Vindicator ago

@Matt_Helm, I'm giving this the Unverified flair. We have attempted to vet the Cyrillic "walnut sauce" theory of this photo before but to my knowledge it has not been sufficiently proven. Also, this is the first time I've seen this pic of Vanderbilt's "white rabbit" ring. Is that a real pic? We need some vetting of that as well.

markrod420 ago

the level of autism it takes to analyse a blurred photo to this level of "detail" is too damn high. this post is doing more than just a little reaching id say. this is straight up nonsense.

JackBlack1 ago

All I can say after looking at this is that I want no part of this BS. This is not PG. This is a mentally ill person seeing what they want to see and has no basis in reality. Posts like this destroy all credibility of the PG movement and I think that is the real purpose of this. Any sane rational person would infer from reading this that we are all delusional. This is a big steaming pile of horse shit.

Fateswebb ago

And the creepy doll girl in the back

Fateswebb ago

What's with the black soda can?

Blacksmith21 ago

Interesting to note the angle of the photo. It's the right height, aspect and angle of the front facing camera on a laptop or tablet.

I wonder who stole that photo? LOL..........

DeathToMasonsASAP ago


Reymrgapurple ago

hes going to be winesteined