Samson134 ago

Another example of blatant protection of rich pedos by google is their google earth epstein island pics (worst photoshop job ive ever seen). Compared to the real island pics taken on a flyover the island by a youtuber. Google sure wiped a lot of stuff from their images of the island.

greenthumb1776 ago

Wow. Incredible. Yet I am not surprised.

Pizzalawyer ago

@greenthumb1776: Great find , it explains so much, such as how difficult it was to shut down BackPage. Google continues to support pedo sites while shutting down truthtellers like Abby Martin who had produced excellant exposes on Hlilary and John Podesta. Google is long overdue for some anti-trust action. Welcome to all the fresh faces with great minds.

greenthumb1776 ago

Thank you @Pizzalawyer. Am super new and this has been posted before, apparently. But overall glad to be part of the discussion. Was just looking up Backpage and there is considerable propaganda by NYT and Vice. It is hard to conceive of how anyone could sympathize with an organization that turns a blind eye to child-trafficking. Thanks for the tip, patriot. I look forward to learning about Abby Martin!

mrohm ago

That explains why a google search for pizzagate requires sifting through all of the fake news from WaPo and Snopes before finding the real information about Skippy, Tony, Abramovic, etc.

corkey ago

Regarding sites being buried in search results. It’s likely that Online Reputation Management (ORM SEO) is at play, rather than someone at Google tweaking search results.

It’s not that difficult to fill up the first few pages of results for specific longtail search terms for these big news sites by pushing lots of keyword optimised articles and possibly using Negative SEO to push unwanted results down.

This would require someone supplying a list of search terms to media orgs (unlikely) or sending pre-baked articles. My money is on the later.

Lots of SEO agencies around that just do this stuff - big companies use them to reduce visibility of bad feedback or negative articles. A lot actually. It’s rare they list clients tho.

Point is, it’s seems highly curated and coordinated. Project Syndicate could be the #FakeNews distribution platform - set up and funded by our old friend Mr. Money Bag.

greenthumb1776 ago

Yes. Same thing with Q-related things and DJT’s efforts to combat sex/child trafficking. Was trying to find a link to send to a friend to show that the over-hyped “child separation” ar the Mexican border was really about fighting child trafficking but most of news on this is heavily suppressed. I sent what link I could find but my friend basically laughed in my face. The disinformation campaign is strong and it has penetrated even the most intelligent minds. Google searches aim to discredit DJT, the Q and Pizzagate movements while heavily pro-HRC/BLM/Antifa/you get the picture. Sorry for the rant but I get so upset about this! Thank you for your comment and God bless.

144truth ago

Big media is in collusion.

Rico act would not be a surprise for this organized prejudice. Twitter, Facebook, Google and others are guilty. Widespread censorship, shadow banning, rigging search results, silencing free thought and independent media.

They want to tell you what to think, read and feel.

Vindicator ago

Nice addition greenthumb1776! Welcome to v/pizzagate :-)

Psalm144-1 ago

But of course Google is in bed with the PEDOstas! Unreal...

salvationman ago

explains elsagate

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Indeed it does.

TrustTheTruth ago

Where were the Podestas MADE?

Who did they meet that introduced them to the most powerful people in The World?

What company legitimized the Art in Embassies program?

Who funds and controls the Center for American Progress?

What is the purpose of the Aspen Institute and Brookings Institution?

Who are Ron Burkle and Guy Oseary, and how are they connected to the Podestas and Emanuels?

Who are Rahm's siblings and what role do they each play?

Why will Trump NEVER hold Google and the others involved accountable?

What was The Biggest Deal that Trump MADE as President?

Who was it with and what was it for?

darkknight111 ago

EFF are a known pedo protector group. Google is one of their backers BTW.

greenthumb1776 ago

Wow. So much disinformation.

think- ago

Google is not merely a company providing a search engine. It is involved in political activities as well. IIRC, we had one or two posts about it, maybe by @letsdothis2 (?).

OP; if you should have some time, you might want to dig them up via by searching 'google' and 'pizzagate'.

letsdothis2 ago

Quite a few posts from over a year ago on here. But always good to be reminded of vital information :-) >>

NY Times article about Google's 'race against fake news', they forget to mention that Google is a client of the Podesta Group. Welcome to the Matrix.

Google Parts With Podesta Lobbying Firm ..

Piggybacking on that, his older son, Joshua, hit Washington soon after Denny became Speaker in 1999. Voila! The pierced-tongued owner of a record store in DeKalb called Seven Dead Arson became a lobbyist focusing on technology and defense issues. Josh started his new gig, working for’s lobbyist who had been an aide to former House Republican Minority Leader Bob Michel, a close colleague of Josh’s father.

Josh then moved to a small firm, Federal Legislative Associates, that lobbied on tech issues. Moving on up, he was soon hired by lobbying firm, Podesta Mattoon, headed by two old friends of his father’s—Tony Podesta, a fellow Illinoisan, and, with Hastert, a student government leader in the 1960s, and Dan Matoon, a close friend/advisor of Hastert’s who ran his first congressional campaign. In 2006, while his father was still holding the Speaker’s gavel, Josh was hired by Google as part of a team of Podesta Matton lobbyists.

Anon accidently ties Podesta Group to the NXlVM cult

Wikileaks revealed that they recently donated in a very significant way to Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign. They are among forty-four donations from “the Leahy event.” Other contributors included the Podesta Group, Heather Podesta (Tony Podesta’s wife), Universal Music, Google, Time Warner Cable and the NFLPA.

Google Fires Podesta Lobbying Group Shortly After Hiring Eric Braverman; Coincidence?

Google, The Clowns and Censorship Is this what Q was talking about?

btw, while everyone's paying attention: Podesta Group gets contract for The Amber Alert program. The group is working on a campaign to promote amber ready cell phone technology, designed to protect children.

and on Google and the Hampstead case:

Trump Exposes Pizzagate

Google's involvement in the Pizzagate/Hampstead Situation MKULTRA schools

Google descends on Hampstead primary schools to find the next Bill Gates

In a bid to develop the next generation of computer geniuses, some of the best and brightest from the £160billion firm have been teaching nine-to 11-year-olds at Christ Church Primary School how to make their own apps, webpages and games.

YogSoggoth ago

West African Real Estate Holdings.West Africa Leaks: offshore holdings of West Africa's ... West Africa Leaks: offshore holdings of West Africa's officials, traffickers revealed. May 22, 2018 Feature Articles Comments Off on West Africa Leaks: offshore holdings of West Africa's officials, traffickers revealed Search domain www.ghanabusinessnews.com Yeah, I always follow the money.

greenthumb1776 ago

Thank you @letsdothis2. Am new to both Voat and /v/pizzagate. Only began to learn what has been going on re: SRA/pizzagate during the past year and a half via the David Wilcock/Kerry Cassidy types on YouTube. Very interesting although I prefer the more grounded, facts-based investigations such as The Franklin Coverup which I had to read twice just to absorb the information. This stuff has been going on for a long long time- even to biblical times!

Thank you for the links. Was just watching vids on the Hampstead kids. I remember seeing clips of them talking but everyone online said it was a hoax. But after seeing the mother’s testimony, and after reading Franklin, I’m not so sure. It is horrible beyond belief but that doesn’t make it untrue.

There are a lot of truth seekers and whistleblowers but also a lot of shills and disinfo agents. Am grateful for this sub. Thank you again for your links & info!

letsdothis2 ago

Your welcome.

I just want to make a comment about Hampstead. The videos of those children is one of the main reasons I got on this path to look for Truth. I foolowed that case from the beginning when it exploded on the internet.

I remember seeing clips of them talking but everyone online said it was a hoax.

As someone who understands from a professional level what 'safeguarding of children' is all about the videos were very disturbing. If what they said was true, that's very disturbing. I f what they said was NOT true, that's equally disturbing. Let's take the case of it being a hoax. That means that someone coached those children to say what they did. I can tell you it was not the mother and her boyfriend. It had to have been done by professionals. The huge campaign afterwards, including the father's interview with the BBC (that's HIGHLY ABNORMAL) showed quite clearly that high level individuals were involved. My own research shows that to be the case. Ask yourself, if professionals coached those children, how sick is that ?? And why would they do that?

TrustTheTruth ago

Who is leading the charge for Global Education Reform?

What are Smart Cities?

What are Resilient Communities?

What is Community Policing?

What will 5G+8K enable?

Where did the Podestas become so powerful and well connected?

Why is Art so important?

What is The Art of The Deal?

YogSoggoth ago

"Podesta group gets contract for The Amber Alert program." Would this tech be made in China? Laura Silsby timeline comes into question. Pretty sure all the information we seek is out there, if not redacted.

3141592653 ago

The last two things you mentioned are shady a.f.

think- ago

Thank you, @letsdothis2! :-)

think- ago

Welcome to the board, and thanks for posting, @greenthumb1776. Flaring this 'Potential Lead'.

Please keep up the good work.

greenthumb1776 ago

Thank you! I posted so early this morning that I accidentally wrote “John” instead of “Tony” and realized it hours later. Was expecting a barage of insults for this but am shocked to get such positive feedback. Am no pizzagate sleuth but will update the board whenever I run across something. God Speed and God Bless, Patriot.

MykaLove ago

Google in bed with the pedo's...? Ty for posting. :)

Samson134 ago

Of course google protect pizzagate suspects. If you put v/pizzagate into google you might if your lucky get to this sub on page 3 of google. Put the same search into duckduckgo and its on the first spot where it should be

Aasb ago

and if you type pizzagate in youtube(google) now, the first results are the mainstream narratives talking about a dangerous conspiracy theory. it wasn't like that before.

LostandFound ago

Same for federal reserve it used to be a corbett report docu now its just msm narritive.

truthdemon ago

Maybe a good idea would be to rank sites which google hides how and where they place the website in their searches ..and get the public to vote on how ungoogled they think the page or website is...

darkknight111 ago

Requesting important or new evidence flair.

This is smoking gun proof of Big Tech colluding to protect pizzagate suspects via censorship.

aimeejamey ago

Why am I not surprised