Breitbart clearly knew something. The Podesta emails clearly substantiate his assertion, as well as the mounting evidence of Podesta's personal involvement in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. It's just a great pity Breitbart does not seem to have disclosed to anyone how he knew what he knew.

EndThePizza ago

ACORN controversy regarding underage sex slaves

Quasimodo1965 ago

Too bad the MSM couldn't be bothered to cover this story seven years ago. They might have helped save a lot of children.

Remind them of that when you email them these tweets and ask what they have been doing about it.

waxdino ago

ACORN was the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. They were accused of a lot of voter fraud accusations. And employees in multiple offices were filmed undercover giving advice on how to file taxes on underage prostitution rings.