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TrumpEpsteinAcosta ago

What about Alex Acosta. Trump appointed him Labor Secretary. He's the one who gave pedo Epstein a real sweetheart deal. Why don't you guys discuss that hmmm?

IShallNotFear ago

We have. I just did a quick search to find this article. I'm not sure if the "hmmm?" means you're a shill or just a new user. Unlike other forums, we don't re-cycle every topic because there are so many here on pizzagate. If we find a new lead that ties to a previous one, we will definitely try to connect the dots. While many users are Donald Trump fans, many aren't. We are all here to fight pedophilia in government, regardless of the political party. We won't cover for Donald Trump just like we didn't cover for George H.W. Bush. If you are here to help, please share what you find. However, if you think you are going to disrupt the sub on partisan issues, you might want to come up with a more creative way to shill.

think- ago

I'm not sure if the "hmmm?" means you're a shill or just a new user.

Look at this comment history, and you'll find the answer....

@Vindicator (you might want to check this guy for spamming)

Vindicator ago


Pretty sure this is our pal Robert.

Vindicator ago

@Sitnikoff, I'm going to give this our Accuracy? flair, since you have not provided any supporting links to corroborate "Monarch programming".

Sitnikoff ago

When I mentioned "Monarch slave," I meant to refer to the general idea of a complex web of CIA mind control programs whose names are unknown to the general public. At the same time, Katy Groves does claim to be a "Monarch survivor," so I could: 1. Provide links to videos of her explaining her history as a Monarch slave, or 2. Change the title of this post to: "Former CIA mind control slave (...)"

Would either of those merit the removal of the "Accuracy?" marking?

ASolo ago

I don't really understand how some of these mods come to the conclusions they come to sometimes it is pretty well accepted that the term "Monarch" is used to encompass the whole of sub programs under the MKUltra umbrella. Vindicator is a fair and hard working mod but these guys and their grating details -what I'm saying is most of us out here know what you mean regardless don't let these needling mods get under your skin.

Sitnikoff ago

Thanks, man.

Vindicator ago

Well, the title can only be edited for the first 10 minutes of the post. Then it is permanent. And Groves talking about it isn't really any more accurate than you talking about it.

What would be accurate is if you mention the ambiguity surrounding whether "Monarch Programming" actually existed. That is, if you discuss the fact that "Monarch" may be disinfo, we won't have to flair it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

So that is what you want. to have everybody doubt that the monarch program exist. Pedo pedo pedo mod.

Vindicator ago

Wrong again. :-)

Vindicator 3 points (+3|-0) 1.9 days ago

Hold the phone, @think- @21yearsofdigging --> page 62 of that Imgur album posted by IamQ references Monarch. I'm looking at this backup pdf created for us by a trusted Voat goat: It includes a 4chan page discussing a quote from CIA Director William Colby where he essentially admits it existed. It is quoted from an article in The New Federalist we can probably find!

@Blacksmith21 @darkknight111

How come you're always the one making baseless scurrilous claims, Death, and I'm the one trying to help people? It's like you don't want this investigation to succeed.

think- ago

It's like you don't want this investigation to succeed.

You bet.

valero73 ago

Ransack his Twitter!

ASolo ago

An active pianist and private piano teacher in Austin for over 30 years, Susan Groves comes from a long line of professional pianists, including her late father, University of Texas piano professor William Race, her mother Katherine Race, who continues to teach and perform, as well as an aunt, uncle, grandmother and great-grandfather.

Kevin Groves Doctorate in Psychology with honors from the University of Texas at Austin in 1989.

Well, here's a strong pattern, betcha ten to one this is their den.

think- ago

What do you mean by 'strong pattern'? Being pianists? looks confused

ASolo ago

University of Texas

think- ago

Oh my, of course, lol.

ASolo ago

Professor Race’s teaching and research interests include Greek and Latin poetry, rhetoric, and the Classical tradition. His books on these subjects include The Classical Priamel from Homer to Boethius (1982), Pindar (1986), Classical Genres and English Poetry (1988), Style and Rhetoric in Pindar’s Odes (1990), Pindar: Olympian Odes, Pythian Odes (1997) Pindar: Nemean Odes, Isthmian Odes, Fragments (1997), and Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica (2008).

Grampa here seems like the head vamp, a big Professor of musicology and HUGE GREEK GEEK. Here's where them 'learned' types start gettin all freaky on us. They get all intellectual and tell us we have learned all we need to learn from the Greeks but the Greeks were a bunch of Nephilim/Annunaki worshipping PAGAN FUCKS. This is where that thin line crosses in the intellectual realm from just a smart person to an ADEPT, after a while these people realize that they cannot venerate the 'GREATS" without also venerating WHO THEY VENERATED because that truly is indeed the wellspring from which that knowledge flows. This is what the 'intellectual' hides especially those in the know about the Greek philosophers and the Mysteries of Eleusis.

think- ago

Well, and don't forget how these 'types' often accept 'boy-love' aka child rape as something seemingly normal in ancient Greek, and don't question this tradition. And I don't only mean people that are perps, but also other fans of ancient Greek culture, who tend to become pedo enablers sometimes.

ASolo ago


The name of the Boeotian poet Pindar will forever be connected with the Isthmian, Pythian, Nemean, and Olympic games. Any victorious aristocratic athlete could rent the services of Pindar, who would write an ode to his patron, whose victory was always presented as a manifestation of the power of the eternal gods. These "epinician odes" are extremely formal poems, which make great demands on the poet's ability to employ identical metres.

Pindar's world was that of the old aristocratic families, but in the second half of his life, this world was rapidly disappearing when democratic Athens became the leading power in Greece, and for some time forced Boeotia to be part of the Delian League. Nevertheless, the poet praised the city that had twice warded off a Persian invasion (in 490 at Marathon and in 480 at Salamis) with the famous words that it was the

And although he was conservative in his opinions, Pindar was responsible for the introduction of a new god in Greece: Zeus Ammon.

Pindar has received one of the most remarkable tributes that was ever given to a poet. When Alexander the Great sacked Thebes in 336, he ordered that the house of Pindar should remain intact.

ASolo ago

The god Ammon, who is usually shown with the horns of a ram, was initially venerated by Libyan desert tribes only. He may have been related to Ba'al Hammon, a god of the Semitic peoples (e.g., the Phoenicians and Carthaginians).

ASolo ago

I think these entries if ruminated upon for long enough represent a good insight into the minds of this entire family. A formally trained group of PAGANS in disguise, this is the state of our entire educational system, what could one day have been construed a 'liberal' in university and college setting are actually practicing PAGANS and witches trying to help bring back the religion of the OLD WORLD.

Poor Katy, it really looks like a real "Get Out" situation down there once again in ol Bush country.

Sitnikoff ago

Katy Groves does exhibit sings of a pagan upbringing when talking about her spiritual beliefs:

ASolo ago

Good thread, great angle looking into possible connections of the parents. Katy is genuine, a great girl and I'm so proud of her. She's gotta find a different angle though gets kinda spooky looking up her nose all the time... Ahaa lol, no Katy we love you and hope the best for you always girl!!!

think- ago

There is no proof that the alleged 'Monarch' program ever existed, unlike other MK Ultra programs like MK Artichoke.

ASolo ago

Well, I think- all you did here was throw in some conjecture to make the entire thing confusing, I'm pretty sure it's quite accepted among the entire community that the "monarch" subtitle was pertinent not only in recognizing this type of governmental programming it name is instrumental IN THE PROCESS -as in a TRANSFORMATION. The esoteric, ethereal and metaphysical understanding of the entire project relies on this juxtaposition I'm not sure why you think you can take that aspect away from the entire breadth of research here in VOAT on this one particular thread. You are throwing your weight around where it doesn't belong and using power and force to make it effective. This is so wrong I'm not sure who you think you are. I'm not even sure you can claim that it was only tossed around by Kathy O'Brian and her "spook" husband which is a subject ALSO STILL UNDER DEBATE... why is it you think you are the ultimate authority on this matter and to prove it would take an immense amount of work. No, I'm not going to accept your assertion and you cannot make it with overwhelming authority to have this kids entire thread flaired. Absolutely not.

@think @Vindicator

I'm expecting you guys to fix this. Please stop throwing your power around where it doesn't belong.

think- ago

Err.....@ASolo? First, I'm not a mod anymore, remember? I only voiced my opinion, and supported @Vindicator for flairing this thread. I still stand my ground.

to make the entire thing confusing

No. That's what OP did (innocently, though, without realizing it). I tried to get to the bottom of the 'Monarch' stuff.

Don't know why you are so pissed off, @ASolo.

Please stop throwing your power around where it doesn't belong.

I don't have any more power than you have. And @Vindicator didn't throw 'his power around'. He rightly flaired the thread because it was nowhere mentioned in the video that the lady was in the alleged 'Monarch' program.

I'm not even sure you can claim that it was only tossed around by Kathy O'Brian and her "spook" husband

I didn't say that. But to my knowledge, she was the first alleged victim of this program coming forward, and she was supported by an ('ex'-)spook in doing so. Food for thought, don't you think?

One reason why I'm sceptical is that all the other mind control programs ran only for a quite short period - only a couple of years. Why would they have a single program with that specific name running over decades? Just askin'

Again: We need to be accurate. I don't want to take the spiritual aspect away from this discussion. But you ignored that I said the CIA might spread the story about a 'Monarch' program in order to deflect from a multitude of mind control programs they might have been running, with other names. Everybody might stare at 'Monarch', while behind the scenes - possibly - all kinds of programs have been running.

I accept that you beg to differ with me in this regard, I heard you, but please don't be aggressive. Ok?

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @Shizy @srayzie

ASolo ago

I would have to say that the comment was hardly "aggressive", simply firm. I just don't believe you have the authority, right or privilege to make such a conundrum of an already existing premise. You have every absolute right to say it of course, but I also have the absolute right to refute it. And that, I guess, is where it will stand.

I'm not quite sure what you don't understand about the basic concepts in similarity between the monarch butterfly and the program itself, they are both essential in understanding MkULTRA, this is a ridiculous debate.

think- ago

You have every absolute right to say it of course, but I also have the absolute right to refute it. And that, I guess, is where it will stand.


ASolo ago

Still luv ya! Don't hate me.

think- ago

Still luv ya! Don't hate me.

I don't hate you, ASolo. I was just miffed that you accused me and @Vindicator of being on a power trip, and by the overall tone of your comment, which came across as being a bit agressive.

It's all good now.

I'm glad that you're back on the board, and posting again.

Please keep up the good work.

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Shizy

think- ago

this is a ridiculous debate

You started it, not me.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Look how all the pedo mods deny the existance of monarch program. You guys are predictable.

ASolo ago

Yeah I think- it's quite ridiculous myself.

think- ago

Yeah I think- it's quite ridiculous myself.

Ridiculous? Ouch. :-(

Sitnikoff ago

Doing a simple search on her Youtube channel will reveal that she claims to be both a "Monarch survivor" and an "Mk Ultra survivor;" this suggests that she has either participated in both programs, working hand-in-hand with eachother, or that she is using those words to refer to the general sense of CIA mind control programs whose names are not yet known to the public due to their concealed obscurity. Either way, I don't think mentioning "Monarch" in and of itself undermines the accuracy or credibility of the info shared here at all; one has a growing reservoir of Katy's shared personal experiences that enables us to gain significant insight into the subtleties of how CIA mind control programs operate among many other things.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Nice try ;)

Zionists love covering their tracks, I see.

think- ago


If you had taken the time to read my other comments on this thread, you would know that I said that mind control research by the CIA has been surely continued to this day, but in projects with other names.

So you better try harder next time, or people will think you are CIA, buddy.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

That may be so, but its odd that you are claiming everything is a limited hangout and trying to actively discredit whistleblowers, no? MK Ultra began in the 50's. The Monarch program is probably an extension of it from a more recent decade. Moreover, they may have specific offshoots of MK Ultra; one of them is probably Monarch. If you can't find other names, then Monarch is most likely it.

What people think is irrelevant. I am not here because I accepted what others told me at face value.

For instance, here are people here on voat who honestly believe that the Nazis were dA g00d GA1zz, or that Bush was not one of them. Like I'm gonna agree with that.

think- ago

but its odd that you are claiming everything is a limited hangout

I don't. And there's nothing odd with saying that an 'ex'-CIA agent is not so 'ex'-CIA as he wanted us to believe.

Moreover, they may have specific offshoots of MK Ultra

That's what I said in my comments here.

one of them is probably Monarch

Possible, but not proven.

I am not here because I accepted what others told me at face value.

Same here. :-)

and trying to actively discredit whistleblowers, no?

No. I never said I don't believe her accusations against her parents.

We are here to find out the truth, and we need to be accurate.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I can agree with that. Good point with the ex-CIA btw. Forgot to take into consideration that there is no such thing as ex-CIA :)

think- ago

Forgot to take into consideration that there is no such thing as ex-CIA

Yes. Once a spook, always a spook....

ASolo ago

Ok ok guys. Yeah think- I think you are a little overreaching in this supposition not sure this little thread is going to change the idea in the majority of researchers that have already been down this road.

think- ago

Yeah think- I think you are a little overreaching in this supposition

I don't think so. There once was an interview with Marc Phillips, Cathy O'Brian and a young woman that lived with them, somewhere abroad. Might be still on YT.

They alleged that the night before somewhere broke into the house where the footage had been stored, and went to the PC, and stole and deleted some footage.

So in parts of that filmed interview, you only see a video still, and a tape recording, without film.


There was nothing in that parts of the interview that would have made someone break into a house, and steal it. Nothing. No secrets that would have been needed to suppress.

So I think they lied about this, to give themselves greater credibility.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @srayzie @Shizy

ASolo ago

Ugh, facepalm.

think- ago

I'm not the only one who thinks this was fishy, @ASolo.

PrideOfOshtekk ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

I think we can all assume that Monarch was/is real and MKUltra was never mothballed, but expanded.

Blacksmith21 ago

MK was never mothballed. the projects changed name. They played the shell game. Don't think for a second that they gave up that level of power and control.

21yearsofdigging ago

Absolutely correct. It is a shell game and they keep changing it up but the technology torture is only getting more sophisticated.

think- ago

MK was never mothballed. the projects changed name.

Yes, that's what I think as well. So what's your take on the 'Monarch' name? It was used already by Cathy O'Brian at the beginning of the 1980s, IIRC.


Blacksmith21 ago

If you're asking do I think if MONARCH is an urban legend vs a real program, I'd say it is real. There are too many claims of it's existence by victims. Maybe the seeds of doubt could be sown as the program had a completely different program name and MONARCH was to throw scent off the trail. That would be 1970s for the earliest references, I think.

Whatever the program name(s) were, there isn't a shadow of a doubt in my mind that experiments were performed on the incarcerated, juveniles, wards of the state, mentally ill, etc. All well documented. I've spoke to survivors of programming, mostly in the technical area.

think- ago

I think you partly got me wrong - I am sure they have been conducting mind control experiments (to this day). And MK Ultra was real too, of course.

That would be 1970s for the earliest references, I think.

Ok, thanks.


think- ago

I think that MK Ultra was never mothballed, but continues to this day.

I just never saw any evidence of an alleged project 'Monarch', apart from alleged victims, who might not know the name of the program they got involved in, and simply refer to it as 'project Monarch', because this was spread on by limited hangouts like Cathy O'Brian's late husband. And this is the reason why I'm sceptical about the name.

21yearsofdigging ago

This is an article about a researcher that was unrelenting digging down on those hidden or misplaced documents. Lots still missing but remember, this is MSM and even they admit that is still over 1000 missing documents regarding MKULTRA. I have been harassed and targeted for over 23 years trying to get to the bottom of what my ex wife was involved in and what happened to my children.

think- ago

Lots still missing but remember, this is MSM and even they admit that is still over 1000 missing documents regarding MKULTRA.

Thank you! They actually might have other projects with other names (too). I started to get suspicious when Cathy O'Brian's 'ex'-CIA started pushing that name.

I have been harassed and targeted for over 23 years trying to get to the bottom of what my ex wife was involved in and what happened to my children.

Yes. It is terrible what they did to you. I still remember your post when you described how your ex-wife looked at the kittie that was about to drown, and didn't react. :-(

kestrel9 ago

Most of the early documents were destroyed in 1973 But some info was recovered (found in accounting records?)

Here's more info:

Vindicator ago

Hold the phone, @think- @21yearsofdigging --> page 62 of that Imgur album posted by IamQ references Monarch. I'm looking at this backup pdf created for us by a trusted Voat goat: It includes a 4chan page discussing a quote from CIA Director William Colby where he essentially admits it existed. It is quoted from an article in The New Federalist we can probably find!

@Blacksmith21 @darkknight111

ASolo ago

Well there you go. Cut this nonsense out.

Vindicator ago


think- ago

Anton Chaitkin, “Franklin Witnesses Implicate FBI and U.S. Elites in Torture and Murder of Children.” The New Federalist, 1993

Vindicator ago

I did a quick search for that publication but could not find any references to it other than what is in this document. I searched by the title of the article and the name of the publication.

think- ago

Maybe user 353....... can help with that. They are currently reading the book 'The Franklin Cover-up'. It seems that Chaitkin put the info also in an article he wrote for John DeCamp's book. (Do you know the user's correct screenname?)

BUT please keep in mind that Colby is a former CIA director. He was close to DeCamp. If we allege that Cathy O'Brian's husband, who also was CIA, spread the rumour via Cathy that there was a program called 'Monarch', it would be understandable why Colby confirmed it, and John DeCamp (according to David Shurter a limited hangout who helped to keep the main perps out of focus) put it into his book. Makes senses?

Question: All the other CIA MK Ultra programs were running only for a couple of years. Then they started new, related programs. When you consider that Cathy O'Brian mentioned the 'Monarch' program at the beginning of the 1980s (I think), this would mean that it has been running now for more than 25 years.

Given that there have been constantly new developments in medicine and psychology etc., it seems unlikely to me that they would have only one program running over this long period of time.

TL;DR: For the time being, I stick to the hypothesis that the name might be a cover and distraction for real mind control programs.

Colby btw. was involved in the Phoenix program in Vietnam IIRC, which used psy-ops, mind control and torture to frighten the enemy.

think- ago

darkknight111 ago

The torture techniques used in the Phoenix program were straight out of SRA methods. Raping local women, inserting eels into the nether regions of local women, cutting open peoples skulls to extract their pineal glands and eat them right in front of their victims.

That last one proves “they” knew about adrenochrome in the 60’s.

think- ago

Thank you! :-)

@Vindicator: please see the info about MK Ultra projects provided by @kestrel9 above.

Vindicator ago

Thanks. I've saved them offline. We should endeavor to add these in Comments to ever thread about MKUltra. :-)

@kestrel9 @21yearsofdigging

kestrel9 ago

I want to start keeping topic links together similar to QRSP. At this point it may be easier to link pages to a PG section as well as expand the MKUltra topic.

Is there a go to list of 'ever thread topics' for PG? I can integrate info within QRSP. I was considering a sub like it specific for PG but I don't think I can do two right now.

Vindicator ago

I kind of made one in my Happy Birthday Pizzagate submission a couple of months ago, and I've been meaning to make a more formal one, but so far, this is it.

kestrel9 ago

Right now I have PG links here (under Q ;) , and was planning on putting expanded connections under the pedogate section, to include PG links. It'll get there. Thank you for your hard work!

think- ago

Good idea! :-)

kestrel9 ago

np, you're welcome :)

think- ago

@Vindicator: please see parent. Thanks.

Vindicator ago

Yes, I agree with you. I spent several days scouring the net to find Project Monarch, and came up with no hard evidence of it.

think- ago

The title should have been MKUltra slave, not Monarch slave.

Yes. Good that you flaired 'Accuracy'.

@21yearsofidigging has been so kind to provide us with this link:

I think the whole 'Monarch' story might be to deflect from a bunch of other MK Ultra programs with other names. Victims might not know these names, so they use 'Monarch', because people like Cathy O'Brian have used it.

PGIsDumbdd2 ago

Hey you undisputed champions of extreme irrationality. So where are all the incoming pizzagate arrests you were rambling about the past 2 years? Quote:

"Tick Tock, Asswipe, you are going to look real stupid, real soon."

"Tick Tock Tick Tock Mr Brock."

"The entire thing is coming down Alefantis."

"OH YES! It is real!!! Ready to dance in the streets when Clinton and cronies are arrested! BEST DAY EVER!"

"Ha! Yes, let's start in Washington!!! Oh, I can see the podestas scurrying into those tunnels now!!!!!"


Did I tell you back then the obvious fact that reality will go on independent of your delusions and ridiculous beliefs?

IShallNotFear ago

Here is the other link for Kevin Groves mentioned in the video description:

IShallNotFear ago

As stated in the update to the YouTube video (, Kevin Groves changed his website to remove any reference to Austin, and then changed his URL to However, I dug up some of the old webpages from and you can see that the Austin location was there on January 5th ( but by January 15th it was only listing a Dallas location. ( He also has some blog posts that might be worth digging through.*

Bing cache links:*

Otto- ago

Damn it, what the hell!? I'm the one who archived these pages on the 5th, right after seeing Katy's vid, since this is a real brave step for her and I was worried something could get scrubbed... and the links on the archive don't have all the pages captured? I absolutely saved the contact page, now it's gone. And why does it redirect to to clinicalpsychologistdallas, on an archive?*/

This annoys me, is there something I don't understand about the archiving mechanism? I tried diligently to capture every page and it hasn't worked?

Vindicator ago

Nice addition :-)


Bless you Anons for keeping at this evil. You are doing God's work against these evil kikes.

TrumpEpsteinAcosta ago

What about Alex Acosta. Trump appointed him Labor Secretary. He's the one who gave Epstein a real sweetheart deal. Why don't you guys discuss that hm?

3141592653 ago

U rock. Just sayin'.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


derram ago :

TW: Patrick Names Our Parents (Mk Ultra Survivor w/Polyfragmented DID) - YouTube

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