Flaaffy ago

On May 11th, Q outed Alex Jones and InfoWars.


See for yourself at qanon.app Its no secret.

v4Zz ago


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Oh god no!..WE lost Alex Jones!...Call Trump, he will reinstate him!

Criticalthinker615 ago

They shut infowars down because the Isaac Kappy interview went viral. This will have the effect of making more people take notice though.

jesspietre ago

We lost Bill Hicks? We never had his controlled opposition ass. He is a member of pizzagate, and no friend of truth.

evilyehttheylive ago

alex jones is controlled opposition and no friend of truth. NO DOUBT!

but alex jones is not bill hicks. to say so any longer is forcefully detrimental.

hicks asked for a few bucks for a ticket, obliterating minds with mental bombs that few can handle.

the men have different motives. start adding it up. these are two different minds. it is all on tape.

the reason why i am mentioning this is because hicks is by far my favorite comic.

always has been, because i just know how to pick em. to even compare the two for fun is an insult.

have watched hicks for 27 years and jones for 23 years. i am far older than 27...

jones and hicks are two different beings with two different frequencies.

perhaps a comparison of them both playing the guitar? unique as a fingerprint.

oh, and they look completely different, as in whole e shit the phrenology is way off!

LOGICAL DEDUCTION: bill hicks is a dead hero and alex jones is a whataburger eating troglodyte.

Flaaffy ago

You guys do remember the Q post that outed Alex Jones and Info Wars, right?

Alex Jones is Fake News created to try and discredit conservative views.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

There's an official anonymous???

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

There are still a few smaller infowars pages on Facebook, maybe not their main pages. But they were not completely removed.

kazza64 ago

latest information is that he deleted himself from twitter and he's doing this to promote his new app

kestrel9 ago

I don't follow AJ but for those who do he's is on Bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/gbHGfjqLeaGs/

twistedmac11 ago

AJ is controlled, so you're not being too cynical. This whole thing is being staged.

Ronin3000 ago

No such thing as being too cynical

septimasexta ago

Did Q just get rid of straw man Alex Jones?

Apple seemed to be cooperating with Trump. Head of Alphabet quickly resigned when Trump took office. Zuckerberg had to go before Congress to testify. Info Wars was trying to shut down Q....using Corsi. Alex Jones renounced pizzagate. Cooper warned us about him long ago. READ ALL ABOUT IT: "The long and secret info wars against Q and how he stayed alive. You really need to know this and move on." https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/


ReallyLongTimeLurker ago

Didn't really care for Alex, but I hate censorship on either side. If We can't have open discussion we are far less than a republic.

Mortifera ago

They're on Minds.

darkknight111 ago

We have gab to spread awareness too. I have an account there.


Infowars' Alex Jones and his entire crew stopped mentioning the term pizzagate on twitter at the same time - December 5th 2016. I didn't notice this until the following February when I got the feeling he was shilling to "debunk" it, so I looked through their accounts.


This can only mean one thing - whoever is controlling Jones's narratives and messaging is responsible for pizzagate. Infowars is not the only organisation that did this. Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett and "Newsbud" did the same thing at the same time.

Scirel ago

Not his entire crew. Joe Biggs and Maggie Howell wouldn't keep quiet and Alex canned them both.


Joe Biggs last tweet that mentioned pizzagate was 30th November 2016. They all to a man and woman do not give a damn about child sex slaves and only care about their careers and paychecks.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

All the people you mentioned are known controlled opposition, especially Corbett with his 9/11 limited hangout. Yet another thread backing disinfo ops and selling Trump the savior.

septimasexta ago

Good catch. Jones is a straw man. "Alex Jones Exposed by Milton William Cooper" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7jJMYJbAKc

11-11 ago

Thanks ---- I didn't even know

RedditIsForLiberals ago

Which is exactly why I'm praying one of you awesome autistic bastards packs a Uhaul full of ammonium nitrate and drives it straight into [insert liberal institution here] headquarters and blow them all the fuck up.

Shizy ago

Just shut the fuck up with that kind of nonsense dicktard!

MolochHunter ago

apparently mailchimp even killed AJ's emails

Zorrilla ago

Disqus just banned Alex Jones as well.

talmoridor-x ago

God, I can't believe the amount of voaters getting played by this jew-produced drama.

avgwhtguy1 ago

Mostly sbbh shills and newfags. 99% of voat is silent 99% of the time

gamepwn ago

Shithead I've done more for this forum then you ever will. You have no research. You have shit. I have 81 different threads. When I had 8,000 subscribers on YouTube I dropped a Pizzagate video that had 100,000 views. I have done more for this movement then you will ever dream of.


Then when my new page blows up I will do IT AGAIN.

Shizy ago

Right on gamepwn!!! Thanks for all you do and fuck those assholes!

gamepwn ago

You're awesome Shizy! Thank you! Seriously fuck them all!

Shizy ago

I'm just tired of their shit. It's not helpful in anyway! Keep up the good work that you do!

talmoridor-x ago

You're nothing special. The CIA has you by the balls.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

"We" lost Infowars? That is gatekeeper disinfo. Take your entry level thread somewhere else. And what does this have to do with PG? A topic that is dead in here, thanks to the mods and shills.

avgwhtguy1 ago

" 'Anonymous' has been compromised" - lol, do you speak English? Do you have a clue how the Internet works?

Lordbananafist ago

They're attacking their own pets tho

justsayingmayne ago

Anonymous has been shit since 2010, its just a bunch of script kiddies with edgy attitudes.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Anonymous has always been shit..Hello Ted Turner...

notagame ago

Please stop!

AJ is a shill .. an effin' disinformation specialist. And what did he ever do for #pizzagate? Didn't he back down and apologize? And now we're supporting him?

It's not that I want his website banned. I just do not trust this at all. Why him? And why is he taking this fucking line of strategy?


InfoWars founder Alex Jones makes plea to Pres. Donald Trump: “If you [don’t] come out before the midterms and make the censorship the big issue of them trying to steal the election … Then they will be able to steal the midterms and start the impeachment."

So he wants our POTUS to make this an election issue? NO! AJ is a POS!!!! Yes, take the larger issue of shadow banning, banning banning, and compartmentalizing followers, but not AJ!!! He's the biggest liability there is!

I don't trust this at all. It's one of those snare traps set for everyone to walk into. Don't do it ... just don't.

ignacious_riley ago


Start with Zeronet, find me there! The name will be as close to my voat username as possible! THIS IS WHERE WE GO WHEN THEY SHUT US DOWN FOR GOOD.

ReddittRefugee ago

You can still read & watch infowars on your smartphone. There's a dedicated app you can download:


Interestingly, the Infowars app surged ahead of all other media app downloads immediately after the infowars bans:


People are by passing censorship.

Vindicator ago

Nice addition to the post, RR.

TeddyJackson ago

"Anonymous" has also been compromised. Here they are attacking Q.

Just how retarded are you? You must be a shill right? No one is that ignorant and stupid. Anon was compromised years ago. Q is psy-op, did you forget how hrc wasn't thrown in jail last year like q said?

Vindicator ago

Where did Q say Hillary was thrown in jail? Please link me to that Q post.

siegnagel ago

Q's first post on 4chan said she had been arrested. Not thrown in jail.

Vindicator ago

Completely wrong.

Q's first post was in reply to an anon who claimed Hillary was being arrested: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/146981635/#147012719 He says she's NOT being arrested, her passport is being flagged -- implying an attempt to flee some time in the future:

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

He says a Clinton arrest would lead to astroturf riots, and then lets everyone listening know that Marines -- who are directly under the control of POTUS -- will be involved in taking her into custody and the National Guard has been called up to deal with any riots.

His second post roughly two hours later underscores that Hillary won't immediately be arrested:

Mockingbird HRC detained, not arrested (yet).

Why are you spreading this fake news that Q said she was arrested? He said the opposite.

Shizy ago

Being a dick doesn't really help anything "Teddy"!

ESOTERICshade ago

Q is psy-op, did you forget how hrc wasn't thrown in jail last year like q said?

They don't give a damn. Logic does not matter to Q followers. If they don't settle down and rejoin the real world we will have to put them in the oven.

gamepwn ago

That's the problem with you ESOTERICshade and people like DeathtoMasons ASAP and the rest of the black pillers. I've seen you do brilliant research and then turn around and black pill and tell us we're hopeless. Telling us we have no hope the jews control us all, everything and everyone is a phyop don't listen turn your brain and ears off. Let's say Q-Anon is a larp or Alex Jones or Renegade I would rather listen to a Larp tell me the truth and lies and figure out myself then be ignorant and completely shut down others information in my pride. It is pride that is keeping children in cages right now being tortured and raped and sold daily as we all argue. You might hate Q-Anon and AJ and all of them but guess what? They woke millions up. They made millions of people aware of the deep state, of Pizzagate of corruption all of it. Alex Jones reached millions of people. We had an avenue of hitting people who have never even heard of Pizzagate, and now it's all being censored as you cheer it on. Wake up.

Vindicator ago

That's the problem with you ESOTERICshade and people like DeathtoMasons ASAP and the rest of the black pillers....Telling us we have no hope

Yep. And it's lies. Why? Because the tiniest bit of light, by it's nature, destroys an ocean of darkness. Blackpilling is a desperate, last ditch attempt to cow those who've woken up and become informed. It's all they have left. Our victory is inevitable so long as we keep plugging away, because Vice makes people ever weaker as it possesses and enslaves those who indulge in it.

They like to pose as sophisticates and ridicule "hopium", but it's no accident that Hope is one of the Seven Virtues. :-)

gamepwn ago

You put it well Vindicator :) Hope it what led us all here to fight this nightmare. Hope is what leads us to fight for these children. We will keep fighting for them, even though everything opposing us. Disinfo disguised as nihilism is all they have.

Shizy ago

You are on a roll today, and exactly right once again! These negative posters are real quick to point out what we shouldn't be doing, who we shouldn't be listening to, but they never offer any ideas or solutions. It's almost as if they just want to sow confusion and discord.

AJ has problems. I don't trust him, but I have always said that if it wasn't for him, I would still be living in the fantasy land of lies that we have been brainwashed with our entire lives! Like him or hate him, he has woken up millions of people!

TeddyJackson ago

Alex Jones reached millions of people.

Thinking aj isn't a limited hangout.

Let's say Q-Anon is a larp

Nope, psy-op you dumb faggot.

ESOTERICshade ago

That's the problem with you ESOTERICshade and people like DeathtoMasons ASAP and the rest of the black pillers. I've seen you do brilliant research and then turn around and black pill and tell us we're hopeless.

Brilliant research will not happen in a sewer that over flows with scamming larping. Not gonna happen.

That's the problem with you ESOTERICshade and people like DeathtoMasons ASAP and the rest of the black pillers. I've seen you do brilliant research and then turn around and black pill and tell us we're hopeless.

I"m not the boss of where we drive but we need an accurate map. Accuracy counts. Q Anon is trash and destroys the map. Its a fucking fantasy. Martial Law, military tribunals, and Obama is going to Gitmo tomorrow, and HIllary too.

Head in anus is a problem.

Blacksmith21 ago

They just turned it up to 9.

noworldorder ago

I think we were at 9. We just went to 11.

huhWHAThuh ago

I say great. Is there no one with software coding skills that would like to take half of their customer base and become an instant billionaire? Where is the logical thought in all of this? Nobody needs Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Google to survive. But Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google, and all the rest must have us to survive. Turn it off! I already did. Losing half their customer base overnight would be a death spiral that could not be reversed. They can sign their death warrants at will. Who wants to become an overnight billionaire? Surely there are some software coders somewhere who aren't totally brain dead.

Flaaffy ago

We don't want Alex Jones or his InfoWars. Q outed him on May 11th.

He linked this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/

Alex is not working in our best interest. Quite the opposite, actually. Just like Jerome Corsi.

Norseman ago

It's not the ability to build it, it's getting the dumb sheep to actually switch over that's damn near impossible since the masses stick to their herds and the big tech companies make it so easy to simply stay with them because of various integrations.

hang_em_high ago

It doesn’t matter if a platform is better if no one or even half the people arent using it. Most people here know how corrupt and bullshit these companies are but they still have a ton of influence on a lot of the population. They can push votes and shift and election so it is more complicated than just you and me quitting their sites.

justsayingmayne ago

There are plenty of open source alternatives to the functionality provided by the big tech companies

ignacious_riley ago

It's already out there! Tor, IPFS, Zeronet (my top recommendation), cjdns. These protocols are more important now than ever! Just as turning off the internet of the masses is in our power, building the internet of the future is as simple as just using it!

Scirel ago

Respectfully, do you think this is all about Alex Jones? It's a huge frontal attack on free speech and a huge step towards takeover of the Internet.

From WP:

The ZeroNet website and bittorrent tracker are blocked in China.

So you think Apple, who has aligned with the Chi-Coms, would blink at being involved in blocking ZeroNet WW? Wake up to what is really going on. These NWO commies really are that evil. And yes, they are involved in pedo trafficking and abuse as well.

ignacious_riley ago

You're preaching to the choir, friend, I am well aware of the deeper implications that we are witnessing through the gradual implementation of state run internet. Several points are being left out here. Everything is blocked in China, ZeroNet is a functioning, successful bypass of their state firewall. If you don't believe me, install it yourself and see how many posts are in Chinese. Last time I logged in, about 9 out of 10 were Chinese.

Here's the bigger issue with what you're saying, and this is exactly what I'm trying to communicate and why I'm so excited about these projects. Okay, let's say Apple "blocks" ZeroNet. They can only do so by removing all instances of it from the App store and software/literature. This affects absolutely nothing. There exists another decentralized project, The Hyperborea network, that has had its Wikipedia page deleted and all instances of news after 2015 scrubbed. However, having used it, I can tell you that it is a growing project that is staying underwraps (invite only, but nothing serious) to avoid negative attention. It doesn't matter if Google/Amazon/Facebook/Whatever blocks you, because you're hermetically sealed off from (((the world wide web))) down to the fundamental TCP/IP level. There are projects, cjdns being one, where the entire domain name system (which is one company in America, a federal reserve situation) is replaced with a peer to peer, distributed, encrypted networking protocol. Even if they physically cut the backbone of the internet in an attack on the common public, cjdns would allow for people with wifi to create their own internet amongst themselves, one that would gain strength with scale.

Now let's bring this concept to the present reality. Here we have a self-healing, self-organizing internet system that systemically removes the ability to spy on users or to censor anyone by the nature of its design. This system is a result of the combination of recent advances in encryption, machine learning, and the explosive growth of the internet. What this means is that if everyone started using this system, ISPs will go extinct.

I'm going to wrap it up here, but a final point to consider is the havoc DARPA funded social media and targeted internet has wracked upon society. Assange is dead, Snowden was probably a limited hangout, and YouTube is molesting your kids, this is the matrix. And, as far as I can tell, this is the only way out with technology.

pby1000 ago

So, why now? What has changed to illicit this response from the Cabal?

septimasexta ago

Q took him down. Already exposed Corsi.

Shizy ago

I listened to the Alex Jones show briefly this morning just to see if he was gonna be flipping out. He wasn't, but he was talking about how he knew this was coming and "forced their hand" to do it now instead of waiting until the month before the elections like he thought they were planning. I never know if he's telling the truth or blowing smoke, but he may be right about this one. It is still only a few months from mid terms so maybe that's why they did it now.

pby1000 ago

Has he revealed anything new the past week or so? He was pretty vocal about pizzagate, but then he got quiet about it. This was over a year ago after he interviewed Robert David Steel.

Vindicator ago

I think Jones fell for the second, fake, Comet server hack and fell right into the hands of Podesta and Alefantis' legal Gestapo. Steel and Corsi are corrupt old men. None of these are trustworthy people.

pby1000 ago

What do you suppose the game is now?

Vindicator ago

I see Q signs appearing at rallies spurring the Jones takedown by the Mockingbirds, which removes Jones as a pied piper trying to undermine Q via Corsi. Works great for Trump. Turncoat Jones out of the way, plus massive boost in public awareness about Mockingbird censorship, especially among Jones' audience (setting right what Corsi fouled up).

Then I see this happening: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2661046/13485528.

pby1000 ago

I read your other post, and I agree with you. A plan was formulated a while ago, and it is being implemented. I really believe that this is a military operation. I just hope they do not stop with cleaning up the U.S.

Vindicator ago

Well, Q has said multiple times they are working worldwide. Frankly, you can't really clean up just the US, because otherwise the Cabal would just retreat and come back when Trump's tour of duty is done. It would be a pointless undertaking. Q went to a lot of trouble posting the complete list of Rothschild banks worldwide. Now, that may have been a ploy to scare the piss out of the Cabal, or part of this plan is to decentralize the control of money. One thing that is very interesting is how stable the financial system and stock market has remained throughout this whole thing. Wouldn't the Cabal have tried to tank the markets and blow up the dollar? Or are they in so deep themselves it would hurt them too much? Or perhaps they were skimming so much off the top of the economy and holding things down artificially that economic rebound was inevitable? Time will tell!

noworldorder ago

He interviewed Kappy last week.

pby1000 ago

I heard that. Do you have a link to that video? I wonder what Kappy had to say...

pby1000 ago

That was crazy to listen to, but I know it is all true.

pby1000 ago

Thank you!!!

septimasexta ago

Kappy is still an unproven source. Why him?

noworldorder ago

Alex actually gave him a hard time for being an unproven source.

Shizy ago

I'm not sure, I don't listen to him much anymore. I just tuned in today because of everything that happened recently.

pby1000 ago

OK. I see. I stopped listening to him, too. There are too many other good sources, and I do not have the time for him. If he started talking about pizzagate again, then I would tune in. I am convinced that AJ knows all about it.

Shizy ago

Oh I'm sure he does. He does allude to it but stops short of coming out and calling it pizzagate or what it really is. His other hosts like Owen and David Knight talk about it a lot more openly. I would rather listen to them anyway.

gamepwn ago







Renegade Posts


James Gunn being took down etc. Were hitting too deeply for them. Real evidence has been coming out of these forums and now the shills are on full attack mode.

Vindicator ago


noworldorder ago

They took the Alex Jones Channel YouTube channel almost right after that Kappy interview.

darkknight111 ago

"They" have been circling the wagons around Spielberg too. Wonder if some of my investigative work is affecting that.



I'm finding my work being posted around the net. Like here...


gamepwn ago

They are attacking these forums in full force. I know they have hit yours, they hit all the good topics and now are spamming threads. I have seen my work stolen as well around the internet.



Plagiarism and shilling to the max.

darkknight111 ago

Actually, I don't mind seeing my work around the net.

Spreads awareness.

gamepwn ago

True. Which is exactly my point. The more people aware of the better. The whole world needs to wake up. We're not doing that by censoring everyone willing to talk about it. Of course I'm weary of Alex Jones and Q-Anon and the whole bunch. That does not mean I believe in censoring their content. We loose so many potential people being redpilled. Not from them, from getting the idea in their head, from doing their own research and us helping.

pby1000 ago

Got it!

derram ago

https://archive.fo/FA6eS :

Alex Jones and Infowars Content Is Removed From Apple, Facebook and YouTube - The New York Times

https://archive.fo/la4SZ :

Why Infowars’ Alex Jones was banned from Apple, Facebook, Youtube and Spotify | PolitiFact

https://archive.fo/plIVL :

How Alex Jones lost his info war - The Verge

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=vFHzrmk5Md0 :

Anonymous Operation QAnon - YouTube

https://archive.fo/tJhEO :

Anonymous launches 'Operation QAnon,' vows to expose identity of Q - Washington Times

https://archive.fo/9tr50 :

Anonymous vows to take down, expose QAnon | TheHill

https://archive.fo/Ve1ph :

Anonymous is now doxxing Q-Anon supporters: “We gonna wreck you” – VICE News

This has been an automated message.

Conspirologist ago

There is no fucking war, moron. It's the jews fucking with each other.

gamepwn ago

Yeah? Do you personally plan to redpill millions of people? Alex Jones may or may not be on our side, but he redpilled and woke millions retard. Millions who have never even heard of Pizzagate. As did Q. You cheer on your own censorship. You don't think everyday average people googled "Q-Anon" or "Pizzagate" after the MSM attacked them both?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The clown parade in here continues. . He has redpilled nobody. Anybody that watches Infowars is NOT redpilled. You can't give somebody credit for giving some truth when he mixes in significant lies. That is why he is there. Q and Jones are misdirection disinfo and they protect the controllers and the way things work. You are still a virgin.

Narcissism ago

Yep, misdirection and time wasting = Jones + Q..

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Well put.


He's not wrong. He's not cheering his own censorship, he's just smart enough to know these are moves that were planned in advance and the effect is to pull sleeping people onto either side of the same shekel.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

What are you insinuating? Trump and CO are working with the Deepstate To censor Trump supporters... Then once they Are censored, They'll censor the rest? I know this is what a lot of people alleged, Despite motive or evidence, But I'm wondering what you mean specifically. And The parent Comment was deleted, so I'm missing that context.


The deleted comment was saying something along the lines of that guy was praising his own rights being removed by being indifferent to Alex Jones being censored.

Alex Jones, Breitbart, Dailystormer, pretty much all the "alt-right" stuff is being controlled by Zionists, just like the left. Trump is backed by Zionists, is a Zionist most likely, so we're just trading Satanic pedophiles that got caught for supposedly-clean Zionists (false "God's Chosen People," synagogue of Satan, the Israelis).


If Trump fucks with Iran, that's essentially case closed on who's side he's shooting for.

Eerie, honestly, that among the evidence shown in that video I linked (magazine cover with a phoenix being reborn out of burning USD holding a coin with the year 2018 on it), there's just coincidental little things like this that add to the, well, myth for lack of words.
