Forgetmenot ago

What's in your closet podesta?

Katos ago

I saw a movie where the millionaire kidnapped a man because of his blood type! He said he had "BOMBAY BLOOD "? Image result for blood group of bombay It is also called the HH group. The peculiarity is that they do not express the H antigen. As a result they cannot form A antigens or B antigens on their red blood cells. Thus they can donate blood to anybody with ABO grouping but can receive blood only from Bombay blood group people.THIS MAY BE WHAT THESE SICK BASTARDS ARE AFTER?

brbomglolwtfbbq ago


Godwillwin ago

Maybe Swann's tweet and FB post about "Tzuday" Feb 1st (which is really Wednesday) does mean that something is going to go down on Wednesday. One can only hope

PizzaGate711 ago

And Google owners, Alphabet's Schmidts have appointed Eric Braverman to head their Family Foundation's and its NWO agenda for Mass Muslim Migration, Climate Change etc etc

islandofdelight ago

This is just wild conspiracy theory speculation... Braverman disappears for months, undergoes mkultra programming, becomes the perfect corporate puppet to work for the same group he was trying to blow the whistle on. For Schmidt/Google/Clinton, it's a tidy win-win.

PizzaGate711 ago

That's it!!! :-)) While the world was searching for Braverman - he's been busy being brainwashed and groomed as President of Schmidt's Global Warming Cult.

Insubordinate ago

It's safe to say that the Podesta Group will probably be shedding some clients. Google is certainly aware of PG-related interest on net.

redditsuckz ago

Dont forget Google also owns Youtube and is actively removing pizzagate videos and banning accounts who post abouti.

Z11Mama ago

Proton email is obtained through google. Suddenly and without warning, email accounts on mobile are inaccessible and new accounts can't be signed up for. First, it made me sign in to tell me I couldn't. Then it made me update. I did. And I think I did everything right such as make sure it updated. It won't let me in on the same and only method I have always used. My phone. Just me? Does this sound odd?

Nana66 ago

I wonder if all theses politicians and companies dropping like flies know they are now under suspicion for some f*cked up shit...

OrwellKnew ago

Any "news" piece that mentions Podesta but not Pizzagate...absolute garbage!

Sorry to rant on your post here but seriously. This proves how depraved and evil the mainstream media is

Gammi ago

Huh....very interesting, guess they are expecting something to hit the fan soon and, maybe they want to be as far away from it as they can possibly get before it happens, you think? wouldn't surprise me to find out they are part of it.

PizzaGate711 ago

Perhaps even an integral part. Look at the level of censorship.
And what happened when I went to forward a link on twitter >> Note the pizza slice.

TheOA ago

This is eerily similar to when Comet Ping ping very timely changed their Logo from having the boylover logo. Covering up tracks, hoping to extinguish the fire before it even comes to light.. It's a conflict of interest for Google and the Podesta Group to do business suddenly due to the origins of "Fake News" itself. The term was born in response to PizzaGate, Podesta being the #1 "victim" of Fake news, who also coincidentally is a billionaire and founder of The Podesta Group, in which Google was a client for up until 3 days ago.

VinceFostersGhost ago

I think that was Besta Pizza that has the pedo pizza symbol.

Singleservename ago

All this signifies is that Podesta won't be an effective lobbyist in the current - or likely any - political configuration, after all that's.. transpired.

Watch for google to be the first rat to leave this sinking ship

jangles ago

It is because they have the smartest people in the world. They are treated like gods.

EndThePizza ago

Is it typical to use different lobbyist firms with different administrations? Podesta's are obviously heavily tied to Democrats, and we now have a Republican majority. Could this simply standard political advantage tactics?

derram ago | :

Google Parts With Podesta Lobbying Firm as Trump Enters Washington - Bloomberg

'The lobbying group took in $80,000 from Google in the final three months of 2016, according to quarterly disclosures. '

'The Podesta Group -- whose chairman, Tony Podesta, is a major Democratic fundraiser and the brother of Clinton’s former campaign manager -- is no longer lobbying on behalf of Google, public disclosures show. '

'You will now receive the Technology newsletter What to eat, drink, wear and drive – in real life and your dreams. '

'Puerto Rico’s governor Ricardo Rosselló also hired former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, Bloomberg News reported. '

'Black was previously a partner of Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign manager, and Roger Stone, a decades-long Trump adviser. '

This has been an automated message.

remedy4reality ago

pffft... no mention of the obvious about the Podesta's in the article

islandofdelight ago

Not good for Google to reveal the actual reason for the split. They are creating a record of events now, so when it happens, they can deny they knew anything.

remedy4reality ago

so... it's fake news. thanks !

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting because I only recently did a post on the relationship between the two :

badastrid ago

Very interesting timing!

ArthurEdens ago

Running away from the grenade

islandofdelight ago

Google anticipates Podesta's inevitable fall and wants to preemptively distance themselves?