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letsdothis3 ago

Charity Linked to Sex Offender and Harvard Donor Jeffrey Epstein Gave Thousands to Hasty Pudding, Professor’s TV Show

A charity connected to convicted sex offender and Harvard donor Jeffrey E. Epstein gave tens of thousands of dollars to the Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770 and a non-profit linked to a Harvard professor, according to tax filings obtained by The Crimson.

Epstein served as president of a private foundation called Gratitude America, Ltd. in 2014. Gratitude America donated $50,000 to the Hasty Pudding — an umbrella organization that includes the Hasty Pudding Club, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, and the Harvard Krokodiloes — in 2016. As recently as Wednesday afternoon, the Hasty Pudding website listed Epstein as one of its 2018 donors who have given more than $50,000.

In 2016, Gratitude America also gave $110,000 to Verse Video Education, the non-profit organization that funds English Professor Elisa F. New’s television show and digital initiative “Poetry in America.”

Gratitude America operates out of the United States Virgin Islands, where Epstein lists his permanent address. Its 2014 filings list Epstein as the president and Darren K. Indyke and Erika A. Kellerhals as the treasurer and secretary, respectively. Tax filings from 2015 to 2017 still list Indyke and Kellerhals as employees for the charity, but Richard Kahn replaces Epstein as president.

Kahn and Indyke have also worked on the boards of previous charities tied to Epstein. In addition to being Epstein’s longtime lawyer, Indyke served as vice president of Epstein’s previous foundation, the C.O.U.Q. Foundation.

The Daily Beast first reported Epstein’s connections to Gratitude America in an April 16 article. The foundation has also donated to MIT, the Crohn’s Colitis Foundation of America, and Friends of Elton John, according to its tax filings.

..Before Wednesday afternoon, the Hasty Pudding listed Epstein as a 2018 “Guardian of the Sphinx,” a designation given to its highest donors — those who have given at least $50,000.

Hasty Pudding Institute Chairman Andrew L. Farkas ’82 and other representatives from the Pudding did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Shortly after The Crimson reached out to the Pudding on Wednesday, Epstein’s name disappeared from, and an anonymous donor was added to, the 2018 donors page. Hours later, the 2018 page was replaced with a new list of 2019 donors, which does not include Epstein.

..The Hasty Pudding and Poetry in America initiative aside, Epstein has a long history of strong financial ties to the University. He has pledged donations of up to $30 million to individual researchers and funded the construction of the building that houses Harvard Hillel, among other contributions.

Epstein also maintained an office in Cambridge for several years and forged close personal friendships with current and former faculty and administrators including Dershowitz, former University President Lawrence H. Summers, and former Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Henry Rosovsky.

Lansing-Michigan ago

When Larry Summers was clintons under sec. of treasury, WE got a request from Mexico for a loan. They were broke. Congress refused. So Robert Ruben and Larry Summers got the money from, best I can remember, Clinton Initiative. They asked for a quick pay back for it. So Mexican's loans went up from say, 7% to 30%. This started the massive influx of Mexicans into America in the 90s.Alan Greenspan , in his memoirs, said he was forever an admirer of both men for their brilliance. (paraphrasing) When g bush stole the election in 2000, he further added to the "problem" by reducing funding for border patrol. America always has a slave class. Odd to me, why people don't wonder why so many suddenly started coming here to work under horrific conditions. As president of Harvard, Summers gave them financial advice and they went from 1 billion in profits to broke. He was sent to Russia by clinton to help with their finances after the fall of the Berlin wall/communism. On his advice many small farmers in small Russian bloc countries committed suicide.....and they longed for the days of stalin, who murdered thousands upon thousands of Russian...Summers and Rahm Emanuel owned controlling shares of two different hedge funds. ..they built a wind farm in upper state ME. ..and ran out of money.....this corporation , First Wind, was tied to Enron as they were interested in wind power. Well, they were broke and an entire wind farm was built with money from Obomba's jobs program. something like a million a job. Wind farms do not help the environment, they actually hurt it. So when Trump did not sign the Paris Accord which is about Renewable Energy Credits , part of the scam, it was a very good thing. Only politicians and the filthy rich can get into that scam. Last I heard of Larry Summers, he was a serious contender for federal reserve chairman.....only public outcry keept that from happening. He and rahm emanuel bear looking into for mafia / Israeli ties and I would be very suspicious of his wife's charity or whatever.WayneMadsenReport stated that rahm and obomba were traveled in the same bath houses and such in Chicago.I trust Wayne Madsen's report. Obomba went after him and pretty much destroyed his career.

carmencita ago

Jeffrey Epstein connected to the Lifeboat Foundation

carmencita ago

Speaking of Larry Summers

Yesterday, WikiLeaks put out a serious of tweets informing the public that Julian Assange had been attacked in a smear campaign pushed by a “front” group and U.S. democratic media.

A front has released through US Democratic media an elaborate story accusing Julian Assange of paedophillia & taking US$1million from Russia

“An unknown entity posing as an internet dating agency prepared an elaborate plot to falsely claim that Julian Assange received US$1M from the Russian government and a second plot to frame him sexually molesting an eight year old girl,” WikiLeaks said in a press release Tuesday.

The press release went on: “The second plot includes the filing of a fabricated criminal complaint in the Bahamas, a court complaint in the UK and laundering part of the attack through the United Nations. The plot happened durring WikiLeaks’ Hillary Clinton related publications, but the plot may have its first genesis in Mr. Assange’s 16 months litigation against the UK in the UN system, which concluded February 5 (Assange won. UK and Sweden lost & US State Dept tried to pressure the WGAD according to its former Chair, Prof. Mads Andenas).”

The DailyKos reported that a Canadian family holidaying in the Bahamas reported to the police that their 8-year-old daughter was “sexually molested online” by Assange on

Julian Assange’s legal team provided a timeline in the press release which showed that the self-claimed dating agency contacted WikiLeaks’ defense team offering one million dollars for Assange to appear in a video advertisement for the “dating agency”.

Assange’s defense wrote back, stating that the proposal appeared to be an “elaborate scam designed to entrap Mr. Assange’s reputation into unwanted and unwarranted publicity.”

WikiLeaks was able to trace down the address of the front, posting an image on twitter of what appears to be a warehouse or garage.

Here is the "headquarters" of the front (PAC?) behind the Assange "took US$1M from Russia" plot

Internet sleuths from Reddit were able to dig up some information about the dating service pushing the attacks on Assange, finding that the company shares the address with a private intelligence corporation named Premise Data Corporation.

Interestingly, Larry Summers, who is connected to the Clinton Campaign, is on the board of directors of Premise Data Corporation.

Here is the Reddit post that lays out the findings:

As other Redditors point out, the Center for American Progress was founded by Clinton campaign chair John Podesta and was funded by billionaire and pro-Clintonite George Soros.

I remember this Hot Item on that day being on Reddit at the time. Blew Wide Open. What interesting times. Larry Summers and Neera Tanden. Wonder if this will be brought up by Assange's lawyer. But here we have proof again that it is all connected.

ASolo ago

Good stuff.

think- ago

Yep. See second line in OP. ;-)

letsdothis3 ago

From the article: New is married to Summers, Harvard University’s former president, who hobnobbed with Epstein in elite international relations groups and, like Bill Clinton, flew on Epstein’s private jet. Vanity Fair’s 2003 feature mentions Epstein proudly displaying Summers’ letter of commitment to “the Epstein Program for Mathematical Biology and Evolutionary Dynamics” at Harvard. Epstein “says he was reluctant to have his name attached to the program, but Summers persuaded him,” the article said.

Voat post:

New article : "Who is Jeffrey Epstein?" And, is he related to Jonathan Epstein of the CIA's Sentient Technologies ? >>>>If I can explain further why the Jonathan Epstein scrutiny is not a far fetched one..given that we have so little family information on Jeffrey Epstein:

Projects supported by Jeffrey Epstein:

The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation is a private science foundation known for establishing the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University with a $30 million gift to the university.[1] The Program for Evolutionary Dynamics is considered the first department of its kind to study the evolution of molecular biology with the sole use of mathematics. It is also one of the first departments to develop mathematical models of how human cancer cells evolve as well as infectious bacteria and viruses such as HIV.[2]

The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation is also known for giving one of the largest amounts of funding to individual scientists around the world. Since 2000, the Foundation has given approximately $200 million a year to many notable scientists including Stephen Hawking, Marvin Minsky, Eric Lander, Lawrence Krauss, Lee Smolin, George Church, Ben Goertzel, Kip Thorne, Gregory Benford and numerous Nobel laureates, including, Gerald Edelman, Murray Gell-Mann, Gerard ’t Hooft, David Gross, and Frank Wilczek.[3] Over the years, the Foundation has convened many of these scientists in conferences to discuss the consensus on fundamental science topics such as gravity, global threats to the Earth and language.

His reach is far within the scientific community, particularly amongst transhumanists.

His foundation works closely with Martin Nowak

Founded in 2003, the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED) is directed by Martin Nowak, a professor of mathematics and biology at Harvard.

One of the founders of Sentient, Babak Hodjak, says:

Sentient's system is inspired by evolution. According to patents, Sentient has thousands of machines running simultaneously around the world, algorithmically creating what are essentially trillions of virtual traders that it calls "genes."

In the video that I posted earlier of Jonathan Epstein giving his sales pitch to a UK company, he talks about their evolutionary algorithm system.

think- ago

His reach is far within the scientific community, particularly amongst transhumanists.

Didn't he even organize (a) conference(s) on Epstein Island, which Stephen Hawking attended? As well as other renowned scientists?

letsdothis3 ago


letsdothis3 ago

Speaking of 'evolutionary dynamics' that reminds me of a technology-based post I still have to do which ties in Epstein and the Santa Fe Institute and the algorithms they are using to track, monitor and 'nudge' populations through the social media platforms... Gaarrrrr... not enough time for everything...


........ Geoffrey West, Ph.D, was named to Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World" in 2007, with his work selected as a “breakthrough idea” by Harvard Business Review in 2006. He is a theoretical physicist and Distinguished Professor and former President of the Santa Fe Institute, with primary interests in fundamental questions ranging from elemental particles to universal scaling laws in biology, while developing a quantitative science of cities, companies and global sustainability.....

Here he is : Why Don’t Humans Live for More than 100 Years? | Physicist Geoffrey West Basically he's another nutter transhumanist.

letsdothis3 ago

On Verse Video Education, Poetry in America is a production of Verse Video Education

I've come across this organisation before, need to go through notes..

Poetry in America, created and directed by Harvard professor Elisa New, is a new public television series and multi-platform digital initiative that brings poetry into classrooms and living rooms around the world.

In partnership with Harvard, Poetry in America offers free online courses for global learners as well as for-credit and professional development courses for undergraduates, graduate students and educational practitioners. The public television series, Poetry in America (presented by WGBH Boston and distributed by American Public Television) is being broadcast nationwide beginning April 2018.

Dozens of guest interpreters join the conversation– they include:

Bill Clinton | Herbie Hancock | Elena Kagan | Nas | Sonia Sanchez | Joe Biden | Katie Couric | Tony Kushner | Robert Pinsky | Frank Gehry | Billy Collins | Eve Ensler | Shaquille O’Neal | Jason Collins | Julie Taymor | John McCain | Al Gore | Elizabeth Alexander | Randi Weingarten | David Coleman | Michael Pollan | Marie Howe | Diane Paulus | John Lithgow | Bono | Natalia Zukerman | Amber Tamblyn | Greg LeMond | Regina Spektor | Anne-Marie Slaughter | Edward Hirsch | Tom Steyer | James and Deb Fallows | Yusef Komunyakaa | Clint Smith | … and many more

think- ago

John McCain and Bono.....two of our usual suspects!!

letsdothis3 ago

Another funder is The Leon Black Foundation

Voat posts:

Jeffrey Epstein's tunnels on Lolita Island and the US Virgin Islands Pizza Pi Girls

Apollo Global Management donated less than $25K to the Clinton Foundation BUT it's managing partner Leon Black donated as much as $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation...Some of the businessmen who dine with him at his home—they include newspaper publisher Mort Zuckerman, banker Louis Ranieri, Revlon chairman Ronald Perelman, real-estate tycoon Leon Black [Apollo Global], former Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold, Tom Pritzker (of Hyatt Hotels), and real-estate personality Donald Trump—sometimes seem not all that clear as to what he actually does to earn his millions. Certainly, you won’t find Epstein’s transactions written about on Bloomberg or talked about in the trading rooms. “The trading desks don’t seem to know him. It’s unusual for animals that big not to leave any footprints in the snow,” says a high-level investment manager. ... New York Businessman Leon Black Buys Babylonian Talmud for $9.3 Million <--rabbinic book endorsing pedophilia

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

The link titled - "New York Businessman Leon Black Buys Babylonian Talmud for $9.3 Million" - is fubar

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for checking. I can't work out why it's not working so I've left it in a format for people to see the url address.

letsdothis3 ago

More on Ray Dalio and Bridgewater :

James Comey is in WIKILEAKS. - "The mind control is working."

DIG INTO BRIDGEWATER. RAY DALIO. COMEY. Wikileaks email ID: 101404....

"JAMES BAKER"....hmmmmmmmmmmm

Baker was hired by James B. Comey at Bridgewater Associates, LP (2010-2013) as Comey's Associate General Counsel (2012-2014). When Comey left Bridgewater to become Obama's FBI director, he received $9.9 million in compensation, which Baker would have signed off on.

Judgejewdy ago

comey is all sorts of shadey since childhood. look into what supposedly happened to him as a teenager. suspicious AF.

Judgejewdy ago

btw, all these people have suspicious backgrounds. shadey guy in politics? look at his/her family. i've taken to doing this with all of them. bc let's face it, everyday people don't get into positions of power. and we all know it's not what you know it's who you know. generally i see either a person with a family background in military, law (judges), or financing. shocking right? and for the ones whose parents ran a paint store off main street in noname town usa- bullshit. gotta know someone, somehow. epstein is especially suspicious. goes from dropping out of volege to teaching high school math to wall street trader by 25 to running his own company 5 years later. as i, the great judge jewdy says, if it doesn't make sense it isn't true. and the links can generally be traced back through family connections. for every damn one of them.

letsdothis3 ago

Funders include Dalip Philanthropies

Ray Dalio

Raymond Dalio (born August 8, 1949) is an American billionaire investor, hedge fund manager, and philanthropist.[3] Dalio is the founder of investment firm Bridgewater Associates, one of the world's largest hedge funds.

Dalio resides with his wife Barbara, daughter of Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, (married in 1976/77)[6] in Greenwich, Connecticut, and is known to practice the Transcendental Meditation technique.[9][27][28] They have four sons, Devon, Paul, Matthew, and Mark.[7] Devon, their eldest son (born March 26, 1978), was named after North Devon cattle because Ray was deeply involved in cattle futures at the time.[29] Second son Paul Dalio is a film director.[30] Matthew Ace "Matt" Dalio, their third son, is founder and chairman of the China Care Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to help Chinese orphans, and co-founder and CEO of Endless Mobile, Inc., a computer operating system company.[31][32] Their youngest son Mark Dalio is a wildlife filmmaker.

Voat posts re Bridgewater Associates:

Comey/Clinton connected to Costa Rica/Australia plane crashes this week

After he left government, Comey spent three years being grilled, or “probed,” as an executive at Bridgewater Associates.. It looks like James Comey basically worked for Bridgewater before he worked in the FBI under Obama, and Bridgewater's Associates Executive Bruce Steinberg was killed this week with his whole family in a Costa Rica plane crash. The Clinton's are actually connected to the death of Compass Group CEO Richard Cousins who also died this week along with four others in a plane crash in Australia.

The Compass Group provided full-service LEED recertification consulting to the Clinton Foundation to assist them with achieving LEED-EB Platinum recertification for the William J. Clinton Presidential Library, located in Little Rock, AR. The153,779 sq. ft. William J. Clinton Presidential Library, a part of the National Archives, has been designated as one of the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly places to work in the United States by the U.S. Green Buildings Council under its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Program. Also, Bridgewater had AMGEN has one of their major clients. AMGEN had Tony Podesta/The Podesta Group lobbying for them at The White House during Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State.

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

Matthew Ace "Matt" Dalio, their third son, is founder and chairman of the China Care Foundation, a non-profit that seeks to help Chinese orphans

A Vanderbilt that 'seeks to help Chinese orphans'?! We should look into this.


darkknight111 ago

Didn’t find much. China Care Foundation. Partners with One Sky. Oprah Winnfrey hosted him and his group. John Stevens is Interim CEO of the group. Dalio attended Harvard. Big red flag right there. Dalio is the CEO of Endless Mobile. One Sky is active in the Golden Triangle area. A list of partners. One of the members was an executive at Chase Bank’s China division.

think- ago

thank you

darkknight111 ago

Gonna start taking a look. May or may not be worth its own thread.

think- ago

What is interesting is that two of the charities he named on his tax form say they never received any money from him. Either they are lying, or he made these donations up. Which begs the question: why?

letsdothis3 ago

Or they were officially given to the charity but unofficially given to a trustee or charity head so the charity itself never saw the funds.

letsdothis3 ago

U.N. Think Tank Opening Office In Bahrain, With Bahraini Government Funding

As Bahrain enters the third year of a crisis sparked by Arab Spring protests in 2011, the government continues to bar many human rights advocatesandjournalists from entering the country. But one non-profit group is not only being welcomed into the tiny Gulf kingdom, it’s opening an office there. And it’s doing so with funding from Bahrain’s ruling monarchy. The International Peace Institute, a New York-based think tank closely associated with the United Nations, announced last month an agreement to open the office to “promote development, peace and international security.”

According to the group’s 2011 annual report, its major donors that year included the United States, several governments in Europe, as well as Bahraini regional allies Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. The institute’s international advisory council includes Prince Turki Al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi intelligence. Saudi Arabia sent troops to help put down the protests in Bahrain in 2011.

letsdothis3 ago

2010: UAE, IPI Host Forum in Abu Dhabi Desert Featuring Abbas, Blair

The delegates heard keynote addresses from Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian National Authority, and Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of the UK and Special Envoy of the Quartet on the Middle East.

Tony Blair: UAE's flood aid shows its importance

Mr Blair, now envoy for the Quartet on the Middle East, said the UAE was "now combining its very obvious economic progress with increasing political ties to the rest of the world".

letsdothis3 ago

International Peace Institute

The International Peace Institute (IPI, formerly the International Peace Academy) is an independent non-profit research and policy development institution based in New York (beside the headquarters of the United Nations, with which IPI works closely). Additionally, the Institute has regional offices in Europe (Vienna, Austria), and in the Middle East (Manama, Bahrain).

IPI specializes in multilateral approaches to peace and security issues, working closely with the Secretariat and membership of the United Nations.[3][4] IPI's primary objective is to promote effective international responses to new and emerging issues and crises through research, analysis, and policy development.

Since 2005, IPI has been led by Terje Rød-Larsen, a principal architect of the 1990s Oslo Peace Accords (between the PLO and the Government of Israel) and a Norwegian sociologist and diplomat who has served the UN as its senior envoy in the Middle East.[6]

IPI today focuses its work on crisis and the response capacity of international institutions, UN reform, statebuilding/peacebuilding, and has specific regional programs on the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. Rød-Larsen serves simultaneously as the UN Secretary General's Special Envoy for the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 1559.

Current Officers: Chairman of the Board of Directors: Kevin Rudd, Former Prime Minister & Labor Party leader, Australia; Vice President: Adam Lupel; Senior Director of External Relations: Mary Anne Feeney

tokui ago

He's a Courier.

Who is the source?

letsdothis3 ago

Do you mean who is his employer? That's the million dollar question.

tokui ago

I don't think such prole definitions apply to these gargoyles.

Someone, some group, has seemingly unlimited cashflow/resource, and he is simply a conduit, pass-thru. He apparently has no occupation to justify his being a billionaire. Hence.

letsdothis3 ago


auralsects ago

? Isnt one of the most basic facts abt him that Les Wexner gave him $1bn to start a hedge fund and Mossad honeypot for Maxwell.

Theyre Zionist Jews, i.e. part of the .02% of humans who are Jewish. Only a shill or a woman would suggest thats casting too wide a net.

Youre basically a Q-tard, you should feel bad

Maxwell even dreamed that he might one day forge an alliance with the Kennedys by marrying Ghislaine to JFK Jr. The two became close friends and remained so until Kennedy’s tragic death last year. Ghislaine has also been a guest at a number of Kennedy weddings and family events.


letsdothis3 ago

? Isnt one of the most basic facts abt him that Les Wexner gave him $1bn to start a hedge fund and Mossad honeypot for Maxwell.


Theyre Zionist Jews

Yes, we know.

Only a shill or a woman would suggest thats casting too wide a net.

Only a shill would say it's all about the ZIONEST JEEEEWWS!!!!!! Nothing more to see here folks.....

Youre basically a Q-tard

Nope. Wrong...


Yeah, I tend to find that funny can mean so many things...

Epstein... U.S. State Department and DYNCORP all together in underage female trafficking.

That post underestimates the global participation of other countries such as the UK.

auralsects ago

LOL the Jewish control of the UK is the most well-documented of all, Bank of England one of the earliest and the most important Jewish-run central banks. The Jewish PM Disraeli wrote entire novels laughing at how stupid we are for not seeing the Jewish control.

Only a shill would say it's all about the ZIONEST JEEEEWWS!!!!!! Nothing more to see here folks....

You're the one obscuring their Jewishness 100% of the time, idiot, lmfao.

Because to finish identifying the culprit group would lead to recommending corrective measures, which you'd never dish out on the basis of race/origin, because you're a woman. You gave up before you even started, LOL

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, I know enough about the Jewish background to the UK...

You're the one obscuring their Jewishness 100% of the time, idiot, lmfao.

I don't obscure, I just don't make a song and dance about it. There are enough people on voat to fill that niche.

As for YOU calling ME an idiot... I have a pretty good idea why you're tolerated on this subverse.... 'nuf said..

auralsects ago

Yea tell me more about "Russian oligarchs" and the "million dollar question" of who Epstein works for. LOL

I have a pretty good idea why you're tolerated on this subverse.... 'nuf said

Whereas you, boomer woman, are ideal for this sub, nuf said. LOL

letsdothis3 ago

I've already told you that I'm no boomer. What's the matter, using too many accounts at the same time causing 'memory loss' ?

I'm going to have to put you on mutt mute if you can't find something more intelligible to contribute.

auralsects ago

Why do YOU change accounts? Nobody tries to ban you for simply pointing out Jews like me. You're a harmless old niggerlover woman after all. Please for the love of God don't mute me, then you won't know how many months behind me your leads are =(

letsdothis3 ago

I've already explained why I've changed accounts on this forum. That Shill Handbook should have told you that repeating the same old tired insults at someone like me is a waste of time. Try getting more creative (if you have that capacity) :-)

auralsects ago

Oof theres your misunderstanding: covering for Jews & niggers and being indecisive are natural woman behaviors. I merely describe, never insult or judge.

letsdothis3 ago