Piscina ago

For someone who said he hates kids, he sure is around them a lot.

Xunder ago

Guess what , it took me 2 minutes to figure out where they exactly standing...there is nothing in front of them, just a park with a playground I am not kidding you. I checked the picture and there is a store called kiezladen, googled kiezladen berlin and the first I clicked which was just named like that was a match. The house is renovated today but the balcony are still the same on Google street view.if you turn it 180 degree you see the playground and park....

Heisenberg123 ago

Ok, I think we've got wrong Kiezladen here, I'v checked out other places with Kiezladen in name and found exact match: https://www.google.com/maps/@52.5429809,13.4211922,3a,75y,116.12h,86.78t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sK7veBCUA7mvF4YleDccDjg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

That was almost too suspicious to be true. Them pointing at playground and saying "secret plans"

Mirana_Marmoreal ago

The "secret plans" picture was taken in front of Nalu Diner at Dunckerstraße 80A. There are three co-owners mentioned for that restaurant in different articles: James Alefantis, Oliver Miller and James Kroll. Nalu Diner closed down permanently in may 2018.

Xunder ago

I will check both places for confirmation, I live close by.

kazza64 ago

just a bunch of child trafficking murderous pedophiles and they're a protected species it makes me sick

rickman2 ago

Don't think it requires a new thread but on the topic of odd behaviour on social media, Tom Hanks has deleted 3 years worth of tweets.

771423x1 ago

Very nice work. I have tried adding old Jimmy Comet on IG, but he doesnt seem too keen on approving me. Although he does have 1500 followers, so there are plenty of people out there with access to his current profile.

pm_me_your_exploitz ago

Thank you for posting this. I think many new lurkers may be unaware of all the suspect shit surrounding Alefantis and his crew.

EricKaliberhall ago

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derram ago

https://invidious.fdn.fr/3JZAsfjOloot=17 :

#PizzaGate "Heavy Breathing" im Comet Pizza - YouTube

https://invidious.tube/9itWsqzFMVot=44 :

Podestas, Pizza and Pedos - YouTube

https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=oicUO0sz08c :

Apes - The Neutered Noel - YouTube

https://invidious.13ad.de/3QEC3S-Ao88t=36 :

Heavy Breathing @ Warehouse Theater, DC - YouTube

https://invidious.13ad.de/nznOnKttZmAt=698 :

Pizzagate 2020 - YouTube

https://yewtu.be/nznOnKttZmAt=347 :

Pizzagate 2020 - YouTube

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