webofslime ago

ACORN was a 501 c 4 that was an umbrella to 501 c 3's across the country.

It was basically a vote scheme for the Democrats, who were giving charity, then registering voters and voting for them or directing them who to vote for.

This is why a conservative journalist would target them. O'Keefe also targeted Planned Parenthoods.

ACORN was compromised when the Founder's brother was publicly caught embezzling a lot of money. Probably it was the tip of the iceberg.

At that point, Soros took over and it went into overdrive working to get Obama elected.

Having been targeted by O'Keefe so successfully, though, the 501 c 4 shut down. The 501 c 3's all just changed their names.

They are still doing it.

mooteensy ago

I would love to know if he's working on anything with pizza now!

redditsuckz ago

Google is participating in a cover up;

Google Just Wiped out Connecticut Avenue on Google Maps! - The Block of Comet Ping Pong - What are they HIDING??



Here is the even bigger picture that connects them ALL :)

I have studied the elite for 20 years. Pizzagate isn't holly new to me, but the scale took me aback. The elite sacrifice children for a reason.

Here is the whole story of Pizzagate for anyone interested. The truth is stranger than fiction. The Scottish Masonic Order and their affiliates rule our planet. They are a direct continuation of the Brotherhood of Amon Ra that existed in Egypt 3500 years ago. Knights Templar, Medici's, Pheonicians were just a couple of the links in between. Our leaders are obsessed with Egyptian symbolism, specifically the story of Isis and Osiris. It's basically pretty cool math/geometry, but they have perverted it and made it into an esoteric movement. These people literally invented creationism and our religions. The Star of David is a mathematical symbol.

Here you go (explore the Egyptian/mathematical symbolism through art and architecture of the past 2 thousand years):


This guy is really funny. He sucks as a speaker, and looks insane, but info checks out. It'll make a man go insane.


and here is the mouthpiece for the IMF mentioning it casually:


Please refrain from calling me a shill because that sounds so fucking crazy. I know what it sounds like. Downvote me if you think it is a coincidence the the latitude of the King's Chamber at the pyramids at Giza is the speed of light (in m/s), accurate to at least 6 digits. You would have to think Pizzagate is a coincidence too. Meter was defined in 1800, but it was merely rediscovered. It is a length ingrained into the architecture of our solar system, as any student of Masonry would learn. Here is the King's chamber when measured in meters:


Maybe the meter isn't so arbitrary after all, if it is being used to encode the golden ratio in Egypt, thousands of years before the System International. By the way, the perimeter of the chamber's base is 10 pi meters squared. They squared the circle at the same time.

Numerology and mythology seem pretty fucking retarded, and they are, but our leaders fucking love it. You have to understand it, in order to understand our current situation, and them. It goes back thousands of years. If there is anything that you guys should be learning through Pizzagate, it is that many of the men and the women with the tin foil hats on, were preaching reality in your face (to a limit- I think that limit is aliens, but I am open minded). I think that it can be easy to try to explain this Egyptian symbolism as artistic influence, but major historic figures have gone out of their fucking way to make a point of it (as you will see in the first video).

Last thing, FUCK THE BROTHERHOOD OF AMON RA. They sacrifice children like sheep.

Just remember that at heart, humans are good. These videos will make you question reality, but we have each others' backs.

You guy's have found the tippy tip of the iceberg.


Great interview. A glimpse into greatness. I was good till he blew off halliburton. That's a horrible situation or was rather for our military. Anyways back to pizza.....

Hobgobbin ago

Listened to the whole thing... damn I miss that man.

FuckTheseSickos ago

Could you not give any summary... Come on.

For those watching. Start at about 3 minutes in. I'm watching at 1.50x right now.

So far undercover videos by James O'Keeffe setting up brothels with underage children from El Salvador going into ACORN offices.

David Brock with Media Matters was critical of them. -- Go figure right?

Breitbart states that MM and HuffBlow act as a firewall for real news. --- Still the truth 7 years later but worse since Ariana is close buddies with Pedo Podesta.

Discusses Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill - https://chnm.gmu.edu/courses/122/hill/hilloutline2.htm

When the nomination moved to the floor of the Senate, it took a sudden and dramatic turn when Anita Hill, a law professor at the University of Oklahoma, came forward with accusations that Clarence Thomas had sexually harassed her. Hill had worked for Thomas years earlier when he was head of the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission. Hill charged that Thomas harassed her with inappropriate discussion of sexual acts and pornographic films after she rebuffed his invitations to date him. A media frenzy quickly arose around Hill's allegations and Thomas's denials. When Thomas testified about Hill's claims before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he called the hearings, "a high-tech lynching for uppity Blacks." The incident became one person's word against another's. In the end, the Senate voted 52-48 to confirm Clarence Thomas as associate justice of the Supreme Court.>

Goes on to discuss the "Democratic Media Complex" -- which we have seen has only increased in size and veracity. Who knew how bad it would get...

19 minutes in he discusses that the only news coverage the ACORN story got was from FOX and everyone else calling it what they have now dubbed "fake news"

Can pretty much close out after 22 minutes. Nothing else really that important.

Relevant videos for further viewing if you care:

Actual undercover video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UOL9Jh61S8


can't listen to audio where I'm at... TL;DR please?