TrishaUK ago

COMEY SAT ON GOV. WHISTLEBLOWER, Dennis Montgomery, PROOF OF ILLEGAL ACTIVITY FOR 2 YEARS WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT! 'Special Prosecutor with Larry Klayman - Show Premiere' INTERVIEW WITH THE WHISTLE BLOWER - Is this why President Trump fired him before he could remove this information from his office? ...

HennyPenny ago

"Here's an anecdotal quote in which Comey is role playing prison with his children."Mr. Comey Goes To Washington | NEW YORK MAGAZINE ( Comey is talking about his upcoming “career day” chat to his daughter’s first-grade class. “My wife and I have five kids, so I’ve done this many times,” he says. “I like to bring stuff to show them: fingerprints, handcuffs, stuff like that.” Suddenly, Comey is shouting, acting out his lesson to the 6-year-olds: “Tell the truth! See what can happen to you?” he yells. “Okay, now we’re all gonna perp-walk to the playground! Tommy—you be Kozlowski!” Ironical, Comey barking out "tell the truth" to 6 year olds. Same article relates how Comey as a 15 y.o. with his brother Peter in 1977 in Ramsey,NJ were victims of a home invasion by the alleged Ramsey rapist who had previously raped 3 teenage babysitters . A suspect was arrested but not identified by any of the victims except for one of the Comey boys. Suspect had an alibi and was widely respected in the community. Suspect was later exonerated." In the decades since that episode, which Comey has said taught him important lessons about crime’s psychological toll on victims, the Northern Highlands Regional High School graduate has earned a reputation as a tough, but ethical, federal prosecutor and a Department of Justice attorney brave enough to stand up to political pressure from the White House." Have to wonder exactly what happened to the Comeys in 1977 that caused one of them to identify the wrong person and what kind of lesson/responsibility did he takeaway from the subsequent collateral damage to an innocent man and his family? Reports at the time stated Comey and his brother were not injured. I wonder why Comey would want to frighten 6 year olds with the perp-walk and handcuffs approach if he himself was a terrorized victim, why perpetuate it?

quantokitty ago

100% agree. We're supposed to take care of each other.

srayzie ago

I was thinking the same thing about the tribulation. I follow a lot of prophesy, and so much that is happening right now is exactly what the Bible says it will in the end days. You should check out this guy. He's a pastor. He is hilarious. But, he posts daily about news and prophesy being fulfilled. His name is Paul Begley.

quantokitty ago

Well, he's shown himself to be more than tough. He really has been put through the grinder ... the press has been horrendous and Hollywood? But then what do you expect from a bunch of pedophiles? Katy Perry's and Rhianna's videos tell me all I want to know about what goes on. I just hope that evidence is leaked ... that evidence Assange was going to use to take down the Cannibal Queen. If Killary goes down, they'll fall like a house of cards.

TrishaUK ago

And this is just the latest pizzagate mockery from Katie Perry: or - disgusting! And an absolute slap in the face to all us public pizzagate investigators.

quantokitty ago

She's pandering to her peers and the Cannibal Elites. She's only making herself look like a stupid whore who supports pedophilia.

quantokitty ago

Well, harmfully doing it, yes. I don't have a problem with putting family first, but that doesn't mean you're a hyena attacking a wildebeest. It just means the money you make goes to feed and clothe them first. But we may differ there. But this molestation and mind control, what does give them the right? Answer: They have none.

YingYangMom ago

That could make the list as well.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

The wildebeest quote is typical talk of every Wall Streeter I've ever met - - when they're speaking FRANKLY to someone they trust. They literally are all like that. They're sharks, that's why they do what they do.

Looking at the other stuff now...

Shillary ago

Wow, what a freaking nightmare we are living in. These people need to be burned at he stake. Good for the overall system to weed out all the evil, wouldn't you say?

quantokitty ago

All of that and more. Wonder who wins when these hyenas encounter a lion? We're about to find out ...

Rmm ago


TAThatBoomerang ago


DarkMath ago

Great catch. The Bridgewater Hedge Fund being that hush hush and that far in the woods ain't good after what we've all seen the past 6 months.

For all those playing along at home Wall Street is only able to be "Wall Street" because they're literally given free money to buy U.S. Government Debt(what Deplorable Shit Lords like you and me call money. Money = Debt).

Your first question should be: "Free Money? I thought people can only earn money through the sweat of their own labor?".

And you're right. That SHOULD be the only way people in America come into money outside of lottery's and inheritance. There was a time when even the banks did that albeit with 10x leverage. There was always something solid at the foundation. If a society is built on that fact then:

1) People aren't envious of the rich because the rich are just the people the lower classes have paid to make their lives better.

2) No money is wasted on the military industrial complex because it's real money and if there isn't a war then the money not wasted on weapons will improve living standards of real people instead of having the sons and daughters of those real people get continually blown up in wars nobody has any fucking clue about how we got into let alone why we keep fighting in them year after bloody year.

But if you can set up a system where money is created out of thin air even at the very bottom in the foundation of banks they you got trouble. Ya got trouble in River City.. Without money being tied to human endeavor then fuck, the sky's the limit on all sorts of insane ideas. Why you could put an entire country on the societal equivalent of crack cocaine, or even the real thing if you're psychotic enough. Do you want to give every American their own personal helicopter with its own helicopter pad? Yes? Then you're in luck Pilgrim!

Do you want to kill birds in the California dessert make generating electricity as inefficient as possible? Well step right up my little hay-seed and plug in to your new electricity grid.

No? Well fuck you. You better start a revolution then you Deplorable Shit Lord.

Oh wait, I'm 127/128th white, long story. We should bring 'em home and start fighting our domestic enemies for a change but WITHOUT weapons.

We just need to remember who we were and why we used to fight before things got so insane.

You can still be Patriots without lifting a finger in anger.

In fact that's the only way you'll ever get anywhere but I digress.


EyeOfHorus ago

I've come to conclusion that fiat is evil. So many are complacent.

mrohm ago

The method used by Dalio of incessant criticism and emotional abuse are well known methods of breaking down a person to rebuild them in the abuser's image, ie mind control.

srayzie ago

When you look at the thought process Ray Dalio has about the pack of hyena's taking down the wildabeest story, it's pretty scary. Because, to the evil powerful elites, WE are the wildabeest! That's how these people think!

jstrotha0975 ago

Is this MKULTRA related?

quantokitty ago

In fact, if you changed anything about the way that dynamic works, the overall outcome would be worse.' - Ray Dalio

Hey, Ray! You're not a fucking wildebeest! The fact you're identifying with one gives me the creeps. Psychologically, it's perverted. I mean, why not identify with a flower? A flower blooms, shares life-giving pollen, provides beauty and tranquility, and harms no one and yet it lives and sustains life in a non-violent way. Why not identify with a flower, you putz? And I love these idiots rationalizing and normalizing their behavior, but look what happens when they're the victim. Killary, The Cannibal Queen, gets all stupid and whiny, and Pedosta? He goes cut his finger and invents fantasies while he prays to gods that aren't there.

Trump, I'm begging you, #DRAINTHEFUCKINGSWAMP!!!!

Dressage2 ago

I always love your posts. Very succinct and to the point! Drain the fucking swamp is so on point.

quantokitty ago

Thanks. Good to know they're helping.

ASolo ago

Bridgewater is STRANGE "When a pack of hyenas takes down a young wildebeest, is that good or evil? At face value, that might not be “good” because it seems cruel, and the poor wildebeest suffers and dies. Some people might even say that the hyenas are evil. Yet this type of apparently “cruel” behavior exists throughout the animal kingdom. Like death itself, it is integral to the enormously complex and efficient system that has worked for as long as there has been life. It is good for both the hyenas who are operating in their self- interest and the interest of the greater system, including those of the wildebeest, because killing and eating the wildebeest fosters evolution (i.e., the natural process of improvement). In fact, if you changed anything about the way that dynamic works, the overall outcome would be worse.'- Ray Dalio

Lol, totally, it's always astounding to see 'scholars' justifying their behavior by comparing a human being to an animal. Of course the sabbatean frankists perfect society destroying ideology is neatly packaged as to seem somehow rational, altogether bypassing that divine spark that separates man from beast. Of course we are 'animals' in a biological sense because it is the primal spark that enables our survival, however it is the struggle against the worst aspects of those 'animals' inside of us that makes civil society. What this idiot is saying is pure satanic garbage.

FriesischShipping ago

Bring out that inner beast.

quantokitty ago

Exactly. It's lauding a mindless mob tearing a helpless victim apart as the pinnacle of aspiration, and not the person that sheds wealth to heal the sick and tend to the meek. Compassion is what separates us and compassion is shown by animals ... just not the human kind. Totally satanic. The justification of criminality and ignorance ... except when it happens to them. Then they cry, "Foul!"

srayzie ago

I know. It's sick! It shows how their mind works. To them, WE are the wildabeest.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely, but let's see how they like it when the tables are turned.

carmencita ago

There is something weird going on in the whole email. Why talk about mind control working, who is using it and on whom? I don't get it. Why would you even say such a thing. It's just plain nuts. Oh yeah, normal talk between guys.

quantokitty ago

Exactly ... more stuff we're just supposed to ignore ... but why say it if it's to be ignored?

carmencita ago

Yes, and little did they ever expect to have these emails hacked into and be blown all over the world. Ha Ha. More of nothing to see here.

quantokitty ago

That's what makes this all the more enjoyable. Exposed much?

anonOpenPress ago

Full quote on the paragraphs mentioning Comey, I don't think this is about "mind control" you seem to refer to

Another new member of Bridgewater's management committee is James Comey, the firm's top lawyer, who served as Deputy Attorney General in the Bush Administration between 2003 and 2005. "Most of my friends think I am having a midlife crisis," Comey told me in a recent phone conversation, referring to his decision, last year, to leave Lockheed Martin and accept an offer from Dalio. He was tired of corporate politics and craved a setting where people spoke truth to power, but, he said, it took him a while to get used to dealing with Dalio. "When Ray sent me an e-mail saying, "I think what you said today doesn't make sense," I tended to think, What does he really mean? Where's he coming from? And what is my play? Who are my allies? All of the things you think about in the outside world. It took me three months to realize that when Ray says, "I think you are wrong," he really means "I think you are wrong." He's not trying to provoke you, or anything else."

Comey was initially struck by how long it took Bridgewater to make decisions, because of the ceaseless internal debates. "I said, `Lordy, we have to put tops on bottoms. Let's get something done,' " Comey recalled. But he added, laughing, "The mind control is working. I've come to believe that all the probing actually reduces inefficiencies over the long run, because it prevents bad decisions from being made." Comey said of Dalio, "He's tough and he's demanding and sometimes he talks too much, but, God, is he a smart bastard."

EllaMinnow ago

I appreciate this post and the opportunity to learn about Bridgewater and dalio, both of whom I knew nothing. I found the information very interesting. However Im not believing the mind control Comey referred to was the "mk" variety.

In order to fulfill his boss's requirements, Comey had to change his own techniques. As long as he was getting paid, then it was just a job, not brainwashing.

Actually i'm having inner conflict just now. First I thought, as long the people are profiting then they're employees, not cult members. Then I remembered Scientology.

Now I don't know what I think.

Dressage2 ago

I had not read this and reading it, I totally agree. He basically is saying don't belabor the point take it for what he really is saying, your wrong, dumb ass!!

pbvrocks ago

LA_Trump ago

Comey literally says he is under Dalio's mind control with probing sessions.

anonOpenPress ago

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, could you define "mind control" in this topic. I might have got it wrong.

Laresistance ago

It would seem to me that Comey is half kidding in this case. Comey thought Dalio's way of doing things was horribly inefficient at first, but Comey laughed as he mentioned Dalio's "mind control" because he is now coming to understand Dalio's management style ("the ceaseless internal debates").

Why did he mention "mind control" specifically? Might have been a slip of the tongue..... Is Dalio publicly known for practicing mind control?

Shillary ago

Oh you know, because mind control is just one of those common phrases everyone who is anyone is using these days in all of their discussions, emails, interviews, and what have you.

YingYangMom ago

Ray Dalia's wife works with "disengaged youth"

It would be really interesting to have a list of all the partners of government officials or big corporations that work with disengaged or vulnerable youths. Maybe further connections could be made from there.

Shillary ago

Excellent idea.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, and I'll bet her work is designed to get them sicker.

Don't be like the wildebeest! Be like the humble gopher and dig, dig, DIG!!!!

sunajAeon ago

Good point-if you are looking for fish look for what fish are attracted to, and let the fish come to you

Puttitout_Lies ago

You are literally describing the honeypot trapping method of Voat's current owners, the criminal militant SJW cabal. Remove @Puttitout and the criminal cabal at once, for crimes against this community, crimes in the eyes of U.S. and State law, human rights abuse. evidence