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letsdothis3 ago

From the article: New is married to Summers, Harvard University’s former president, who hobnobbed with Epstein in elite international relations groups and, like Bill Clinton, flew on Epstein’s private jet. Vanity Fair’s 2003 feature mentions Epstein proudly displaying Summers’ letter of commitment to “the Epstein Program for Mathematical Biology and Evolutionary Dynamics” at Harvard. Epstein “says he was reluctant to have his name attached to the program, but Summers persuaded him,” the article said.

Voat post:

New article : "Who is Jeffrey Epstein?" And, is he related to Jonathan Epstein of the CIA's Sentient Technologies ? >>>>If I can explain further why the Jonathan Epstein scrutiny is not a far fetched one..given that we have so little family information on Jeffrey Epstein:

Projects supported by Jeffrey Epstein:

The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation is a private science foundation known for establishing the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University with a $30 million gift to the university.[1] The Program for Evolutionary Dynamics is considered the first department of its kind to study the evolution of molecular biology with the sole use of mathematics. It is also one of the first departments to develop mathematical models of how human cancer cells evolve as well as infectious bacteria and viruses such as HIV.[2]

The Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation is also known for giving one of the largest amounts of funding to individual scientists around the world. Since 2000, the Foundation has given approximately $200 million a year to many notable scientists including Stephen Hawking, Marvin Minsky, Eric Lander, Lawrence Krauss, Lee Smolin, George Church, Ben Goertzel, Kip Thorne, Gregory Benford and numerous Nobel laureates, including, Gerald Edelman, Murray Gell-Mann, Gerard ’t Hooft, David Gross, and Frank Wilczek.[3] Over the years, the Foundation has convened many of these scientists in conferences to discuss the consensus on fundamental science topics such as gravity, global threats to the Earth and language.

His reach is far within the scientific community, particularly amongst transhumanists.

His foundation works closely with Martin Nowak

Founded in 2003, the Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED) is directed by Martin Nowak, a professor of mathematics and biology at Harvard.

One of the founders of Sentient, Babak Hodjak, says:

Sentient's system is inspired by evolution. According to patents, Sentient has thousands of machines running simultaneously around the world, algorithmically creating what are essentially trillions of virtual traders that it calls "genes."

In the video that I posted earlier of Jonathan Epstein giving his sales pitch to a UK company, he talks about their evolutionary algorithm system.

letsdothis3 ago

Speaking of 'evolutionary dynamics' that reminds me of a technology-based post I still have to do which ties in Epstein and the Santa Fe Institute and the algorithms they are using to track, monitor and 'nudge' populations through the social media platforms... Gaarrrrr... not enough time for everything...


........ Geoffrey West, Ph.D, was named to Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World" in 2007, with his work selected as a “breakthrough idea” by Harvard Business Review in 2006. He is a theoretical physicist and Distinguished Professor and former President of the Santa Fe Institute, with primary interests in fundamental questions ranging from elemental particles to universal scaling laws in biology, while developing a quantitative science of cities, companies and global sustainability.....

Here he is : Why Don’t Humans Live for More than 100 Years? | Physicist Geoffrey West Basically he's another nutter transhumanist.