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Camulos ago

/u/JohnDavidPodesta is a part of a very large voat spamming ring that was mostly active during the Vegas shooting. They've become increasingly active the last few weeks and now have gone into full spam mode again, this time using the Hollywood pedo shit that has hit the news cycle.

TerryDavisTempleOS ago

No, you will be punished. You think we don't keep tabs on you fuckers? Yeah, we do, daily.

Mumbleberry ago

You funny.

SamuelHyde ago

No your computer files are funny, funny to the NSA

Shizy ago

Yours may be Sammy, with all that donkey porn you have on there you sick little fucker!

carmencita ago

I Love It! :)

Shizy ago

What gutter did all these people crawl out of at the same time? It's so weird!

carmencita ago

Forgot about Renegade. A VIP Post.

carmencita ago

They are here to distract from the Harmon, SCTM, Gunn etc. posts, imo. Disney has a lot of pull. Sure they are involved in all of it.

darkknight111 ago

The media has also been circling the wagons around spielberg too.

Maybe the fruits of my labors is starting to pay off?

Been seeing both of my pedowood investigation work show up around the net. That makes me glad.

Vindicator ago

That's awesome, darkknight

carmencita ago

It's about time that pervert gets outed. Also, justice for Heather and Judith and for Drew too. I read that Q Jones bragged about how she slept over with him and SS. I was shocked. You are to be commended for all your hard work and posts. Let's hope it happens soon.

Shizy ago

Well it's great to see that so many are on to them and calling them out. Much thanks (again) to @camulos for ringing the alarm!

carmencita ago

I know. I have been upvoating him when I see him. A great help!

Mumbleberry ago

Prove it, bot-fag.