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11-11 ago


Here is another person who would agree with you. He points out the same ----- that Trump is nothing more than a Trojan Horse

This is another example of how the "left-right," "liberal-conservative" and Democrat-Republican paradigm is so phony and misleading. Whatever praise one wants to heap on the GOP, when it comes to expanding America's never-ending "war on terror,” its limitless wars of aggression overseas and the overall Warfare State, Republicans are almost always the first ones to shout their enthusiastic support. These votes in the House and Senate reflect that reality.

It also further proves that Donald Trump is just another warmonger, no better than Barack Obama or G.W. Bush. These presidents (and the members of Congress who support their wars) have the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent victims dripping from their hands. I'll say it straight out: Donald Trump is a murderer! Forget King Cyrus; King Herod is the one that Trump more resembles.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

This was a bad pick by Trump. I bitched about it as soon as it was announced as I followed ALL Epstein's cases.

rickman ago

You know how we are still seeing proof that certain criminals in the US government are being protected despite Trump being President? We know that the corruption runs so deep and so wide because thats how these people have stayed in power for so long.

Implying that Trump is the reason why Epstein escapes serious punishment tells me the elite paedophiles fear something. I doubt this will be the only liberal hit piece trying to paint Trump as guilty of being involved with child abuse. But don't fall for their pathetic, sick schemes. Did you know that in 2008 the very same Alexander Acosta cut a deal with Epstein in return for immunity from federal prosecution? Salon can't pin that on Trump. So who was he protecting Epstein for back then?

Let's see. Who has been in various positions of power for decades? Governor of Arkansas in the 80s, President and First Lady in the 90s. Who decided to run for President in 2007? Who was Obama's Secretary of State and is known to have shut down an investigation into a paedophile ring at State Department? With the help of the corrupt FBI who tried to run for President again while trying to destroy her political opponent?

When Epstein was first investigated in 2005, Alexander Acosta was the U.S. Attorney for Southern District of Florida. That includes Broward. Corrupt as hell Broward. I don't know how people here feel about the rumours regarding Broward County but its shady and has been for years.

Trump also banned Epstein from his golf club for harassing young female staff there. Does that sound like something Trump would do if Epstein had dirt on him?

Epstein has been hanging out with various VIPs and elites for years with all kinds of horrific allegations made against him and his friends. But two years into Trump's presidency and Trump is the one protecting him? No. He's been protected for years because of what he knows about the elite paedophiles in power around the world.

GeorgeT ago

Drain the swamp huh? !

truthdemon ago

Wake up and smell the Moooovie. I dont think the truth has really sunk in to the folks here.. We think we r the norm ...and these abnormalities are hiding in crevaces for us to find out.. The truth is more like the animation movie monster inc.. The elite are running a human cattle farm...and we just woke up to find them carrying out their business as usual human cattle farming..

Us waking up is the abnormality...Us thinking that they will stop theirnhuman cattle farming and imprison their own is the abnormality ... ..all u can do is to first get out of their debt game .. ..then talk about hoping they will get caught ... Once u get out of the debt g ame u have the power to move the machine...else the machine moves u..or should i say ..Moos u in a Moooovie

septimasexta ago

A better example, IT'S A BUG'S LIFE. Steve Jobs knew. KEVIN SPACEY voiced Hopper. Jobs wanted everyone to have their OWN technology to avoid 1984.... RIP Steve.

truthdemon ago

Again we r fooled by is funded by the ddbt system..they r building a technomatrix to turn us into decentralised android nodes.. Steve Jobs maybhave had good did drive the knowledge exchange of the info about the birth certificate ..but the elites were o to this and r muddying the waters on this simple game.. We have redemption through if we reduce debt we get to control them ...but if rely on works whether through new age advertised green tech or digital tecb which is the new age version on redemption through works ie the freemasonic debt redemption get ur tokens in the bank and then consume to survive on it...when they dont want u to know that they collateralise and turn ur name and signature (ie ur grace) into credit to run their debt system... Eg: when u take out a loan they ask u to work to pay it work as redemption... What they dont tell u is that ur applicTion for the loan and signature to be surety to it ..created the credit for ur loan...inside their debt game of false redemption.. I hope u get how theybback stab u everytime u create credit for their game ... U r the creator ..and they turn arou d and tell u that u r the debtor.. If u can create debt for them ..u can destroy debt for urself and be surety to the redemption offered to u.. Redemption means payment .. When u reduce debt at the tressury ..u destroy their debt banking system...all that is left is the US treasury becoming ur debtor..u become the banker for thr US

septimasexta ago

'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says This is a prepared text of the Commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005.


Pizzagate was just a peek into the DARK occult. It's almost as if they did it purposefully (the email dump/alefantis IG) to usher in a new era...a paradigm shift ! the revealing of the beast!

truthdemon ago

Hey , how come u i get more negative points than you.. Is someone sleeping at the wheel..😉

I love beeing stalked by the negative means im on the riight track.. The more negative they r ..the more positive i am..

I believe this is a psyop..but they r comfortable revealing their method... Remember the religion of sabbateanism redemption through Sin... Those who were inducted into sabbateanism which the crowned elite introduced to the european jews as the jewish chapter of thier Satanism..are being used as agents to be back stabbed later on they want to create as much as to bring about the jewish messiah... The crowned elite dont want the public to understand the connection of banking and the birth certificate..lest we figure out the remedy given to everyone ..which is redemption through surrender via thr Christ double book entry system..which is secularised in the form of the US treasury..when we surrender our credit we destroy debt everlasting life.. Banking system fails...debt ie sin ceases to be the fuel for their false redemption...when we use Debt notes or the banking system credit ...they provide us redemption...inside the debt game...but those fed notes are created from us pledging our birth names and energy into the banking system... Its a to.end ...all we have to. Do is to reduce debt at the tressury... They dont want us to re turn the Christ...they just want us to be the anti Christ..working against the redemption given to us at berth ...our names ...which they pledge to create the debt notes and credit which we in turn work to get thier debt game tokens.. Its a perpetual motion machine...and they have to have us on it to keep it running... When we reduce debt we put the breaks on it...and reverse it.. They dont want us finding out this simple trick ..hence the confusion and information overload

rp5x5 ago

Trump has nothing do with this or any of the crazy pedo rings. He hates them.

11-11 ago

then why would he put a pedo protector into the top job

rp5x5 ago

In the beginnng of his capaign a interviewer asked him what his flaws are. He said.."Sometimes I can be too trusting of people." No one is perfect. He learns from his mistakes and sometimes his mistakes aren't mistakes. We want him to arrest everyone yesterday, but then he'd be accused of going after political enemies like despots.

rickman ago

Truth. Trump got dragged into this because of the Dems attempts at destroying his presidential run with sex abuse allegations. They had their party boy Epstein well protected for years and knew they could use him to try and get the public to turn on Trump.

They could do this because they knew Epstein would never have to come out and give evidence or a statement regarding the Trump allegations. Why does that matter? Because Epstein would be LYING and if Trump were to go and sue Epstein then they risked all of their secrets coming out.

carmencita ago

Trump's labor secretary, Alexander Acosta, cut a secret deal with a billionaire pedophile

As a U.S. attorney, Acosta reportedly shut down a probe into a trans-Atlantic sex trafficking operation of minors

WOW. I can't believe SALON admits Jeffrey Epstein is a pedophile and sex trafficker AND in print, NO Less.

TrustTheTruth ago

Donald Trump is a Freemason and a member of the Pilgrims Society along with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

What was "The Deal" Trump made to Endorse the Real Agenda and The Mark of the Beast?

Why did he close "The Deal" to the public?

Who did he reserve a Front Row Seat for at "The Deal" and why?

What did Trump call "the 8th wonder of The World", and said was "the most incredible thing I've ever seen"?

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why Q was created.

We are the reason why Trump closed "The Deal" to the public.

We are the reason why Paul Ryan and many others involved have resigned.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Where's the sauce?

septimasexta ago

Ask DiFi why her hubby spent so much time in Nepal and founded The American Himalayan Foundation? He was going there as a single man, way before he married DiFi. And yes, his 501c3 funds education for youth to prevent child trafficking. The current director for his 501c3 was a former chef at Chez Panisse. Peter Dalglish spent much time "volunteering" to work with youth in Nepal...until they arrested him for pedophelia. So yes, DiFi and other Dems would be very worried about what Alexander Acosta knows about global trafficking. Acosta was outpowered at the time. It is remarkable that he got the charges he did against Epstein. At least he put him on the public map. I would say that Acosta knows "where the bodies are buried".

carmencita ago

Chez Panisse being the restaurant of Alice Waters also friend of James A. Yes, I was researching the death of Harvey Milk and read some articles about her husband and they hinted that he may have been a pedophile. I would not be surprised if she had a few "secrets" of her own. Did I not read the other day that she and her husband made it to Little St. James? Must have been in a post about Jeffrey E.

septimasexta ago

Many, many coincidences. Look up Dan White, Twinkie defense, DiFi/Jim Jones, Richard C. Blum / high speed train / post office/ etc. Lot's more to research. "read some articles about her husband and they hinted that he may have been a pedophile." Do you have links? I have not come across any direct references to this.

carmencita ago

I am now thinking it may have been her second husband (Blum is her 3rd) who was suppose to have died of cancer, but I remember the article intimating that there was some hanky panky about that, possibly because of rumors. Wish I could find it now.

GeorgeT ago

It's club!!!!

carmencita ago

Well you know I of course meant that tongue and cheek. MSM admitting this is not a turnaround I am sure. They have been bought lock stock and barrel. For decades. And I know you know that too.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I think anytime MSM admits the truth, it is important. This way, it is not a shock when the whole truth comes out.

carmencita ago

Either something is coming out and they are covering their assets, or this is another test to see if we are paying attention.

PMmesmolchairs ago

Its gone into full blown bragging at this point. Nobody seems to care and these perverts still keep getting more cocky.

God Bless the children.

carmencita ago

agree and This time of year is the right time to reflect and pray for Our Children.

21yearsofdigging ago

Boy, is that ever true!! Be fearless and trust in the Lord!

carmencita ago

I watched the Traditional Latin Mass last night on Youtube. Fr. Rodriguez saying Mass. It was so beautiful and praying right along. Then you can finish off with a prayer of your own. Much Love and Peace to You +

PMmesmolchairs ago

I'll be thinking of them with the bottom of my soul. I only wish there was more I could do.

carmencita ago

This too used to drive me crazy. It kept me awake at nights. My feeling that I could do more. We cannot change the whole world overnight. If we each can save one Child that would be a miracle in itself. We can also do Kind Acts that will create the Good Loosh in the world. The evil doers know that Loosh is a real thing. They are creating Evil Loosh everyday. We must counter act this by doing Good Works. Do something small everyday. Smile at a Homeless Person, at a Small Poor Child, donate food to a food pantry, read to the poor Children at a nearby school in a poor hood. The list goes on. These are small ways we can make a difference. Also everyday say the St. Michael's Prayer to cast out satan. I do this everyday now. Here is the story and prayer. It is amazing.

PMmesmolchairs ago

Short of going to schools I already do most of this. I also donate whenever I can to children charities and try to recycle toys for needy children.

Other than adopting a mask and hunting down every one of them it feels as though my hands are tied. Everyday I read more of how children are being exploited just makes me feel overwhelmed and helpless.

It does feel like a big change is coming but not soon enough. All I can do is meditate, pray, and try to wake people up from this nightmare we live.

carmencita ago

You are doing all YOU can do. We cannot take the whole world upon our shoulders. I truly believe this but also have times where I feel helpless just like you. It comes in waves comes and goes. This is normal imo. for a caring person. I feel much better saying the St. Michael's prayer everyday.