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think- ago

We might be getting massive arrests this or in the coming weeks!

Now.....where did I hear this before....?

gamepwn ago

I am still weary but really hoping on this one. Alot of stuff is going mainstream now.

argosciv ago

Best not to assume such things re: timeframe of arrests.

This could all still take quite a while. There's still much to be revealed; even more being processed behind the scenes.

I know it's a pain, but, patience :)

fuckmyreddit ago

My hope is that they're timing it out for the elections. If there's no boom similar to when comey reopened the clinton investigation right before the last election, I will become discouraged. Hopefully I'm right. I know I would drop the big stuff around September or maybe October if it were up to me.

Vindicator ago

This is what I suspect the plan is, as well. There's no way anyone with any business sense -- let alone someone who likes winning as much as DJT -- would orchestrate this sophisticated and successful of a communication campaign selling such specific promises if there wasn't a plan to deliver on them before that huge of an accountability event. The whole thing would implode and doom everyone associated with it to perpetual ignominy.

I expect the shitstorm to hit before the election, and the 11-11 parade to be a key element. I think Trump is going to bring the people in to peacefullly take back Washington, D.C. in an event that will hearken back to Julius Caesar bringing the Roman army home to Rome across the Rubicon. He's going to scare the piss out of the Cabal.

Who knows...maybe the plan is to get them to WANT to go to federal prison...for their own protection? How did Churchill put it...

@think- @EricKaliberhall

think- ago

I think Trump is going to bring the people in to peacefullly take back Washington, D.C. in an event that will hearken back to Julius Caesar bringing the Roman army home to Rome across the Rubicon.

OMG - Vin, do you really believe this??! looks desperate

So far, Qniversists have just 'forgotten' how many predictions haven't come true - ankle boots anyone? Soros going to 'a very special place' anyone? (He turned up in public shortly after that, at Davos.) Sex slaves rescued by Salman after Trump's visit (there never has been any proof). Etc.

So I guess Q/Trump doesn't have to worry. Qvernists will continue finding excuses for everything that doesn't happen. :-/

But hey Vin, I'd be delighted if you'd join Eric and me for a couple of beers after the whole Q stuff will turn out to have been a psy-op and nothing else.... :-) :-) :-)


srayzie ago

Tons of predictions have come true, would the mainstream media report that they had ankle boots on? They tried to hide it. Of course not. Would the mainstream media report if there were any arrests? No.

We don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes. But, what people get wrong all the time is that they are taking what WE may interpret, and they put a Q label on it. Q didn’t say these things. I don’t know wheee this is even coming from.

Be careful to not take an anons opinion and mistake it for something Q said.


Vindicator ago

OMG - Vin, do you really believe this??! looks desperate

"Believe" is the wrong word. It's a theory which remains to be seen and which fits the observations of events as well as likely outcomes. It may well be proven wrong. Time will tell. :-) I think it's a bit premature to say Q fans are "finding excuses" when the timeline Q laid out from the beginning hasn't played out yet. Especially given the mammoth scope of the corruption problem we know exists and which Q has continually referenced.

Looking forward to the beer in any case!

think- ago

Well, the 3,000 sex slaves in Saudi-Arabia were not freed. Not that I know of. Hillary and John McCain didn't wear ankle boots.

Looking forward to the beer in any case!

Yep, me too. We'll let Eric fly over.... ;-) :-)


Vindicator ago

Heads up:

Hillary and John McCain didn't wear ankle boots.

Why do you say this? There are multiple photos of both of them in cast boots. McStain has it on one foot in one photo, and the other foot in another photo a week later.

3,000 sex slaves in Saudi-Arabia were not freed

I don't know of any Q post that references sex slaves in SA. He did reference Haiti trafficking being "paused" until the full dismantling of curruption is complete.

srayzie ago

Just because the mainstream media did not announce that they wore ankle boots, does not mean they didn’t. I seen several images too.

think- ago

Hillary and John McCain didn't wear ankle boots.

Sorry, I was tired. Yes, they had ankle boots. I meant ankle monitors - obviously they now don't have boots anymore from what I have seen / understood, and that wouldn't make any sense.

I don't know of any Q post that references sex slaves in SA.

Yes IIRC, he hinted at 3,000 child slaves being freed when Trump went to see Salman.

Vindicator ago

they now don't have boots anymore from what I have seen / understood, and that wouldn't make any sense.

It would if, as Q has said, extradition arrangements had been made with everywhere they would run to and their passports have been flagged. There would then be no need for ankle monitors.

Vindicator ago

Yes IIRC, he hinted at 3,000 child slaves being freed when Trump went to see Salman.

I never saw that, and I have been looking through the leaks and have not found it. What Q did say (numerous times) is that the House of Saud was the funding for the majority of the Cabal's nefarious shit, and the MBS coup in SA cut the purse strings and thus the majority of the Cabal's power (though not all).