WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Amazing work. Checked out the Paul Mitchell estate location tags on Instagram, and the results were intriguing... Richard Branson.

migratorypatterns ago

Branson came up?

Why am I surprised?

Thanks for the good words.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Amazing work. Thank you.

migratorypatterns ago

You're welcome. Appreciate the support.

GreenDell144 ago

Wow. That is an astounding connection. This just exposes more of the filth. Good job. I am humbled and appreciative of your fine work.

migratorypatterns ago

You're very kind.

Thanks and I hope this helps others in their investigation.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

What a find! Shame that I could only find it by choosing "Top" posts for the week. If any thread should still come up when choosing "Hot", it's this one.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

I don't pay attention to how things are found, but glad you found it and that it made sense.

Hope it helps.

darkknight111 ago


Found some charities he supports, his companies, and political donations.

migratorypatterns ago


Thanks for this.

Factfinder2 ago

A new website that appears to still be in development rents Hawaii properties, and it’s interesting to note that the only two they have information on are the Paul Mitchell Estate and Obama’s favorite, Paradise Point Estate. The people who own this site obviously are mainly associated with those two properties. A third one, Melekomo, has just one photo and no info. http://hawaiipacificluxury.com/property/

Who.is report on the site:

carmencita ago

It’s this one. @millennial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

oh yes! As you know, my head is spinning from toooo mannny avalanches. Getting buried!

birthdaysuit11 ago

I liked Mitchell. I hope he isn't involved.

carmencita ago

This SCARES me. Did you hear about this today? https://www.datalounge.com/thread/20401194-missile-threat-to-hawaii-seek-shelter-immediately-not-a-drill Children Hidden In Storm Drains What Can Go Wrong

millennial_vulcan ago

I. Can't. Anymore. :(

carmencita ago

I know. It seems like lately everything seems like a bad dream or a Nightmare. How much more can we take.

Shizy ago

IT hides in storm drains too....

carmencita ago

What does? Long day. Sorry. Do you mean THEY do?

Shizy ago

Penny wise. Aka "IT". I didn't see the movie but it is about an evil kid eating clown that lures kids into storm drains, etc

carmencita ago

Oh my gosh I forgot about the movie! YES, that is exactly what it was. Frightening at best. What is going on in this world when someone makes a cartoon about kids getting eaten. Another Black Magick Joke of their hope to normalize this kind of sick garbage. I really can't believe there was not any backlash over this horrible attempt at humor. There is nothing funny about this but people accept it as Black Comedy. This is about kids folks. I don't even know how or why someone would dump a child in a sewer. Not smart at all. Is there not a better place. One good thing that has come out of this should be that people will look into what to Really do if it does happen again for real. But we still do not know if it was real. That is the scariest part.

carmencita ago

Todays Blind is on Trafficking. People are getting So Woked. http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/blind-item-9-trafficking.html Names thrown around today are Sean Penn Diana Jenkins Wendy Deng George Clooney Cindy Crawford and hubby Also much talk about Haiti the Clintons and the CIA Blew me away.

millennial_vulcan ago

HELLO! We've only been talking about this for ONE YEAR!

Diana Jenkins. So much bs. Where to start? I lol'd so hard at her bullshit bio of 'moving to London penniless, getting an Economics degree overnight and then randomly bumping into her future multi-million husband in an expensive gym....'

Sure, Jan.

carmencita ago

I know, but it seems that things are showing up for us to unravel. Pegasus and now this Hawaiian connection just kind of took off like crazy thanks to the post, but other things have come out of it and just exploded. Amazing that it ties into CDAN in a way to with Brian Singer being involved with Hawaii too. I believe the Hot Dog Stand is in this post if look deep enough.

millennial_vulcan ago

Incredible Post, MP! I always upvoat you.

Wow, my brain is hurting today!

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, really?

Good to know and thanks!

Mammy ago

Hey guys, Right now there are Tweets going around about a ballistic missile alert in Hawaii. Sat 1/13/18. : o Coincidence?

migratorypatterns ago

No freakin' way!!!

Oh, I see ... this:


'This Is Not A Drill': A False Ballistic Missile Alert Shakes Hawaii

Somebody issued a false ballistic missile alert?!!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry. A fake drill or do they want us kept in a complete state of panic?

truthseekertx ago

David Geffen is part of the gay mafia. This article talks about how he paid young boys for group sex and the boy feared for his life, due to the threat from Geffen. http://archive.is/RYQ7k

Coincidentally, Geffens next door neighbor is Ron Burkle. Burkle is Bill Clintons buddie who owns a private jet known as Air Fuck One...where as you can imagine...prostitutes are provided for elites. http://archive.is/fUQ3F

millennial_vulcan ago

there are many post on Voat about all this already. We know.

migratorypatterns ago

That article pisses me off on so many levels. A fucking rag-bag millionaire who allegedly is being extorted by a gay escort receives IMMEDIATE justice. Authorities charge and haul the escort's ass into court, and prosecute above and beyond to what's actually happened. But a little kid being drugged and raped? NAH!!!! How about a ring of child rapists that rape at will and pass these kids around? DOUBLE NAH!!!! Not worth the trouble to dig into, oh, and besides, following up would mean not protecting and shielding the rapists and that's the cop's number one job, right?

Thanks, I'll read this when I want to get motivated. Oh, and that porn star that visited the White House drifted up into my memory. Wasn't it the same day as Alefantis? But I'm sure The Kenyan and him didn't go at it like two Bison in Yosemite during mating season.

Shillaxe ago

"But I'm sure The Kenyan and him didn't go at it like two Bison in Yosemite during mating season."


Mammy ago

Very nice work, mp. Have long wondered about that hot dog stand. I don't have much to add to this but will dig as time allows. Still -- just as an anecdotal aside: I spent some time on the big island as my son was living/working (WWOOFing) there and I went to visit. I managed the trip "on the cheap" and stayed on the agricultural side of the island. Rented a 4 wheel jalopy off a local to save money, NOT appear as a tourist, and to be able to access hard-to-get to places. LOVED the island -- so much so that I still think about retiring there but would not do so alone. The whole place is gorgeous, but there is definitely a creepy under vibe -- so many deep tangled ravines it would be so easy to dump bodies there. Also I would think it would be relatively easy to pay off local law enforcement -- cops in the area I was in do not even have state-issued cars. They just drive their own and throw a cherry on top when pulling people over. Plus there is a network of native Hawaiian gangs who make it clear whose territory you're in.

But here is the most bizarre part for me: My bags had been gone through when I landed but nothing stolen as all I had were clothes. Then I had my work-issued laptop stolen out my rental car (this was before I rented the jalopy) the very night I landed in Hilo. (Had stopped at drugstore to buy toiletries and yes, the car was locked.) I filed a police report the next day and went back to the drug store and asked the manager to look at their video footage. The cashiers exchanged glances as I was speaking to the manager and I just "felt" somehow they knew something about it. I mean the drug store was less than a mile from the airport...imagine how many people stop there to get stuff before settling in. Anyway, I emphasized how upset I was, not so much about the value of the laptop, but because my entire career's worth of files were on it. (Not entirely true -- I have backups.) But I told them all I would give whomever made the laptop appear again $200 bucks no questions asked. So then a few days go by and by then I had turned in the airport car rental in favor of the jalopy and my son was driving it. I let him take it one night to go out to a bar with his friends...and the next morning, we find my laptop in the back of the jalopy!!! All we could figure is that word had spread among the locals that I was willing to pay to have it back. But neither I nor my son ever had anyone approach us for a pay-off. Yet it was clear they knew who he was, who I was, where each of us were staying (separate places) and what I/we were driving. Apparently, they liked us enough to return the laptop. Thank God.

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks for this story.

People forget it is an island. The community has to know what's going on and it's why it would be hard to believe that nobody knew about young boy's getting molested on the estate. Were the police paid off to look the other way? Or did the locals just toss off the events as mainlanders going crazy again ... as if most people have orgies every night and stick a gun to someone's head when they don't play along with their desires.

Definitely something here. And all that money. It gets me sick to think of people starving when these people serving The Devil waste millions maintaining these lewd, lascivious lifestyles.

racmo ago

OK please forward your research to the President. this is abfab

Sees_the_day ago

When Windward ReSisters, a women’s movement based in Obama’s native Hawaii, heard he was returning to the islands with his family for the holidays, they decided to welcome the former president by singing Christmas carols outside the Paul Mitchell estate in lanikai, where the Obamas were staying.

Something that I've been wondering about, not sure how it would play into this at all, but how do you just show up to go caroling at a gated estate?

migratorypatterns ago

I know ... it's as if it were planned ... like Killary's walk in the woods where she met a photo op all by accident ... or is this too conspiratorial?

Sees_the_day ago

Not conspiratorial at all. I can't figure out why this is stuck in my head, why it bothers me. It just doesn't fee right. I followed the link to the article in People and he left the Christmas party he was hosting to come out and spend a little time with them. As I'm typing, something else came to mind - where was Michelle during this? No mention of her at all.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, Michelle, or Michael as he likes to call her, is MIA. He even used a recycled Christmas card. Somebody on Twitter pointed that out. He went to the Brando resort alone and the sham marriage isn't on display like it used to be. I'm sure she covered for him being a perv and he covered for whatever her flaws are.

A match made in hell.

Piscina ago

Great post, and you are really funny.

migratorypatterns ago


The humor keeps me going because this is all too sick.

darkknight111 ago


Paul's associate was part of some Itallian American Association dinner with John Podesta.

migratorypatterns ago

Fantastic ... this is what I need. More connections.

awake4646 ago

Really well done. I feel this is a great example of how our intuition will lead us to the truth if we listen and follow. I hope this research unlocks several new doors. Thank you for your contribution.

migratorypatterns ago


Yes, use your gut. If something seems wrong, it usually is wrong. Also, reread stories you think you know. I've read about DEN and Michael Egan, but this time? Hawaii just gobsmacked me in the face and about the ears.

darkknight111 ago

Probably gonna have an update thread regarding my investigation into Judith Barsi. My gut is telling me something there.

Based on looking at the CDAN again, I have a hunch as to the identity of some people mentioned, such as an actress that gave a warning.

migratorypatterns ago

Please do it! That was such a tragic story and if more people can be confirmed/outed, yeah, go ahead.

Can't beat that feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Did anyone else do a double take at this part?!

”LaBarbera was recently arrested and jailed in Canada for distributing pro-family values literature on the campus of the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada.”

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, like, WHAT?

darkknight111 ago


Bill Clinton is an associate of the co-founder of Paul Mitchell's company.

migratorypatterns ago

Holy Christ! Thanks for this.

Yup, another Playboy model gets hitched.

GeorgeT ago

He has to be!

GeorgeT ago

Paul Mitchel estate - I will remember it. I am not sure about Marlon Brando.

Matt_Helm ago

Excellent research can you bring forth the old post from last year about the guy in Hawaii who had those transmitters buried around his house and it looked like his back yard was set up to dissolve bodies in acid vats just like Breaking Bad and the transmitters were possibly linked to a satellite to broadcast snuff videos that was the credible theory I read a year ago it was very disturbing but it has enough evidence with photos to make it believable it was on 4chan and reddit maybe here as well over a year ago.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, it's in one of the replies to the post. Sorry, don't remember of the name of the poster, but they posted five or six links to other Voat submissions and that was one of them. Such a strange story.

GeorgeT ago

I missed that nightmare of a story!

Mrs_Kravitz ago

@migratorypatterns I logged in just to up Voat you. Pun intended. You guys who are the tech geniuses ( I don't even know how to do hide my IP address according to another Voater) are saving humanity and the kids! Bless.

migratorypatterns ago

Well, aren't you nice?

Thank you so much for your kind words. All the members here are doing this for the kids. I'm sure we have other things going on, but squeezing in time to post what we uncover is crucial and a way for us to get the word out.

I do appreciate what you said.

Mrs_Kravitz ago

I wish I could help more. I am not clever tech wise, so I do my part by tweeting and sharing the heck out of ground-breaking info like this. Thank you!

Factfinder2 ago

Angus Mitchell, Paul's only son, is now co-owner: http://angusmdestinations.com/home.html

The company also owns Awapuhi Farm off grid in Pa'auilo on the Big Island, where you can rent rooms and take tours: http://www.awapuhifarm.com/about-the-farm.html

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks for this!

I'm trying to track things down and it's getting shady ... as if it wasn't already.

migratorypatterns ago

Great stuff! Thanks for both links: the property and this one.

Factfinder2 ago

migratorypatterns ago

OMG! You notice how they always try to Gaslight accusers? Like, this is so ludicrous! Preposterous that anyone would do these things so it must be a shake down for money! I believe every single word of this complaint.

Factfinder2 ago

Makes you think he only got married to have a son heir/boy toy and couldn't wait to get rid of the mother.

This FB photo of Angus as a teenager sitting on his father's lap is uncomfortable: https://imgoat.com/uploads/bd7939d674/75521.jpg https://www.facebook.com/AngusMitchellOfficial

Shizy ago

Ewwww! That just looks dirty

migratorypatterns ago

Absolutely. He used/abused/threw her away ... but kept her prisoner at the same time. Classic control freak.

OMG! The picture is downright disturbing ...

Ronin3000 ago

Great work!

ASolo ago

Still trying to wrap my head around everything that is developing, what you and Swordfish recently disseminated, and everything that's going down in the mainstream news. There's some powerful forces on both sides of the spectrum working overtime.

Awesome work.

migratorypatterns ago

Swordfish69!!! Yeah, I posted and then saw his submission. I would have normally waited to post this, but it worked out well.

I always get amped when someone posts new info. I'm hoping something I uncovered will spur the investigation that has been officially debunked onward and upward.

Vindicator ago

Excellent job, MP!!! I'm giving this the New Evidence flair. I also just made sure Will Craddick knows the direction you took his research, in case he has other tidbits he can connect to this. :-)

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much! Appreciate the flair and good words.

I'm anticipating this leading to more. There's one huge rabbit hole here that needs 'splaining.

Geo_synchronous ago

YEAH YEAH YEAH. Its always next week something huge is going to happen. Right when we think we're winning. Trump will probably sprout horns and spew fire from his eyes and turn earth into pure hell. don't misunderstand me. I voted for Trump. I fought the fight. I did the research. I lived in my pc for the passed 2 yrs following all of this. I just closed my Facebook, Twitter, Gab, Voat, CBTS. All of them. Someone send a carrier pigeon when something actually happens. I'll be here drinking myself into a coma and smoking 35 joints per day. Im done waiting for this GOD DAMMED PLANET TO grow the fuck up.

migratorypatterns ago

I understand and feel the same way. But then Assange posts a chessboard where the white hats win and I'm jazzed all over again.

The Cannibal Elite have inveigled and corrupted every facet of society and that mean politics and law enforcement. And they're making BILLIONS of dollars and satisfying their illegal fetishes/obsessions. You think they're just going to give all that up so they can be put in jail where they belong?

They are fighting for their empire that they built right under our noses ... the empire we helped them build by electing them, spending our good money on the shit entertainment they produce, and idolize them to the point of our not seeing what scumbags these demons really are.

awake4646 ago

I think we have all felt like this. Enjoy the time out and hermit up for a bit. These topics are nasty and draining. I think this is a long distance relay race, not a sprint. We're trying to dismantle and transmute millennia of ritual practices. It may take a while, but our intent and will to see it change will bring change. They have only been able to sustain this level of power because we were all asleep and separated. Together our will is stronger. We will prevail. Keep the faith brother.

Impresaria ago

Excellent! Bump, upvote.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for the UpVoat.

I do appreciate it.

Factfinder2 ago

Superb research.

migratorypatterns ago

Appreciate it.

Hopefully, this will help the push to uncover what was/is going on.

Shillfest2017 ago

Damn. Very impressive work you've done here. Every time I think of Hawaii I remember that post about the guy finding all those wifi signals coming out of a concrete slab in the ground. Wasn't he on some sort of rum plantation or something?

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. In one of the replies, a member posted a whole bunch of links and the link to that post is in there. It's yet another strange story.

angry_mob ago

great research!

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks! I appreciate it.

carmencita ago

I don't know what you think of this, but I may have put together the reason they are holding those potato heads. I sent you that message Stone sent back to Sasha Lord about the Sleeping Partner. What if every person that has been pictured with the potato head has asked Stone for a Sleeping Partner. Just a Bingo! that went off in my head. What do you think?

migratorypatterns ago

I think it's a great idea. Sort of a code. But would that mean other procurers would have a different code pic? It would mean that the selfies on Instagram, FB, or Twitter might be posted for entirely different reasons than we think.

carmencita ago

I think it is a small operation with just him and Mr. Potato Head. Unless there are different rings. But we have not heard of or seen other codes or people appearing with something. But the codes could be something entirely different. Did you look up cheesybay? Someone on reddit discovered her boss was selling on ebay and went under cheesybay I think he was selling or setting up on there too.

migratorypatterns ago

I haven't looked it up yet. I'm following another lead right now and it's very shadowy. It's like here's this major player and there's NO background info on him? Does that seem likely? That someone makes hundreds of millions of dollars and doesn't leave a footprint? Anywhere? Yeah, no.

carmencita ago

There are not enough people on this. A lot of commenters but not researchers sticking to it. I understand, it is a very deep rabbit hole. But we need more help. This is what happens. Lots of help in getting clues but then it goes cold.

migratorypatterns ago

Not really. It takes time to investigate. And lots of times, I don't want to put something in a thread where it'll get buried.

I'm following up on this. Like I said, the lead I'm working on is ridiculously had to follow. I mean, there's a mention of it, and then nothing ... we're talking crickets. How can that be? Everything leaves a footprint on the web, but not this. I doubt Google scrubbed it which meant it was always buried in the shadows which makes me more curious as to what was going on.

carmencita ago

I am going to let a couple of more people in on the Mr. Potato Head emails and see if I can get the to bite to pitch in. If you need help with your lead let me know. This is so frustrating. I was hoping we could figure out the Pegasus thing, but that got dropped too. I just hope it starts back up soon. But this can't be dropped. We have to hit the Gold. We just have to.

Shillaxe ago

Nice dumpster divin, sure is peaceful round here without the usual antagonists domn_keote & are_we_sure .

rooting4redpillers ago

Hoping these links to previous subs about Hawaii will be be helpful.

Search results, using site:voat.co/v/pizzagate Hawaii wifi:

[Archived] NEW DAVID FLINTSTONE Hawaii, and KAISER connection. KAiSER Connection to CLINTON FOUNDATION. MASSIVE BETHLEHEM steel FIRE, day after election and its connection to Clinton foundation and kaiser (pizzagate) | submitted 1.1 years ago by [deleted]

[People of Interest] [Archived] HAWAII CONNECTION// PROOF AND SMOKING GUN PROOF OF PEDO RING W/ COMET, CLINTONS, PODESTA AND THEIR MISTAKE (pizzagate) | submitted 1.1 years ago by @TheGrimReader

[People of Interest] [Archived] RE: "HAWAII CONNECTION// PROOF AND SMOKING GUN" NEW INFORMATION AND LINKS (pizzagate) | submitted 1.1 years ago by @TheGrimReader

[Archived] Is There Still 30 WiFi Signals in Hawaii Now?? (pizzagate) | submitted 1.1 years ago by @Jordan-Ross

[Archived] Update from the user who found 30ish wifi signals underground at a fake distillery connected to Pizzagate (MIRROR) (pizzagate) | submitted 1.1 years ago by @Ucuntu

[Archived] Regarding a strange post from Hawaii (pizzagate) | submitted 1.1 years ago by @Nyoome

[Archived] The connection to Hawaii? Possible human trafficking compound? (reddit.com) | submitted 1 year ago by @hopeforall

[Archived] Hawaii Connection; Had a Thought About Dave Flintstone's Interview (pizzagate) | submitted 5 months ago by @birthdaysuit11

Deleted submissions:

[Archived] deleted by user (pizzagate) | submitted 1.1 years ago by [deleted]

I'm trying to get this out as fast as possible. Those of you familiar with the background know that the person who originally photographed the facility in Hawaii was being followed and is now missing. So whoever these people are, they aren't just low life pedos. They are sophisticated and organized.

[Archived] deleted by user (voat.co) |submitted 1.1 years ago by [deleted]

These were what I saw on this angle originally that someone posted online (source at end): Cheesybay aka David Flintstone and the Hawaiian site

2impendingdoom ago

great addition to the post. its too bad there isn't some way to index the archives and those great older posts. Unfortunately with so many posters getting banned, they aren't still here to point back to this buried stuff. We really need Pizzabot back and his bot that did this automatically.

rooting4redpillers ago

@2impendingdoom, Thank you very much. Finding a way to index the archives would be great, and I think about that a lot. I’ve gathered lists of links to subs with similar topics, and have those lists ready to post here, when it seems appropriate to do so. There are so many topics that cross info with seemingly unrelated topics, it gets so complicated, and takes more time than I ever have to commit to really do this right.

It sure would be nice if we could see such evidence coming forth, from the better-staffed LE agencies. God bless the citizens doing the work that those we support with our tax dollars won’t do.

Missing @pizzagateBot, yes. Good we have @derram, and I hope everyone new at v/pizzagate will take advantage of searching the archives, and not only reading the OPs, but also reading the comments.

2impendingdoom ago

I've been thinking about your lists of indexes (or is it indices) and wonder if setting up a new subverse like pizzagateindex with threads for each topic category would be appropriate. You could ask that people add a link to their posts after they post here in pizzagate and the other related subverses. Pizzagatewhatever and pedogate also get some important posts too and ideally should be included. IDK this is just an initial thought, I'll keep mulling it.

derram ago

My bot has been building a database of archives it's created over the past year or so. https://files.catbox.moe/6umrcx.db

It's not keeping track of which subverse the links are from so I'm not sure how useful you guys will find it.

The first 3k entries don't have archives since this database was originally just for keeping track of screenshots, but there's almost 50k entries in total.

new4now ago

Smiled the whole time reading this

Good sleuthing 👍

migratorypatterns ago


Glad you enjoyed. I'm still digging.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

The Paul Mitchell Estate is on Airbnb - https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/8311979

migratorypatterns ago

WOWZA! That's pretty pricey to put on there.

carmencita ago

https://voat.co/user/Poncho567/comments This member no longer posting but has a slew of into on The Hawaii Connection too much to list. Also https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1467646 information with the facebook page for island distillers which I have not seen before https://www.facebook.com/pg/IslandDistiller/photos/?tab=album&album_id=957206677628410 Picture of Dave Flinstone is included.

migratorypatterns ago

Fantastic. Just found another rabbit hole myself.

Maybe what I found is mentioned in your links. We'll see!

TupacsTattoo ago

Outstanding Research 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

migratorypatterns ago


Was glad to do it.

pixelkitteh ago


The Paul Mitchell estate is currently run by Patrick T. Fujieki. This court of appeals document states a deficit in their reporting of the estates stocks in JPMS - JP MORGAN CHASE & CO. They own 49.04% of the outstanding stock. Quote "According to the Notice, the Commissioner concluded the value of the JPMS stock at the time of Paul Mitchell's death was $105 million.   The Estate had reported the value at $28.5 million in its tax return.   Due to the $76.5 million difference in value, the Commissioner asserted that the Estate owed an additional $45,117,089 in estate taxes, not including a total of $8,543,643 in penalties".

This Fujieki guy also has a bunch of defunct companies - https://www.corporationwiki.com/Hawaii/Honolulu/patrick-t-fujieki/34485826.aspx

YogSoggoth ago

Reason Behind JPM's "Mystery" $143 Million Loss Revealed. Reason Behind JPM's "Mystery" $143 Million Loss Revealed from ZH this morning. May 8, 1973 | Standoff at Wounded Knee Comes to an End ...

https://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/05/08/may-8-1973-standoff... Revealed Rectum ... I nearly Killed'em.

IShallNotFear ago

While the live link is gone, I was able to archive it via google cache: http://archive.is/eNATU @merica_fk_yeah

YogSoggoth ago

Thanks, I was at work. Leonard Peltier has been rotting in prison since the early 70's for this obvious Satanic attack on a weakened tribe in the middle of nowhere on such an auspicious date. It was not only a message to all the tribes that we will kill you, but we have infiltrated your ranks. This in turn broke off communication from certain tribes and reclusion from any outsiders. The result was Pine ridge, the poorest and third most inbred rez in the USA. Marlon Brando was there for the ribbon cutting.

merica_fk_yeah ago

link gone!?

YogSoggoth ago

Not sure how it works on this site as far as posting links. Some work and some don't. The JPM article I read before work, and is still there on ZH, but you have to go to the bottom and click next. It is a continuous news feed.

migratorypatterns ago

Awesome. Thanks for this.

UpVoat for you.

pixelkitteh ago

Amazing work, you've dug deep and found some great information, congrats to you! This is a huge rabbit hole you've found and connected together.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much!

Was excited when I found it. Hope it helps.

Gothamgirl ago

I found a woman named Renee Ramsey has organised those protest, on fb.

The phone # used for the is: 408-886-1734

Found an address of: 350 Aoloa St. Apt 243, Kailua, Hi 96734

A search of the phone # brings up an art school.


It says known for: Child in the park. http://m.imdb.com/name/nm7159820/

Picture of her in front of a chicken https://ibb.co/bWbmp6

Not the same person but same name used here:


Sorry I have to run but thought I drop this here for now.

carmencita ago

OMG That woman is one of the oldest people to get a sex change She was Richard Ramsey and now is a woman! What a story. Beyond Believable!

GeorgeT ago

Wow! It is a network of perverts.

carmencita ago

This was one of the craziest stories ever. She is wearing that Kitty Hat down there singing Christmas Carols to Obama with that background of her being a Late Bloomer. I just can't get over it.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks. Will take a look see.

bdmthrfkr ago

Have a +goat for diligent work!

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks.


dreamdigital ago


migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks!

Hopefully, it will help.

Dressage2 ago

Your research is incredible! I appreciate the way you write. It reminds me of QuantoKitty’s writing and just as salacious. Going to poke around the PM Estate.

migratorypatterns ago


Pls poke around. Hope you can dig up more.


good post!

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much. Appreciate the words and hope it triggers deeper investigation.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Great job! This definitely brings the light back on for the $65k spent on hotdog's

migratorypatterns ago


Yes, and gives a definitive hint at what the code word hotdog means.

Immelda ago

Thank you so much for taking the time to research and inform us, it is an excellent read!

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks. It was my pleasure.

MichaelClayton ago

Really nice job. A good read and great research.

You know, remember that Dave Flintstone distillery in Hawaii where that guy said there are tons of wifi signals coming from the ground?

The Dave Flintstone that uses Mr Potato Head as a sign? The distillery that is next to a school contected to that judge Obama appointed? The distillery where there is a cliffside door by a dock to somewhere underground?

Well, that distillery is also supposedly next to a large palatial mansion possibly even connected to the distillery. I wonder if that’s Paul Mitchell’s mansion?


GreenDell144 ago

I remember that. I was wondering how that turned out. Sounds like the x-files.

carmencita ago

I remember that. I am trying to search for info on it in the Alt. Search. Not much comes up on Dave Flinstone. I remember researching the school and there was a child counselor arrested for sex abuse a real scandal. If it was right next door that area is a cesspool with the mansion and possibly tunnels as well. Not to mention the distillery with the signals as well. I remember there even being pictures of the place in a thread that someone did but nothing comes up. Would be good if we could find the address for the mansion and the distillery @Dressage2 @migratory patterns

witch_doctor1 ago

search "cheesybay" and see if it comes up...IIRC, Flintstone was connected to that weird Ebay site selling faulty hard drives...

carmencita ago

Yes! That is right. I don't know much about hard drives but I know he had some skethy b

Dressage2 ago

It will turn up. Too many more people investigating this stuff.

carmencita ago

I am so ready for this to be done. Thanks for the positive message

Dressage2 ago

Just another thing to add to the list!

MichaelClayton ago

Someone did find the distillery address and showed the proximity to the school on a map.

carmencita ago

Found Paul Mitchell Estate and you can see all the rooms and surrounding property. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/8311979 on the site is a google map of the area and listed nearby is Bellows Air Force Station and a place called Brothers Paintball http://www.bellowsafs.com/brothers-paintball at the AF Station this merits looking into it is near the Estate as well. They have parties and food. A place for kids, for sure. Also, if you are familiar with St John Vianney they are highly suspect and they have a High School nearby http://www.saintjohnvianneyhawaii.org/ St. John Vianney in St. Louis is the JESUIT rehabilitation go to for the Catholic Church in USA. Kamehameha School http://www.ksbe.edu/ Is the school that had the sex abuse case and was linked to the Judge appointed by Obama

MichaelClayton ago

very nice. thank you.

capitolFriday ago

Here's the website. Island Distillers - Dave Flintstone http://www.islanddistillers.com/contact/

carmencita ago


capitolFriday ago

He was also referred to as Dave Stone or Stone Distillery as I recall.

Dressage2 ago

Did anybody ever find out what happen to the guy who was investigating this underground facility? I remember he was terrified and I never heard anymore about it.

I don’t know if you remember the pic of that small child at Lazzetto’s House that was playing with a Mr. Potato Head. I think it was on her blog site.

I just know there are tunnels to these places in Hawaii. I read when they blew up Barry’s Thailand place it had miles of tunnels under it. It was a 400-acre Estate. I think about all those helpless kids still being abused/killed while we are investigating all this shit.

Shillfest2017 ago

That's why we do this. If even a tiny amount of this turns out to be true, it is an incredible tragedy. I can hardly imagine what they would be going through...

MichaelClayton ago

I read when they blew up Barry’s Thailand place it had miles of tunnels under it.

Didn’t know about that.

the hawaii guy

Last I heard he said he was at the airport in California being followed

Luzatto Potato Head

I think remember that photo. When Chaffetz resigned he dressed up as Mr PH in his backyard and posted it. The guitar player for pearl jam has a book of photos of people posing with Mr PH.

kids in tunnels suffering

I go catatonic sometimes thinking about that. It’s disturbing and makes me angry that the normies’ blindness keeps us from fixing the problem.

Dressage2 ago

I hadn’t heard about the guy at airport in CA. At least he had survived Hawaii. I really wonder what that resignation of Chafetz was all about. I have heard several stories.

Joe10jo ago

Please elaborate on Chavetz. Also I remember the pic of Luzzatto kids with a potato head but I never found out what the PH represents. And I have to say that this is one of the most informative threads I’ve run across in a long time! Never knew about the estate in Hawaii with cliffside doors and all. Wow!! Or about the person investigating it. I check Voat 10x every day for updates so I don’t see how I missed all that I mentioned. Wow wow wow!

Dressage2 ago

The problem I don’t know why he left so suddenly. Was he being blackmailed and therefore, compromised? Did Trump tell him either walk away or be indicted for something? Did Deep State threatened him and/or fis family? I truly believe something happened that caused him to leave so abruptly. Lots of speculation, but nothing solid.

MichaelClayton ago

I thought they followed him to California, could be misremembering. He definitely didn’t feel he was out of the woods though.

Chafetz, yeah, who knows. Strange.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks and, no, I didn't know about this.

Christ! More underground tunnels! Will check it out and thanks for the lead.

GeorgeT ago

Yup, and the rumors about Delta Force raiding Obama's estate in Thailand also found tunnels (I could not corroborate the story)

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, it's one I hope is true.

Hopevoats ago

Oh. You must delve into that. It's what started Pizzagate.

migratorypatterns ago

True. It's incentive enough.

Hopevoats ago

It started with a reddit post; and the OP was active, again, not very long ago. Let me know if you have any trouble finding it.

migratorypatterns ago

Will do.

Gothamgirl ago

With Brian Singer: How heartbreaking is this.. and disgusting of the media. I am so fed up with type this garbage.


The mother of the alleged victim of a powerful Hollywood pedophile ring says she tried for years to interest the media in the story. Michael Egan’s mother Bonnie Mound said, “I wrote every news channel, every magazine, every talk-show host, everybody, from Oprah to ‘20/20’ to ‘60 Minutes’…. Nobody wanted to do anything because of the high-profile people involved.”

There is literally pics of this man posing disgustingly with young males everywhere online. I would sue them for bias or whatever possible, make it public record.

 Some of his donations went to:

Records of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) show Singer making donations totaling $75,800 to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), and even the North Carolina Democratic Party.

millennial_vulcan ago

BrYan Singer...with a 'Y'

only reason for lecture: you want this post to come up in a Google Search when folk google his name.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh yes I will correct that. Thank you.

carmencita ago

I am working on a clue that is rather shocking. At least it was to me. I have found through an old post from a year ago that Sasha Lord sent an email to David Stone/Flinstone and got one back with a Mr. Potato Head on it! Mr. Potato Head. Remember those pics with Obama and HRC holding a Mr. Potato Head? I think this is a huge clue. I am going to send you a copy of this email. The person they were trying to find a "Sleeping Partner" for was Richard Windsor the alias for Lisa Jackson of the EPA under Obama. I could use a little help on this if you can help out. migratory is working on another lead so we are both working deeply on this rabbit hole and are committed to getting to the bottom of it. Let me know if you can help. Will send info later today. I nearly fell over when it hit me what I was looking at.

GeorgeT ago

Of course Oprah won't touch it, too busy pimping young British aspiring actresses for Harvey (seen the photos!! Sick!) And she has the nerve to lecture Amrica about Me Too movement. Cover upper like Megyn Kelly.

21yearsofdigging ago

Oprah, Haggis, Franco, Streep...these hypocrites REALLY make me so angry

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, I feel sorry for the mother. She really did support her son. And if the media wasn't paid off, why wouldn't they want to dig into this story? Kids were being molested. Wouldn't they want to stop that? Warn other parents bringing their kids to PedoWood to be careful?

This does stink. I don't want traditional news to ever call themselves journalists, reporters, or anything remotely connected with an open press and objective reporting. They're a bunch of whores and have been selectively picking and choosing what they think we ought to hear ... and that includes suppressing stories and publishing propaganda.

carmencita ago

That story was so Heart Breakinig it made me cry. His picture as a boy has Sorrow written all over it. The eyes are what got to me. I wonder how things are going for him now. In case you don't rmember @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt had mentioned that Shackley is connected to the Racine Operations. That sure would explain him being mixed up with the abuse in Hawaii.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, these kids don't stand a chance.

When the FBI and the police don't even care to follow up on a charge, you know things are bad.

Sublimesati ago

The FBI does it's job and then the case gets shelved by higher ups. Agents aren't prosecutors or judges or anything else but agents.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, and Egan's mother names who ignored it: Mueller.

Is anyone surprised? But look at what that douche is doing when looking into collusion with Russia, something they KNOW is false, has been proven false, and that has been used to try to sully our POTUS and create a climate to resist.

Sublimesati ago

Apparently many inside the FBI were pissed that Clinton got the get out of jail free card. What she did was so in your face corrupt that many inside the intelligence community felt disrespected. The foundation was a pay to play slush fund and she was selling America piece by piece. Then she gets caught and burns the house down. Gets amnesia while testifying to Congress. She treated Congress like a joke. So the "in your face" lack of respect she showed the FBI most certainly pissed them off. The difference between her and Bill, he at least played the game. She, for all intents and purposes, dared anyone/everyone to do something about her treasonous dealings. This isn't the 90s, the internet is the new court of public opinion.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, he dealings were too public. Plus she started that foundation. Nothing pisses people off more than charitable funds not delivered to where they're going. People were breathing fire over Wounded Warriors only giving 70% of funding to vets. And the CF gave what? 10%? And then there were those watered down drugs.


migratorypatterns ago

There are two links given. The first is to the Voat post covering the Disobedient Media's story:


And this one:


Here's a link on Mark Collins-Rector, the convicted sex offender:


EricKaliberhall ago

Excellent work migratorypatterns! Connecting some serious dots on this one.

“We got our group together on Saturday and went with our pussy hats and Santa hats and proceeded to Christmas carol in front of the estate,”

Busting Barry on the island... Best thing the pussy-hat people have ever done... :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Busting Barry on the island... Best thing the pussy-hat people have ever done... :)

roflmao...at least they are good for something

Gothamgirl ago

Unbelievable. Great job exposing this.

Unrelated but when I tracked Obama to the Big apple pizza guy in Florida. The big apple guys dad used to own a pizza place up North. But when I traced that phone # it lead to a Pizza shop in Alabama, right next door was resturant that served hotdogs. I believe weiner was in the actual name, and across the street was Bobs smoked nuts next to a funeral home. These people are sick and stupid.

GeorgeT ago

They have ghoulish sense of humor I gotta hand it to them. Remember Besta pizza - it's an anagram of Beast = 666 = Satanism. They are all satanists and they put it in plain sight. But makes Inspector Clouseu's job that much easier.

Gothamgirl ago

I have a feeling its much more in sight then we know about still. I wish someone could go there with infrared googles I have a feeling they use some kind of paint we can not see.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Gothamgirl you just triggered something that's been bothering me. At different times during voat investigations I have looked at various photos you all have posted with a magnifying glass that has a light on it. Sometimes certain things in the pictures jump out like they are 3D. I wasn't sure if it was just an anomaly from using the magnifying glass so I didn't want to say anything and appear crazy but I think you may be on to something regarding the paint (magic?).

Gothamgirl ago

I know I am onto something and I am pretty sure I know where to look, just need infared glasses to look for it. I believe the door handle at Besta and the wall marked kids in front of the house near Pegasis, is where I would start but I am no where close.

I think there is still something else though. I wonder if the pizzaboxes may be hiding something, they're using it for something. I have noticed it being pointed out videos and photos.

migratorypatterns ago

But we're always supposed to believe these things are a total coincidence.

And that singing resistance group deserves a dumpster dive dig through. Let's see they wear PUSSY hats on Christmas in front of a residence where young kids were allegedly molested?

elephantdoesntforget ago

John Paul Dejoria, one of two men (the other mysteriously died) behind the Paul Mitchell hair care products, worth billions.

JPD, the man with the ponytail.. with close connections to ... ?

Met him a few times. He definitely comes off as a shady character. His wife / gf is ... interesting.

migratorypatterns ago

You met him? Good stuff.

I guess the thing is that these rags to riches stories are getting tired. Like skanky little actresses who accept Weinstein's abusive offers just happen to win Oscars ... really? Just happens that way? Think Ed Buck also was a nothing burger, but he started this mysterious business in his bedroom and now he has millions? It's more likely that debauched losers are picked to funnel and launder money. Like Oprah .. maybe like JK Rowling. Then when the money is needed, they just transfer it to The Kenyan, Killary, The Cannibal Elite, Soros' charitable funds .. or whatever.

GeorgeT ago

JK Rolling according to many is an actress who poses for the cameras. The books were written by Masons to peddle witchcraft to kids. She used the term Mugger - a word used by highest degree black lodge freemasons when refering to masses (non initiates) I learned of the term from Michael Tsarion - a mega expert in symbology and esoteric sciences. No way would JK Rolling would have used that word unless she was one of them.

migratorypatterns ago

I used to defend her vigorously, but now? Now I realize there's no way she wrote those books. First, it's another rags-to-riches story. Second, she was a globalist volunteer. Third, she was mentally unstable, something The Pedophile Elite prey upon. Fourth, yeah, her book was magically chosen out of the slush pile of unsolicited manuscripts. Fifth, the story of how she wrote that story in the coffee shop changes so much. How can that be? It can't. I don't know if the Masons helped her. I've always thought the story was stolen from another volunteer that probably died. It's what took her so long in that coffee shop. She was filling things in and whipping it into shape.

2impendingdoom ago

idk, I agree with you on these points about JKR but I'm pretty certain that YOU could easily write books like that Potter series. Your collection of posts here on pizzagate could very easily be turned in to a bunch of horror novels only I don't think they would let you make a fortune from it no matter how well deserved.

its not talent that pays, but willingness to sell out.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks. I don't know if I could write a best-seller, but I'd never sell out to pedophiles.


2impendingdoom ago


GeorgeT ago

Right on the money. And remember that Mark Detreux creep - he supposedly purchased six real estates (being unemployed!) And Jimmy Saville, a disc jockey living in a mansion, driving Rolls Royce and has access to Buckingham Palace and gets knighted by the Queen!

migratorypatterns ago

Exactly. Then there's Bill Gates having to borrow a tie for his first meeting with IBM. Really? He was attending Harvard and his parents are attorneys , but he doesn't know about ties? And there's that conflicting story again ... just keeps changing. https://forwardthinking.pcmag.com/software/286148-the-rise-of-dos-how-microsoft-got-the-ibm-pc-os-contract

And I just found another meteoric rise when doing research. This one is really hard to get a handle on so crossing my fingers that I trip over some good info.

Are_we_sure ago

Like skanky little actresses who accept Weinstein's abusive offers just happen to win Oscars

Who are you talking about?

Shizy ago

Why? You interested in skanks? Or taking fat boy up on an offer?

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yes, the man looks like a leprechaun.

Yep. Makes sense. One of the people behind this whole thing (very high up) is in charge of laundering money for this group of people. From what I observed she (yes, she) will go around not only choosing businesses to involve in money laundering, but also tying them into TV shows (mostly reality shows) and other enterprises. They use this as a method of rewarding people who go along with them and cover up for them.

migratorypatterns ago

Reality shows! Yeah, it makes sense.

I'll bet that the people they pick for those shows are sometimes being rewarded, too. Being a low level celebrity must be nice to feed their egos.

Dressage2 ago

And don’t forget they sold their soul to Satan to get there. The higher up the Satan chain the more people they have sacrificed in his name.

migratorypatterns ago

Excellent point. I keep forgetting that that's the way they work. It's a backwards world where they live so those at the top are the most evil and have committed the most villainy.

carmencita ago

There just has to be a way to Award a Post with more than 1 Upvoat! Jeepers!!! O_O

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks! I'm really glad I stumbled across this.

Joe10jo ago

This thread blows my mind more than anything else has in a long time. I think bc there are so many concrete connections.

migratorypatterns ago


I had huge rush when I came upon the Obama article. It fed into so many other posts that I've done. The rabbit hole is deeper than I thought. I've done some preliminary dumpster diving to try to find out more and a lot of very strange stuff is coming up, but I'll keep at it.

Thanks again.

carmencita ago

Can't wait to dig!

GeorgeT ago

Remember how insiders alluded to the secrer Gay mafia that runs Hollywood, well it appears that it is actually Gay/Pedophile/Satanic mafia! And they are in charge of social & cultural programming of an entire nation. Brian Singer actually admitted that X-Men is an allegory about closeted Gays coming out.

carmencita ago

Always it is about the hiding in plain sight. They were always telling us things that were and are going on and it was in the movies. A kind of joke on us. We have to remember they think this stuff is fun. We did not see it because we would never think it was really real. What they are doing is out there, we just have to see it. All this time they have been showing us and we did not get it.

migratorypatterns ago

I know you'll uncover something good!

carmencita ago

I have it listed as island distillery not Stone Distillery http://www.islanddistillers.com/contact

migratorypatterns ago


carmencita ago

I found some info from out of the past. A member no longer posting looked into a ton of stuff on the Hawaii Connection about Dave Flinstone and his background. Will post.

carmencita ago

Working on finding the Distillery connected to Dave Flinstone and to see if it is next door to the Mansion. There seem to be tunnels someone is saying. Everyone Join In.

fogdryer ago


migratorypatterns ago

Thanks! It's what I said!

derram ago

https://archive.fo/271JW :

Barack Obama flies to island in French Polynesia to relax at luxury resort 'The Brando'

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Nice work :)

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks. Can't wait to see what else is dug up.

srayzie ago

Good job!

Wow, look at that @DomKeyhote @DankKeyhote

A WOMAN did some good research!

darkknight111 ago

The sheer level of despair donkey must be feeling is truly glorious.

Gave the little bitch one last chew out as he left with his tail tucked between his legs.

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

And it's been great around here without him!

Shizy ago

Hopefully donkey boy means it this this tiime and stays gone. I think he will since you damaged his fragile manhood! 😁😁😁

srayzie ago

She might have got on the right medications this time 🤓 I doubt Donkey will,ever be able to completely walk away. I think he likes his little testifies being stomped on. He’s a moron lol.

Shizy ago

Medications!!😂😂😂😂😂 you crack me up! I'm sure donkeydick is here lurking while his little feelers heal up

srayzie ago

Lol he’s probably someones little bitch for the weekend. He’s busy getting his hair pulled and being degraded.

anotherdream ago

HAHA ^_^

migratorypatterns ago

Glad you enjoyed.

Appreciate it.

Lookinmyndseye ago

Hi MP, longtime lurker, not sure if it’s Linked but you title tick Tock boom triggered something my friend sent me while tripping to Hawaii. It was a iPhone alert that said ballistic missile inbound to Hawaii this is not a drill, then a statement stating it was a false alarm. I just read in the q anon post that a false alarm would be mentioned. And then read your post about the links that grievously link terrible things and people such as BO and world entertainment elites that when you said boom, it was almost like a proverbial missile to destroy said rings linked to the Paul Mitchell home etc. It just seemed too much coincidence and I noticed that no one had picked that up yet.

Another thing I’ve been sitting on and didn’t know where or how to link and post was back in like oct there was a big buzz of activity about the word wonderland, it was also interesting that no one linked to the operation called “operation cathedral” This is the wiki Operation Cathedral was a police operation that broke up an international child pornography ring called The Wonderland Club operating over the Internet. It was led by the British National Crime Squad in cooperation with 13 other police forces around the globe,[1] who arrested 107 suspects (almost all simultaneously) across 12 countries on 1 September 1998. Seven UK-based men were convicted for their part in the ring in 2001.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8][7][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][4][17]

One reason for the high profile of the operation was the unusually high number of images involved possessed and produced and distributed by Wonderland Club: 750,000 images with 1,200 unique identifiable faces. Despite substantial work by many of the agencies involved only a very small number of those appearing in the images have been identified. A total of 16 out of 1,263 different children depicted were identified: One from Chile, one from Argentina, 13 from either the United States or the United Kingdom, and one from Portugal. The Portuguese national was identified as Rui Pedro Teixeira Mendonça, a 11-year-old boy kidnapped in Lousada on March 4, 1998 and whose whereabouts are currently unknown.[18]

I made this accnt to reach out to you because I’ve appreciated your post to expose this filth will probably fade back into the lurking shadows. Thank you.

srayzie ago

Are we starting to like each other? 😮

Cc1914 ago

Girl you crack me up!

srayzie ago

Lol. Yay! 😁

migratorypatterns ago

I wouldn't push it quite that far ... :)

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Hey @2Impendingdoom .... me and @migratorypatterns are besties now 😁

migratorypatterns ago

Remember: good fences make good neighbors.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

A little goes a long way.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

srayzie ago

In other words, you’re saying I’m awesome? 🤔

migratorypatterns ago

Uhm .... well, let me put it this way ... you're way better than The Cannibal Queen.

srayzie ago

You’re the best pal ever

migratorypatterns ago

moves several yards away ...

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

Sorry but she's still weird 😂😂😂😂😂

2impendingdoom ago

add one more to our roadtrip!

srayzie ago

Lol I get the front seat 💺

Syndicalism ago

Good work! Up it goes for more to read. If we pay close attention, Q may postulate where applicable.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much!

Think this may be a huge clue to all those references to Hawaii.

2impendingdoom ago


argosciv ago


Now you know why I do it sometimes xD

migratorypatterns ago


2impendingdoom ago

LOL. I always look forward to your posts. Consistent quality reporting and hugely entertaining narratives. Once again, thanks for the post.

migratorypatterns ago

You're welcome.

Always appreciative of the good words.

argosciv ago

Oh just quickly on the Feldman subject, he's started talking about different approaches with his whole project - I'm a bit sketchy on the details, but, it seems like he's gearing up to actually do something.

Gothamgirl ago

I really hope so.

motokana ago

feldman is preettty obviously a controlled shill

Oh_Well_ian ago

Paul Mitchell died in 1980. John Paul Dejoria is the obsequious individual in question.

I have a first hand account of his personality profile >> He is a complete asshole and a fake.

Excellent submission, btw. An incredible connecting of the dots that dovetails with Q Anon's questions about Obama's recent travels.

21yearsofdigging ago

No I think Paul Mitchell died in 1990

Oh_Well_ian ago

thank you... that was a typo

fixed it :)

Shizy ago

I was going to try and get some clarification on that one so thanks for posting this.

It looks like the real, deceased Paul Mitchell owned an estate in Hawaii. I couldn't find where the still living poser lives. Of note however, his daughter is a race car driver and married to Jesse James. I'm not sure what that means. Despite being thrown under the bus by his phony ex wife and tv darling I still thought he was pretty down to earth and decent. Who knows about any of these people at this point.

Oh_Well_ian ago

How Dejoria gained control of PM Systems has shady undertones. His wife is actually the nicer one ( at least when I was in contact with them ) and there may have been some character assassination of her involved. His on air personality is nothing like real life persona. He was pretentious and rude. He wore Michael Jackson like military jackets, complete with frills on the shoulders. He was so arrogant, he was even standoffish to A+ list celebs ( 99% who were polite, normal people ). That's all I got :)

argosciv ago

argosciv ago


Get in here, @EricKaliberhall!