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gamepwn ago

I just went to the twitter of the first name. Look at what kind of picture is on it. What the fuck...

LighterFluidEnema ago

That picture with the dead kid resembles the undead ted picture from AC.

in a thread made by @Matt_helm

kazza64 ago

anderson cooper has a teddy bear on his instagram with the same injuries

think- ago

Hey @gamepwn, consider adding a 'trigger warning - very graphic' to your comment, so that people know that the pic might be disturbing for them?

Thanks! :-)

IShallNotFear ago

Here is the archive of the tweet. WARNING: Picture of Bloody Man Missing an Arm

Shizy ago

Weirdly, that page no longer exists????

Zorrilla ago

Check if you really want to see it - I wish I hadn't. The photo is of some poor person's charred, mutilated corpse, who must have died a horrible death. It is very disturbing.

Shizy ago

Ohhh, I don't know if I want to see that. Thanks for letting me know what it is....

think- ago

I'd strongly recommend to not take a look at it, @Shizy. It's really terrible.

Userly ago

Could you low life possibly label it as gore? not funny.

Zorrilla ago

This link needs a warning. That was truly horrific.

Simpleusername ago

French faggots will eat feces and fuck themselves to death with knifes if they knew it upset you....There is a reason these types of people were once put to death on sight.

kalgon ago

Yeah he tried to be funny, just like he tried to look cool once and now see the result

"Cadavre exquis" is a game

Exquisite corpse, also known as exquisite cadaver (from the original French term cadavre exquis), is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun." as in "The green duck sweetly sang the dreadful dirge.") or by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous person contributed.

The first poster on top proposed to play that game, to which that fucktard replied with a pic and "I find this one very exquisite/delicious", -ah -ha -ha </humor>

But yeah, people who make such a "joke" without realizing it's simply not funny, and just outright creepy, have either shit tastes or are narcissists with empathy issues, in that case I think it's both.

I mean seriously look at that

YogSoggoth ago

I know what you are talking about. Yep, it was all just a joke to them. I have seen that pattern before in other places. To adults that would just be a rich kid's kindergarten game before nanny time.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Exquisite Corpse began in France with the Surrealist Art movement. If you know anything about them they were not just an art movement but a way of looking at the world. They thought life was a dream. They were basically Satanist and Luciferians. They were very much into Eliphas Levi and Theosophism. They hated women.

Man Ray was one of the worst. He befriended Luciferian George Hodel and Hodel killed the Black Dahlia in an artistic homage to several Man Ray artworks. Man Ray and Hodel were Sadist and Elizabeth Short was forced to eat cow shit fertilizer before her tortured death. Hodel recreated some of the Marquie De Sadeś most horrible writings.

kalgon ago

Yeah well they were hippie degenerates during the "psychedelic era" with some giving into esoteric stuffs

I wouldn't put gigger and dali on the same foot it's like night and day

Vienese actionists

those were the true sick fucks

think- ago

I wouldn't put gigger and dali on the same foot it's like night and day

Make no mistake: Dali's art might have been 'innocent' compared to the works of the Viennese artists, but he was a friend of the Rothschild's and attended their parties.

carmencita ago

Sick. That game developed a long time ago, evidently has morphed into some really sick game and pass time. This guy is pushing it to the highest levels. Yeah, seriously. A Perverted Narcissistic Fruitcake. These Basket Cases Will Say and Do Anything To Get Noticed. @Narcissism

Narcissism ago


It is believed that Narcissists exist in a permanent state of internalized RAGE, but are unaware of it. And that this rage is all-consuming, pervasive, unrequited and diffused.

"I have seen the enemy and it is I and this should be every Narcissist motto. His rage is self rage, his hatred is self hatred. And his denial of his self-aggression is what makes him such a menace to others. He has to displace these self-destructive very dangerous emotions - by torturing others he avoids torturing himself." {Sam Vaknin}


carmencita ago

Thank You! What a perfect description. Also of my ex-husband, a huge Narcissist. Torture and Rage was his game. So on the mark.

realityisinsanity ago


kalgon ago

Yeah, what about them? Mister mysterious mystery man saying mysterious things...

(And yes I'm asking you to make a quality answer, like backing your claims with even remotely substantial evidences, because just throwing your opinion backed by nothing but your opinion and/or defaulting on going mute or "do your homeworks" type of shit is simply not going to cut it)

We're talking about a deranged twitter homofag here making a retarded joke, so what's the connection?

realityisinsanity ago

Rosicrucians have sacred vowels. They engage in sodomite rituals. They started in Germany. They believe that they have sacred knowledge from Egypt. A big part of their cult is their belief that words are literally spells to them.

kalgon ago

The guy is a materialistic hedonist, prolly a homofag, he's french, he believes people think he's cool, global warming is real, and gender is on a spectrum, probably sucked arab dicks, likely a full blown atheist obsessed with his own image who never had anything even remotely interesting to say in his entire life

So, what's "your" point? Where are you going with rosicrucians on this one mister mystery man saying mysterious things?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Aaahahahahahaha that was fucking brilliant!!!! Amazing analysis, I 100% agree. Unfortunately, these dipshits are a dime a dozen these days...

realityisinsanity ago Some history about them. Rosicrucian Germans brought it here with them especially in PA.

Zorrilla ago

That link contains valid information, but I don't think it paints a completely accurate picture of Rosicrucianism or Rosicrucian movements. There have been at least three Rosicrucian organizations in the US, which have usually not been agreement with one another. AMORC had Crowley connections and seems to be somewhat satanic. Disney was supposedly a member. FRC was R. Swinburne Clymer's organization, and was claimed to be connected to Abraham Lincoln's friend, Paschal Beverly Randolph, who had something to do with sex magic. Clymer wrote many books which used the Bible as a basis for spiritual teaching, and the organization was ostensibly Christian in nature, though there was an emphasis on occult or hidden knowledge. The Rosicrucian Fellowship of Max Heindel claimed to promote a form of new-age Esoteric Christianity, without any obvious satanic undertones.

MolochHunter ago


think- ago

In his last reply at the bottom of the page he says: 'Ever heard of black humour?' Yeah, right, the pic of a tortured person is really funny. Not. :-/

jamesisbob ago

Why is one person's outrage better than any other? What is wrong with morbid humor? What is wrong with racist humor? Everything is ok to joke about or nothing is.

MolochHunter ago

i didnt go methodically through them, i just looked at a few. I got lots of dominatrix / submissive / sado massochism stuff but no child abuse

EricKaliberhall ago

First thing I noticed was the Lolita glasses... Heart within a heart.

think- ago

Heart within a heart.

Oh, thanks for pointing this out! I missed that when looking at the pic.

carmencita ago

Yes! I saw that too and if he is wearing them, he get's turned on by young girls besides what's in the pic. These Sickos can have more than one side to them. C'mon what guy is gonna wear those just for fun. Says a 1K Words.