doxo ago

What if somebody swatted that location?

The_Bohemian ago

The property in question is as you mentioned at the end of Pakala St which runs from the lower left corner upward. The road ends in a cul-de-sac and the property being looked at is just to the lower right of this cul-de-sac. It has numerous buildings on the property, the most prominent being a very large and long rectangular green house, close to the road.

elgindelta ago

That dude is not the same as Dave stone in Colorado. That one is stated as being a local entrepreneur

elgindelta ago

Fact checking

Rusdy ago

Can someone ELI5 this story for me. I just don't get it :(

Ucuntu ago

This is a continuation of a Hawaiian-anon who believes they stumbled onto either a military base of some sort - or more popularly, an underground complex used by shady people involved with human/child trafficking and pedophilia. He was investigating and trying to figure out what was actually going on (it was apparently a fake distillery), got caught, and now is on the run.

Basically he found loads of weird/fishy stuff, and spooped outta there. I don't think there's any hard evidence of what was going on there - but like much of pizzagate all we have are circumstantial connections and very peculiar phrases and Instagram accounts etc.

Rusdy ago

Thank you. I recognized that the mentioned Ebay account was named "cheesebay" or something like that. But the fact he was observed and needed to flee is worrying enough.

stowaway ago

Cheeseybay sells, or sold, "defective" hard drives at extremely high prices. Lots of very enthusiastic positive reviews and no complaints. Not difficult putting two and two together on that operation.

occultelite ago

I'm sorry but i don't understand anything about this picture: I dont get what he is trying to say.

Ucuntu ago

I think it's mainly contained in his last post - he was found out that he was investigating, overheard them presumably talking about how to get rid of him, and bugged out. It's just the source image for what the OP was saying.

elgindelta ago

Is he in socal?

Ucuntu ago

I think it's in hawaii - I'm not actually sure though.

EDIT: Did some digging -

This location is on the western slope of koko head in Hawaii kai, Honolulu. This whole mountain used to be military area during, before and slightly after ww2 and i have no doubt there are underground facilities that were carved out of the volcano. Whether there are any there on those properties is the question. source -

elgindelta ago

Right on, I just posted a crude PSA for southern California Pizzagaters, crude but legit, help me spread the word, any questions on my stance can be answered by my profile history.