birthdaysuit11 ago

We have a shill in here. Ignore him at all costs.

daveflintstone ago

Seriously? Still with the goddamn pizzagate stuff? It wasn't enough that one of you morons went in there toting a weapon, couldn't find the Magical Door holding hundreds of unreported kidnapped children, was rightfully arrested and admitted he was just a bumbling idiot. It's not enough that the entire world has debunked your idiotic conspiracy theory. Stop jerking off to pictures of Justin Bieber for a moment and take a good hard look at yourselves. And how about some remedial reading comprehension? You dipshits can't even keep your spellings and stories straight. Your so-called Hawaii connection is alive and well and real and has been running a Distillery for almost nine years. A simple Google search will show you many stories and pictures about The Distillery and the owner and the products available across the state of Hawaii. I have a hard time believing any of you are over 15 years old and an even harder time believing how ignorant you are despite your obvious youth. This is why you don't have girlfriends people. Stop stroking yourselves, literally and figuratively, and join the real live world. My God you're pathetic.

birthdaysuit11 ago

So, yeah the Grand Poobah reference is more than reveling. I do think this Dave Stone is the Admiral Stone in the SL emails and there might be a connections with the Hawaii hot dog stands. I'll go into further detail soon about the home next to his because that is a rabbit hole.

10115068? ago

"Cheesybay" is run by "Bif Skipman" and sells "faulty Hard drives" on eBay. All the reviews are GLOWING in ways that are bizarre given that he's self-reportedly selling "junk". Compound in Hawaii has vats/barrels with what looks like the remain of rendering processes (dissolving tissues). The residue does not look at all similar to what would normally be associated with distilling or byproducts of a mash. There's weak wifi signals coming from underneath the shed that indicate there's something underneath it. "Dave Flintstone" runs a "distillery" business at that address. David Stone/Dave Flintstone is "Bif Skipman" according to the g-mail cross authentication for both gmail accounts. David Stone also has used and e-mailed the same avatar photo for other pursposes. and whois lookup lists a home address in Honolulu. An address not used on their website or associated with the processing facility. DAVE FLINSTONE's electrical contractor is RICHARD LOWTHER aka "Mamata das", a Film Maker ( and member of the Science of Identity cult of Chris Butler, the same cult Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) was in. E-mails dug out of the "Dave Flintstone" and "Bif Skipman" gmail accounts reference a "Richard Windsor" Pseudonym that Lisa P. Jackson was caught using. She works for the Clinton Foundation. The e-mail is possibly from the Music booker at Comet Ping Pong pizza. I looked up the property owners on Pakala through the tax assessor's office (someone's paying tax on the property). From the old wifi post, both the property with the concrete pad (577 Pakala) and the wealthy property next door with the building that off-the-book power lines go into (563 Pakala) are both owned by the same organization - B P BISHOP TRUST ESTATE - the wealthiest charity in the state worth $10B and has a 10% stake in Goldman Sachs. In a 3 year period the estate lost an unaccounted for $241 million and operating costs increased by $19 million, maybe accounting for the underground construction. This was in the late 90s though, and the WiFi OP said he was doing construction there recently. ...quantity of available financial information about KS/BE (the trust) is amazingly limited. Even the court-appointed master compared his attempts to get information from these trustees to trying to get it from the CIA. The usually mild mannered master was "outraged" by the trustees' "specious rationale" for not properly disclosing vital information. He called their excuses "so pathetic as to border on the ludicrous."

darkknight111 ago

There is no shame in reexaming old leads if you think we can find something new.

That new thing could end up being the key we need to unlock some new leads.

Law enforcement revisits old info for similar reasons you're doing. Pursue and report what you find.

Dressage2 ago

If I remember the guy who was involved Hanna Barbera Productions was a pedo. So Flintstones has a pedo flavor. Another interesting thing I found was Mellow Mushroom Pizza in Austin had a huge pic with Fred Flintstone on their website. I posted how it was tied in the with pedo life style and it has since been removed as well as many other pedo/satanic photos I mentioned. I think this guy you speak of may be insinuating pedo stuff as well. The Grand Poobah is Fred Flintstone as leader of the Waterbuffalo Lodge.

EllaMinnow ago

Remember the guy who was working the fields in hawaii next to this flintstone compound? He took pictures of what seemed like alot of small underground bunkers or something. The pictures were of the a/c and air systems above ground for each individual chamber. I believe he was the one who took all the photos we have of the place. I've always wondered what happened to him. That was before pizzagate even moved to voat. I remember he was worried that they caught him taking photos so he was going to move on to the next job, he was a backpacker or something. But he said if you don't hear from me again, they caught me. Then the PG thread got shut down and we moved to voat and I don't know if anyone ever heard from him again.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Does anyone have a link to the connections between sasha lord and Flintstone? Sasha lord is the real player at comet. She is the true "manager" of the shady dealings around comet. JA doesnt do the incriminating work supposedly SL does all of that. JA keeps plausible deniability.

Whattheheck321 ago

🤔🤔🤔🤔these profiles always seemed so odd to me, like code or something.

10110218? ago

Thanks for bringing this up .. I wondered why no more talk on this Hawaii connection .. weren't there pictures of barrels that looked like decomposing tissue or something ?

carmencita ago

I remember us researching a few months ago a house in Hawaii, was it is fuzzy and I can't seem to pull it out of my head right now.

birthdaysuit11 ago

I'll probably make a longer post but mich of this has been researched already. I just have a GUT FEELING that this David Flintstone is Admiral Dave Stone in the emails and if so, this is one of the biggest finds that a lot of new users have yet to learn about.