lynn1314 ago

Also, Bridgewater had AMGEN has one of their major clients. AMGEN had Tony Podesta/The Podesta Group lobbying for them at The White House during Hillary's tenure as Secretary of State.

There are no coincidences .

Steinmacher ago

how hot are things getting when they start killing (((each other)))?

srayzie ago

Some people are suspecting that they faked their deaths to flee. The one guy had his family supposedly die too. That’s the perfect way to get away.

2impendingdoom ago

are these more silenced witnesses because a barbell to the throat isn't plausible enough...?

NoBS ago

This is called a "Compromised" Executive Public Servant who has committed Treason and Espionage as an Enemy Combatant against the US Government and the Citizens who run it..