a fucking, don't be baited by it

ChimpEvader ago

No, it's not I wish I had a bot like me. I'd be rich! That code would be worth Gold. It's just I only have one twitter account and needed keyboard warriors to help fight this cyber war going on online. We can't let the cabal win and push the narrative. Our elections are at stake. So is our freedom.

HiJoker ago

Look goofball, I was talking about the twat you replied to. Check out his comment history and not how it's all got reddit in it. I was trying to overload it with lots of instances of 'reddit' that I could link together to jack on it's algorithm like a dink.

It's my fault, I should have briefed you more. Now you know and knowing is half the battle; GI Joe!

ChimpEvader ago

Oh np, I didn't catch didn't look at the profile. thx

HappyMealBullshit ago

Desperate for attention. Desperate for approval. Desperate to try and forget that you have no balls and flee when confronted. Reddit fags 2020

Stubbabubba ago

Apparently she got arrested. Let's wait and see how they fuck her over.

tankingwrong ago

They took her gun and released her.

That needs to be rectified and the black instigators need to at the very least face charges of false imprisonment.

CHeritageP ago

Often this is a procedural thing, the pistol is being held as evidence in an investigation; the arrest could just simply be literal legal speak for "You were held during an investigation" and in reality its a "we got your pistol for a bit because the DA wants it, but you're not gunna be charged and you're not going to lockup" aka nothing will happen.

It sucks but this is how the judicial system works. If the end result is she got spoken to by the cops for a while (justifiable) and had her pistol held but NOT all her weapons taken, then i'm very very happy with the response of the police.

Binksley ago

Got it,, have a spare at home.

Killnigs3 ago

The jewdicial system

noob_tube ago

Should have shot the cops. They want her disarmed so that next time they niggers can't stop her head in. Taking her gun was a death sentence.

Smallest_Skil ago

the cops are following the law. A weapon was pointed, they must investigate. Once they see the video, they will apologize to the woman, return her gun. They will prob not mess with the coons because ... well because a cop can get in trouble talking back to a nigger in the current day.

noob_tube ago

the cops are following the law.

Yes. The law is disarming whites so that they can b more easily killed by niggers. The law is evil. The cops are evil for enforcing the white genocide agenda.

A weapon was pointed, they must investigate.

And of course, confiscate her weapons and make it impossible for her to acquire others. No white person who raises arms in self-defense will be allowed arms.

Once they see the video, they will apologize to the woman, return her gun.


Smallest_Skil ago

we will see.

RoBatten ago

Twice. Wouldn't let her get into her car, then wouldn't let the car leave . . .

TheNewOne ago

Not to mention the momma sheboon threatened the man. “I’ll beat yo white ass!”

MrPancake ago

This fucking world...