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3141592653 ago

That guy dressed as a bear with the Free Hotdogs sign is creepy AF

Heisenberg123 ago

It's pink panther and yeah, it's creepy. They all like creepy mascots, just look at that pic from adoption day. Also hot dogs supposedly mean boys in their pedo vocabulary so ... Yeah, it's creepy.

3141592653 ago

Thx. What's the significance of pink panther?

Heisenberg123 ago

Just learned about this now, few definitions but I'm like wtf:

Top definition of urban dictionary:

Homosexual Male version of a Cougar. An older gay male, usually at least 40 who seeks to score with younger boys in their 20's. He is often a wealthier gay male who uses his money to seduce or score with younger men.

I've never watched any Pink Panther tbh and this is what shows about the character of it on Polish Wiki:

Sometimes her ideas go beyond even herself. She always gets in trouble but has never been caught yet.


3141592653 ago


AppliedAspergers ago

I included a lot of Barrows' posts in my PG "debunking" video.

Heisenberg123 ago

He's also here on Voat, likely, under nickname of @jarrabos or @jabbaroos, or .. both : P

AppliedAspergers ago
