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think- ago

There is no proof that the alleged 'Monarch' program ever existed, unlike other MK Ultra programs like MK Artichoke.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I think we can all assume that Monarch was/is real and MKUltra was never mothballed, but expanded.

think- ago

I think that MK Ultra was never mothballed, but continues to this day.

I just never saw any evidence of an alleged project 'Monarch', apart from alleged victims, who might not know the name of the program they got involved in, and simply refer to it as 'project Monarch', because this was spread on by limited hangouts like Cathy O'Brian's late husband. And this is the reason why I'm sceptical about the name.

21yearsofdigging ago

This is an article about a researcher that was unrelenting digging down on those hidden or misplaced documents. Lots still missing but remember, this is MSM and even they admit that is still over 1000 missing documents regarding MKULTRA. I have been harassed and targeted for over 23 years trying to get to the bottom of what my ex wife was involved in and what happened to my children.

think- ago

Lots still missing but remember, this is MSM and even they admit that is still over 1000 missing documents regarding MKULTRA.

Thank you! They actually might have other projects with other names (too). I started to get suspicious when Cathy O'Brian's 'ex'-CIA started pushing that name.

I have been harassed and targeted for over 23 years trying to get to the bottom of what my ex wife was involved in and what happened to my children.

Yes. It is terrible what they did to you. I still remember your post when you described how your ex-wife looked at the kittie that was about to drown, and didn't react. :-(

kestrel9 ago

Most of the early documents were destroyed in 1973 But some info was recovered (found in accounting records?)

Here's more info:

Vindicator ago

Hold the phone, @think- @21yearsofdigging --> page 62 of that Imgur album posted by IamQ references Monarch. I'm looking at this backup pdf created for us by a trusted Voat goat: It includes a 4chan page discussing a quote from CIA Director William Colby where he essentially admits it existed. It is quoted from an article in The New Federalist we can probably find!

@Blacksmith21 @darkknight111

ASolo ago

Well there you go. Cut this nonsense out.

Vindicator ago


think- ago

Anton Chaitkin, “Franklin Witnesses Implicate FBI and U.S. Elites in Torture and Murder of Children.” The New Federalist, 1993

Vindicator ago

I did a quick search for that publication but could not find any references to it other than what is in this document. I searched by the title of the article and the name of the publication.

think- ago

Maybe user 353....... can help with that. They are currently reading the book 'The Franklin Cover-up'. It seems that Chaitkin put the info also in an article he wrote for John DeCamp's book. (Do you know the user's correct screenname?)

BUT please keep in mind that Colby is a former CIA director. He was close to DeCamp. If we allege that Cathy O'Brian's husband, who also was CIA, spread the rumour via Cathy that there was a program called 'Monarch', it would be understandable why Colby confirmed it, and John DeCamp (according to David Shurter a limited hangout who helped to keep the main perps out of focus) put it into his book. Makes senses?

Question: All the other CIA MK Ultra programs were running only for a couple of years. Then they started new, related programs. When you consider that Cathy O'Brian mentioned the 'Monarch' program at the beginning of the 1980s (I think), this would mean that it has been running now for more than 25 years.

Given that there have been constantly new developments in medicine and psychology etc., it seems unlikely to me that they would have only one program running over this long period of time.

TL;DR: For the time being, I stick to the hypothesis that the name might be a cover and distraction for real mind control programs.

Colby btw. was involved in the Phoenix program in Vietnam IIRC, which used psy-ops, mind control and torture to frighten the enemy.

think- ago

darkknight111 ago

The torture techniques used in the Phoenix program were straight out of SRA methods. Raping local women, inserting eels into the nether regions of local women, cutting open peoples skulls to extract their pineal glands and eat them right in front of their victims.

That last one proves “they” knew about adrenochrome in the 60’s.