KosherHiveKicker ago


Blame the fucking ((( Media ))) -and- ((( Common Core ))) who intentionally pushed the entire concept of "Triggering", "Safe Spaces", "White Privilege", and others to literally brainwash two generations of Americans who can't control their emotional state(s).

Walk1 ago

Baby Boomers have created a pacifist and weakened society built on pleasure. In spite of all the advancements made in science, ideas, and technology, we are retrograding back to the Stone Age, as we put too much emphasis on pleasure and the machinization of humanity.

I personally think the snowflake generation can trace its roots back to the Baby Boomers, but generation X, which was not very culturally rooted, is the primary force responsible for the snowflake generation.

Far2Long2 ago

The DS has monstered every generation. The Boomers will blame their parents for the state of the world. Their parents blamed the Edwardians and the Edwardians blamed the Victorians. We are all victims.

KosherHiveKicker ago

We are all victims.

Who is at the root of the vast majority of the intent behind that victimization?

thelma ago

So are the boomers too greedy (ie capitalistic) or too willing to let the government control everything?

I no understand.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

No such thing as the snowflake generation. The people before us made the greatest generation that ever existed, despite the huge mistakes it made. And then after instituting a genocide upon itself (WW1, WW2, Communism, etc.) turned around, and gave millennials the middle finger for being born into the most successful group of humans that ever existed, while taking away their ability to have kids and own property, and putting the vast majority of them into debt. The only "snowflake" generation there is is the boomers, with "The Greatest Generation" just being retards who participated in a genocide against themselves, and I suppose that was a consequence of modernity, thereby making them snowflakes as well who were so comfortable in their society that they didn't put any thought into the fact that they were killing their own kind.

So fuck off. Kill yourself for peddling this "snowflake generation" horseshit.

derram ago :

Steven Pinker: Baby boomers are to blame for our snowflake generation

'Last week, the latest feather-ruffling book by Harvard psychologist Professor Steven Pinker, Enlightenment Now, was published in paperback. '

'Its basic thesis?'

'That we have never had it so good – and yet, churlishly, we refuse to accept the fact that we have benefited from progress. '

'Like the scientist he is, Prof Pinker has substantiated his thesis with an avalanche of data, proving that we are living longer, and more healthily, and more safely and prosperously than ever before. '

' This has already attracted some cynicism from those who believe we live in a society of increasing crime, delinquency and danger: prompting a fightback from Prof Pinker, stressing that the enlightenment values he champions... '

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