Q Post 3422, The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Q DOESN'T LIKE THEM. In KILL BOX. WHY? by @Lauraingalls
The New York Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Children under the stars event is being held at the Standard Hotel. Q posted on them today telling people to dig.
Well, here's one connection between NYSPCC and Epstein: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1115991880972607488.html
flight log, dated 23 Feb 2002: 'Steven Pinker, Tim + Nina Zagat' (founders of Zagat Restaurant Surveys).
The best meal Tim and Nina Zagat ever had [archive: http://archive.is/Ozo1H]
Google paid a reported $151 million to acquire their Zagat Survey in 2011. But when the Zagats first hatched their ultimately iconic venture back in 1979, no publisher would put out the guide. “They all turned it down,” Nina told the crowd, including Hilary Geary Ross, celebrity chef Michael Ferraro, Mary L. Pulido and Fox News’ Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. “They thought it was a terrible idea … they said [diners] did not want to hear from other people — they wanted to hear from experts.”
So the Zagats put it out the publication themselves, and soon wound up earning more from the food guide than their salaries as attorneys at the time.
The inspiring gala raised over $700,000 to support the NYSPCC’s Trauma Recovery Program, which offers a specialized therapeutic program for children. Wines at the foodie bash were donated by House of Burgundy, Frederick Wildman, Cognac One, M.S. Walker, Opici Family Distributing and Surly Penguin.
Tim and Nina Zagat at the NYSPCC gala https://imgur.com/a/wdqNkpr
Steven Pinker is currently in the process of distancing himself from Epstein: https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2019/07/12/tarring-steve-pinker-and-others-with-jeffrey-epstein/
Jeffrey Epstein's First Criminal Case Was Helped By A Famous Harvard Language Expert
Voat posts about Pinker:
Steven Pinker: Baby boomers are to blame for our snowflake generation
[I now understand why he says that as I'm currently researching the Salk Institute. Jonas Salk is the polio vaccine scientist. This is a group of scientists who are futurists and transhumanists who are undermining society. Will write more about that in another post...]
Containers2Clinics, Baird Capital and United Way Milwaukee. This is background for more stuff on C2c and shipping containers
So, Im going through the Board of Directors of Care2Communites (previously Containers2Clinics or C2C or C2c), one by one : Jeffrey Epstein and another mysterious company in the USVI - Sanctuary Holdings
....Nicole Sahin, Globalization Partners;....
She's married to Dr. Ned Sahin http://www.nedsahin.com/about/professional-bio/
Dr. Ned T. Sahin completed his PhD at Harvard in cognitive neuroscience, and was awarded the Richard J. Herrnstein prize for the year’s best PhD dissertation at Harvard. He then completed a post-doctoral fellowship at UC San Diego Medical School, then received an NIH training grant to be a Fellow in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Salk Institute and the Institute for Neural Computation.
While post-doctoral fellow at the University of California San Diego & Salk Institute, he was also an adjunct post-doc at Harvard.. Sahin’s graduate supervisor was Steven Pinker, PhD, his primary post-doc supervisor and long-time mentor is Eric Halgren, PhD, and his secondary supervisor was Terry Sejnowski, PhD.
1989 article: De Hoffmann, Salk Institute's Savior, Dies at 65
Frederic de Hoffmann, the physicist credited with rescuing the floundering Salk Institute, died Wednesday of AIDS complications. De Hoffmann, who also helped start General Atomics, was 65.
After studying physics at Harvard, De Hoffmann worked on thermonuclear fusion at the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, N.M., in 1944. The native Austrian joined General Dynamics in San Diego in 1955 and persuaded its president to create General Atomics. As president of General Atomics, De Hoffmann developed nuclear power stations and research reactors. He left industrial research to become president of the Salk Institute.
That comment is also in this post: A very large wildfire has broken out next to the Hanford Washington Nuclear Waste and reactor test site.. Here are the Epstein and NXIVM connections..
[This is a very big club.]
Albany Trust, Prince Charle's Prince's Trust and the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE)
Gulbenkian Foundation – Peter Newell and Rachel Hodgkin have been involved in the setting-up of no fewer than eight of the most important organisations involved in children’s rights, including the Children’s Rights Office and the Children’s Rights Development Unit. All have enjoyed the support of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Gulbenkian Foundation
Early in 1979 the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation published ..Young People & Broadcasting Commissioned from the British Youth Council by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and carried out by Peter Mandelson
..Re Gulbenkian Foundation:..Connected with the SALK Institute http://businessdocbox.com/Biotech_and_Biomedical/74177106-Instituto-gulbenkian-de-ciencia.html
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whirlwindAnon ago
nice work anon
letsdothis3 ago
Thank you.
Draintheshwamp ago
Ditto. I aspire to be able to research and document the way you do.