Ghislaine Maxwell and Stephen Schwarzman attending NEW YORKERS FOR CHILDREN's Spring Gala: "A Fool's Fete" Presented by MISSONI at Mandarin Oriental on April 16, 2008 in New York City.
They seem deep in conversation, don't they?
Related post: Stephen Schwarzman of the Blackstone Group, Oxford University, MIT and AI... Think there may be an Epstein connection? Let's take a look..
US billionaire Stephen Schwarzman is donating £150m to fund humanities research
The money will be used to create the Schwarzman Centre for the Humanities, bringing together disciplines including English, philosophy, music and history in a single hub with performing spaces and a library, alongside a new Institute for Ethics in AI to collaborate.
...Schwarzman has personal wealth of $12bn according to some estimates and has donated significant sums to a range of universities and institutions, including $100m for the New York Public Library, and larger sums to found a scholarship scheme at Tsinghua University in China modelled on Oxford’s Rhodes scholarship, and $350m to AI research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He's funding Ethics in AI. Then we have connections to the Child Mind Institute as well, of course.
More Child Mind Institute board member connections with Goldman Sachs and the Blackstone Group. Also Tribeca ,Robert De Niro, and why the vaccine and autism movie Vaxxed was banned.
and James Alefantis lived at the SAME address as Randall Rothschild who was Managing Director of "Blackstone"
So, let's get to New Yorkers for Children
New Yorkers For Children was founded in 1996 shortly after Nicholas Scoppetta was appointed to serve as the first Commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS). Initially New Yorkers For Children was set up as way to bring private dollars to support much needed programs, projects and activities that were not supported by government funding.
As the non-profit partner to the Administration for Children’s Services, New Yorkers For Children is tasked with funding, piloting, and implementing innovative programs that will improve outcomes of youth in the child welfare system with a focus on foster care.
Uh oh...
Their president is David Hansell
In the late 1980s, Hansell joined New York City's Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC). As the director of legal services, then later as deputy executive director for government and public affairs,[4] he worked on policy and legislation critical to the rights, health, and well-being of people who tested positive for HIV.[5] This included a law to prohibit health insurers from denying insurance coverage to people who tested positive for HIV, or forcing those seeking insurance to take an HIV test.[5] Other notable legislation included a law requiring the State of New York to pay the health insurance premiums of people with HIV.
..In February 2017, Mayor Bill de Blasio named Hansell as the Commissioner of the Administration for Children's Services to replace Gladys Carrion, who had recently resigned
..After running two of the largest local and state TANF programs in the United States, Hansell joined the administration of President Barack Obama.[9] The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF) administers and funds a broad range of social and economic support programs for vulnerable individuals, children, and families, focusing on early childhood development, child welfare, income support, workforce engagement, and economic development.
Wow, there's my Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) connection..
Hansell related post by @kestrel9 - Q3422 NYSPCC and Clarissa Bronfman, wife of Edgar Bronfman Jr.
another NYSPCC post : Steven Pinker, Tim and Nina Zagat, a NYSPCC gala and the Epstein flight logs
And what about the Department of Health and Human Services? post: The HARPA Rabbithole.. the Child Mind Institute, Austism Speaks and Disney connections
It's really all coming together, isn't it?
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letsdothis3 ago
Nicholas Scoppetta
That ties in with the drug experimentation on foster care children scandal mentioned in the previous comment ( Trials on foster care children in New York (1997-2002))
Orphan Train
Voat posts re NY Foundling:
Spade > NY Center for Children > NY Foundling > Art > City Winery > Clintons
And another very perceptive piece of info from @kestrel9 : [Long Beach Port]