tech-adm ago

Press Release on 2009-05-15 - Has anyone done a deep dive into the Podesta emails to see any references to Amber Ready or activities around this date?

sonicafternoon ago

Literally just got an amber alert that fucked my phone up. Fuck you john

HennyPenny ago

Podesta Group got the PR contract for Amber Ready,Inc not the Amber Alert program. This is a 2009 article.

"The AMBER Ready Program enables parents to create, store and lock their children’s Alert Profiles in parent’s wireless phones. Should a child become missing, police can transmit the Alert Profile in minutes, instead of hours. The program also provides parents with a child safety kit containing a:

Safety DVD with an Internet and Wireless Phone Child Safety Course Saliva DNA & Fingerprint Kit with a Dental Chart

Emergency Wireless Phone Car Charger with Multiple Charging Jacks to Fit Your Phone After your child goes missing...we go to work. We offer a $10,000 reward for anyone giving information leading to the safe return of your child" from linked in website

Someone ought to check if all that DNA info on children given to Amber Ready, Inc. was shared on a Podesta data base? And to cross check and see if any of Amber Ready's juvenile clientele ever came up missing?

equineluvr ago


2b1ask1 ago

Great catch.

They are all the same... stalking children under the guise of protecting them.

Apparently, they are out of business. Website is a parked domain and Facebook page has not been updated since 2009.

I found this pic on their Facebook page - this tells me a lot about these creepers:

Always flashin' the devil horns.

Wanna bet she is an (OES) Eastern Star Mason?

Factfinder2 ago

You're not a Mason? I thought you were based on your handle, 2b1ask1.

2b1ask1 ago

Good catch. I LOATHE high-level masons. My handle is my mocking of them.

HennyPenny ago

Amber Alert Stats are odd: "AMBER Alerts have helped police safely recover 262 missing Michigan children. Learn more at"

Then: "As of February 2017, a total of 868 children had been successfully recovered through the AMBER Alert system."

The national 868 figure is cumulative from 1996 to Feb. 2017. The Michigan figure of 262 must be cumulative, also, otherwise big crime wave. Are we to suppose that Michigan has over a 1/3 of all Amber Alerts???

Also, as of Jan. 2017 Michigan changed the criteria: only child abductions warrant an Amber Alert." Before, the alerts were issued for abducted children as well as missing children with severe mental or physical disabilities. Now, according to MSP, Amber Alerts will only be issued for child abduction cases when the victim is under the age of 18." Disabled children that wander off get a notice to newspaper,etc.

Law enforcement seems to selectively decide when the Amber Alert criteria is met or not. Sometimes, errors are made:

HennyPenny ago

A cursory review of Amber Alerts in US vs Europe show an odd picture: In 2016 in the US 179 Amber Alerts issued with 155 cases resulting in recovery. In Europe in the 2nd quarter of 2017 alone , 1016 Amber Alerts issued with 75% recovery. Either we are under reporting or Europe has way more child abductions than US???

"From Jan. 1, 2016, to Dec. 31, 2016, 179 AMBER Alerts were issued in the U.S. involving 231 children. "

"Of the 179 AMBER Alerts issued from Jan. 1, 2016, to Dec. 31, 2016, 155 cases resulted in a recovery"

"Since the inception of the  program in 1996 through Dec. 31, 2015, 813 children have been safely recovered specifically as a result  of an AMBER Alert being issued.

August 9, 2017 Statistics "In April, May and June, AMBER Alert Europe shared information about 1016 missing children with the public. Almost 75 percent of these children were recovered safe and sound within one month. For 6 children a national AMBER Alert was issued."

In 2016, AMBER Alert Europe mapped 29 AMBER Alerts for 33 children in Europe. 32 children were successfully recovered, of which 83% was even recovered within 24 hours. Same website with 2016 European Amber Alert Stats:

Factfinder2 ago

Amber Ready is no more. Most official accounts of its demise under murky circumstances have been scrubbed from the internet, but what can be pieced together is interesting. The software and company were created by Kai D. Patterson, who was ousted from the enterprise with what he alleges was a series of false accusations and fraud perpetrated by a New Jersey police chief who was on the company’s board of directors and the company’s investment banker. Edit: The Podesta Group was brought on board in May 2009 just as the intrigue was beginning to unfold.

Here’s the only bit of mainstream news still out there as far as I can tell:
Patterson blogs everywhere about the saga. Here’s one example:

Patterson being interviewed during the program’s launch:

Fairfax, NJ, police chief (now retired) in launch video:

HennyPenny ago

That's an interesting story, retired Fairview,NJ Police Chief Frank Del Vecchio. He retired 2014. Before he retired, he was moonlighting as CEO for Amber Ready, among other businesses he ran on the side.

N.J.'s Frank DelVecchio's Conflict of Interest. Jean Rembach, "Deputy Chief Juggled Two Jobs: Was Executive at Troubled Firm," in The Record, July 10, 2011, at p. A-1. 

"For nearly three years, Fairview Police Chief Frank DelVecchio moonlighted as a top executive for a Morris County start-up, travelling around [promoting] the company's new child-safety device and rising to become its $250,000.00-a-year CEO."

Now, he's got a charity, Run for Life:

AND, he likes to work with troubled youth: MINISTRY TO THE YOUTH! "Prior to Frank's leaving, he and his close friend, Ken Schmitt, (Vice Principal of Cliffside Park High School) started a youth support program called "RISE" which is a youth mentoring program in which the police department mentors high school students, who in turn mentor younger kids. As Vice Principal Ken tries to identify youngsters. Because of Frank has endured tough times growing up, he's passionate about making sure that today's youth have support and guidance, Ken Schmitt said. Furthermore Ken said is the way Frank speaks to them, and that is, "Whatever the problem is today, you can work through it, and don't blame others." Other initiatives that Frank introduced during his Fairview tenure, include junior police academy, Halloween Fun Night, and what Frank is most proud of was while he worked as a juvenile officer."

AND he's a Democrat, ran and lost 1999 and 2001 NJ Gen. Assembly races. (his Facebook page carries comments from someone typical of the far left Democrat party, a disgruntled anti Trump lesbian who is not shy on her Facebook page at venting her wrath.)

AND, he bought a home in 2003 for over 500K, now valued at over a million, pays 25K/yr prop.taxes.

His profile (Democrat, jogger, likes to be around kids, dubious income, connected to charity) sounds similar to Podesta. Maybe that's why he maneuvered himself into the Amber Ready company and maneuvered Podesta's firm into PR work for Amber Ready. Two peas in a pod.

Factfinder2 ago

Nice research. Also, Del Vecchio's actions at Amber Ready after pushing out the company's founder Kai Patterson are highly questionable if you believe Patterson's version of events: Del Vecchio is one to watch.

mooteensy ago

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! How do we stop this

Blowitwideopen ago

"Ed Rothschild, a principle of the group" IN YOUR FACE

GeorgeT ago

ED Rothchild - Principle of the Podesta Group - One Alifantis and his boyfriebd Brocks residences wad owned by the Rotchilds.

dickface88888 ago

If Fox weren't just another cog in the CIA NWO machine then they would cover shit like this.

fogdryer ago

So disgusting as they would use a dirty company

fogdryer ago

Is this a new contract Was there not a senate hearing etc where Donald Rumsfeld was grilled about this. About the fact that the outside co didn't have to be clean etc

Gothamgirl ago

Didn't Brian Podesta work with kids to? He is another weirdo wearing bunny rabbit costumes.

bopper ago

You sure this is not The Onion?

gentlemanadventurer ago

Jesus wept.

vastrightwing ago


The technology will not be able to be silenced. It's real purpose will be to control the populace; similar to the loud speakers in muslim countries.

Never take NGOs at face value. There is always an alternative agenda. NGOs are mostly oligarch financed.

JesusRules ago

It will alert all the Satanists when he snatches up a kid for dinner

10226943? ago

teachers and police officers have the most day-to-day contact with children.

I know it's unsettling to hear, but I've watched the grooming first hand. and they do work in groups, and they do have signals. schools are farm houses for some of the groups who participate in this type of thing.

all paper work stems from schools, so profiling would have to be very local. with the internet however, data can reveal more about, including; troubled home, sexual abused, etc.

their profiling system is complete. with data, they can extrapolate any profile they want, and exploit any weakness they find.

2b1ask1 ago

Your reply here fascinates me.

My best friend is a first grade school teacher (female)...

I would like to hear more details about the signals... and do you think teachers are somehow in on this?

10229144? ago

before schools went on lockdown ( 80's gang stuff was true for some, but media hype like terrorism), men used to wander the hallways of elementary schools looking for those that were awake and observant. all you had to do was see who popped their heads up to get a clear view of the world as the heard was shuffled from task to task.

doesn't take a science, just observation.

the lock down was to prevent entry of recruiters, not gangs. maybe not recruiters, but either law enforcement/employees knew, or the whole school was a farm.

stay interested, the world needs it.

Sk8rminion ago

I don't think so... the teachers just are 'recognizing excellency' and providing positive reinforcement for the kids, the people who analyze the data, and come in to test the kids aren't even employees from the same school, they pull you out of class and have you take some tests with a specialist then send you back to class, that never really tell you, the parents, or the teacher in detail what its really all about. The whole Gifted and Talented program is a huge scam, all they ever did for me outside of all the tests was let me disassemble a computer with a hammer once in primary school, and skip science class to read sci-fi one semester as a junior in HS. Also teachers stop reading your papers sometimes, I'm very proud of acing a science test once by writing an essay on osmosis. miniaturized bumble bees with transporter pads, lmao. A ton of tax payer money so the teacher can ask you in front of the entire class at the start of each year, 'How do you want me to single you out as different in front of all the other students because of your learning differences' to which you reply" I don't know, isn't it your fucking job to know this shit? just treat me like the other kids."

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Now they just need to partner up with Thorne and we can stop investigating Pizzagate and rest assured our children are safe in the hands of the Podesta Brothers and the Rothschilds.

Edit .. Excuse the sarcasm .. excellent find!!!!!

SynapticRevolt ago

This is completely fucked. Smh

Omnicopy ago

The satanist are in control. They can do any horrid and satanic thing they can do. They put laws into affect to stop us from stopping them from doing those horrible satanic things like abortion. We try and stop them and we are jailed. I can see it as clear as crystal!!! They are tearing down our statues and it is us that should be tearing down their satanic statues but we can't cause we would be stopped and jailed. They can taunt us anytime they feel!!! Well it is going to be coming to an end!!!!! And the satanists know it!!! That is what they are doing now tearing down all the statues, they are taunting us!!!!!

DeathTooMasons ago

When will it be coming to an end and how? They will start arresting themselves?

GeorgeT ago

You can't stop Zeitgeist - public awareness in consciousness shift is apparent - and on the dawm of massive awakening satanists will pull out all stops - to no avail - their days are numbered and they know it. It is the first time A president has exposed the 'alt left' by name and they are freaking out! Not long to go before all those sickos are placed in padded cells.

10227795? ago

Hope they enjoy eternity with ' Their God '

Omnicopy ago

Satanists lost the USA!!!!

nameof ago

Its known Podesta is a sick fuck, cause his art. Period and there's nothing to do about it, can't prove the fatherhood video is his but it's known tp sound uncannily distinctly like podestas voice, But Amber Alerts where Known cpnvicyed kidnapper known affiliation with clinton is vp, & married to a felon who heads up red cross over there, there's the wrong, and it is proovable,, and the only shred of light, a person can go after. Because it's futile Trying to proove by Looking at Alefantis realestate, and Rothschild was amazing, finding out alefantis owns Pegasus, what the neighborhood is about, the Clintons connected for sure, the WHOLE sketchyness of the way th media freaked out on his behalf...etc...block block block, murders murders murders, how does SILSBY STILL WORK THERE. Maybe theteneedsto be a major parade in every city asking von Hansen why he promoted a kidnapper to vice-president of amberalerys. Fire them both and any associates, for this breach of trust, breach of legal process.this is so obviously about the children's blood supply they need. Let's be real. Von Hansen is on the board of Idaho tech they are heavily into bioengineering in Idaho. It goes right along. I tried to talk about what all von Hansen is into, there's a article he is published in where I couldn't open it cause you have to pay to read it, something about "humanity" . It's very sketchy that these people are into regenerative medicine. That's not what you want the tech scientist to be into that's looking for your child!!

nameof ago

If everyone inderstands the ways KIDNAPPER SILSBY GOT HER job at AMBRRALERTS AS VICEPRES then where's the outrage? I think they've definitely got us in stun mode. It's too awful, even the comments on this are disturbingly weak headed. Hewlett Packard VON HANSEN & PODESTA and Rothschild and Clintons ohhhhkay!

nameof ago

I get things wrong, I don't understand the scope or content of a convetsation, sometimes, maybe frequently, on voat. But there's one story that joins the WHOLE Pizzagate nightmare to people accountable for atrocities. Hillary responsible for covering up.pedophilia, is a small fish compared to trafficking childre for organs and blood, I believe that's whatswhat's up. Oxford cardiology heart within a heart symbol, its everywhere in medicine, medicine also connects everyone. WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT. WHY ISN'T EVERYONE ON VOAT PICKETING AMBER ALERTS? SO TO SPEAK. Let loose the dogs on amberalerts, I have tried. I posted all that stuff about the company, the bad and weird reviews of work, horujuku spammed my post with anti NAMBLA rage, but it's worse than that. IF WE TOPPLED THE KIDNAPPERS AT AMBERALERTS VON HANSEN and LAURA SILSBY GAYLOR...NAMBLA would FALL TOO. What is so IVORY about this TOWER? Do the reporters not touch on It? Who will hold the AMBERALERTS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE VICEPRESIDENTS LURID & HORRIBLE TREATMENT of children. Who knows what was in store for those little HAITIANS, Black lives matter to whom? That's my new slogan about AMBER alerts.

abcdefg222 ago

Will you link your previous post? Thanks!

nameof ago

Sorry it's been 3 days but here's the ALERTSENSE post post i made von Hansen ceo seems like the right person to charg3 with not fulfilling his duty to the public, in hiring a known convicted kidnapper to VICE PRESIDENT, not fulfilling the obligation to be impeccable at work.


Holy fuck your website sucks ass and is an insult to anyone who reads it. Every link just links to your own site with nothing behind the link. Get fucked!

NoBS ago

If my job was to procure child sex slaves, this organization is the place to corrupt.

But only if the pedo’s can blackmail enough Judges and politicians.

Blackmail is what controls US and Globalist Politics, and we feel the hatred and contempt from the media.

BehindTheCurtain ago

This is so none of their possessions can successfully escape.

Are_we_sure ago

This is from 2009

cantsleepawink ago

Has anyone got statistical data to show the increase in missing children since 2009, I wonder ?

Are_we_sure ago

You can use the NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics

From 2009 to 2016, the number of missing children DECREASED from 558K to 443K. So 115,000 less kids went missing. This numbers are kids missing for any reason and the vast majority of the kids are located pretty soon

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children says they helped the FBI with 20,000 cases in 2016 with 2 percent of these cases being ages 18-20. 90 percent are runaways. If they return and runaway again, that would be a new case. 1 percent of these was a kid being snatched by a stranger. That's about 200 per year.

They estimate of the runaways, that 3,100 might have become involved in prositution/sex trafficking.

NoBS ago

Very relevant today. It's like a blood trail. Except the human blood has never really slowed down. Hell, the assassinations are public statements of legitimate control. You think Seth Rich was a bumbling hit?

How many of his friends and relatives have come forward? Fear of a public murder by our complicit government is a powerful motivator. The fact ALL government employees can be publicly doxxed for feelings and personal beliefs is the real Blackmail Extortionist.

Commoner ago

Did you know the Podesta group got the contract, even if it was in 2009? Do they still have it?

Are_we_sure ago

No.i just read the date on the press release.

I'm pretty sure I've gotten Amber Alerts on my cell phone. So the campaign was probably over.

10228228? ago

Pizzagate proved to me I will not kill anyone. Not even my mother in law. Thank you pizzagate

pushthis ago

I never get amber alerts but i get one on my phone like a week and a half ago

vastrightwing ago

You will soon. Plus all kinds of other messages you are required to receive. There will be no opt out.

cthulian_axioms ago

They sent one out a month or two ago while I was at work. Everyone got it. I got it, my manager got it, the doctors got it, the techs got it, every client in the waiting room got it. Everybody's phone starts doing that very distinctive emergency-broadcast tone (you know the one) at the same time. I almost shat myself.

So I pick up my phone and I'm thinking, "well, either nuclear war has started, or Donald Trump has gained control of the Emergency Broadcast System and is now tweeting directly to every American through it".

It was an Amber Alert for a dad-in-the-midst-of-a-custody-battle-absconds-with-daughter situation, 80 miles away.

Mammy ago

"well, either nuclear war has started, or Donald Trump has gained control of the Emergency Broadcast System and is now tweeting directly to every American through it". LOL!

2b1ask1 ago

Great catch. Like HUGE.

This is a great way to show people that the fox does indeed watch over the hen house.

UPDATE: Wow -->

Which leads to this:

National Assn/Educ Of Young Children

Which leads us to Heather Podesta's company:

Yikes. That is one ugly clown.

These pieces of filth sure do like hanging out with children.

Tzitzimitl ago

heather podesta

yep, thats definitely a reptilian

TippyHome ago

And, looky, looky, looky......another University of VA (Charlottesville) law grad. Still think last weekend wasn't staged and coordinated through the dem party? Didn't somebody also connect the mayor to John, too?

carmencita ago

I am leaving on a vacay and may not always be near a laptop or wifi. I will miss all my friends. Peace and Love.

TippyHome ago

Have a wonderful vacation, carmencita. Safe travels!

GeorgeT ago

I am sure Laura Silsby will still be on their payroll!

mooteensy ago

Of course - except its Laura Gayler (spelling?) as of right now. I'm sure she'll find a new last name soon with this coming out.

ronnyCPI ago

Note that the "Refugee Council USA" Podesta lobbies for is listed as an "unknown business." What do they do?

2b1ask1 ago

Commoner ago

YES, and Hillary has always been a children's advocate. cough, cough

River_Otter ago


A Rothschild is handling the account.

Think they are worried?

Gothamgirl ago

Unreal. What a sick world we live in.

Deflo56 ago

The fox guarding the hen house.

RoBatten ago

That's a bold strategy, Cotton . . .

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Well, that explains how Silsby got her job!


Ed Rothschild, a Principle of the Podesta Group.