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think- ago

Google is not merely a company providing a search engine. It is involved in political activities as well. IIRC, we had one or two posts about it, maybe by @letsdothis2 (?).

OP; if you should have some time, you might want to dig them up via by searching 'google' and 'pizzagate'.

letsdothis2 ago

Quite a few posts from over a year ago on here. But always good to be reminded of vital information :-) >>

NY Times article about Google's 'race against fake news', they forget to mention that Google is a client of the Podesta Group. Welcome to the Matrix.

Google Parts With Podesta Lobbying Firm ..

Piggybacking on that, his older son, Joshua, hit Washington soon after Denny became Speaker in 1999. Voila! The pierced-tongued owner of a record store in DeKalb called Seven Dead Arson became a lobbyist focusing on technology and defense issues. Josh started his new gig, working for’s lobbyist who had been an aide to former House Republican Minority Leader Bob Michel, a close colleague of Josh’s father.

Josh then moved to a small firm, Federal Legislative Associates, that lobbied on tech issues. Moving on up, he was soon hired by lobbying firm, Podesta Mattoon, headed by two old friends of his father’s—Tony Podesta, a fellow Illinoisan, and, with Hastert, a student government leader in the 1960s, and Dan Matoon, a close friend/advisor of Hastert’s who ran his first congressional campaign. In 2006, while his father was still holding the Speaker’s gavel, Josh was hired by Google as part of a team of Podesta Matton lobbyists.

Anon accidently ties Podesta Group to the NXlVM cult

Wikileaks revealed that they recently donated in a very significant way to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign. They are among forty-four donations from “the Leahy event.” Other contributors included the Podesta Group, Heather Podesta (Tony Podesta’s wife), Universal Music, Google, Time Warner Cable and the NFLPA.

Google Fires Podesta Lobbying Group Shortly After Hiring Eric Braverman; Coincidence?

Google, The Clowns and Censorship Is this what Q was talking about?

btw, while everyone's paying attention: Podesta Group gets contract for The Amber Alert program. The group is working on a campaign to promote amber ready cell phone technology, designed to protect children.

and on Google and the Hampstead case:

Trump Exposes Pizzagate

Google's involvement in the Pizzagate/Hampstead Situation MKULTRA schools

Google descends on Hampstead primary schools to find the next Bill Gates

In a bid to develop the next generation of computer geniuses, some of the best and brightest from the £160billion firm have been teaching nine-to 11-year-olds at Christ Church Primary School how to make their own apps, webpages and games.