kazza64 ago

you're doing good work

IShallNotFear ago

I don't know if it will help any, put I made a post a while back about how to dig up deleted tweets: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2318205

bdmthrfkr ago

I'm just glad that I could help out, I don't "pizzagate" very often but when I saw that drop I knew you all would be interested.

These people are sick.

Rawrination ago

This is our power and why we are feared. Each of us saying... that looks useful. Or I wonder if someone could use this. And then massive networking and pooling of time and expertise. It's also why pretty much every place online is being or has been taken over by shills and controlled opposition.

Zorrilla ago

If these people and their activities are all driven underground, and they can't publicly display their perversion and depravity, will that be better or worse for us and society as a whole?

think- ago

Better - displaying it in public creates a culture that tolerates this shit, so that more people will think it's normal, accept it, and might want to join.

gamepwn ago

Exactly. Shove that shit right back and follow them in to destroy it. Not propagate and display it. End their sick culture one fucking pedophile at a time.

carmencita ago

That's a great answer. I think we think this stuff is so horrid because we think there is so much of it, but I wonder if it was like this all along, only underground. You are right, for we don't want children especially not to witness these sick things. They are starting to pick up the normalization already. And it is frightening, especially the gender fluid thing. Scary.

think- ago

Thanks, Carm.

carmencita ago

Yes. Shove it back underground. It's mixing up Our Children. They think this is normal behavior when there are so many participating in the debauchery and sinfulness and mostly it is all criminal. I think a century ago these perverts would have been fished off the streets. Now they are free to run amok wherever. Enough Already. I don't know how we are going to stuff all of this back in the bag now that it has been allowed to escape.

septimasexta ago

Good question. I think that already happened when Constantine installed Catholicism as official religion of Rome. They went underground and resurfaced from time to time.

Vindicator ago

Yes, I think the Greeks and Romans both were pretty hip to raping kids prior to Christianization. Jesus made his attitude towards the treatment of kids quite clear.

darkknight111 ago

Good job guys. We spooked their asses good.