AlabamaNigger ago

All white non fag/ coal burners need to sell their property now and move to a 90% white community and stake their claim and run the show. Quit fucking around.

hambcinco ago

White restraint is the only thing preventing the 4th Reich at this point.

hwong ago

and remember kids.... White restraint is quickly fading...

Bill_Williamson ago

News article and videos daily showing White people not beating down people.

You think I don't check for cameras first? We aren't impulsive amateurs. Though, I did kinda run over a asian male who was graffiting (sp?) a wall with nigger shit. It was more of a crushing against the wall. His buddy got away by hoping over a fence. Was quite impressive actually. THAT was spur of the moment but usually it's more a hunt. Lots of recon. Don't want to be shitting where you eat so to speak.

dspfoisdafodsi ago

you could say it's the only thing keeping America broken though

Mustard_Monkey ago

Hashtag#WhiteRestraint because your dumbasses would of been beaten to a pulp by now.

Mustard_Monkey ago

But you are obligated to counter protest with your AR 15's, and weapons so we can edit out when we attack you first. Uh REEEEE

Not_C ago

White Restraint is causing America to turn into Africa.

White Restraint is putting America further under Jewish control.

9NaughtZ ago


White are weak and know that if they fought back 90% of other whites would hunt them down for it.

Bill_Williamson ago

Is that what jew media is tell you these days?

9NaughtZ ago

ok "bill" what have you done?

sat home on your arse talking about yourself online?

fuck off till you get some scars.

BatFairy ago

We need to change that.

9NaughtZ ago

yeah bro... and how?

i tried. I was left out there flapping in the fucking breeze.

The shitty thing was the only people who stuck with me were the people voat tries to shame against. I know who has skin in the game.

Civil_Warrior ago

Back to your nigger poppers session.

gimpyoldman ago

The only thing keeping POCs alive.

BatFairy ago

Niggers is the word you are looking for.

anticlutch ago


Don't use that. It's wrong. They aren't human and therefore not people.

Plus you sound like a fucking reddit, nigger-loving cuck.

Chuckstumor ago

Pox:disease. Pock marks scarring left over from infection. Calling niggers the Pocs is fine

NotAntifa ago

Wrong. White restraint is killing white countries.

CalibanFresco ago

I agree. It's damning us.

BlkRifleCoffeeCancer ago

Both what you are saying and i am saying can be true. If Whites stop showing restraint then America will dissolve into a civil war.

CalibanFresco ago

Violence is sometimes a solution to problems. The worse things get, the more unpleasant, but necessary, the solutions become.

anticlutch ago

They're mutually inclusive. It's how slow boil works.

LiamOdinThomas ago

WHITERESTRAINT Is the only thing not destroying all the Jews and BLM-! Lucky mother fuker!

Ducktalesooo000ooo ago

Well you’d be fucked

LiamOdinThomas ago
