AJ-Styles ago

Can't access the links at work because they re-route to "Russian Federation" whatever that means

dreamdigital ago

John Legend is holding an art dinner where they were commemorating him. 100k to sit at the Elysium table. Marina Ambromavic is at the head of this table. Where there are occult and Illuminati you will always find their high priestess.

The Art of Elysium


Visionary — John Legend Spirit of Elysium — Shanola Hampton Co-Chairs — Lisa DeBartolo and Don Miggs Kelsey Offield and Cole Sternberg


Jim Sheridan, Shepard Fairey, Mark Mothersbaugh, Cameron Silver, Colleen Atwood, Linda Perry, Marina Abramović, Vivienne Westwood and Andreas Kronthaler, Stevie Wonder


Eva Mendes, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Elijah Wood, David Arquette, Ali Larter and Hayes MacArthur, Amber Heard, Finola Hughes and Russell Young, Camilla Belle

1-6-2018 Event

jealoushe ago

The guilty are so good at outing themselves.

dreamdigital ago

This escalated quickly. I was on the fence with this all started with Chrissy Teigan and the more I looked at her stuff it became the same story as the investigation into James Alefantis. We want to find the key that tells us this is all a lie. The more we dig and find out this is all just a misunderstanding the more it appears not to be. Whey are you hashtagging the word "pedo" MULTIPLE times? Why would someone, or anyone do that? It just doesn't make sense. That sort of behavior doesn't add up.

angry_mob ago

yeah, it's pretty fucking weird. i actually don't follow a lot of pop culture very closely if at all, and also i don't follow hellywood too closely either. so it seemed a very strange allegation when i first heard it. those tweets/hashtags are just too fucking weird tho. i mean what the hell does she mean? what else COULD it mean? any ideas? it looks pretty fucking brazen to me.

Oh_Well_ian ago

what she should have said was: " It was in extremely poor taste and completely wrong of me to joke about pedophilia in my posts on Instagram and Twitter.... etc.. etc... "

giggelingpanda ago

...and i choose now to live as a gay man

fartyshorts ago

I archived some of those myself. ;) You're welcome!

IShallNotFear ago

Thanks for doing that. Could you list the tweets you archived and the archive URLs? Sometimes they are harder to find in the search feature on archive.is than you would think.

MolochHunter ago

Wait up - that 2nd last link, in the comments, someone tweeted a specific name "Every underage girl out there should be scared to death of your pedo pimp friend Charles Wade "

WHO IS CHARLES WADE? Is he on our radar already?

MolochHunter ago

GOTCHA - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3614751/Ferguson-activist-Charles-Wade-charged-prostitution-17-year-old-girl.html

LOL this is unreal - you couldnt fukkn script this : He was voted into Voat's top 100 Black people of 2015.. Yes, THIS Voat.


merica_fk_yeah ago

but surely most people are clueless as to whether someone is a pedo or not. most of us are... this is pop culture, and most are just following vapid people like her without any thought process other than "she or he is cool" but once they are outed, and the truth comes out... then people will start being red pilled. its tough but this conversation came up last night among the younger set in our family... i just listened and most of them were like she is not a pedo people are mean (talking about the barage of tweets on her twitter yesterday)... but i just simply asked : how many of you put a pizza emoji next to your baby when you post a pic on Facebook? all of them just stopped, thought about it and then admitted that it was a little weird. I just smiled. baby steps.

carmencita ago

That is Eye Popping. Top 100. What a joke. Well what have you got to say about this Voat? Who decides on who gets The Honors. Really?

Gothamgirl ago

How can they defend this instagram pic with that hashtag?

"how many of you here are about 6? This T-Rex is about 6!" #pedos #dinoshow



In the comment section it says "I think you and John should follow -Kid love"

We have to find out what that is.

Gothamgirl ago

Kid Love what is this:

Hello. This is Hoon in the Philippines. Thank you very much for reading this eagle. I always want to be friends with people who can communicate comfortably and always have joy, and I want to be like that too.

http://archive.is/cOIMW https://mobile.twitter.com/kidlove

So I go to the website and translate and get this.



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LightlyToasted ago

Fantastic, good work!

derram ago

https://archive.fo/cwdVi :

christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) | Twitter

https://archive.fo/S7dr9 :

christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) on Twitter

https://archive.fo/cwdVi :

christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) | Twitter

This has been an automated message.

Vindicator ago

Nice post, IShallNotFear. I'm saving this -- great search advice!