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ASolo ago

just unpin this stupid shit would ya @vindicator @Crensch you all made your point why is this still stickied?

Crensch ago

Because you and your ilk continue to operate here.

ASolo ago

Oh god I knew some dumb shit was going to come my why don't even fucking start with me asshole I'm just sick and tired of seeing the dumb thread up there every time I visit you made your fucking point I'm pretty sure the forum gets it and of course you aren't going to catch me in any of these mechanizations because I dont engage in them but it's pretty uncomfortable the owner of a fucking forum like this confronting a patron like this your out of line.

Crensch ago

There's only one type of faggot so far that has had an issue with the sticky.

Also, I was told long ago that the users here we're smart and would be able to dismiss the lies and shilling all on their own. Esoteric operated virtually unopposed by the regular users here, so apparently the kind of user you wish you were needs a reminder and needs help when it comes to shills like him

ASolo ago

I just don't give a fuck about any of your deets dude I'm just sayin it's been UP for way too long noone fucking cares anymore except petty bitches.

Crensch ago

Nobody asked your opinion. You're not the one that took down is a group of usernames that are responsible for the Disappearance of many good researchers.

You know fuck-all about how they operate or what happens when their Antics get memory holed.

You also don't seem to know that they keep trying to get me to take it down as well. It won't happen until they all disappear.

ASolo ago

You call a unch of people here and you are not familiar with the myriad of personalities that you are going to deal with and you fish around for incriminating evidence agaisnt them to turn the forum against them? You had the chance to do the same with some of the major players in this PIZZAGATE saga that were probably spamming and harassing but did you call them out? That's some real hypocrite bullshit.

Crensch ago

I exposed the biggest shill operation here to date, and it isnt enough for you. Get bent, faggot. Your opinion is meaningless to me.

ASolo ago

You're a seriously twisted dude where do you get off calling me a faggot?

ASolo ago

Better lay off the meth or coffee or whatever it is your hooked on twisted sister

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