Narcissism ago

They knew the SV40 cancer causing monkey virus was in 98 million shots of the Salk Polio vaccine. Got the cancer industry nicely kicked off. They followed that success up with HIV (developed by Litton Bionetics) being placed in the experimental Hep B vaccine and given to gay men in NY & SF in 78.

Draintheshwamp ago

Could you provide sources for your HIV claim? As a health educator for a prevention non profit, I am interested in any authoritative info exposing the truth.

Narcissism ago

Also its mentioned in Dr John Colemans book The Committee of 300. He says the tried some more deadly virus first which proved too difficult to contain, so they opted to develop a virus that was slower and more hidden instead.

Narcissism ago

Its in the book - Emerging viruses AIDS and Ebola by Leonard Horowitz. He was the insurance companies lead investigator in the dental patients claim that they were infected by their gay dentist - if you remember that story? Also it was reported in the Church Committee that the government had funded development of the "Special Virus Program" to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. I have the flow chart for its development its based on a Lenti virus and the spec required that no natural immunity and no vaccine could be developed - so its held true to its original design.

Draintheshwamp ago

Thank you for the info.

auralsects ago

[This is a very big club.]

Not really. Salk for example is notorious for being the literal face (on CIA magazines like Time no less) of a large vaccine project team to bolster the myth that Jews are simply natural high-achievers and even in useful areas like science where they aren't.

They also do this by awarding Jews Nobel Prizes so often as to create a citable "fact" to justify this continued Frankfurt School practice of inserting kikes at the top of fields like Jared Diamond or Pinker, who is likewise promoted as part of the new atheist movement.

And you ended with, shocker, an Armenian, who as any Turk knows are no better than Jews and dogs.

whirlwindAnon ago

nice work anon

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

Draintheshwamp ago

Ditto. I aspire to be able to research and document the way you do.