darkknight111 ago


Hits for Blackstone. Connections to the Rothschilds, Bronfmans, and NXIVM.

think- ago

It's really all coming together, isn't it?

Yep. We need some diagrams showing all the connections. (Not looking at you, @letsdothis3, I still hope someone will be volunteering.)

letsdothis3 ago

Funny you should say that.. I started looking at how to make diagrams quickly today...

think- ago


letsdothis3 ago


New Yorkers For Children was founded in 1996 shortly after Nicholas Scoppetta was appointed to serve as the first Commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS).

Nicholas Scoppetta https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Scoppetta

Scoppetta was also Commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services, where he served from 1996 through 2001. His six-year tenure was three times the average tenure of Child Welfare Administrators in New York City. During his tenure, ACS engaged in a comprehensive reform of the city’s child welfare system which won praise from national child welfare experts and the media.

That ties in with the drug experimentation on foster care children scandal mentioned in the previous comment (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3426189/20576722 Trials on foster care children in New York (1997-2002))

On December 1, 1972, Scoppetta was appointed Commissioner of Investigation for the City of New York by Mayor John Lindsay, and was re-appointed to that position by Mayor Abraham Beame in 1974.

On August 1, 1974, Scoppetta was accused by New York City Controller Harrison J. Goldin of "instructing" a civil servant in the Controller's office to make entries in the Controller's books that were not there when his auditors looked at them.[1] Scoppetta denounced the accusation as "outrageous", and a subsequent investigation by New York State Special Prosecutor Maurice H. Nadjari cleared Scoppetta of any wrongdoing.

From February 1995 to January 1996, he was Chairman of the five-member Commission to Combat Police Corruption, which was created by Mayor Rudy Giuliani to monitor the New York City Police Department’s anti-corruption efforts.

Scoppetta was a President and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Children's Aid Society, a not-for-profit social service agency which annually serves nearly 50,000 needy children and their families in New York City. He was a member of that Board for sixteen years.


Children's Aid, formerly the Children's Aid Society,[6] is a private child welfare nonprofit in New York City, founded in 1853 as the Orphan Train originator, by Yale College graduate,[1][2] Charles Loring Brace. With an annual budget of over $100 million, 45 citywide sites, and over 1,200 full-time employees, Children's Aid is one of America's oldest and largest children's nonprofits.

Orphan Train https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orphan_Train

The Orphan Train Movement was a supervised welfare program that transported orphaned and homeless children from crowded Eastern cities of the United States to foster homes located largely in rural areas of the Midwest. The orphan trains operated between 1854 and 1929, relocating about 200,000 orphaned, abandoned, abused, or homeless children.

Three charitable institutions, Children's Village (founded 1851 by 24 philanthropists),[1] the Children's Aid Society (established 1853 by Charles Loring Brace) and later, the New York Foundling Hospital, endeavored to help these children.


The New York Foundling, founded in 1869 by the Roman Catholic Sisters of Charity, is one of New York City's oldest and largest child welfare agencies. The Foundling operates programs in the five boroughs of New York City, Rockland County, and Puerto Rico.

Voat posts re NY Foundling:

Spade > NY Center for Children > NY Foundling > Art > City Winery > Clintons

Kate Spade was directly involved with the New York Center for Children http://www.newyorkcenterforchildren.org/ One of their experts: Mel Schneiderman, PhD, Senior Vice President, Mental Health Services, The New York Foundling http://www.newyorkcenterforchildren.org/our-experts/

And another very perceptive piece of info from @kestrel9 : https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2588037/13005947 [Long Beach Port]

letsdothis3 ago

Apple Board of Directors https://www.apple.com/leadership/

Arthur D. Levinson, Ph.D.; Chairman of the Board, Apple, Former Chairman and CEO Genentech


Arthur D. Levinson (born March 31, 1950) is an American businessman and is the current Chairman of Apple Inc. (2011 to present) and CEO of Calico (an Alphabet Inc. venture). He is the former chief executive officer (1995 to 2009) and chairman (1999 to 2014) of Genentech.

Calico posts :

Daily Rabbit Hole #301 | DNA of every baby born in California is stored | Twitter censorship + companies related to FANG + Calico + 23andMe by @remoirclaire

Calico https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calico_(company)

Calico LLC is an American research and development biotech company founded on September 18, 2013 by Bill Maris[3][4][2][1] and backed by Google with the goal of combating aging and associated diseases.

In September 2014, it was announced that Calico, in partnership with AbbVie, would be opening up an R&D facility focused on aging and age-related diseases, such as neurodegeneration and cancer. Initially, each company will invest $350 million, with an option for each to add an extra $500 million later on.[9] In the same month, Calico announced a partnership with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and 2M Companies regarding drug development for neurodegenerative disorders.

In 2015, the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard announced a partnership with Calico to "advance research on age-related diseases and therapeutics",[11] a further partnership also was announced with the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.[12] Also in 2015, Calico announced a partnership with QB3 based on researching the biology of aging and identifying potential therapeutics for age-related diseases[13] and one with AncestryDNA based on conducting research into the genetics of human lifespan.

Voat post re Genentech:

Trump tweets about Tony Podesta. Maybe because of his connections with biotech companies like Genentech, the Bertarelli Foundation and their links with the Swiss Guard of the Vatican.

and ICMEC and Big Pharma

Franz Humer, Chairman of the BoD of ICMEC and Board member Genentech

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1592708/7765540 rials on foster care children in New York (1997-2002)

Location: New York, New York USA

Sponsors: US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), Genentech, MicroGeneSystems, Lederle-Praxis Biologicals

- Phase I and II clinical trials were conducted on HIV-infected children and infants in the guardianship of New York City Agency for Children's Services (ACS), living at Incarnation Children’s Center in Harlem, a foster care facility under contract with ACS. The ACS provided consent for their participation. Children were forced to take the experimental medication that made them severely ill and had potentially lethal side effects.

What? BBC documentary: Guinea Pig Kids: ARV-Babies in New York City


An unnamed spokesperson for the Office for Human Research Protections said that the agency has a "single, open case investigation" against Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, according to the Houston Chronicle.


The wicked malfeasance that was discovered in New York City under the leadership of Mayor Giuliani and the financial influence of Merck, BristolMyers Squibb, MicroGeneSys, Biocine, Glaxo Wellcome, and Pfizer has practically disappeared from the sparse media coverage that it once had. I

Huffpost: Rudy Giuliani Tries To Tamp Down Epstein Conspiracy Theories After Trump Spread One - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rudy-giuliani-jeffrey-epstein-conspiracy-theories_n_5d518e7be4b0c63bcbeb5de7

“The conspiracy theories concerning the Epstein death are multiplying,” Giuliani tweeted Monday. “The facts seem unbelievable. But it is best to wait for some key facts like the findings of the autopsy. Withholding [judgment] is the wisest course to follow. DOJ is very motivated to get to the bottom of it.”

Uh huh...


In November 2004, BBC aired the documentary film– Guinea Pig Kids by prize winning independent documentary film maker, Jamie Doran. After airing the disturbing documentary just once, the BBC came under intense pressure from powerful stakeholders who attempted to politicize the documentary–30 NYC institutions were involved in these AIDS drug experiments in foster children. The BBC abruptly pulled the controversial film from its website, but the 26 minute video is accessible on YouTube .

...The Associated Press reported that the scope of these experiments was much wider; extending beyond New York to “at least seven states.” Among them: Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, New York, North Carolina, Colorado and Texas. AP reported that more than four dozen different studies were involved. The foster children ranged from infants to late teens, according to interviews and government records.


Columbia University’s New York State Psychiatric Institute and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine give 100 males — mostly African-American and Hispanic, all between the ages of six and 10 and all the younger brothers of juvenile delinquents — 10 milligrams of fenfluramine (fen-fen) per kilogram of body weight in order to test the theory that low serotonin levels are linked to violent or aggressive behavior. Parents of the participants received $125 each, including a $25 Toys ‘R’ Us gift certificate (Goliszek).


More Child Mind Institute board member connections with Goldman Sachs and the Blackstone Group. Also Tribeca ,Robert De Niro, and why the vaccine and autism movie Vaxxed was banned.

Mrs. Ellen Katz, CMI Board member : Mrs. Katz, is a graduate of Northwestern University, and on the boards of the Mount Sinai Medical Center and the Lincoln Center Theater.

She was also formerly married to the CEO of Blackstone Group: https://littlesis.org/person/46626/Ellen_Katz

Epstein connections to CMI and of course, Ghislaine Maxwell connections to Blackstone.


letsdothis3 ago

Apple Board of Directors https://www.apple.com/leadership/

Arthur D. Levinson, Ph.D.; Chairman of the Board, Apple, Former Chairman and CEO Genentech


Arthur D. Levinson (born March 31, 1950) is an American businessman and is the current Chairman of Apple Inc. (2011 to present) and CEO of Calico (an Alphabet Inc. venture). He is the former chief executive officer (1995 to 2009) and chairman (1999 to 2014) of Genentech.

Calico posts :

Daily Rabbit Hole #301 | DNA of every baby born in California is stored | Twitter censorship + companies related to FANG + Calico + 23andMe by @remoirclaire

Calico https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calico_(company)

Calico LLC is an American research and development biotech company founded on September 18, 2013 by Bill Maris[3][4][2][1] and backed by Google with the goal of combating aging and associated diseases.

In September 2014, it was announced that Calico, in partnership with AbbVie, would be opening up an R&D facility focused on aging and age-related diseases, such as neurodegeneration and cancer. Initially, each company will invest $350 million, with an option for each to add an extra $500 million later on.[9] In the same month, Calico announced a partnership with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and 2M Companies regarding drug development for neurodegenerative disorders.

In 2015, the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard announced a partnership with Calico to "advance research on age-related diseases and therapeutics",[11] a further partnership also was announced with the Buck Institute for Research on Aging.[12] Also in 2015, Calico announced a partnership with QB3 based on researching the biology of aging and identifying potential therapeutics for age-related diseases[13] and one with AncestryDNA based on conducting research into the genetics of human lifespan.

Voat post re Genentech:

Trump tweets about Tony Podesta. Maybe because of his connections with biotech companies like Genentech, the Bertarelli Foundation and their links with the Swiss Guard of the Vatican.

letsdothis3 ago

Breaking: Disney CEO Bob Iger resigns from Apple board https://twitter.com/2runtherace/status/1172629026801881089

letsdothis3 ago

The Mirror organised a Disney day out for the kids at Lord and Lady Bath's Longleat House, in Wiltshire. A great fun day in which Ghislaine Maxwell presented a cheque for £2000 for the save the children fund. 13th September 1985. https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-the-mirror-organised-a-disney-day-out-for-the-kids-at-lord-and-lady-84716852.html