grantedrights ago

all what u research has a common link it seems - Tax Empted Fo UN dations .. this is the easy way to ammend things via fast track !

@razak @not_drunk @nomochomo @9127 > " important in terms of the need for future research. " @letsdothis

No, (tongue in cheek) there is no need for future research, what u unearth is incromprehensible to like 98% off all ppl i would dare guess./ in the sense that the corruption is obvious but most ppl are coincidence theorists :-D MSM & other shilling surely helps to keep it that way and provides ample distraction

to see the net it surely helps, but first this just part of the control grid and secondly what use is it to say what is wrong - when the

easier part is (and much more important 2) to give solutions benefitting most ppl)

see the template :how to save the world

To make it clear: what u research are valid topics, crossreference with ahuwahzeuses material btw, but there r much more simple ways to point out the most blatant weird parts in public media "offerings" like thruthstream vigilantcitizen et al

so to get things on a better track:

  1. Global debt cancellation between all countries, debts to non state creditors (private, corporate etc.) need to be cancelled as well. 2. 25% flat tax on consumption. That money, if spend on usefull purposes , should suffice for all infrastructure, payment of vital jobs like nurses, police (here a sidenote is warranted: military and secret services should be organized like special police forces and NOT vice versa!) etc. This solves the problem of taxation on automation and robots, too. And practically eradicates tax evasion. 3. Politicians shall openly declare income

Please translate Blog 1 "How to save the World" (and spread into communities, where these languages are prevalent :-) to chinese, spanish, urdu, arab, russian Add this part of Blog 3 "Implementation" as P.S. : "Everybody should pick some Blog 1 related Info of his/her choosing and address in a confident, yet non obtrusive, manner, at least one other person IRL every day. The Info provided should be so compelling, that no explicit demand to spread it needs to be added. Off course this means one should pick topics one feels strongly about, and believes it will be interesting to the addressed person !"

Most importantly: dont voluntarily enhance the control grid - Buy local, pay cash : John Twelve Hawks books for instance :-D and grow food n share it with ppl u like


u make sense fren

pittsburghisapedoden ago

Remember the Finders had their West Coast headquarters in San Francisco and this happened around the same time as the Presidio Daycare Scandal involving Michael Aquino.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

You also have David PELZER who is from Daly City, a suburb of San Fran. PELZER, SC

letsdothis3 ago

There is something that we are missing and I can't yet put my finger on it because there are too many rabbit holes here once you start looking into this... let me just drop a few links here.. and remember Findhorn in Scotland is part of this 'New Age ring'...

There's some stuff here that I unearthed about Sasha Lord and her connections that I haven't yet followed up on... starting with this link (you should really read the whole thing but I'll just drop some excerpts here for the sake of brevity):

Prince Charles visited and spoke with a murdered actress/yoga teacher/herbalist Tricia McCauley....As a yoga teacher Tricia worked with Jasmine Chehrazi, founder of Yoga Activist and the Yoga District in DC. Jasmine knew Sasha Lord and performed at Comet Ping Pong with Amanda Kleinman.. Jasmine is also connected to the Omega Institute..

the school that took part in the event that Prince Charles attended has links to a large DC lobbying firm, Mrs Bush even gave a speech there and her daughter Jemma worked there while twin sister has connections to SPiN (read the whole thing)... excerpts... Prince Charles with Pertula George and Tricia McCauley

Pertula George is now AmeriCorps VISTA Program Director.

Obama (2013) praised Pertula George-Redd who “arrived from St. Lucia at the age of 23, leaving behind her parents and seven siblings” (para. 10). Ms. George-Redd studied international development and stayed “for over a decade now, to work at non-profits that teach our kids about sustainable foods and how to live a healthier life by eating well.”

Pertula with Prince Charles 1

Pertula with Prince Charles 2

Pertula with Prince Charles 3

Pertula and her husband set up a social enterprise in St. Lucia

ReddBoa Inc. is a holistic, social enterprise model that offers an amalgamation of programs in Brazilian jiu jitsu, yoga, sustainable agriculture, and educational programming for all age groups. ...The founders and owners, John H Redd and Pertula George-Redd are a dynamic team combining John's 35 years of martial arts training and Pertula's twelve years’ experience managing youth development and sustainable agriculture programs. Born and raised in St. Lucia, Pertula has spent the last 16 years in the US gleaning best practices in non-profit management and social enterprise. She holds an MA in Sustainable International Development, a BA in International Studies and is a certified vinyasa and prenatal yoga instructor. Jeremy Lafreniere (owner Capital MMA and Elite Fitness), John Redd (co-founder ReddBoa), Royce Gracie (MMA Champion and Legend)

Jeremy Lafreniere - Capital MMA and Elite Fitness

Interesting reddit thread: Is Capital MMA Legit? Why do people say it's trash?

Royce Gracie

Royce Gracie (Portuguese: [ˈʁɔjsi ˈɡɾejsi]; born December 12, 1966)[2] is a Brazilian semi-retired professional mixed martial artist,[3] a UFC Hall of Famer, and a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. A member of the famed Gracie family, he is considered to be one of the most influential figures in the history of MMA.

Gracie family

The Gracie family (Portuguese: [ˈɡɾejsi]) is a prominent martial arts family from Brazil known for their development of Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ)...As a family, they uphold the Gracie challenge, which promotes their style of modern jiu-jitsu. Members are affinally and consanguineously related to the Machado family.

Machado family

The Machado brothers have helped train actors Ashton Kutcher[citation needed] and Keanu Reeves for his role in John Wick 2.

Also other celebs like Anthony Bourdain

Okay, so Pertula George-Redd is Americorps VISTA Program Director...

Obama’s Americorps scandal — and the First Lady’s meddling -

AmeriCorps and ACORN Go Way Back -

Voat posts re ACORN:

New Lead? Andrew Breitbart Tweets about Podesta and ACORN sex slave op

Acorn is what ties them all together - 3min15sec (IMPORTANT TO PIZZAGATE)

The rest of the posts are here

9217 ago

Thanks! Much appreciate the additional information on Sasha Lord, etc.

And yes, am aware of Findhorn etc as and its connection with Esalen and the rest, as I was the one who first documented its membership in the Centers Gathering ring, the connections to Tavistock, etc. Have also written about it numerous times since then. Can't fit it all into the one post, as Steemit literally has a block-limit, (which I've hit before) and the article I've linked in the OP was 3000+ words. Meaning it would be difficult for the average attention span to read in its entirety already as-is, so didn't expand to Findhorn or Esalen, etc.

The connection of organizations to Harbin alone - eg HAI Global, Ecstatic Living -> Skydance Tantra, and others is astounding and it leads to some very interesting leads, including a pedophile who worked for the United Nations.

letsdothis3 ago

No problem @9217. Your research is incredible and very much appreciated. And the link to this article is very interesting, contains so much information that I need to study:

In comparison to researchers like yourself, I haven't been doing this for very long. My angle is from the UK perspective, so the Findhorn comment was more of a reminder to myself to make the US-UK connections. I really came to this because of the Hampstead case in the UK which has deep ties to Tavistock and I have been trying to make more people aware on this board how deeply tied the US and UK cases are (because there is more to this story that goes further afield which will come out at some point). The Hampstead case came out a couple of years before pizzagate became a thing in the US. And if one studied the former, one would be struck by the similarities to what happened with pizzagate. In the UK, the main online forum for discussing Hampstead was the David Icke forum. It was clearly used as a honeypot to gather online researchers and to be used as a petri dish to study personalities and dynamics of the researchers. That's what got me angry. I think that case was a mixture of truth and psyops.. and I wondered at the insanity of the world that there were people that actually made a living from such sick stuff. It was also clear to me that the UK case was a preparation for something else. And here we are, on Voat. So, there are many questions to be asked about all of this. The main characters of our narratives on both sides of the Atlantic are still carrying on, business as usual (almost).. is one observation.

You are quite right about the size of this being difficult to fit into one post. And I am at that stage now when I find it impossible to fit all known connections into one post. And I'm contemplating how to map things and also how to present information in a way that explains the significance of new posts. I'll give you some examples of what I mean:

In your Esalen post you provide an ARK link: ARK, TEENS AND TODDLERS, LUCIS TRUST, AND MORE

That's pretty huge in the UK context:  The Children: Our Ultimate Investment (COUI) charity, Teens and Toddlers program, ARK schools and another connection with the Hampstead case -

That's a post I did a while back about how the English education system, Tavistock and the corrupt children's services system are all interlinked.. that post includes a video... whoever did it tried to summarise all of this.. the connections are huge but one has to have an understanding of each piece of information in order to grasp how huge this is...

For instance the video opens with the title: “Eugenics within schools” .. That means UCL, Tavistock, Wellcome Trust, Chatham House, MI6..

Then it goes on to display the actual business links ...with the Laura Huxley connection...with Psychosynthesis..taking us to the Lucis Trust..C:OUI program funded by ARK..connected to the UN's Sustainability program...and here is the REAL KICKER for me (because so few people are picking up on it)...ARK is deeply connected with EXECUTION LTD. ..

I wrote about that here:  The direct connections between the US and UK pizzagates are Tony Podesta, ARK, Execution Charitable Trust and Will Draper from the Hampstead case -

And there are many more threads which include information on Execution Ltd's journey to Execution Noble, the Portuguese bank Banco Espirito Santo , and the Novo Note Group (BlackRock). This thread explains the connections with Cambridge Analytica

Cambridge Analytica? That's another rabbit whole, which was covered extensively... Example

Then there are business links to Porton Down and the nuclear industry which I've written about elsewhere.. yeah.. so this is so huge it's impossible to put into one post (at the moment..) partly because there are more connections to be found...

I haven't written everything yet about the Hampstead case because there are still things that I am tracking... but one thing I can mention is the occupants of an apartment that was next to Ella Draper and the children in the building that they lived in (owned by Tavistock). That person is a therapist that belongs to group of therapists called Pegasus Evolution.. she has a very dodgy website (ahem) and travels regularly to Arab countries for Wellness lectures..she's an NLP practitioner who studied with the founder of NLP Robert Dilts. Who else has studied with Robert Dilts? Nancy Salzman of NXIVM There's more.. but I need to put it into a post..

Here's another example...

How these people cover their tracks from a business perspective... This post is an illustration of how 'plausible deniability' is introduced  : Why is The Honey Bee Melissa promoting shady Ark of Hope for Children - .. that post generated much discussion, including one of my comments:

the Earth Charter needs to be looked into. It leads back to the UN Sustainability Agenda, the Lucis Trust and a number of dodgy characters and the Hampstead case. ..PETER FERRIS (Ricky Dearman's agent) who is connected to the UN, the Tony and Cherie Blair and the Clintons  ..On his website homepage notice the link to the 'Ring of Peace' : .. The Ring is an annual event that we hold on the UN International Day of Peace..

Follow Ferris's Ring of Peace right back to the UN and his connections with the Varkey GEMS organisation... any PEACE initiatives from the UN also need scrutiny...

A similar technique of plausible deniabilty and deflection is used with Raniere's Global Technologies : Digging deeper into Keith Raniere's "Global Technologies Inc" reveals truly global links and maybe, government agencies connections. This needs more eyes... According to the narrative, Raniere tried to claim that a patent belonging to two government scientists belonged to him when it didn't.. Raniere was working WITH those men and continued to do so after the court case:

The whole NXIVM thing is tied up with the military, the nuclear industry and the US Government but the media narrative is that this NXIVM cult is about this ego maniac Raniere.. classic bait and switch... just as it happened with the Hampstead case and the sulphur trail that Will Draper leaves right back to the UK government, British intelligence services and Oxbridge, Execution Ltd., ARK, etc. is covered up and ignored.

Also, looking at how the whole Global Technologies thing was managed where unrelated people set up subsidiary businesses to look unrelated led me to an Epstein business that is based around yachting. At some point I'll post about that because that's a whole other rabbit hole that hasn't yet been tackled.

Another link that is ignored is Mark Epstein, brother of Jeffrey Epstein. He is a director of the UN's Humpty Dumpty institute.. they are involved with landmine issues.. you know, the issue that Princess Diana was involved with? Links back to the Fayad family and current stories being played out in Mayfair, Dover Street … Trump in the UK..Imran Khan, Hasnat Khan- heart surgeon and Princess Diana's lover (notice how most of these posts eventually link back to one or more members of the Royal Family? And which US President has only this week been hosted by, wined and dined by the Royal Family in a huge PR exercise that was wall-to-wall media coverage in the British press?)

Is there any point in me posting about this? Not really, the post would get half a dozen upvoats and a few more views while a CDAN post about Kanye being MKUltra'd, for example will get a factor times 100 views.. because that's the real level of this forum..

So, I applaud your efforts.. I'm beginning to get tired of this whole thing because I don't see real change.. I see consolidation of power and the continuing of the globalisation agenda while people are blinded by their political affiliations and that is being used against them – very successfully.

9217 ago

Thank you! I totally understand your frustration when talking about seeing good information mixed with disinformation, it is a serious problem. Do you have other posts on that subject I can look into? I'd like to read your work. Also: your comment has so much new & additional information, it deserves its own post. Was absolutely shocked at that "Our Children Our Investment" video on ARK/Lucis Trust etc etc, I somehow managed to identify the same points in my research and yet had not seen that video, ever! Highly impressed that it was done so many years ago, and the video includes more specific information regarding locations in the UK, for example, that I didn't have access to. Gad that I wasn't the only one to see the existence of that ring.

Also on your point here: "So, I applaud your efforts.. I'm beginning to get tired of this whole thing because I don't see real change.. I see consolidation of power and the continuing of the globalisation agenda while people are blinded by their political affiliations and that is being used against them – very successfully."

I applaud your efforts too, you have obviously done some intense work on this. The point may not be to reach a massive audience, (I know my steemit post will not reach more than a couple hundred pairs of eyes at maximum, no matter how much time I spent on it] but at the most basic minimum level it is worth it to me to continue so that if any survivor from these rings (like RA anon) search for information validating what happened to them, they will be able to a) find something and b) know that they are not crazy or alone. From what I understand, that kind of validation can mean everything to survivors.


dude. don't lose hope. I just recently hit a similar wall and was blocked by our head mod.

I think it's because we're (mainly ya'll) approaching the truth re: mindcontrol psychiatrists. That's why the shilling and low quality content has increased.

start your own blogs, youtubes, or podcasts

we need to get our research beyond this forum

9217 ago

And use Steemit! I don't care about cryptocurrency but Steemit is precious to me because of the anti-censorship value of using blockchain. Even if you write elsewhere, always back up posts and articles on steemit at the very least.


I will be soon, and I haven't forgotten those links


I think I've been working on the same rabbit hole but from a different angle.

the psychologists who worked for and at these institutions have fascinating tranny/pedo connections.

Not the first generations from Tavistock and Esalen but the 70's and 80's ones

9217 ago



I'll PM you tonight

9217 ago


pittsburghisapedoden ago

Keanu Reeves was in a movie about sex trafficking that references pizza literally

letsdothis3 ago


pittsburghisapedoden ago

Also he is Hawaiian, so there could be connections to that "hot dog stand." Pineapple on Pizza exists because of pedo code. Think about it.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

Worldwide there are Mystery Babylon pedovore cults that use their own countries cuisines as pedo codes. This is all from the Nephilim who ate humans.

auralsects ago

Wow what an odd coincidence we haven't found hardly any in any of these countries

Also a coincidence that Jewish ritual sacrifice/cannibalism is so well-known there ( that it is featured in popular TV series

Also a coincidence these are the countries the overthrowing of which has been the centerpiece of US/NATO foreign policy, which no one disputes is entirely controlled by Jews and Zionists.

But keep spreading your "Babylonian pedovore" thing, that should be a lot more redpilling and practical. We wouldn't wanna expel the Jews, that has seldom been necessary

pittsburghisapedoden ago

I know that the Jews are all about that witchcraft.

auralsects ago

Then why cast our net literally around the entire planet when the nexus is extremely obvious/known?

It's not as if expelling Jews logically precludes chasing other non-Jewish cult members in any way. Presenting false dichotomies is the easiest of all shill tactics

Voat4CBD ago

They burnt the evidence with DEWs and are rebuilding currently. If anyone is able to get photos and look for symbols, that'd be great.


California New Age retreats are MK Ultra playgrounds




ritual nudity is part of the mind control tactics

getting people naked makes them bond. and that's just the tip of the spear.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

I've heard from someone that her parents visit a nude camp. She said that she would never do that, yet people go these with underage children.

9217 ago

Agreed. Hence so much writing and research has gone into looking up these places, by myself and others. I can't link everything here, but I threw together an index of posts on the Centers Gathering and etc, as related to the initial testimony of RA Anon... which I have to say keeps getting corroborated over time the more research is done.

Also noteworthy: Harbin is located relatively close to Napa Valley, which is it's own hotbed of ritual abuse, there is a Rothschild-owned winery there, etc. And Harbin itself is on thousands of acres of land -- I would assume that land is worth multiple millions of dollars - how did a 501c commune made up of hippies get that much cash!?

new4now ago

A lot of famous people own vineyars in Napa

Pelosi, Francis Ford Coppola, Ron Miller- president and CEO of Disney 1978-1984 John Legend.

A lot of sports players


and golf courses/land/resorts in Monterey and Carmel