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new4now ago

Tidbits from my research....

Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman has gone "missing."

Braverman took to Twitter on 19 January 2017 to announce he had accepted a position with a California-based charity. He will take charge of the philanthropic arm of the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Foundation.

Google Fires Podesta Lobbying Group Shortly After Hiring Eric Braverman; Coincidence?

Now, new WikiLeaks emails reveal additional details behind the the man, Eric Braverman, who was brought in as CEO by Chelsea to change the controversial practices of the Foundation but abruptly resigned a short time later after being pushed out by long-time Clinton loyalists who had apparently grown very comfortable with the status quo.   Below is the new email exchange which begins when Neera Tanden warns John Podesta to "keep tabs on Doug Band" who she assumed was the insider who told NBC to "follow the money and find the real HRC scandal."  Interestingly, John Podesta writes back quickly to identify the real source as former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman which seems to be shocking to Tanden who replies simply, "Holy Moses

and last....The trip to North Korea

Sophie Schmidt, the teenage daughter of Google chairman Eric Schmidt has shed some light on her father's secretive trip to North Korea, in a first-hand account of the visit to a "very, very strange" country.

Miss Schmidt, 19, had accompanied her father on the visit as part of a delegation led by Bill Richardson, the former US ambassador to the United Nations.

"A few scrolled or clicked, but the rest just stared. More disturbing: when our group walked in... not one of them looked up from their desks. Not a head turn, no eye contact, no reaction to stimuli. "They might as well have been figurines," she added.

"Did our handlers honestly think we bought it? Did they even care? Photo op and tour completed, maybe they dismantled the whole set and went home," she wrote

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Office protocol in the orient, (Japan, Taiwan, China and probably Korea) means that to look up when the boss brings visitors by, indicates you don't have enough work to do and also suggests you are in that persons social class, a no-no. It isn't necessarily communist behavior here, it's Confucian and thousands of years old. .