think- ago

Hi @bdmthrfkr, thanks again for posting. :-) I will un-sticky the post now, so that we can sticky another one.

Please keep up the good work!

rickman ago

I feel like most of those followers would just be pervs who can't afford to be members so like to keep in contact through social media to keep up to date with any videos or photos posted. Surely any elites would be more secretive about their participation

toknwok ago

Did anyone notice Jackie Fox on the list? I wonder if it's the same Jackie Fox who was in the Runaways and claimed to be raped by Kim Fowley while Joan Jett watched and did nothing.

toknwok ago

Also Angie #metoo Everhart. Hmmmm.

memphistre ago (Most of the people with no link can be found via linkedin, but can't link that domain here).

More full list here:

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

This pastebin link was from a thread on 4chan where we were trying to archive these twitter accounts. The threads got deleted and anyone who posted in them got banned, some perma'd.


The archiving project is now continuing on 8chan.

bdmthrfkr ago

Codefag made the drop, I just decided to leave his name out of it. 4chan is comped.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

4chan is shit and kike mods can eat a dick. Guess what? I am turbonigger =) I'm not scared, I haven't done anything wrong. Just trying to scare up some activity for my threads.

evademoney2 ago

srayzie ago

They are on the ball!

Crensch ago

Done. And of those pinged are welcome to present their case for not having it stickied if they find themselves of that mind.

Doing this without delving too deep because I'm pretty confident kevdude is correct.

think- ago

Done. And of those pinged are welcome to present their case for not having it stickied if they find themselves of that mind.

I'm fine with the sticky.

Vindicator ago

Just saw it. Will do.

IShallNotFear ago

Here is the archive of the pastebin:

IShallNotFear ago

For those of you wanting to dig, I made a post that shows how to pull up deleted tweets:

Truthseeker3000 ago

I recall reading from a blogger in Europe who was a high priced escort talking about different clients and men and places around the world where they would go and with who, etc. Very eye opening I cannot find it now but I remember this specifically, that Sanctum had teenage girls aka young models working there and that they would be given a couple thousand and once they got to a mansion in the hills where the party was they were plied with drugs immediately coke, ecstasy to get them numbed out and sometimes the girls would get so fucked up they wouldn’t remember anything but would be hurting badly afterwards. The Sanctum parties were NOT always held at that dumpy house, it would be really nice mansions. Everyone wore masks and lingerie. The names below were always mentioned 100% truth multiple sources.

These names are rampant in Hollywood for pretty “young models” and they all take vacations around the world together for sex tourism in Europe. These guys do NOT like their names online either: Michael H. Scott obsessed with very young models Mohammed Hadid father of Models Gigi and Bella Hadid he is a sex predator hiding behind Muslim religion sex addict Gary Michael Waters movie guy obsessed with very young models and actresses also acts as pimp Bob Zangrillo always around the guys above and loves young models his “friend” Emily Paul runs Unicorn Club out of Miami like a hook up matchmaker service aka prostitution not sure if underage

@carmencita @MolochHunter @letsdothis2

letsdothis2 ago

Mohammed Hadid

I've been watching that crowd he hangs out with for a while now...

Hadid, Zapata, Semilof

Haute Living Presents the Arts of Domingo Zapata and Jordi Molla With Johnny Depp at Hollywood’s Chateau Marmont

(need to find my notes on Semilof)

Closely linked with Paolo Zampolli and that lot

carmencita ago

The stuff going on all over the world is nauseating. I think that this is not new, but what is, is the fact that it has exploded. The reason for the explosion is the MONEY. Greed and too much money has made it possible for these sickos to be able to afford what ever the desire. There is so much more of it than decades ago. More drugs too. It's all so sad and sick. We have the names we just need the the LE guys with cajones large enough to take them down.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I didn’t see these names on the list. These guys are big money guys believe me. Also check out Veritas Club another same type of club.

Camera_Eye ago

You gotta bet that these coke-head (((Hollywood))) types and globohomo movers and shakers are compromised. On the Snctm site dude who runs it seeks out high net worth individuals...anyone foolish enough to populate said forms will soon be held for darkweb bitcoin ransom at the least, then at least compromised by the alpabets. Liberal rag Daily Beast posted up a review of ( he-slept-with-cary-grant-and-spencer-tracyand-changed-hollywood-history) some documentary that's coming out by an insider. Old time Hollywieird luminaries mostly homo's...its in no way inconceivable that the (((pedos))) as an anon piped of /pol that Hollyweird is a chalk full of sickness. It's well known that alphabets run off-grid ops (ends justify the means) to stand-up business fronts, run drugs ect to create off-the-books revenue's not inconceivable that they run human-trafficking ops and have been for some time. It that story every comes to light, they are finished. There are patriots and normal folks within many agencies than would like nothing better to end their reign.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I remember seeing the Veritas Club, have to refresh my memory. Will look up.

Simpleusername ago

Julia Deshe, listed, is a fairly high priced LA 'call girl.' I've had the pleasure of her company on an occasion or three...multiple input. She's also nice enough to take to dinner...and you don't have to make her clap until you get out of the bathroom.

Truthseeker3000 ago

What does she have to do with this? Does she work at Sanctum? She appears to be married with a baby now.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

it appears that he is a retard

carmencita ago

That year, after a half decade of dating, the couple eloped to Las Vegas. To benefit Melissa's career, they moved to Los Angeles, to a fixer-upper house just above the ritzy Chateau Marmont hotel in West Hollywood. Cameron Diaz, David LaChapelle, Sandra Bullock, and Lionsgate honcho Michael Burns, with whom the couple frequently partied, all lived nearby in the same neighborhood. Lawner says he became particularly friendly with Jared Leto, the actor/rocker/tech investor, who was dating Diaz at the time. YEAH. WOW.

letsdothis2 ago

If you read up on Lawner's background he is clearly CIA. So is Leto.

carmencita ago

Could this also be connected to Aquino? I think I have seen his name connected to Leto.

notagame ago

This is more disinfo.

Snctm was mentioned years ago. Bill Maher is a member. Any club that hits the news is the tip of the iceberg. Yes, the members are pervs, but when they publicize something in this way ... yeah, no.

Everyone in PedoWood is sick. You could pick a McDonalds and it'd be filled with pervs.

MolochHunter ago

lets say 8 years ago they were a consensual but legal pervert club

add the intervening 8 ears trajectory of accelerated degenerating 'progressive' politics

and how the fuck would you know if they werent raping mexican 8 yr olds by the truckload ?

notagame ago

Okay, let me get a bit deeper into the thought process.

There are several components for an operation like the one you described ... or any human trafficking operation. Let's take NXIVM since I brought it up. First you need the hierarchy. Okay, let's put Raniere's bosses and and then him in those positions. (Yes, his bosses had bosses, but for now it's Raniere and his handlers). Next there has to be recruitment. How the hell do you recruit victims? That was taken care of several ways. The first was the setting up of so-called "legitimate" smokescreens. There were executive programs offered which netted them women interested in self-help. There were spirituality seminars ... again attracting those interested in bettering themselves. There were business offerings and also this sex club. This last took care of getting groomers and other types of recruiters. These put out "buzz" because they'd garner leadership roles in this cult. Then there are places to meet where these introductions go on, BUT, you need that private setting don't you? Where anything can happen including girls disappearing ... NXIVM had that.

The Playboy Manson had seclusion to an extent. So a lot went on, but not everything. There were those tunnels, etc. to transport people elsewhere. And in terms of recruitment, groomers, handlers, "Hef" or should I call him "Barf", had the Playboy enterprise. Girls were literally flocking to him and begging to be taken advantage of.

Michael Jackson's Neverland, the same thing. Yes, there was some seclusion, but Jackson only had his bedroom absolutely sealed. There's where the nefarious deeds happened. Yes, I'm sure on other occasions, the parlor or some other part of the house was used, but not initially. The boys he brought into his bedroom needed to be groomed, but in these operations there are more ... so what happened next? Why the grooming? Was it just for Jackson? Couldn't be. So the suggestion of filming pornography rings true to my ear. Is there proof? No. There is no proof, but that's the way it usually works.

Then we have DEN Entertainment. The entertainment business was the recruitment. Young hopefuls tripped over themselves to get in. Yes, things can be done on the set, but it's not ideal, but private mansions are. So there were pool parties at the main mansion, but also in Hawaii, and probably other places. So you see this follows the MO.

Now we come to this stupid Snctm. Liken it to the equally stupid Playboy clubs. Do things go on there? Well, they'd have to.have kinky sex on the premises or they'd never get anyone to buy a membership. So again, the business is the recruitment, but now where do you go? Well, if it's well-run, they have groomers and handlers working the scene. They sort through the guests/members finding out what their button is and whether it's ripe for a blackmail scheme. Or how about drugs? Do they do drugs and could they suggest a new dealer for them to use? What about relationships? Who do they know? Can they recruit a friend who they want to join to get something on, BUT even though there probably are a lot of felonies/crimes going on, they wouldn't be done at that location. There would be too many problems for arranging a truckload of 8-year-olds (your example, not mine). What if some ex-prez wanted "cold pizza"? You think he's gonn want to do it there?

So there has to be another layer to this place. Snctm is only the recruitment phase.

Hope I've explained it well enough for you to get an idea of where I was going with that remark.

MolochHunter ago


i think i was thrown by you calling it disinfo -altogether - rather than veil / curtain /smokescreen. All good

notagame ago

Did I say that?

I'm sure they do lots of scummy, illegal things. What I said is we're looking for the elite controlling group behind them ... and every other one of these sex club/cults ... whatever you want to call it. The same thing with the Playboy Mansion of Jackson's Neverland. Who is financing or protecting the people engaging in illicit acts and what goes on.

And if you compare this stupid little Maher Pleasure Palace to the trajectory of NXIVM. There are substantial differences that call attention to it being a sleazy dive with the usual tentacles attached to the mother octopus.

bdmthrfkr ago

They hide their really nasty stuff behind a bunch of regular perverts. pic related

meeethreee ago

If you go to the founder's manifesto, it links to the creative partner's website. There are obvious pedo-related images.

notagame ago

Yes. Everything is hidden. Layer upon layer.

We want the group that's controlling everything. The elite crowd. They're the ones orchestrating, feeding their own sick, twisted desires, and getting rich off pushing this crap.

MolochHunter ago

theres a lot of bot action in that drop. I picked a random @shagull14

user joined this month, havent made a sinuglar tweet, & yet has 88 followers ?

Santander1 ago

The thing with the ring from their twitter page seems strange, too. ''We are a super secret group and here is our super secret ring of our higest members to identify''. ??? If I would lead a secret society I woudn't make that official. Don't wanna start a Q discussion, but they use similar language. Like ''there is no light without darkness'', keyholder, gatekeeper, march madness. We have a US Russia connection. Who knows: After Kim Jong Un in his role as 'Little Rocket Man' we have now Vladimir Putin in the role of 'Bunnyman'. What comes next?

MolochHunter ago

hey OP dyawanna edit your post to signify snctm is a PedoWood hangout?

bdmthrfkr ago


Dismal_Swamp ago

/v/all is filled with anon garbage post right now. Something must be pissing off the shills for all this Sunday morning post sliding. I didn't know they work on Sundays....

SurfinMindWaves ago

It isn't like they are going to church instead.

carmencita ago

There are many of them. And some are High Level.

think- ago

Sure they do...

gamepwn ago

I just went to the twitter of the first name. Look at what kind of picture is on it. What the fuck...

LighterFluidEnema ago

That picture with the dead kid resembles the undead ted picture from AC.

in a thread made by @Matt_helm

kazza64 ago

anderson cooper has a teddy bear on his instagram with the same injuries

think- ago

Hey @gamepwn, consider adding a 'trigger warning - very graphic' to your comment, so that people know that the pic might be disturbing for them?

Thanks! :-)

IShallNotFear ago

Here is the archive of the tweet. WARNING: Picture of Bloody Man Missing an Arm

Shizy ago

Weirdly, that page no longer exists????

Zorrilla ago

Check if you really want to see it - I wish I hadn't. The photo is of some poor person's charred, mutilated corpse, who must have died a horrible death. It is very disturbing.

Shizy ago

Ohhh, I don't know if I want to see that. Thanks for letting me know what it is....

think- ago

I'd strongly recommend to not take a look at it, @Shizy. It's really terrible.

Userly ago

Could you low life possibly label it as gore? not funny.

Zorrilla ago

This link needs a warning. That was truly horrific.

Simpleusername ago

French faggots will eat feces and fuck themselves to death with knifes if they knew it upset you....There is a reason these types of people were once put to death on sight.

kalgon ago

Yeah he tried to be funny, just like he tried to look cool once and now see the result

"Cadavre exquis" is a game

Exquisite corpse, also known as exquisite cadaver (from the original French term cadavre exquis), is a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule (e.g. "The adjective noun adverb verb the adjective noun." as in "The green duck sweetly sang the dreadful dirge.") or by being allowed to see only the end of what the previous person contributed.

The first poster on top proposed to play that game, to which that fucktard replied with a pic and "I find this one very exquisite/delicious", -ah -ha -ha </humor>

But yeah, people who make such a "joke" without realizing it's simply not funny, and just outright creepy, have either shit tastes or are narcissists with empathy issues, in that case I think it's both.

I mean seriously look at that

YogSoggoth ago

I know what you are talking about. Yep, it was all just a joke to them. I have seen that pattern before in other places. To adults that would just be a rich kid's kindergarten game before nanny time.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Exquisite Corpse began in France with the Surrealist Art movement. If you know anything about them they were not just an art movement but a way of looking at the world. They thought life was a dream. They were basically Satanist and Luciferians. They were very much into Eliphas Levi and Theosophism. They hated women.

Man Ray was one of the worst. He befriended Luciferian George Hodel and Hodel killed the Black Dahlia in an artistic homage to several Man Ray artworks. Man Ray and Hodel were Sadist and Elizabeth Short was forced to eat cow shit fertilizer before her tortured death. Hodel recreated some of the Marquie De Sadeś most horrible writings.

kalgon ago

Yeah well they were hippie degenerates during the "psychedelic era" with some giving into esoteric stuffs

I wouldn't put gigger and dali on the same foot it's like night and day

Vienese actionists

those were the true sick fucks

think- ago

I wouldn't put gigger and dali on the same foot it's like night and day

Make no mistake: Dali's art might have been 'innocent' compared to the works of the Viennese artists, but he was a friend of the Rothschild's and attended their parties.

carmencita ago

Sick. That game developed a long time ago, evidently has morphed into some really sick game and pass time. This guy is pushing it to the highest levels. Yeah, seriously. A Perverted Narcissistic Fruitcake. These Basket Cases Will Say and Do Anything To Get Noticed. @Narcissism

Narcissism ago


It is believed that Narcissists exist in a permanent state of internalized RAGE, but are unaware of it. And that this rage is all-consuming, pervasive, unrequited and diffused.

"I have seen the enemy and it is I and this should be every Narcissist motto. His rage is self rage, his hatred is self hatred. And his denial of his self-aggression is what makes him such a menace to others. He has to displace these self-destructive very dangerous emotions - by torturing others he avoids torturing himself." {Sam Vaknin}


carmencita ago

Thank You! What a perfect description. Also of my ex-husband, a huge Narcissist. Torture and Rage was his game. So on the mark.

realityisinsanity ago


kalgon ago

Yeah, what about them? Mister mysterious mystery man saying mysterious things...

(And yes I'm asking you to make a quality answer, like backing your claims with even remotely substantial evidences, because just throwing your opinion backed by nothing but your opinion and/or defaulting on going mute or "do your homeworks" type of shit is simply not going to cut it)

We're talking about a deranged twitter homofag here making a retarded joke, so what's the connection?

realityisinsanity ago

Rosicrucians have sacred vowels. They engage in sodomite rituals. They started in Germany. They believe that they have sacred knowledge from Egypt. A big part of their cult is their belief that words are literally spells to them.

kalgon ago

The guy is a materialistic hedonist, prolly a homofag, he's french, he believes people think he's cool, global warming is real, and gender is on a spectrum, probably sucked arab dicks, likely a full blown atheist obsessed with his own image who never had anything even remotely interesting to say in his entire life

So, what's "your" point? Where are you going with rosicrucians on this one mister mystery man saying mysterious things?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Aaahahahahahaha that was fucking brilliant!!!! Amazing analysis, I 100% agree. Unfortunately, these dipshits are a dime a dozen these days...

realityisinsanity ago Some history about them. Rosicrucian Germans brought it here with them especially in PA.

Zorrilla ago

That link contains valid information, but I don't think it paints a completely accurate picture of Rosicrucianism or Rosicrucian movements. There have been at least three Rosicrucian organizations in the US, which have usually not been agreement with one another. AMORC had Crowley connections and seems to be somewhat satanic. Disney was supposedly a member. FRC was R. Swinburne Clymer's organization, and was claimed to be connected to Abraham Lincoln's friend, Paschal Beverly Randolph, who had something to do with sex magic. Clymer wrote many books which used the Bible as a basis for spiritual teaching, and the organization was ostensibly Christian in nature, though there was an emphasis on occult or hidden knowledge. The Rosicrucian Fellowship of Max Heindel claimed to promote a form of new-age Esoteric Christianity, without any obvious satanic undertones.

MolochHunter ago


think- ago

In his last reply at the bottom of the page he says: 'Ever heard of black humour?' Yeah, right, the pic of a tortured person is really funny. Not. :-/

jamesisbob ago

Why is one person's outrage better than any other? What is wrong with morbid humor? What is wrong with racist humor? Everything is ok to joke about or nothing is.

MolochHunter ago

i didnt go methodically through them, i just looked at a few. I got lots of dominatrix / submissive / sado massochism stuff but no child abuse

EricKaliberhall ago

First thing I noticed was the Lolita glasses... Heart within a heart.

think- ago

Heart within a heart.

Oh, thanks for pointing this out! I missed that when looking at the pic.

carmencita ago

Yes! I saw that too and if he is wearing them, he get's turned on by young girls besides what's in the pic. These Sickos can have more than one side to them. C'mon what guy is gonna wear those just for fun. Says a 1K Words.