Jimmycomet Liked Jabbaroos Instagram Post Which Appear To Be Children At An Event On Their Adoption Day (pizzagate)
submitted 8.2 years ago by Eastwood350
Every year the US has National Adoption Month in the month of November. Each state also has their own Adoption Day which is normally scheduled the 2nd or 3rd week of that month where they celebrate adoptions in their counties.
On November 22, 2014 Jabbaroos who is an Instagram friend of Jimmycomet posted both a video and a screenshot of what appears to be children and characters in costumes celebrating adoptions out of foster care. Jimmycomet and friends liked that post and several commented on it. These links to the video and screenshot were posted to this VOAT forum several days ago by another researcher. While reading his post I shared the links he had posted to my social media account and planned to go through them later that day. However, before I even finished reading through the thread the researchers post had disappeared. Jabbaroos Instagram account was also made private at the same time. I still had the links on my social media acct. and was able to view the video however since the link to the video disappeared I was unable to share that link.
This is the post where Jimmy comet liked the Instagram: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=106676926496067&set=a.106676869829406.1073741826.100014612796232&type=3&theater
Screenshot of the video I'm unable to share because Jabbaroos acct. is now private: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=106676809829412&set=a.106676869829406.1073741826.100014612796232&type=3&theater
Screenshot of a little girl at the 6 sec mark dancing with the characters: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=106690879828005&set=a.106676869829406.1073741826.100014612796232&type=3&theater
Screenshot of the poster which says National Adoption Day Celebration ( This was taken while the 13 sec video was running so it is blurry but when viewing it it's easier to make out the wording) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=106680356495724&set=a.106676869829406.1073741826.100014612796232&type=3&theater
This may be nothing at all but I just find it rather odd that a pizza shop owner & his friends who are suspected to be part of a ring is showing an interest of an adoption event.
derram 8.2 years ago
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derram ago
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