wecanhelp ago

Removing per rules 2 and 4. This is more of a speculative question than a sourced, investigative post. Please resubmit this on /v/pizzagatewhatever. Please also cite your sources for each of your claims with links in the future. Thank you.

Haldelos ago

Makes sense..."Denny" Hastert and Tony Podesta have been friends since childhood and the wikileaks emails show this. On Tony Podesta's FB page he posted a pic and says "see if youcan guess the ppl and place" or something like that...It's a pic from a summer camp in Japan. Tony appears to be about 15yrs old...there are about 5 other kids in the pic...on of them is Denny Hastert. http://www.justicenewsnetwork.com/tony-podesta-and-dennis-hastert-connection-pedophiles-of-a-feather-flock-together/

OrwellKnew ago

Just streaming some random thoughts here but...remember the WL email

Might be time for Denny to vanish to an undisclosed Japanese island

It was to John Podesta from Goldman Sachs head of corporate communications Jake Siewert, who is also a former Clinton press secretary

That phrase he used though seems laden with import. Vanish? Undisclosed? So many of these emails contain code speak. I am just theorizing here. We already have established Podesta's use of "wet works" 3 days in advance of Justice Scalia's death. These people are certainly capable of violent acts.

Might be time for Denny to vanish to an undisclosed Japanese island. Gee, hmm..."it would be very fortunate for us here if Mr. Hastert would just disappear now, permanently. Hari-kari style like the Japanese ritual you know. Make it look like a suicide"


anon401 ago



How the Podesta Brothers Rose From the 39th Ward to the White House Powerbroker Tony Podesta on his career and his brother, Obama’s incoming senior counselor—charged with “rescuing” POTUS’s second term.

I went to college with Denny Hastert, Carol Moseley Braun, and Steve Schiff, who became a Republican congressman from Albuquerque, New Mexico. We were all in student government at the U of I. In 1965, Hastert and I were part of a two-month student delegation to Japan. We traveled around the country, taught at an English camp for two weeks, met with local YMCA leaders. We were there for the 20th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima.

Hastert was not like Clinton or Rahm. I did not see the seed of political power. We’re still friends. I knew him when he was Speaker. His personality has not changed at all from 1965 to 2013. He’s a decent, wonderful guy. People like and respect him. I was surprised to see him elected to Congress, but, once there, I was not surprised to see him become Speaker of the House.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

l've not heard of the partner - Dan Matoon. Has he been researched?

anon401 ago



Piggybacking on that, his older son, Joshua, hit Washington soon after Denny became Speaker in 1999. Voila! The pierced-tongued owner of a record store in DeKalb called Seven Dead Arson became a lobbyist focusing on technology and defense issues. Josh started his new gig, working for mp3.com’s lobbyist who had been an aide to former House Republican Minority Leader Bob Michel, a close colleague of Josh’s father.

Josh then moved to a small firm, Federal Legislative Associates, that lobbied on tech issues. Moving on up, he was soon hired by lobbying firm, Podesta Mattoon, headed by two old friends of his father’s—Tony Podesta, a fellow Illinoisan, and, with Hastert, a student government leader in the 1960s, and Dan Matoon, a close friend/advisor of Hastert’s who ran his first congressional campaign. In 2006, while his father was still holding the Speaker’s gavel, Josh was hired by Google as part of a team of Podesta Matton lobbyists.

In a conversation with Jonathan Franzen for The New Yorker, Josh held up his father as a model—they both love small business—and, as a lobbyist, he told Franzen, he’d be helping “smaller defense contractors…who are taking on the Big Four contractors.” (Josh would later become a registered lobbyist for Lockheed Martin.) He had promised not to lobby his father but didn’t extend the promise to other congressmen. “I never introduce myself as ‘Joshua Hastert, son of the speaker,’” he told the Chicago Sun-Times’ Lynn Sweet. He didn’t have to. A website promoting his skills touted his “long-standing relationships with numerous offices on Capitol Hill and in the administration.”

pizzaequalspedo ago

This is how DC works, at our expense.

John Doe gets elected, then his brother in law gets a huge government contract for a newly formed company, his sons get influential lobbying jobs in DC, his wife gets 2 board positions making $150k/year to sit on the boards of companies that need favors.

It has to stop.

Orange_Circle ago

He has an actual blood related child?

carmencita ago

Maybe he also let Podesta abuse him. These people are very sick. They actually think they are in the right. Podesta might even have used the MKUltra on him. He is rumored to have used it on BO and JT (Trudeau). That was in an article connected to this site about Leonard Cohen having been MKUltra as well. You can count in Kris Kristofferson and Janis Joplin too. Imo Hastert should never be let out of jail. Never. He got such a light sentence because he was so very useful to the elite.

Kwijibo ago

Please add the link to the source per rule 2.

foxxywoxxy ago

good find

L00KiL00Ki ago

Thanks. Wasn't sure if it has been addressed yet.