Further to the post by @srayzie , I've been delving into Global Technologies Inc .. started here with this comment https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3171446/18156405 where it was noted that the listed inventors on that particular patent were Thomas A. Delaney, City Island, NY; Steven Danzig, Spokane, Washington; Saul Miodownik, West Hempsted, NY
Global Technologies Spokane has 4 locations : https://www.plainsite.org/profiles/locations.html?id=1649202 - FL, WA, MN, ID
It is registered in the Cayman Islands https://www.plainsite.org/profiles/global-technologies-inc/
The Spokane address is the residential address of Steve Danzig 6322 S Gaiser Ct
Spokane, WA 99223
Other companies registered there: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:bgv1635LrGkJ:https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/address/6322-s-gaiser-ct_spokane-wa-99223+&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ch
CUDA Coffee Company Inc, CUDA APPAREL INC, The Danzig Group, LLC, The US50, Inc, Venturize LLC, Danzig Group and Associates Inc, GDANSK Inc, The Danzig Group, LLC.
Cuda Coffe Company Inc. https://www.manta.com/c/mmffg0c/cuda-coffee-company-inc website: https://www.cudacoffee.com/
"Us50 Inc" (Telephone Communication, Except Radio). https://wa.ourusadirectory.com/company/us50-inc.html
searching for that company gives this site: http://www.theus50.com/content/about.php
The US50 has provided a world class website consisting of concise, important and meaningful information about each of the 50 states in our great country. This information is given freely to all visitors of theus50.com. …
With the cooperation of U.S. Governors Offices, State Departments of Tourism, Departments of Economic & Community Development and local businesses, theus50.com provides consolidated information about each state in the following categories : ..
The introductory blurb promises a lot but the content does not live up to the hype. It also seems to be aimed at school children and indeed it is listed as an educational resource in a number of official state websites – example , Texas Austin, Texas schools has it listed as a resource website: http://www.austinschools.org/campus/frame_test/library/findit/dewey_973_geography.htm
However the address given is Cayuse Canyon, LLC
P.O. Box 21032 Spokane, Washington99201
I am not sure if this is the same company... if it's linked well, just think what that means.. Can someone help by looking into this? There is only a 16 minute drive between the 2 addresses Map
The PO Box would likely be at 904 W Riverside Ave Ste 109, Spokane, WA 99201, USA
Ok, moving on.... here is an article from 1999 about Steve Danzig helping his daughter-in-law to set up her diaper business : https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/17250
The Spokane, Washington, inventor sketched her concept on paper, produced a prototype, enlisted the help of an invention marketing specialist, and ended up licensing her idea to Kalencom Corp., a New Orleans company that sells baby accessories. In late October 1998, Kalencom introduced Quinn's product with much fanfare at the Juvenile Manufacturers Product Association convention in Dallas.
... Quinn began by brainstorming the idea with her husband, Robie, and her stepfather-in-law, Steve Danzig, the president of Juvenile Products Development, a Spokane, Washington, firm that specializes in licensing ideas to manufacturers.
Ever heard of Kalencom? Well, they are quite interesting..CEO is Monica Kalozdi http://www.slate.com/articles/podcasts/working/2015/04/monica_and_kicker_kalozdi_talk_about_running_a_family_business.html
Monica Kalozdi and her son, Kicker, explain how they manufacture everything from diaper bags to jewelry boxes while still maintaining Sunday night dinners.
Well, apparently Kicker is into shipping containers... https://kanconstruction.wordpress.com/
The KAN family standing in front of the DamnDog pop up shop that was set up during the tour https://imgur.com/a/qpfHFKiImgur Album
You can also see that Damn Dog logo on the Kalencom company website: https://www.kalencom.com/
You can see their other companies on the page include their packaging division, https://www.kalencom.com/packaging.html
Right next to that is Cheeky Chompers, a baby products company:
Here is Cheeky Chompers founders – '2 housewives' :https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=OOttitIHp4g
Oh Golly, they've received a Queen's Award https://www.heraldscotland.com/business_hq/16174942.queens-award-savoured-by-cheeky-chompers/
The business, whose founders Julie Wilson and Amy Livingstone set up the business after meeting at antenatal class, secured the accolade for their efforts in international trade. It comes after the company launched its products in China in recent months, with the business now exporting to 36 countries. Export sales account for 70 per cent of turnover, led by the US, China and Taiwan as its biggest markets.
Obviously, there is much more to look into and at the moment I'm all out of time. Posting for other researchers to take a look into this....
letsdothis3 ago
Digging into Kalencom because of another post that I'm currently working on and the connections are coming out of my ears... wish I'd never started this.. https://www.kalencom.com/
At the same address : U S a Fire & Burglar Alarm LLC [Notice the little 'a' in USA.. we've seen this before..]
bennyquirk ago
By Daisy Luther If you had a business selling something that made you well over a hundred billion dollars per year, would you take steps to eradicate the need for your business? Or would you make every effort for that money continue rolling in?
Take cancer, for example. Don’t let all the media hype about “The Cure” fool you. No one who is in a position to do so wants to end cancer because they are all making a killing on the big business of treatment, while ordinary people go broke, suffer horribly, and die.
There will never be a “cure” brought to market because there just isn’t enough profit in eradicating the disease entirely. There will never be a governing body that protects consumers from being subjected to known carcinogens, because that too, will stop the cash from rolling in. A great deal of research is covered up and many potential cures are ignored and discredited because there is far more money in perpetuating illness than in curing it. In 2012, the reported spending on cancer treatment was 124.6 billion dollars. Blood money.
The Grim Statistics Just the word “cancer” sends a frisson of fear down the spine of the most stalwart optimist. Terrifyingly, almost one in two people will get the dreaded disease, and the numbers are only getting worse. Here are some quick stats for background:
Nearly 40% of all Americans will develop cancer in their lifetime. (source) Over half a million people in America died of cancer in 2012. (source) In 2011, cancer was the #1 cause of death in the Western world, and #2 in developing countries. (source) Cancer is the #1 cause of childhood death in the United States. (source) This is a fairly recent increase. A hundred years ago, the number was far different. At that time, 1 in 33 people was stricken with the disease. And despite billions of dollars being spent to find “the cure”, the World Health Organization predicts that deaths from cancer will DOUBLE by the year 2030.
It’s being normalized. The news is full of photos of babies who are missing an eye, of beautiful bald children who have lost their hair to chemo, and of people who have had to have body parts removed in order to survive a few more years. But cancer is NOT normal. It isn’t something that “just happens”. Researchers know the things that cause cancer. Government protection agencies do too, but they do nothing to limit these toxins in the marketplace.
Because, cancer is big business and those who are profiting have great financial interest in seeing the deadly trend continue to increase.
Poisoned for Profit So what has changed? How did we go from a 3% chance of contracting cancer to a 41% chance?
It’s the advent of Big Pharma, Big Agri, and Big Business. They are getting rich off of poisoning Americans through the manufacture of toxic elements that we are exposed to on a daily basis.
Unless you live in a bubble and have no contact with manufactured items, outside air, or the sun, you are exposed to a staggering number of known and suspected carcinogens every day. (Check out THIS LIST to see the known and suspected carcinogens that are readily available in the United States.)
The statistics support that the cumulative build-up of all these different toxins in the human body eventually results in cancer in many people.
First, the manufacturers and the “food” producers profit when we buy their poisoned goods.
Then the medical system and pharmaceutical companies profit when we become ill and must fight cancer.
kazza64 ago
keith rainere and nxivm have ties to jeffrey epstein and lolita island it is rumoured melania trump was trafficked and ended up as trumps permanent partner
letsdothis3 ago
Global Technologies ID address 2265 E. 25th Street Idaho Falls, ID 83404 https://www.manta.com/c/mm4ct5g/global-technologies-inc
According to his resume he was at the Idaho National Engineering Lab (1974-1995), then President of GTI ID (1995-2007), Principal Scientist at NSTec (Remote Sensing Lab, Las Vegas) from (2008-2012), Global Medial Isotope Systems CTO (Las Vegas) presently
SearchVoatBot ago
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letsdothis3 ago
Francis Tang: Idaho National Lab > then president of GTI > then Remote Sensing Lab (NNSS)
Voat comment on Idaho National Lab :
UPDATE: William Gray of Rigby, Idaho has died (+ pg-relevant investigation into sex/trafficking crimes)
and comment from @carmencita https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/2155035/10640802
Interesting that you wrote that because the NNSA and NNSS get involved with training for crowd situations like the Super Bowl https://twitter.com/nnsanews/status/1088913544312209410?lang=en and only a few days ago I wrote this: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3171446/18151936
Superbowl Commercial Mocking Pizzagate researchers
Lansing-Michigan ago
In the books written by Cathy O'Brian and Brice Taylor , the NFL is mentioned as being very corrupt. And have read from this website how there is more child sex trafficking during the big games. For several years, the NFL play off half times were so satanic it was mind blowing ......usual suspects performing...katy perry and madonna.Also ley lines are very important...they are to the earth what our chakra system is...basis for acupuncture I think. When these ley lines cross, there is great power on the location. These locations have catholic cathedrals on them often, military bases....ie Minot ND, nukes. ..Thomas Jefferson's house was built on one.... Dr. Joseph Ferrell (you tube) says design of cathedral types of music like Bach played on organs effects a bigger area. Surprised that our ancestors knew these things and we don't hear of it?.... says that the organ music in cathedrals, rectangular shapes and type of music played affects larger regions. (wish this website would place comments in the order that they are placed...for continuity and understanding.)
flyingcuttlefish ago
I finished my blog post - the top portion is old news to readers here -
. . . anyone can use any of the material on that blog ...
letsdothis3 ago
Just went over the blog. Interesting take on the court case. I have to say that I am developing a different view on it, given the stuff that I'm digging up here. Check out this link : https://www.plainsite.org/profiles/global-technologies-inc/ Those men were all working with Raniere. I believe that his girlfriend was used as CEO of Global Technologies so that they could distance him from the government connections. Either blackmail was involved or they were working with various agencies. The narrative that he was an ego-maniac acting on his own is Standard 101 intelligence tactics to deflect the public from the truth. Look at the various locations of the company.. it was still operating at least until he was arrested. The patents he submitted were developments on the others. They simply took turns in submitting new ones every year or so. Look again. This rabbit hole is very very deep. We must not look away now.
flyingcuttlefish ago
OK. I believe you. I just couldn't find a lot when I went looking into GTI. What I got was a lot of other companies called Global Tech Cosmetics etc. etc. that were unrelated.
Do you have a whole article I can add as a comment (all my updates just get added on as comments so they can be found by the search box) ?
I can cut and paste this if you want ... of just add this whole thread.
I think you are right he/they may be working with intel agencies to do all that hacking.
letsdothis3 ago
You can take what you like from this post. I'm just dumping stuff here as I find it. I'm hoping others will chime in with thoughts or more info as the picture still isn't clear to me.
Camera_Eye ago
@CsiHawkins (David Hawkins) is chasing patents in particular split tunneling. This patent thing tied to Keith Rainer is totally out in left field. Dude doesn't have any tech background what so ever. Anybody associated with him on any level is suspect to include the the patentees list on the invention. (former patent agent here...so I know something about patents).
Camera_Eye ago
Raniere is a H.S. drop-out...he couldn't contribute a shred of technical capability in the development of a patent within 379/Telephonic Communications. He was (allegedly) backstopped by Bronfmans (anybody what to read a detailed exposition on drugs, liquor, and other criminality start here: https://archive.org/details/DopeInc.BritainOpiumWarAgainstTheUs1978.pdfVersion2/page/n213)...see if you can find any connections to Government Contractors...where is the relations to these guys you cited: ---> https://www.firstprinciples.biz/about.htm???? Looks like an IC front.
letsdothis3 ago
The Minnesota address is a distribution warehouse. Google does not allow street view https://imgur.com/a/xiojq3KImgur Album
And it's now U.S. Water https://www.uswaterservices.com/ https://www.uswaterservices.com/company
There website from 2002 https://web.archive.org/web/20020601075258/https://www.uswaterservices.com/
Google won't give a street view there either.
March 2017: Al Bly, Founder and Former CEO of U.S. Water, Announces His Retirement from the Water Treatment Industry
flyingcuttlefish ago
I am working on a blog post ....
Bronfman Rothschild connection:
archive - http://archive.is/CxKmT
flyingcuttlefish ago
from 2007!
NY Post - HILLARY’S $30,000 FANS ARE HER ‘CULT’ FOLLOWING https://nypost.com/2007/10/01/hillarys-30000-fans-are-her-cult-following/
archive - http://archive.is/QoE80
letsdothis3 ago
Florida address: 7108 Fairway Drive, Suite 200 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
AmWINS is also listed at this address: http://www.amwins.com/about-us/find-a-location/us-locations
2012 article: Wholesale insurance brokerage AmWINS changes hands in private equity deal
Craig Cogut - Bio from the McCAIN INSTITUE https://www.mccaininstitute.org/staff/craig-cogut/
He is also a member of the EAST WEST INSTITUTE https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/141058/BridgingFaultLines.pdf
auralsects ago
Cogut (they forgot his Carbon War Room with Richard BransonJPG /Pegasus Capital Advisors was what ultimately led me to say, 2 yrs ago, that considering lifespans, the 1980s is the most vital decade to research.
... Pegasus is just one of them, and they're ALL slimy child-fucking kikes.
For example you remember Apollo's Leon Black - - whose father was a rabbi and CIA stooge heading United Fruit and alleged defenestrator - - buying a Babylonian Talmud for $9.3m.
Another involving Ressler is Ares ManagementPNG, notice the Saturn logo even though the correct correspondence is Mars (God of War). And remember Ressler's brother of notorious CIM Group of Felix Sater fameJPG a lender to Trump/Kushner.JPG
These aren't small-fry by any means, we're talking hundreds of billions in AUM.
And they pioneered all the modern financial innovations, I. E. Jewish scams and magicJPG, sodomy and usury straight from Dantes 7th circleJPG
DBL is a nexus arguably more important than the Clinton Foundation and has no explanation beyond the egregious nepotism and criminality of Jews and their stranglehold on politicians (see how well they handled their crown jewel McCain, one of whose pallbearers is a big insider also currently at Pegasus AdvisorsJPG
But since you people don't appreciate that fact, I am casting pearls before swine
SearchVoatBot ago
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letsdothis3 ago
Please continue to cast your pearls, your contributions are invaluable. I'll go through this now.
auralsects ago
OK, but tell me why you front-holes, as anonymous posters, care more about cordiality and smiley faces than basic delineations that establish your position re: the sub itself. They're not your in-laws.
You realize that in the press, where 90% of normies get informed, #pizzagate is now an afterthought of JewAnon, a future historical footnote about a "right wing fake news conspiracy epidemic" EXACTLY like they have rewritten the Joe McCarthy saga (who was of course hunting Jewish communist spies and was vindicated with the release of the Venona project https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venona_project)
I mean at this point it's flat-out irresponsible for pizzagaters to not be using Jewish networks (some 7,000 organizations in the US alone) for research.
letsdothis3 ago
PARTHENON CAPITAL - Voat post.. Isaac Kappy 'live trolling' David Brock or is David Brock trolling us? A look into the Kappy family
@fogdryer you might find this interesting
Camera_Eye ago
Chase down all names in OpenSecrets and Wikileaks...build a profile so as to connect the dots.
flyingcuttlefish ago
U.S. Patent Office cites Raniere’s lying in federal court to rule he doesn’t own teleconferencing patent https://frankreport.com/2017/07/23/us-patent-office-cites-ranieres-lying-in-federal-court-to-rule-he-doesnt-own-teleconferencing-patent/
archive - http://archive.is/GYcL1
Camera_Eye ago
His name is on the Patent...that's an authentic document. NTELLIGENT SWITCHING SYSTEM FOR (51) Int. Cl. VOICE AND DAT. Look, when IC wants to cut trails off that's what they do.
letsdothis3 ago
Also check out the 131 patents for Global Technologies, assigned to Raniere and the other men. They worked together long after that court case: https://www.plainsite.org/profiles/global-technologies-inc/
letsdothis3 ago
She was Raniere's girlfriend.
flyingcuttlefish ago
The thing is, all big apparel companies have lots of shipping containers as most work is outsourced and imported.
I will do some looking at Global Technologies Inc. and post here if I find anything.
EricKaliberhall ago
Help flair is activated.
derram ago
https://files.catbox.moe/o86zcu.pngPNG :
https://files.catbox.moe/1qq96a.jpgJPG :
https://www.invidio.us/watch?time_continue=6&v=OOttitIHp4g :
This has been an automated message.PNG
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
plainsite - https://archive.is/mfgyS and https://archive.is/DezOk and https://archive.is/mfgyS
fastpeoplesearch - https://archive.is/p7bxi
cudacoffee - https://archive.is/oJ1Y9
ourusadirectory - https://archive.is/IX2Bd
theus50 - https://archive.is/wTjkS
austinschools - https://archive.is/cthYZ
map - http://archive.fo/3mit0
entrepreneur - https://archive.is/BQRtJ
wordpress - https://archive.is/udJRq
kalencom - https://archive.is/tzjyY and https://archive.is/rbgte
heraldscotland - https://archive.is/59MYD
cheekychompersus - https://archive.is/q01cv
frankreport - https://archive.is/GYcL1
plainsite - https://archive.is/mfgyS
globaltechnovations - https://archive.is/tQhae
amwins - https://archive.is/iOcUA
businessinsurance - https://archive.is/aT7G1
wiki - https://archive.is/XMJpZ and https://archive.is/BPjfe
mccaininstitute - http://web.archive.org/web/20171104220416/https://www.mccaininstitute.org/staff/craig-cogut/
ethz - http://web.archive.org/web/20190428062016/https://www.files.ethz.ch/isn/141058/BridgingFaultLines.pdf